Sobran's -- The Real News of the Month May 2001 Volume 8, No. 5 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $59.95 per year; $100 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: Sobran's, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-493-3348. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue FEATURES The Moving Picture (pages 1-2) The insufferable John McCain is pushing his pet project again: campaign finance reform. He can't see, or doesn't care, that it's unconstitutional on several grounds (see the First and Tenth Amendments). Worse yet, letting the government control its own opposition is a giant step toward tyranny. Happily, Democrats are losing enthusiasm for McCain-Feingold -- not on principle, of course, but because they've learned to beat Republicans in raising soft money. Thank you, Bill Clinton! * * * After correctly pointing out that McCain-Feingold is unconstitutional, Rush Limbaugh is arguing that the federal government should stimulate the slowing economy by inflating the currency. And just where does the Constitution authorize that, Rush? The government is supposed to maintain the value of a dollar, not debase it. Arbitrarily increasing the quantity of paper money is sometimes called counterfeiting; and it's even worse when the government does it. * * * According to new census figures, Hispanics may now outnumber blacks in the United States. Just one interesting result of the disproportionate number of abortions performed on black women. * * * The neoconservative gadfly David Horowitz is giving the whole notion of reparations for slavery the disrespect it deserves. He's been placing hard-hitting advertisements against the idea in college newspapers across the country. Student editors, while grudgingly running the ads, are denouncing them for "bigotry." The charge is absurd, of course; but because Horowitz's arguments are hard to answer, the children use the time- tested method of smearing rather than refuting. By the way, how would reparations apply to mulattos? Would they be required to pay reparations to themselves? * * * The idea of term limits for politicians seems to have been pretty well killed off, but as a reactionary utopian (yearning to return to a better world that never quite existed) I find myself liking it better and better. It used to be called "rotation in office," but it didn't quite make it into the Constitution. Too bad. It might have prevented the existence of the career politician. I'm convinced that nobody should ever be reelected to *any* office. Not only would this limit the mischief officeholders could do; it would attract an entirely different breed of men to public office -- men content to serve briefly and go home. * * * Scientists are feeling new qualms about cloning humans. It turns out that cloned animals are subject to unpredictable defects: gross obesity, heart and lung problems, erratic development, malfunctioning immune systems. The NEW YORK TIMES reports that "fewer than 3 per cent of all cloning efforts succeed." Human clones, anyone? Having given us the hydrogen bomb, science should be content to rest on its laurels. * * * Have you noticed that the media refer to homosexuals as "gay and lesbian Americans"? What a phrase! How about "pedophilic Americans"? Or "necrophilic Americans"? Then too, we should remember the "white separatist Americans," such as Abraham Lincoln. * * * Speaking of Honest Abe, some bright high-school boys in Maryland have discovered that the state anthem, written during the Civil War, refers to the Great Emancipator as a "tyrant" and "despot." In fact the whole song expresses strong Confederate sympathies. I knew that, but I hoped nobody would notice. I suppose it was only a matter of time before "Maryland, My Maryland" was ratted out. * * * And in Cleveland, the Cuyahoga County Public Library offers a brochure listing -- uh-oh -- "Diversity Resources." As you might guess, these are books and videos designed to raise your consciousness on such themes as "cultural diversity," "multicultural awareness," "strategies to defeat homophobia," "cultural stereotypes," "outdated notions of race and ethnicity," "lessons of bigotry," "gay teenagers," "environmental responsibility," and "young lesbian women." Sounds fascinating! Zzzzzz. In one animated video, PEACOCK IN THE LAND OF PENGUINS, "Perry the Peacock, his co-workers, and the penguins learn the value of diversity in the workplace." This would have to be a cartoon, because in the real world, with rare exceptions, neither different cultures nor different species can mix with others. People and animals alike instinctively preserve their own identities. Just try putting a peacock among penguins sometime; they'll either ignore it or peck it to death. Except in liberal fantasies, man and beast prefer their own