Sobran's -- The Real News of the Month June 2001 Volume 8, No. 6 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $59.95 per year; $100 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: Sobran's, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-493-3348. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue FEATURES The Moving Picture (pages 1-2) George W. Bush's first hundred days are getting mixed reviews. Most conservatives are happy with him; the NEW YORK TIMES isn't, barking that he has displayed "a deep-rooted, unnuanced, and sometimes almost truculent conservatism." If only it were so! George Will finds Bush more truly conservative than (gasp!) Ronald Reagan, because he has come to terms with the (liberal) political culture. With conservatives like this, who needs liberals? * * * The TIMES is also fretting that Bush will fill the federal judiciary with "ideologues." That apparently means people who may interpret the U.S. Constitution too literally. * * * Just as the word "liberal" was long ago hijacked by people who don't want to liberate anything, the word "conservative" is now claimed by many people who don't know what's worth conserving. * * * Former Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska (now living in New York), decorated for heroism after losing part of his leg in Vietnam, has denied a charge that he deliberately slaughtered more than a dozen women, children, and old men in a Vietnamese village in 1969. He admits that the people were killed, but only, he says, when his seven-man Navy SEALs team was fired upon in the dark and returned the fire, inadvertently killing unarmed people. He says the memory of finding their bodies has haunted him ever since. But one member of the team, Gerhard Klann, insists that Kerrey rounded the people up, ordered them massacred, and even helped Klann cut an old man's throat. Other members of the team vaguely support Kerrey's version, but they are reluctant to talk about the incident, and Klann's vividly detailed testimony, unlike theirs, can hardly be called self-exculpating. For these and other reasons, I find Kerrey's story hard to believe. Be that as it may, *every* war produces countless stories too ugly to relate. A sufficient reason to avoid war. * * * The U.S. House of Representatives has passed, 252 to 172, a bill making it a federal crime to harm an unborn child during an assault on its mother. Abortion advocates oppose the act as a backdoor attempt to ban abortion. Maybe so, but the fact remains that what it really bans is *involuntary* abortion. Once again we behold liberal hypocrisy: those who say they are "pro-choice" rather than "pro-abortion" should (but don't) oppose the violent deprivation of an expectant mother's "reproductive choice" -- just as they should (but don't) protest forced abortion in China. They aren't just "pro-choice." They *love* abortion. But we knew that, didn't we? * * * At the same time, we must ask, where does the Constitution authorize the federal government to legislate in the area of violent crime? Nowhere -- any more than it authorized the federal judiciary to strike down abortion laws in the first place. Are we now reduced to fighting usurpation with usurpation? * * * I see that a new biography of Ulysses S. Grant contends that he wasn't nearly so bad a president as has been assumed. Not that I plan to read the book, but a laudatory review set me to thinking. In all these presidential ratings games, it's assumed that a "great" president is one who usurps as much power as possible -- or "uses the office creatively," as they say. Those who merely adhere to the oath of office, confining themselves to their constitutional powers and duties, are ranked mediocre. * * * A must for every reference library, I guess: THE HOLOCAUST ENCYCLOPEDIA (Oxford University Press), edited by Walter Laqueur. Some Jews are so proprietary about "The Holocaust" (see "Voracious Victims," page 3) that one almost feels that "denying" the Holocaust is more offensive than defending it: that Holocaust-obsessors would be acutely disappointed if it could be proved not to have occurred, or even if, as I suspect, "The Holocaust" turned out to be something of a misnomer for what actually happened. * * * Did the Jews kill Christ? This old question has flared up again, thanks to provocative remarks by the conservative Paul Weyrich and a basketball player named Charlie Ward, both of whom have been duly denounced by All Decent Folks. To answer the question affirmatively is of course to affront "pluralism" and "tolerance," but it should be faced. The Gospels make it clear that both the Jewish authorities and the Jewish mob hated Christ and demanded his death. It is, however, a perversion to blame today's Jews for the Crucifixion. The tragedy is that the Son of God was rejected by his own, by God's Chosen People; a prophet honored except in his own country, weeping over Jerusalem. The tragedy continues in the perennial Jewish hatred of Christianity; but I think it also implies that if Christ were here today, he would be denounced and persecuted by the nominally Christian. The Gospels also tell us that his Apostles -- the twelve men personally chosen by him -- abandoned him, and even St. Peter denied him. We Christians should always ask ourselves if we really would have been stronger at the moment of truth. The worst mistake you can make about the Gospels is to suppose that they refer to other people: Jews, Pharisees, and assorted sinners from whom we may safely separate ourselves. Christ's real message is: *This means you.