SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month February 2002 Volume 9, No. 2 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year; $85 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. {{Material dropped from features or changed solely for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. Emphasis is indicated by the presence of asterisks around the emphasized words.}} CONTENTS Features -> The Moving Picture -> Keeping Slaves Happy -> Ourselves and Someone Else's Posterity Letters to the Editor Nuggets (plus Exclusives to this edition) List of Columns Reprinted FEATURES The Moving Picture (page 1) Have you noticed, as I have lately, how many Arabs name their sons after basketball players? * * * And the inevitable follow-up question: If Islam is a "religion of peace," how come there are so many brawls in the NBA? * * * The untimely death of Buddy, Bill Clinton's Labrador retriever, has raised eyebrows from sea to shining sea. Buddy is only one of myriad Clinton acquaintances who have met their Maker ahead of schedule. Sure, it *looked* like an accident. They always do. But if ever there was a dog that knew too much for his own good, it had to be Buddy. Paradoxically, he was also the last sentient being who trusted Bill. * * * TIME magazine really wimped out by naming Rudy Giuliani as its "Person of the Year." When old Henry Luce ran the mag, he never shrank from picking Hitler or Stalin -- the obvious newsmakers of certain other years. It was always explained that the choice was an acknowledgment of fact, not an honor. Since September 11, only one man has dominated the covers of all the newsmags, including TIME -- and it wasn't Rudy. * * * I figured that if al-Qaeda had another trick up its sleeve, it would play it during the holiday season. But apparently all it could come up with was a guy trying to give himself a hotfoot on a plane. How brilliant! On the other hand, we can't be sure that the War on Terrorism has made us any safer; it can hardly have made America better loved. Time will tell. * * * Do American conservatives have any agenda besides killing? George Will has written a column recommending, as a model of how to make war, General William Sherman's proposal to exterminate the entire ruling class of the Confederacy. (Sherman eventually distinguished himself by slaughtering Indians indiscriminately; it is to him that we owe the apercu: "The only good Indian is a dead Indian.") That is, Will would have had Robert E. Lee shot. Classy guy. Will reminds you of what Burke meant when he lamented the age of chivalry had passed. No wonder liberals can plausibly equate conservatism with "hate." You might suppose that a conservative was someone who, like Burke, wants to conserve things he loves. * * * Jewish organizations are calling for a boycott of all French products. Why? Because France won't recall its ambassador to Britain, Daniel Bernard, who made bluntly critical remarks about Israel at a private dinner party in London. Among other things, he asked why one little country should put the whole globe at risk of another world war. Good question, but Israel couldn't do it alone. American support and assistance is also necessary. So far Bernard and the French government have refused to back down, which gives hope that others in high places are thinking (if not yet talking openly) along the same lines. Keeping Slaves Happy (pages 2-4) I used to be skeptical when champions of the Confederacy insisted that most slaves in the Old South were content with their lot. But since the 9/11 attacks, I find it easy to believe. No slave system can work if the slave population is perpetually restive and chafing for liberty. It's now fashionable to portray Southern slavery as a constant ordeal for the slaves, with shackles, chains, and whips their daily lot. In fact this lurid picture has been drawn ever since the Civil War, when Union propaganda made slavery sound like unremitting torture; Lincoln spoke darkly of "every drop of blood drawn with the lash." But it would hardly pay to have slaves if the master had to spend every waking hour subduing them. Much easier to keep them contented, with the assurance that the master is their protector. They may yearn for ultimate liberty, as the old Negro spirituals attest, but meanwhile their lives may be bearable enough -- as Lincoln, despite his public rhetoric, privately admitted. Aristotle, ever the realist, remarked that most men are "slaves by nature." I don't know exactly what he meant, or how you test such a proposition; "most" may be an overstatement. But human nature includes both the desire for liberty and a dread of responsibility, and we see how often men are eager to follow a leader and submit to his will, or how implicitly they trust the supposed expertise of a ruling elite. David Hume likewise marveled at how easily the many are ruled by the few. In the twentieth century the claims and powers of the state increased so vastly that it may be said that state slavery has replaced private (chattel) slavery. Under Communism the state's authority was nakedly absolute; in "free" societies it was, and is, qualified, chiefly by a traditional morality and by personal legal protections. Neither this morality nor these protections, we should note, are a fruit of democracy; on the contrary, they predated it and it has weakened