kind. * * * When I visited the Soviet Union many years ago, I was struck by the way our Communist tour guide kept bragging about all the churches that had somehow been spared by the revolution that razed so many others and murdered so many Christians. Of course, no new churches had been erected since that revolution; but the Soviets took a curious pride in Russian cultural achievements that pre-existed their regime and fortunately managed to survive in spite of them. It took decades for me to notice a parallel at home. * * * This just in, as we go to press. THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER scores again with a report that Jesse Jackson's latest child's mom is writing a tell-all book, revealing, inter alia, that at his request she'd aborted an earlier child she'd conceived by him. Taking a leaf from Monica Lewinsky, she also saved one of his used condoms (in her freezer) in order to gather DNA for a paternity test. And a furious Mrs. Jackson aimed a pistol at him in their home but a guest who was present grabbed it before she could fire. All in all (see "The Loose Leaf," below), Bill Clinton's spiritual advisor has had an exciting month. And this clown thinks *we* should be paying reparations! Exclusive to the electronic version: The case of the accused spy Robert Hanssen has caused much comment because he was apparently a devout orthodox Catholic, going so far as to become a supernumerary of Opus Dei. Liberals shouldn't gloat. The very incongruity of Hanssen's front merely underlines how hard it is to be at once a Catholic and a Soviet agent. By contrast, nobody finds anything incongruous in a Commie posing as a liberal, because liberalism provides a natural camouflage for Communism. Liberals hotly denied that Alger Hiss was a Soviet agent, but they couldn't pretend that there was anything outlandish about supposing that a Franklin Roosevelt liberal might be working on the sly for FDR's pal, "Uncle Joe" Stalin. Score one for McCarthyism. Kidnapped? (page 3) An Albuquerque man has been charged with a 1980 kidnapping in New York. The 22-year-old victim is trying to save him from prison. In April 1979 Barry Smiley and his wife adopted an infant boy, three days old, in New York. In June 1980 the child's mother, whose parents had forced her to put him up for adoption against her will, got a court order that he be returned to her. Instead of complying, the Smileys fled to New Mexico, lived under the names Bennett and Mary Propp, and raised the boy in ignorance of the true story. But the New York authorities recently tracked Smiley down, and he turned himself in. The young man, Matthew Propp, says movingly, "I'm concerned about what's going to happen to my dad." That's how he thinks of Smiley: "my dad." There's another moving story here. Back in 1978, Matthew's real mother had become pregnant by her fiance, to the fury of her parents, who kept her under lock and key until she gave Matthew up for adoption. After doing so, she married her fiance, and they eventually spent more than $100,000 trying to find their son. They had two other children before they divorced. The Smiley story also reminded me of other situations I've read about. In parts of Africa some tribes used to raid other tribes' villages by night to steal their children, who were then raised as slaves. (Yes, slavery existed in Africa before the white man got into the act, and long afterward. It's still there.) Imagine growing up not knowing who your parents were, who *you* were. But were the slaves resentful and restive? On the contrary. They accepted their masters as their virtual fathers, even as benefactors. Among the slaves themselves it was considered disgraceful and ungrateful to run away from one's master; those who did so were shunned. There was no Marxian "class consciousness," let alone solidarity, among the oppressed. They exemplified what has been called "the captive mind." A new book I've seen reviewed shows that slavery in the Muslim world was firmly entrenched, as it was in many societies. The very thought of abolishing so enveloping an institution rarely crossed anyone's mind. (One fabulously rich caliph owned more than 11,000 slaves.) Certain slaves, especially eunuchs, even rose to positions of considerable power. Like Matthew Propp, though with much less apparent reason, slaves often feel love and loyalty for their captors, especially when they remember no other life. During the Civil War Northerners marveled when slaves fought for the Confederacy; one of the purposes of the Emancipation Proclamation was to incite what was called "servile insurrection," but it never happened. In the same way, modern man seldom rebels against the modern state. He has learned to regard it with awe, gratitude, and hope, as the source of his safety, rights, and benefits. And