* * * * One reader, alas, took my wry declaration that "lapsed Catholicism is the faith of my fathers" (SOBRAN'S, April 2001, p. 11) to mean that I'm a lapsed Catholic. No, I meant just what I said: I was *raised* a lapsed Catholic by my lapsed Catholic parents. When I rejoined the Church, I became, so to speak, a *lapsed* lapsed Catholic. * * * Do you get as weary as I do of PBS Radio reports on Buddhist monks trying to quit smoking? Voracious Victims (pages 3-5) << Material appearing in double angular brackets was dropped from the hard copy for reasons of space. >> Norman Finkelstein's book THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY, published by Verso, is barely more than a pamphlet -- 150 small pages. But it's creating a sensation in Germany and Switzerland, two recent targets of Holocaust shakedowns. It deserves attention in this country too. << Such a book is long overdue. The Holocaust has become a racket, and its constant exploitation is so coarse as to remind one of Mel Brooks's movie (now a Broadway musical) THE PRODUCERS, in which a pair of con men, clearly though implicitly Jewish, deliberately produce a flop so that they can pocket their investors' vastly oversubscribed money: they sell their dupes a total of 1000 per cent interest in the loony extravaganza, SPRINGTIME FOR HITLER, confidently expecting it to close on opening night. Disaster strikes when the play turns out to be a smash. >> The book's very title is an audacious affront to today's secular pieties, and especially to modern Jewish chauvinism. Until now, few have dared to say publicly what many know or sense: that the Holocaust has been turned into a big and lucrative business, run by skilled con men. << Despite their animadversions against "Holocaust denial," they would be less offensive if the whole thing had been a hoax; it's the very fact that they are willing to milk real horror for profit that makes their enterprise so appalling. >> Finkelstein, whose parents' relatives perished during World War II, loathes the transformation of what he calls "the Nazi holocaust" (small "h") into "The Holocaust" -- supposedly the defining event of modern Jewish experience, but actually, in his view, an ideological construct and a propaganda and blackmailing tool for organized Jewish and Zionist interests. In his third, longest, and final chapter, "The Double Shakedown," Finkelstein shows how a cynical alliance among Jewish agencies (the World Jewish Congress, the Anti-Defamation League, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and others), American politicians, and gullible journalists blackmailed Swiss bankers into coughing up $1.25 billion in "reparations," allegedly to compensate Holocaust victims whose assets in Swiss banks had gone unclaimed for more than half a century. Though an audit had found that the actual amount of such assets was less than $1 million in today's values, the bankers paid up in order to avoid threatened class action suits, economic boycotts, U.S. Government sanctions, and really, really bad publicity. The Swiss, neutral during World War II, were being portrayed as heartless accomplices of the Nazis, ruthlessly exploiting the victims. (Bill Clinton heartily endorsed the campaign.) Finkelstein calculates that the number of alleged Holocaust survivors, as claimed by the Jewish groups, would mean, actuarially, that there was no Holocaust! He quotes his mother's earthy question: "If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one, who did Hitler kill?" In other words, the Holocaust Industry virtually endorses the "Holocaust denial" it execrates. During the vilification campaign against the Swiss, Finkelstein further notes, it transpired that there were far more unclaimed wartime assets in *American* banks (about $6 million) than in Swiss banks. An independent commission found that the Swiss had kept strict and honest records. Such facts, however, got almost no publicity. (Regrettably, Finkelstein says nothing about the Industry's efforts to smear and blackmail the Catholic Church.) The Jewish groups who claimed to represent Holocaust survivors argued the urgency of reparations on grounds that those aged survivors were dying