them. If the democracies are still relatively free, as compared with the Communist states, this is more in spite of democracy than because of it. Through the taxing power the democratic state now confiscates large portions of private property without due process of law. The process of confiscation has been streamlined through such devices as withholding taxes, so that most people hardly notice what is being taken from them and can retain the happy belief that they are living in a free society. One of the marks of "democracy," after all, is a vigorously promulgated optimism. In periods of calm men prefer liberty and bridle at state control. But in times of panic they loyally obey a dictator. After the 9/11 attacks, most Americans seemed to forget that the United States Government is theoretically their servant and were willing to cede it all sorts of arbitrary power in the hope and faith that it would protect them. Submission to the new power -- servility to the state -- became a patriotic duty. This is nothing new. During earlier wars the same thing happened: the servant became the master. The personal will of the Leader became law. Normally gradual encroachments of the state accelerated. Civil liberties were violated, constitutional restraints forgotten. Resistance to the state was quickly interpreted as treason. At such moments the servile side of human nature emerges, and we are seeing it today. Large majorities of Americans support the Bush administration's new constraints on constitutional liberties. That is, "We the People," having laid down the rules for our government in the U.S. Constitution, now consent to allow the government to violate that Constitution. We recognize the government's superiority to the Constitution that was supposed to bind it. What, then, is the point of having a constitution? Over two centuries, the U.S. Constitution has proved unenforceable, because the government it supposedly controls has arrogated to itself the authority to interpret the document as it pleases; always, of course, to its own advantage. The plan of a federalized system has been adroitly converted into a mandate for centralized power, the original division of power only superficially retained. But all the clever schemes of tyranny could never have worked if free men had merely fixed their eyes on the essential question: What is the original source of the state's authority? Why is obedience to the state a duty? Obviously society requires law, or commonly accepted rules of conduct. But as Michael Oakeshott has reminded us, laws are, properly speaking, observed rather than obeyed. They bind everyone alike. They are impersonal. *Commands* are obeyed, and a command is the expression of a particular personal will. Commands may of course be disguised under the forms of law, but the "laws" of the modern state are still in essence commands. St. Thomas Aquinas said that all positive law, in order to be valid, must conform to immutable natural law. A human law at variance with natural law is void -- unconstitutional, as it were. A ruler who commands his subjects to commit, or submit to, immoral acts is a tyrant. Genuine laws are by nature finite, because the natural law is fixed. In a healthy community laws are few and are seldom changed, and a man can be law-abiding by keeping the Ten Commandments. But commands are limitless, because they proceed from the human will, which is inexhaustible. That is the real source of "big government." Yet today it is everywhere assumed that man has a moral duty to obey the state, no matter what it commands. Why? How can submission to an arbitrary will be a moral obligation? It's absurd to suppose that every petty new Federal regulation proceeds from, or is harmonious with, the natural law. The modern state was explained around the time of its origin by Thomas Hobbes in his 1651 classic LEVIATHAN. Rejecting the Christian conception of natural law, Hobbes came up with a materialist version. According to Hobbes, the first law of nature is self-preservation. But in the state of nature, every man is at war with every other man; in this war of all against all, every man's self-preservation is perpetually at risk, and men's lives are "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." The Leviathan state emerges when a single sovereign acquires the power to "keep them all in awe." Fear of the ruler displaces mutual fear and chaos. It simplifies things. That is, the state is defined by its power to kill. Men have no choice but to obey it, if they want to live. Obedience is rational, therefore (in the only terms Hobbes recognizes) moral. The essence of the state is a monopoly of terror. Few have espoused this grim view, yet it has a plausibility that makes it perpetually fascinating. Like Machiavelli, Hobbes speaks for many who would never agree with him openly. He offers a philosophy they can live by even if they don't profess it. In fact, we obey the state not because conscience requires it, but because we fear what it may do to us. When the chips are down, it may kill us; short of that, it can make life miserable in myriad ways. Its powers now far exceed those available to rulers when Hobbes wrote. Ordinarily it chooses harassment rather than murder, but the threat to kill if necessary is always implicit. In democratic theory, a vague theory at best, we have