no wonder, since it educates him and teaches him that everything he has, including his religion, exists by its benign sufferance. Without it, he is nothing. And he believes this implicitly. Thanks to state education, he remembers no other world, and he knows no other way of imagining the world. He may have read the Declaration of Independence in school, probably a state school at that, but the only lesson he derives from it -- or more precisely, from what he was told about it -- is that a good government (his) originated by throwing off a bad government (King George's). Certainly those who declared their independence from that good government in 1861 were traitors who got the whipping they deserved. After all, they believed in slavery! Yes, we have a Constitution, and modern man properly venerates it, but we also have a government to tell us what it means -- which passages authorize the government to take our income, which passages penumbrally guarantee the right to abortion, and which passages may be disregarded. He could never have figured this out for himself. It's a job he leaves to his masters. If it weren't for them, as they have patiently explained to him, he wouldn't be free. He has no suspicion that he and his country have been kidnapped. I suppose the lesson, on the evidence of history and our senses, is that man, with rather few exceptions, is a servile creature. Aristotle thought most men were slaves by nature. Even the cranky Socrates, according to Plato's CRITO, thought he owed it to the state, which had raised and educated him, to accept an unjust death penalty rather than flee when he had the chance. "He loved Big Brother." Shakespeare's Odds and Ends (pages 4-5) "How many children had Lady Macbeth?" a Shakespeare scholar once asked, mocking the tendency of other Shakespeare scholars, notably A.C. Bradley, to take the plays as if they were literal historical accounts of their characters. The Macbeths seem to be childless, yet at one point Lady Macbeth recalls nursing a child: I have given suck, and know How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this. The point is that Lady Macbeth, in this horrifying speech, is scolding her husband for his qualms about the regicide they have agreed on; she's not supplying us with biographical information. We never learn whether she had once borne a child, nor do we need to. The play never explains whether the child had died, whether she had borne it by another man before she met Macbeth, or indeed (whoever the father) whether it is still alive. If we insist on an explanation, the likeliest would be the first; in an age when infant mortality was common, no audience would find the child's absence baffling. But there's really nothing here for us to "know"; the impression this speech makes doesn't indicate a "fact" beyond itself. The playwright seems to want us to be uncertain about Macbeth's progeny, because Macbeth himself is tortured by the question whether he will become "father to a line of kings," as the Weird Sisters prophesy that Banquo will. The Shakespeare plays are notoriously full of loose ends, and such questions may suggest the whimsical game of Sherlockiana: reading the Sherlock Holmes stories in the spirit of Holmes himself, with ingenious "deductions" to explain such anomalies as the fact that Watson's Christian name is, at various times, John and James. The joke, of course, lies in the playful presumption that the imaginary world of Holmes is an actual and coherent world, in which everything must fit. The premise of the game is that no inconsistency may be ascribed to the obvious real cause: the occasional carelessness of Arthur Conan Doyle. A delightful new book,HENRY V, WAR CRIMINAL? & OTHER SHAKESPEARE PUZZLES (Oxford World's Classics), takes up dozens of minor mysteries in the plays with great style and humor, unmarred by academic jargon. The authors, John Sutherland and Cedric Watts, don't, however, treat the subject as a mere joke; for all their lightheartedness, they raise serious questions and offer thoughtful answers. In some cases -- the famously anachronistic clocks in JULIUS CAESER -- it's clear that the dramatist goofed, whether because of ignorance or inattention or simple indifference. But other seeming inconsistencies -- Othello's clashing explanations of the fatal handkerchief -- may be deliberate clues to the character's nature and motives: Watts thinks the noble Moor is, in his creator's mind, a bit of a con man. This touch is subtly present in the play, but the effect would be spoiled if it were too explicit. The cynical Iago is not altogether wrong in saying that Othello has wooed Desdemona with "fantastical lies"; yet this is not the way Shakespeare wants us to perceive his hero. He wants us to see Othello chiefly as Othello sees himself. To reduce his