off rapidly. The American news media little noted, nor long remembered, that a full year after the Swiss settlement not one dime of the "Holocaust booty," as Finkelstein calls it, had been paid out to the survivors. But the lawyers, including New York's former senator, Alphonse D'Amato (credited with "a moral victory and a triumph of the spirit" by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu), had collected their fees -- in the millions. And much of the booty was earmarked not for survivors, but for other Jewish causes, such as "Holocaust education." Such is the power of the Holocaust Industry. It has little to do with actual Jewish suffering. As Finkelstein notes, "The Holocaust" became a going concern only decades after World War II -- specifically, after Israel became a full client of the United States in 1967. Until then, he points out, "Not only Americans in general but also American Jews, including Jewish intellectuals, paid the Nazi holocaust little heed. In an authoritative 1957 survey, sociologist Nathan Glazer reported that the Nazi Final Solution (as well as Israel) 'had remarkably slight effects on the inner life of American Jewry.' In a 1961 COMMENTARY symposium on 'Jewishness and the Younger Intellectuals,' only two of thirty-one contributors stressed its impact. Likewise, a 1961 roundtable convened by the journal JUDAISM of twenty-one observant American Jews on 'My Jewish Affirmation' almost completely ignored the subject. No monuments or tributes marked the Nazi holocaust in the United States. To the contrary, major Jewish organizations opposed such memorialization." The same was true of Israel. The record from 1948 to 1967 shows very little interest in the Jewish state among American Jews. But Israel's stunning victory over the Arabs in the June 1967 Six-Day War changed all that. That victory seemed miraculous to the general public, including Jews, but it came as no surprise to military experts. Be that as it may, Israel and the Holocaust together became enormously important symbols to Jews in the West. The Holocaust justified Israel's existence, and Israel could justify everything it did, however lawless and inhumane, as part of its mission to prevent "a second Holocaust." Furthermore, criticism of Jews and Israel could be squelched by smearing it as "anti-Semitism." According to the emergent ideology linking the Holocaust to Israel, anti-Semitism was a perennial trait of gentiles (especially Christians) and explained all conflicts, past and present, between Jews and non-Jews. In a new twist on the doctrine of Original Sin, gentiles were intrinsically anti-Semitic. The Holocaust was merely the culmination of millennia of irrational gentile hatred of the Jews. The great spokesman for this new ideology has been Elie Wiesel, the histrionically mournful Auschwitz survivor, whom Finkelstein regards, with sheer contempt, as a hypocrite and intellectual huckster. Nobody would call Wiesel a master of understatement. He once recalled that as a youth, "I read THE CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON -- don't laugh! -- in Yiddish." (Finkelstein: "THE CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON was never translated into Yiddish.") Wiesel has also recalled having been hit by a taxi in Times Square: "I flew an entire block. I was hit at 45th Street and Broadway, and the ambulance picked me up at 44th." "The truth I present is unvarnished," he says, "I can do no other." Wiesel discourses on the unspeakable tragedy of the Holocaust for a standard fee of $25,000, plus a chauffeured limousine. "Indeed," Finkelstein writes, "the whole field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense, if not sheer fraud." He cites several widely hailed Holocaust memoirs that turned out, under examination, to be fabrications, notably Jerzy Kosinski's PAINTED BIRD and Binjamin Wilkomirski's FRAGMENTS. The Jewish establishment, including Wiesel, continued to defend both books even *after* their exposure. (Wilkomirski, whose real name is Bruno Doessekker, not only wasn't a Holocaust survivor; he wasn't even Jewish. He spent the entire war in Switzerland.) Another recent Holocaust hit was Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's historical study, HITLER'S WILLING EXECUTIONERS, a comprehensive indictment of Germans as murderously anti-Semitic throughout their history. When Finkelstein himself co-authored A NATIONAL ON TRIAL, a book exposing Goldhagen's shoddy scholarship and gross illogic, the entire Jewish establishment denounced him; Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League joined others in demanding that Finkelstein's publisher halt the book. It comes as no surprise that Wiesel praised Goldhagen (for a "tremendous contribution to the teaching and understanding of the Holocaust") and that Goldhagen championed Wilkimorski. Birds of a feather. << As for