Shakespeare and the Snobs
April 9, 2002
April! That can mean only one thing the
Earl of Oxfords birthday. On April 12 he will be 452 years old.
That would be Edward de Vere, the
17th Earl of Oxford (15501604), the one who, as independent
thinkers now generally agree, wrote under the name William
Shakespeare. Of course if you are an accredited academic scholar, or
aspire to be one, youd better scoff at Oxford and those who believe
in his authorship.
Belief in Oxfords authorship
is, as we now say, politically incorrect. Its a sin against the
prescribed faith in democracy and equality.
If you argue that Oxford rather than William Shakspere of Stratford wrote
all those plays, youll be accused of preferring to think that a
common man couldnt have written them that
only an aristocrat could. In other words, you must be a snob.
Actually, the real snobbery is on the
other side: a stubborn academic snobbery that assumes that only
university scholars are competent to decide such questions. But never
mind that; even a snob may be right, just as even an ax-murderer may
make a sound syllogism.
The case for Oxfords
authorship is based not on snobbery but on sociology, or simple realism. He
had the background, in education and personal experience, to write these
plays. Some of them reflect his life at court, in Italy in
striking detail.
You can even
argue that in an
equal-opportunity society, William of Stratford might have acquired the
wide knowledge the plays display; but to say that is to recognize that
Elizabethan England was certainly not such a society. You may rail against
the social injustice that would equip an earl but not an ordinary man to
write Hamlet; and youd have a point. But the point is
that Oxford could draw on his own life to write it, and William
Hamlet might still have
been an inferior play, while reflecting Oxfords life. Its
incidental to the argument that its a great classic. Aside from his
background, the author happens to have been a genius. If William had been
a genius, he might have written wonderful plays reflecting his own very
different life; but they would have been very different from
Hamlet, even if they were greater.
The author of the plays not only
possessed aristocratic virtues and privileges, but also aristocratic
prejudices and vices. He is said to display universal
sympathies; but that isnt quite true. He created hundreds of
vivid characters, but they are mostly of the upper classes ladies
and gentlemen, in the old, strict sense of people who dont have to
labor for a living. They are subtly individualized. But his lower-class
characters are generally buffoons with little individuality, and he
constantly makes fun of their illiteracy, verbal blunders, and
Put otherwise, the author has an
aristocratic perspective. He knows the upper classes from within, and he
gives them dignity of speech; he knows the lower classes only from
without, and they appear silly to him or pitiful, at best
and he never stops finding their manners absurd, even when he portrays
them affectionately. The only ones he treats with real esteem are faithful
servants, who display loyalty to their masters. This would have been
Oxfords natural perspective, not Williams. You can even
argue that Oxford was a snob and that this fact supports his
authorship claim!
To take a specific case, Polonius,
father of Hamlets love, Ophelia, is clearly based on Lord Burghley,
Oxfords guardian and father-in-law. Like Hamlet and Polonius, the
two men were often at odds, partly because Burghley was, like Polonius,
an annoying snoop. Burghley even sent a spy to Paris to keep an eye on his
playboy son, Thomas Cecil; Polonius sends a spy to Paris to keep an eye on
his playboy son, Laertes.
The author of the play clearly had
inside knowledge of Burghley, which Oxford surely had and William almost
surely didnt. This is not a matter of education or of social class as
such, but of personal acquaintance. Many such details connect the plays to
Oxford. Names of men he met in Europe turn up in The Taming of the
If Oxford didnt write the
Shakespeare plays, then, as Orson Welles put it, there are some
awfully funny coincidences to explain away. And, we might add, an
awful lot of them. Or are the laws of probability snobbish?
Joseph Sobran