romantic self- portrait to braggadoccio would spoil the tragic effect. In the title essay, Sutherland notes that Henry V twice orders his soldiers to cut the throats of their French prisoners -- a war crime under the code of chivalry. Why twice? Wasn't it done the first time? It seems not. In fact it seems not to have been done the second time either. Why not? The play seems to glorify Henry, a national hero; the Chorus keeps praising him lavishly (the "mirror of all Christian kings," et cetera). Yet this official adulation is constantly undermined by Henry's own brutality. These touches are too subtle to destroy the dominant feeling of Henry's heroism, but they give him a depth and reality he would otherwise lack. And they make it clear that the Chorus isn't necessarily speaking for the author. In a complementary essay, Watts asks whether Henry's legalistic claim to the French crown is legally valid. He concludes that even Henry's unchallenged claim to the *English* crown is invalid, since his father usurped the throne from Richard II -- and Henry himself knows it, as witness his own order that prayers be said for Richard's soul. Watts is especially observant about Henry's tendency to pass the buck at every turn. The most exhilarating thing about this book is the way Sutherland and Watts notice details that nearly everyone else has overlooked. Some of these "Shakespeare puzzles" are well known -- the ages of Juliet and Lear, the nature of the Ghost in HAMLET, Lady Macbeth's apparent faint spell when the murder of Duncan is discovered. But most have eluded previous scholars. If, for example, Hamlet was studying at Wittenberg until his father's sudden death summoned him home to Elsinore, when could he have found time to court Ophelia? Polonius has learned that she has seen a good deal of Hamlet "of late," and she acknowledges his extravagant "vows"; when did all *this* happen? I've known the play almost by heart since my teens, but these questions had never occurred to me. It says much for Shakespeare's artistry that he can make us overlook so much. Another example: "Cleopatra -- deadbeat mum?" Sutherland reminds us that ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA makes several distinct allusions to Cleopatra's children: her son Caesarion by Julius Caesar and several others (three, to be historically precise) by Antony. But we never think of her, nor does the play encourage us to do so, as a mother. She is always the enchantress, the seductive serpent, the witch, even the whore. As soon as we focus on her as a mother, she seems heartless, irresponsible, repulsive -- which is why Shakespeare, using all his legerdemain, never lets us see her in that light. By killing herself, she exposes her children to the tender mercy of Octavius Caesar, who has threatened, credibly, to kill them unless she submits to him. (The historical Octavius did kill Caesarion, but seems to have spared her children by Antony.) But her maternal duty is the furthest thing from her mind, and from ours. As with Othello, we are, as it were, tricked into seeing her as she sees herself. Not least among Shakespeare's gifts is his management of the illusion of passing time. Watching OTHELLO, we forget that Desdemona hasn't even had time to commit adultery with Cassio once, let alone (as her hysterical husband charges) "a thousand times." But I think Sutherland is the first to deal with the curious fact that in RICHARD II Bolingbroke -- later Henry IV -- is "young" in Act I yet by Act V has a son (the future Henry V) old enough to be carousing with Falstaff & Co. This is no mistake by the playwright, but on the contrary, Sutherland argues, a case of his marvelous craft in controlling the audience's attention. There is time, and there is Shakespearean time. Likewise Lear gives his age as "fourscore and upward," but he's still vigorous enough to hunt, to kill Cordelia's hangman, and to carry her corpse. He also seems to revel long o' nights with his unruly retinue, as Goneril complains. Thanks to Shakespeare, we never bat an eye at all this. I hate to cavil with so charming a book, but I do bridle when Watts calls LOVE'S LABOR'S LOST "for its times, a strikingly feministic play." In the first place, it's no more "feministic" than any other Shakespeare play. No writer has ever loved women more profoundly, or created such a variety of great female characters: it's staggering that the same man could imagine women as different as Juliet, Cleopatra, Cordelia, Beatrice, Rosalind, Lady Macbeth, Ophelia, Cressida, Desdemona ... Does Watts think he's adding a cubit to Shakespeare's stature by congratulating him on anticipating the fads of our own time? A generation ago the dramatist was hailed as an existentialist (remember existentialism?) in a trendy book called SHAKESPEARE, OUR CONTEMPORARY. If