Finkelstein, Leon Wieseltier of THE NEW REPUBLIC told Finkelstein's publisher: "He's poison, he's a disgusting self-hating Jew, he's something you find under a rock." In reply Finkelstein merely notes, "A NATION ON TRIAL received endorsements from the leading historians on the Nazi holocaust, including Raul Hilberg, Christopher Browning, and Ian Kershaw. These same scholars uniformly dismissed Goldhagen's book; Hilberg called it 'worthless.'" >> Finkelstein asks why there should be a tax-supported Holocaust Museum in this country, which has no comparable museum to memorialize the sufferings of black slaves and Indians: "Imagine the wailing accusations of hypocrisy here were Germany to build a national museum in Berlin to commemorate not the Nazi genocide but American slavery or the extermination of the Native Americans." But not everyone qualifies for commemoration at our Holocaust Museum: "Count Folke Bernadotte is not honored, [and] although he ... rescued thousands of Jews, former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Shamir ordered his assassination for being 'too pro-Arab.'" When it was debated whether the Gypsies murdered by the Nazis should be commemorated, resistance (led by Wiesel) was fierce. Finkelstein explains that "acknowledging the Gypsy genocide meant the loss of an exclusive Jewish franchise over The Holocaust"; and besides, "if the Nazis persecuted Jews and Gypsies alike, the dogma that The Holocaust marked the climax of a millennial Gentile hatred of the Jews was clearly untenable." Result: "In the museum's permanent exhibition, non-Jewish victims of Nazism receive only token recognition." Finkelstein, a liberal, seems sympathetic to black demands for reparations for slavery. Here his keen eye for the fake fails him. Just as Jews seem to have discovered the horrors of The Holocaust belatedly, blacks have said little about the legacy of slavery until recently. Otherwise shrewd, Finkelstein doesn't perceive that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are in the same racket as Elie Wiesel. It's all highly suspicious, rather as if white Americans should suddenly decide that Great Britain owes them heavy monetary damages for generations of colonial rule. (I know *my* wounds haven't healed; how about yours? And do you know a good lawyer?) Gentile attitudes toward Jews can't be reduced to "anti-Semitism" and its absence. They also include "philo-Semitism" -- which in turn embraces sympathy, admiration, affection, and delight. More-negative attitudes may be compounded of suspicion, disapproval, resentment, and the simple refusal to be bullied. But the most widespread gentile attitude toward Jews today is simply fear -- fear of Jewish power, fear of being smeared as "anti-Semitic." If Jews were really helpless victims, this fear would truly be irrational. But it isn't. Journalists, politicians, and businessmen all know perfectly well that they can be ruined if organized Jewish power targets them for destruction. Much of what sounds like philo-Semitism, when examined closely, is really a desperate effort to anticipate charges of anti-Semitism. Many gentiles who praise the Jews are actually terrified of the Jews. (I forbear to name names here.) There is also such a thing as disillusionment and disappointment with the Jews (and especially with Israel). Some people who begin by admiring Jews inordinately wind up feeling let down and betrayed. This was my own experience. During the 1967 war, and again during the 1973 war, I was passionately pro-Israel. More than that, I was strongly pro-Jewish. I regarded the Jews with awe as the only ancient nation that had survived into modern times; I thought they were still devoted to the divine revelation of the Old Testament, if not the New, and I believed in what is commonly called "the Judaeo-Christian tradition." After going to work for NATIONAL REVIEW in New York City in 1972, I became confused and puzzled. Growing up in Michigan, I'd had fairly little contact with Jews. In New York I learned that my naive notions of what Jews were applied to very few modern Jews, chiefly observant Orthodox Jews; most modern Jews were secularized, liberal, irreligious or anti-religious, bound together by the triadic ideology of the Holocaust, Zionism, and anti-anti-Semitism, with a deep and disturbing hostility to Christianity. Despite constant Jewish complaints about "Christian anti-Semitism," I found much more anti-Christian feeling among Jews than anti-Jewish feeling among Christians, and in fact "anti-Semitism" came to seem to me a code word for Christianity itself. On the whole, Jews apparently hated Christianity far more than they loved Judaism. Even the neoconservative COMMENTARY magazine, regarded as an ally by Christian conservatives, ran long articles blaming the Holocaust on Christianity. Enmity to Christianity almost seemed to *define* modern Jews. My