a moral duty to obey the state because "we" are the state, and every member of the community has a duty to assent to the justice of the collective will as embodied in a freely elected government. We may "disagree" but not disobey. But in fact only a few officials are elected, the individual vote is meaningless, and nobody can possibly keep track of all the doings of state officials. Nobody can even name all the agencies of the state. It would be worth nobody's time to try to keep track of them, since little can be done about them. They rule by force and the threat of force, however oblique. It comes down to that. Making allowance for changing times and circumstances, Hobbes more or less had it right. In plain terms, the modern state is based on human timidity and confusion (which are mutually reinforcing). Maybe this is what Aristotle had in mind. Modern man is more submissive to the state -- by far! -- than medieval man was to the Church. Yet the illusion persists that modern man is free. True, he is nobody's personal property, but he is a serf to an amorphous power he can't define. He learns the slogans of democracy but is baffled by the labyrinthine realities of the bureaucratic state, which bears no relation to those slogans. He obeys he knows not why. The state threatens him, yet he feels that it also protects him from things even worse than itself. He can see that the politicians he has "elected" are fools and knaves, yet he trusts that "the government" as a whole is a repository of wisdom and expertise. He trusts this undefined thing more than he trusts his own mind. So he never asks the most basic and obvious questions, the ones Hobbes at least tried to answer. Still, Hobbes was wrong. Because force has no moral authority, there can be no specific moral duty to obey the state, no matter how much popular support it enjoys. One man has no right to compel another; neither do a million to compel one. Nor may one man "consent" to be compelled. That is moral nonsense. "Consent" can legitimize neither slavery nor the state, but only cooperation. Yet the state spares no effort to convince us that we are compelled with our consent! When we obey it, we are only obeying ourselves. So who is this thug at my door who says he'll put me in jail and take my money? It must be ... but of course! ... myself! True obligations are moral obligations. No man can create an obligation for another by a sheer assertion or act of will: "You must obey me." His demand for obedience acquires no moral authority if he supports it with a threat: on the contrary, "Obey me or I will hurt you" is, morally, far worse than a mere "Obey me." Yet most people accept this ugly threat -- the essence of the state -- as an expression of authority! This is all the more remarkable considering that the state no longer claims to be of divine origin and has, in fact, become nakedly amoral. If the state confined itself to enforcing our natural obligations (as, not to kill or steal), the question would still remain why any particular man or body of men should monopolize the power of enforcement. All of us have a natural and unalienable right to protect ourselves and, if we choose, others. But the state claims much more than this. It claims to monopolize the right -- the *right,* mind you -- to create obligations arbitrarily. And where does it get this right? "*I* don't know," we say to each other. "I thought *you* knew." Actually, nobody knows. But that doesn't stop us from obeying. Ourselves and Someone Else's Posterity (pages 5-6) {{ Material dropped or changed solely for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. }} A friend inscribed his new book to me the other day. His inscription provided the only cheering words in the entire volume. To my mind the book is more disturbing than the 9/11 attacks. The book is THE DEATH OF THE WEST: HOW DYING POPULATIONS AND IMMIGRANT INVASIONS IMPERIL OUR COUNTRY AND CIVILIZATION (Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin's Press); the author, my friend, is Patrick Buchanan. The title gets right to the point. The native populations of Europe, and the white population of the United States, are dying off. They aren't reproducing themselves. Their birthrates are below, in most cases far below, replacement level. The average Spanish woman, for example, bears 1.07 children. In all Europe, only Muslim Albania has a high birth rate. Meanwhile, Third World immigrants are flooding into the West. Many of them are illegal, but the laws are not enforced because young workers are needed to support the aging natives and because governments are afraid to enforce the laws against the alien populations. Two outstanding factors have produced this situation: the welfare state, which is pledged to support the elderly; and contraception (with abortion as a backup guarantee), which has allowed Western women to put jobs ahead of family. There are other factors too, including politics and ideology. Bill Clinton has famously exulted that within a few decades whites will be a minority in the United States. He and the Democratic Party have opened the gates to aliens, hoping to enlarge their political base as they lose the loyalty of white voters. And of course liberal ideology (shared by many nominal conservatives) forbids whites to practice the self-serving politics which nonwhites are