you rummaged through an old library you'd no doubt run across musty volumes enthusiastically titled SHAKESPEARE THE VEGETARIAN or SHAKESPEARE THE PROHIBITIONIST. And Sutherland goes out of his way to take a whack at the Oxfordian theory, which "rests on ignorance [and] a deplorable and unpleasant snobbery." If he'd read the Sonnets with the same care as he reads the plays, he'd have noticed a lot of odd details that don't jibe with the Stratfordian story, but do match what we know of the 17th Earl of Oxford. The poet is aging and worried about death, he's preoccupied with his own disgrace, he hopes his name will be "buried where my body is," he wants to be "forgotten" when he's gone. He also describes himself as "lame," the same word Oxford used of himself in several of his surviving letters of the 1590s, when the Sonnets were probably written. And if the "lovely boy" he addresses is, as seems most likely, the young third Earl of Southampton, there is an obvious reason why he should urge him to marry: in the early 1590s Southampton was being pushed by Lord Burghley to marry Oxford's daughter Elizabeth Vere. I hope I haven't just said anything ignorant, unpleasant, and snobbish. But never mind. This is one of those rare books that make you see Shakespeare in a new way, and with increased respect. The Loose Leaf (page 6) The CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE has won one in Ohio, where a federal appeals court has ruled that the state motto -- "With God all things are possible" -- doesn't violate the U.S. Constitution. +++ Hoping to "bring all Virginians together," Governor JAMES GILMORE has replaced the state's traditional tribute to Confederate History Month with a bland salute to both sides in the Civil War (with a pious denunciation of slavery, of course). +++ STEVEN SPIELBERG's people dent reports that he's planning a movie showing ABE LINCOLN as a manic-depressive racist. How about showing Honest Abe as a war criminal? My old friend TAKI, who writes for the London SPECTATOR, is the most hilarious gossip columnist alive. In fact I once went out on a limb and called him the greatest Greek writer since AESCHYLUS (a judgment I see no reason to modify, with all due respect to SOPHOCLES, EURIPIDES, and ARIANNA STASSINOPOULOS). Well, the SPECTATOR's publisher, CONRAD BLACK, has accused Taki of "anti-Semitism" and even a "blood libel" for his recent remarks about BILL CLINTON, MARC RICH, and crooked Israeli officials like EHUD BARAK. Taki's comments were in fact eminently reasonable, though phrased in his inimitably flamboyant style. That's probably his real offense: when you write about Jewish matters, you're supposed to walk on eggshells, and I can only pity the eggshell that gets under Taki's shoes. Sometimes I think he's the only free spirit left in the modern world. Soon it will be illegal to possess a personality. +++ Meanwhile, Black's Jewish wife, BARBARA AMIEL (who admits that she speaks no Hebrew), has written that Judaism without Israel is "pointless." This strikes me as an absurd libel on an ancient religion, which has sustained the Jews for millennia with and without a Jewish state. Not that her husband is apt to complain. Just in case you think I'm not hip, I note that the hip-hop celeb SEAN (P. DIDDY [formerly PUFFY]) COMBS has beaten the rap (no pun intended, though it's the same pun everyone else is making) on gun possession and bribery charges, leaving us to wonder how a woman on the scene of the Alleged Incident got shot in the face. The episode cost P. Diddy (who was represented by JOHNNIE COCHRAN) one prized possession: his girlfriend JENNIFER LOPEZ (J-LO, as we hip folk refer to her) has called it quits. +++ Ever the selfless public servant, HILLARY CLINTON has rented a New York office suite at $514,149 (that's your money, not hers) per annum. It's more than any other U.S. senator spends on office space. +++ Her EXECRABLE SPOUSE, meanwhile, has received an award from a student group at Cardozo Law School. He can't practice law for the next five years, but that doesn't say he can't accept honors from law students. Back in Arkansas, he has created a furor by seeking to having "living quarters" (which, being interpreted, is "bachelor pad") built into his presidential library. +++ Guess who our most peripatetic president was? The same Bill Clinton, who spent 229 days abroad, many of them while facing impeachment. Estimated cost: more than half a billion dollars. (And they griped about the $50 million KENNETH STARR spent!) +++ In the wake of the Clintons' latest scandals, I'm having second thoughts about my recent book, HUSTLER: THE CLINTON LEGACY. Its chief flaw is the glued binding. It should have been loose-leaf, so it could be updated every few weeks. +++ Speaking of Clinton: if you have a reputation as a good