philo-Semitism pretty much ended in the early 1980s. Israel waged a terrible war on Lebanon, madly bombing Beirut and killing countless innocent people; at the same time I became aware of Israeli treachery to the United States, long before it surfaced in the Pollard spy case. In the midst of this, Prime Minister Menachem Begin bitterly accused the Catholic Church of complicity in the Holocaust. Meanwhile, my own sons were approaching draft age, and Israel's Amen Corner in this country, as Pat Buchanan would later dub it, was egging this country to war with the Arabs. No thanks. (I got to know Pat during this period, and he and I were becoming disillusioned with Israel at the same time; a few years later we would both be assailed as anti-Semites; and we would both find friends among Orthodox Jews who despised the secularized Jews who were smearing us.) Today's Jews, left and right, have become whiners. The Hebraism of the Old Testament has none of this; even its lamentations have dignity and grandeur. The ancient Jews were a virile race who knew that God's favor also entailed human enmity as a matter of course. The Law set them apart from a fallen world, and they segregated themselves from its seductions. Their identity depended on keeping the Law, not on "being Jewish" -- such talk was alien to them, just as the concept of "anti-Semitism" is alien to the Hebrew Scriptures. Even some Orthodox Jews today are infected with the new, subjective ideology of "Jewishness"; but basically they regard the Law as divine and objective. Nothing about the ancient Jews is more striking than their preservation, as Holy Writ, of the divine rebukes of them as "a stiff-necked people." Unlike self- glorifying nations, always the norm for humans, the Jews recorded the history of their sins and the tribulations they brought on themselves by forgetting the Lord; and they have survived long after the vaunting Romans and Persians have dissolved like clouds. This remarkable capacity for ruthless self-criticism is more evident even in an honest secularized leftist like Finkelstein than in the "mainstream" Jewish chauvinists who dismiss him as a "self-hating Jew." And whether or not he believes in God, I can't help feeling that God believes in him. The Loose Leaf (page 6) The divorce of TOM CRUISE and NICOLE KIDMAN dominates the tabloids, and I'd forbear comment except that Nicole takes exception to Tom's Scientology. She wants their kids to be raised as Catholics. From what I know of her career, I'd never have guessed that promulgating the Faith ranked high among her priorities. Glad to know I was mistaken. +++ One of the tabs says MARLON BRANDO, at 76, weighs in at 375 pounds, with a photo making this estimate all too plausible. And to think he won his first Oscar for playing a middleweight! Is anyone praying for poor old Marlon? +++ Speaking of supplication, Senator HILLARY CLINTON -- the New York Democrat, you know -- has been attending prayer breakfasts with Republican senators. They say her manners have been impeccable. +++ MUHAMMAD ALI has finally apologized for his cruel remarks about JOE FRAZIER, whom he likened to a "gorilla," inter alia, during their epic rivalry in the early 1970s. Ali says he was just trying to hype their fights -- a pretty lame excuse for three of the most exciting ring combats of all time, which needed no hype to boost their intrinsic interest. In his later years Ali has been so good-natured that we forget how graceless he could be in his prime. He was indeed The Greatest, but also, too often, The Meanest. +++ TED TURNER says his divorce from JANE FONDA is due in large part to her conversion to Christianity. No wonder he sneered at his Catholic employees -- who showed up for work on Ash Wednesday with smudged foreheads -- as "Jesus freaks." Anyone who is still hated by the rich after two millennia must be divine. Like Nicole Kidman, Turner is an odd minor witness to the Faith. I've fallen in love with MARGARET MITCHELL, best known as the author of the novel GONE WITH THE WIND. Next month I'll defend this book against my own preconceptions. For now let me say only that the movie gives a false impression of the novel, largely because of the lavish, bombastic, bathetic, cloying musical score by MAX STEINER. +++ Far from sentimentalizing the Old South, Peggy Mitchell, a brainy Smith College graduate, punctured its illusions through Rhett Butler -- played to perfection by CLARK GABLE, as if the role had been written for him. The Oscar that year (1939) went to ROBERT DONAT for his worthy performance in GOODBYE, MR. CHIPS, but only Gable (or, just maybe, ERROL FLYNN) could have endowed Rhett with such memorably virile wit. +++ You can say that Gable only played himself, but playing oneself on the screen with real power is an underrated achievement. Most of the great Hollywood stars "only played themselves" -- CAGNEY, BOGART, JAMES