permitted and even encouraged to indulge in. Mexicans speak openly of "la raza" -- the race -- and of a "reconquista" of the Southwestern states. The advocates of feminism, abortion, and Zero Population Growth have taught young Western women that traditional women's roles are not only optional but undesirable. The mythology of the "population bomb" took root decades ago and has yet to wear off, despite ample refutation, and to most Americans small families have become both a convenience and a sort of civic duty. Christian morality is in decline; even the Catholic clergy and hierarchy have pretty much given up opposing artificial birth control and blessing large families. High taxes in the "advanced" countries also discourage childbearing. Margaret Sanger's vision of eugenic contraception, to quell the growth of nonwhite populations, has backfired; only whites and the Japanese are eliminating themselves. In 1960, people of European stock were a quarter of the earth's population; by 2000 they were reduced to a sixth; by 2050 they will be only a tenth, and their average age will be 50. In Russia, where there are already four or five abortions per live birth, this grim future has already arrived. While the population is aging, life expectancy for men is only 59 years. China's exploding population will soon move into, and conquer, the largely vacant Eastern Siberia, while Muslims will do likewise in Central Siberia. Reading Buchanan, one is struck by the way government policies, especially those driven by liberalism, have helped create this {{ situation at every turn. }} Secularism, the welfare state, taxation, contraception, abortion, sexual license, civil rights, feminism, immigration -- virtually every measure that was supposed to better the human condition has conspired to construct a gigantic trap for the West. And now there may be no way out. The whole process has been so systematically perverse that you can't help suspecting it was deliberate; then again, short-sighted social planners lack the cunning for such a grand design. What is certain is that the United States has been ruled and guided by people who are deeply alienated from and hostile to the West and its traditions, especially its Christian religion. One of the books that inspired Buchanan, James Burnham's SUICIDE OF THE WEST (1964), described liberalism as "the ideology of Western suicide." Burnham didn't mean that liberalism caused the decline of the West, which he thought was due to deeper factors (perhaps just the exhaustion that eventually comes to all civilizations), but that it provided a comforting rationalization for a decline that was already in progress. For Burnham liberalism was a sort of intellectual anesthetic, a euthanasia for a moribund patient. It offered the comforting interpretation of every Western defeat as a forward step for "progress." Buchanan is much more inclined to blame liberalism and its related ideologies. He particularly stresses that "progressives" have consciously sought to destroy Christianity, and he cites abundant evidence from their own books, manifestoes, and other documents. Accordingly, he tends to think the damage is reversible, if only the heresy is renounced. Here I must say that his pessimism is much more convincing than his optimism. His evidence for Western decline and doom is weighty; his argument for Western recovery sounds relatively facile, even desperate. In the court of reason he may win his arguments with liberals; but in the real world, liberal arguments, however fallacious, have become established institutions, against which refutation is unavailing. At this point, for example, it is hard to imagine American women choosing to have more babies for the sake of the West's future. Oh, you can *imagine* it, in the way you can *imagine* France converting to Buddhism, but it seems more like a fantasy than a serious possibility. Self-absorption, alias "self-fulfillment," has become a profound cultural habit. "Sex," as we have learned to call it, is now a matter less of procreation than of recreation. It sounds like a platitude to say that both sexes have an equal right to orgasm without the burden of children; who could deny it? In 1968 Pope Paul VI promulgated the most controversial papal encyclical of the twentieth century, HUMANAE VITAE, condemning artificial contraception. "Controversial" is hardly the word for a document that found very few defenders, even among Catholics, though it merely repeated what previous popes had taught, what nearly all Christians recently believed, and what many Muslims and pagans still regard as morally obvious. (Multiculturalists, take note!) The real core of the sexual revolution is not to be sought in calls for "gay rights" and legal abortion, but in the normalization of contraception *between married couples.