liar, you're probably not *that* good. One man's opinion: Conservative columnist CAL THOMAS may have taken historical revisionism too far when he wrote in March that the Roman emperor CONSTANTINE was succeeded by NERO. +++ The best-movie Oscar to GLADIATOR,the only one of the five nominees I saw, is reassuring. If that was the best film of the year, I'm not missing anything +++ The silly-gory movie HANNIBAL is inspiring more deep-thinking palaver than any film since FORREST GUMP. +++ Yours truly just saw ALFRED HITCHCOCK's NORTH BY NORTHWEST for the umpteenth time. What a preposterous story! And thanks to Hitchcock and CARY GRANT, what a joy! (If you listen carefully, you'll even hear a mention of my home town: YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN.) The NEW YORK TIMES describes California's Governor GRAY DAVIS as a "cautious Democratic centrist" -- pretty much what the TIMES used to call STALIN and CASTRO. +++ JESSE JACKSON is getting lots of critical press attention -- at last! -- for his shakedowns of corporations. As a blackmailer, he could give ABE FOXMAN lessons. But if the IRS checks him out, he may wind up losing his chauffered pimpmobile -- a sad indignity for a man of the cloth. Exclusive to the electronic version: Much speculation on whether Bill and Hill will finally split. She once said she was no little ol' TAMMY WYNETTE, standing by her man. Maybe now that she doesn't need him, she'll adopt another Tammy hit: "D-I-V-O-R-C-E." NUGGETS << Material dropped from features or changed for reasons of space appears in double angular brackets. >> WHEN IS A STORY "NEWS"? -- SOLDIERS IN THE ARMY OF GOD (see below) typifies the way the media try to discredit conservative causes by focusing on their wilder fringes. On the other hand, they avoid giving any attention to the fringes of "progressive" movements -- e.g., the pedophiles who are welcomed by the homo-lesbo movement. The major media harped for months on the murder of a single homosexual by a pair of thugs, but haven't even reported the murder of a 14-year-old Arkansas boy by a pair of sodomites. News stories are increasingly selected for the ideological messages they convey. << If they don't serve the right causes, they ain't news. >> It's as if the mailman decided which letters to deliver. (page 5) STRAWS IN THE WIND: Do I detect a quiet decline in Hitler-bashing lately? Maybe it's subtly sinking in that Der Fuehrer wasn't radically different from other modern rulers, including his nemeses, Roosevelt and Stalin. Like them (and many others), he stood for teleocracy -- the state-directed society -- as against nomocracy -- neutral government, impartially applying the rule of law. He assumed the state's sovereignty over all a nation's wealth. He made war on civilian populations. Among his peers, he was a pretty regular guy. (page 8) CREDO: I'm strongly inclining toward anarchism, on pragmatic grounds. The way I look at it, if the government can't protect property rights, outlaw abortion, and burn heretics, what's the point of having it at all? (page 11) THOSE DEADLY PRO-LIFERS: HBO has just produced a documentary, SOLDIERS IN THE ARMY OF GOD, showing anti- abortion extremists who kill nice abortion doctors. << That was the intended impression, anyway. >> Actually, the "extremists" came across as conscientious people who don't like resorting to violence, but don't know what else to do when the government licenses the slaughter of the innocent. The "abortion doctors" were shown as kindly humanitarians who only want to serve others. No mention of whether they accept money for their benefactions. (page 12) Exclusive to the electronic version: COME HOME, AMERICA! An American spy plane has collided with a Chinese jet off the coast of China, forcing the American plane to land on China's Hainan Island. As I write, the details are unclear and the dust hasn't settled, but the massive U.S. military presence in and around Asia reminds us that the Monroe Doctrine isn't a two-way street. The Western Hemisphere is "our backyard," off-limits to the powers of the Eastern Hemisphere. But "we" are entitled to interfere everywhere on earth, whether it be in the name of our "vital interests" or universal "human rights" or the "international community." Just imagine if Chinese reconnaissance planes were buzzing around Los Angeles and Miami, with huge Chinese fleets floating off the coasts. REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * Can We Afford a Tax Cut? (March 6, 2001) * Shakespeare and DNA (March 8, 2001) * A New Beethoven (March 15, 2001) * The Hanssen Shocker (March 20, 2001) * Beware of "Reform" (March 22, 2001) * Conquering Israel (March 29, 2001) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2001 by The Vere Company. All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]