STEWART, and BETTE DAVIS, to name a few -- and they did it movingly. Versatility isn't everything; just creating a durably interesting and attractive persona takes a rare kind of talent. If Rhett Butler had been Gable's only filmed performance, it might have gotten the praise it deserves. Sometimes the popcorn-munching fans are wiser than the critics. +++ The rest of the casting would be hard to improve on. VIVIEN LEIGH (the mistress and future wife of LAURENCE OLIVIER, though still unknown in Hollywood) played Scarlett O'Hara to perfection, maturing subtly from catty teenaged coquette to canny middle-aged survivor. +++ And one can hardly imagine anyone but LESLIE HOWARD as Ashley Wilkes or OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND as Melanie, let alone HATTIE McDANIEL as Mammy. +++ The test of an epic film is whether it makes you feel the passage of years, and this test GONE WITH THE WIND passes superbly. Can it be reissued without that awful music? I always enjoy seeing CASABLANCA again, except for the pro-war propaganda and the cartoonish nasty Nazis. (And I can't imagine a cause worth giving up INGRID BERGMAN for.) It's a ravishing love story, with great atmosphere and wit -- and music. But the film's director and screenwriter, MICHAEL CURTIZ and HOWARD KOCH, went on to make MISSION TO MOSCOW, an explicitly pro-Stalin stinker unredeemed by any of the charm of CASABLANCA. The later film, you'll recall, was made at the urging of the Evil One, FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT, who must have been delighted with the result: Stalin never looked more cuddly. +++ Watching another old movie recently, I was reminded of the late comic STAN FREBERG's great line about the Roman who goes to the Coliseum with a hot tip: "Put a bundle on BEN-HUR in the fifth." I once met CHARLTON HESTON and told him how much I'd enjoyed the chariot race -- bet he'd never heard *that* one before! This is an actor who's done SHAKESPEARE and worked with ORSON WELLES, and all anyone wants to tell him is how they loved him in that damn chariot. NUGGETS FAREWELL: I made my little joke about Perry Como (page 11) before the sad news of his death at 88. Modest, grateful, and gracious, he was a fine singer and a dear reminder of the prelapsarian days when television felt a moral responsibility to the public. (page 8) THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT? Maybe I'm old-fashioned and narrow- minded, but I find today's rap stars hard to figure. No doubt yesterday's entertainers weren't perfect either. Still, I don't recall Perry Como trying to shoot Bing Crosby. (page 11) QUERY: Why don't we build a National Memorial to the Victims of Liberalism? (page 11) TOLERANCE UPDATE: In deference to "gay" sensibilities, a Manhattan private school has decided not to observe Mother's Day this year. The principal explains that "families in our society are now diverse and varied." And they say the Sixties were crazy! Today's fanatics make Abbie Hoffman look like Robert Taft. And their fanaticisms are so *timid.* (Remember when "gays" said they just wanted to live and let live?) (page 12) Exclusive to the electronic version: ABOMINATIONS: The only kind of person I really hate, and I mean *hate,* with utter loathing and contempt, is the sort who assumes that keeping abreast of today's fads is a moral imperative. By the same token, I respect anyone who puts up the least resistance to those fads and refuses to be bullied by the Latest Thinking, which is always unthinking. I honor the courage of the Orthodox Jew, the fundamentalist Protestant, the diehard Confederate -- in short, any man who adheres to a tradition, however disreputable in contemporary opinion, rather than peer pressure. I can even admire a "progressive" -- George Orwell, Christopher Hitchens, Gore Vidal -- who has the guts to stand alone. I'm thinking of you too, Taki. ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT TO SPIN: A study by Dr. Robert Spitzer of Columbia University has found that homosexuals of both sexes can indeed change their "sexual orientation," the most helpful methods among his 200 respondents (143 men, 57 women) being therapy and prayer. Naturally Spitzer, a self-described "atheistic Jew," came under fire at once. The NEW YORK TIMES noted that Spitzer's "results conflict with another study of gays who try to change." Observe the implications of the phrase "conflict with." Why not "challenge"? REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * Me and My Family and China (April 3, 2001) * Taxes and the Modern State (April 10, 2001) * Washington, D.C. -- Tax Haven? (April 12, 2001) * The Great "Gay" Racket (April 19, 2001) * Reparations Now! (April 24, 2001) * War Hero (May 1, 2001) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2001 by The Vere Company. All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]