Can Dr. Laura Be Tolerated?
May 11, 2000
is a land that values tolerance so highly that it prosecutes those it
deems intolerant. The historian David Irving has been banned from the
country for his views on World War II. Now the Canadian Broadcast
Standards Council (CBSC) is training its sights on Dr. Laura Schlessinger,
the conservative radio moralist.
The CBSC has just released a report
charging that Dr. Lauras views on homosexuality may well
fertilize the ground for violence against homosexuals, though it
concedes that she disapproves of murder even more strongly than she
disapproves of sodomy.
Nevertheless, her disapproval of
sodomy as abnormal and deviant is bad enough: why,
its a quarter of century out of date in the opinion of
professional psychiatric [associations]. Not wrong, mind you: just,
in some peoples opinion, out of
All Canadians, or visitors to Canada,
or broadcasters who beam their programs to Canada, have a moral
obligation to promulgate opinions that are up to date, according to the
current opinions of the psychiatric profession.
Psychiatry isnt much of a
science; it ranks with phrenology in its analytical cogency and predictive
power. But nobody can deny that its trendy. And thats what
counts for the CBSC. Morality is dictated by the iron law of fashion, and
pretty ill-defined fashion at that.
Dr. Laura takes a different view. She
is an Orthodox Jew, and she upholds a moral code that has existed for
thousands of years. That code has worked very well, sustaining Jewish and
Christian communities through thick and thin.
The same cant be said for the New Morality, also known
as the Sexual Revolution, which in three decades has amassed an
incredibly destructive record of divorce, illegitimacy, disease, abortion,
and crime. Homosexuality, especially the male kind, has proved an
epidemic health and sanitation problem, just as one might expect from an
abuse of sexual and excretory organs.
How brainy do you have to be to
foresee whats likely to happen when a life-giving organ is inserted
into the poop chute? Whose idea of love is that? Normal intercourse
produces human life (also under attack); homosexual intercourse spawns
only bacterial life.
But Id better be careful. I
dont want to wind up in a Canadian prison. As the CBSC report says
ominously: In Canada, we respect freedom of speech but do not
worship it. Whether or not Americans are so protected in their country is
a non-issue for the CBSC.
Right. Canada has to protect itself
against such pernicious, hate-filled American notions as the Law of
Moses. If Dr. Laura wants to spew the Ten Commandments, let her do it in
her own country.
It isnt just Canada, of course.
Organized Sodom in these United States is trying to block Dr. Laura from
getting a TV show, on grounds that she stands for hate
though for sheer rancid hate, the gay groups
themselves are hard to beat. Colleges and universities across the country
are adopting hate speech codes that punish the mildest
criticism of homosexuals and other minorities. The
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination cracks down on private
businesses that, in its opinion, ridicule or create a racial
stereotype and make certain people feel unwelcome. Even Major
League Baseball now condemns errant speakers to sensitivity
Liberals used to love free speech,
waving the First Amendment as their banner. That was when they felt
weak. Now that they hold positions of power, especially in academia,
theyve decided that some kinds of speech mustnt be
tolerated. Homosexuals may defile churches and insult a cardinal with
obscenities, but the mildest disapproval of sodomy itself must be
Hypocrisy? Yes. Double standards?
Only superficially. At bottom, there is a real single standard at work here:
Absolute free speech for our side; no freedom at all for the
enemy. What rights you have, or whether you have any rights at all,
depends entirely on whether you are deemed progressive (up
to date) or reactionary (attached to tradition).
The progressive forces
want to destroy freedom, yes, but their real goal is the destruction of
normal life itself. Thats why they attach a sacramental importance
to abortion as well as to the filthiest couplings imaginable.
Joseph Sobran
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