* We are now beginning to see the consequences. True, Paul VI spoke more of the intrinsic immorality of corrupting the marital act than of the demographic results of doing so; but after all, a pope can speak authoritatively only of the nature of sin, not of its earthly penalty for the sinner. In this world, the sinner may sin with impunity, even with profit. In 1968, all the bright people agreed that contraception was a purely "personal" question. In pragmatic terms, it was reproduction, not birth control, that seemed irresponsible. What if every act of coition produced a child? Horrors! Paul VI was on the side of the Population Bomb, of overcrowding and starvation and unmitigated global misery! "Dissent" from HUMANAE VITAE immediately became the orthodoxy of the progressives. And a peculiarly smug orthodoxy it was, admitting no room for a second opinion. You were shamed into silence if you held a sneaking suspicion that the Pope had a point. And once contraception had gained acceptance by seemingly orthodox Catholics {{ -- including such conservatives as William Buckley -- }} the sexual revolution had won a victory Hugh Hefner could never have achieved. Few (George Gilder, {{ author of SEXUAL SUICIDE, }} was the great exception) perceived the far-reaching nature of that revolution. Its rhetoric implied that it was confined to private areas of no public concern -- "the bedroom." That is rather like saying that cannibalism concerns only the kitchen. Buchanan has made what should have been obvious impossible to deny or evade. Reading his book is like having your doctor tell you you have cancer, probably incurable. In blunt terms, the white races are endangered. Their children may soon be powerless, disinherited, and very few; even their languages may disappear from Europe and America; their cultures may be forgotten. In a few generations Shakespeare, Tolstoy, and P.G. Wodehouse may be more remote and obscure than Homer is now. The new denizens of America and Europe will discuss their affairs in other tongues and think in entirely different terms than those we take for granted. Any surviving whites, having only faint memories of their ancestors, may play no role in the fate of the new societies that displace the old ones. Christianity may be reduced to a tiny sect, with no influence over a miscellaneous culture, part Muslim, part pagan, which will absorb traces of the West but not its spirit. Even darker outcomes are imaginable. If the new society, losing the genius of Western science and technology, sinks into poverty and disease, the white remnant may be either enslaved or reduced to a minority of persecuted pariahs, blamed for the misery of the majority. Liberalism's slogans and favored history lessons will have no authority -- Hitler will have ceased to horrify (if Mao, why not Hitler?) -- and racial extermination would no longer be unthinkable. I can only say: Read this book if you dare. Letter to the Editor (page 4) Mr. Sobran -- There is another Catholic priest on trial in Boston for molesting a boy. This has been going on for centuries, demonstrating just how corrupt the Catholic Church is. Sure, the Catholic Church used to sweep all of this under the rug, protecting the pedophile priests instead of the boys. I admire Andrew Greeley for coming down hard on the Catholic Church on these matters. What if a priest molested your boy, Joe. Would you still remain in the Catholic Church? DJ REPLY If a priest (with the connivance of his bishop) betrayed the Church and my son, would I still remain in the Church? I hope so. The betrayal of Catholic truth no more invalidates that truth than Judas's treachery invalidates the Redemption. One reason I believe in our Lord is that he is still hated after 2000 years. The world has long since forgiven Julius Caesar, who killed and tyrannized countless people. He is no threat to anyone today; Christ is. In the same way, the Catholic Church is still bitterly hated by people who no longer care about Stalin or Mao. The corrupt clergy "argument" is only applied to Catholics. And I never hear Catholics trying to argue that the Protestant clergy are all Elmer Gantrys; Protestantism doesn't inspire envious insinuations. It's only Catholicism that people want to tear down this way. And these attacks only reinforce my faith. There is a strange psychological need in some men to destroy the great and glorious, just as some homosexuals are always accusing others of being secretly homosexual. If the Church weren't of divine origin, she wouldn't be hated this way. People would let her die, without trying to kill her. Personally, I have never met one of these pedophile priests we always hear about nowadays. This is one of the world's fashionable slanders against the Church. Every generation has a new version. JS NUGGETS BLOAT IS GOOD: Gregg Easterbrook of THE NEW REPUBLIC argues that we *need* military bloat. We never know where we may have to fight next, and a stripped-down military would be insufficiently ample and mobile to face unpredictable challenges. Of course it depends whether "we" means a constitutional republic, defending its own borders, or a global empire. It's obvious which Easterbrook means. An empire never knows who it may have to bomb next. (page 4) THE PAST AND ITS HEIRS: To me the late eighteenth century means, above all, Mozart and Burke. Yet I know of no reason to believe that they ever heard of each other. What a pity, since each, in his way, exemplified a civilization that seems to exist only in retrospect! Maybe the eighteenth century I revere never existed until it was already gone. In the twentieth century Mozart was displaced by rap music, Burke by George Will. We can't choose our successors. (page 4) AS FOR ME: I was once called "a worthy successor to C.S. Lewis." My first reaction: What an honor! My considered reaction: Poor Lewis! (page 9) SAVING THE QUEEN: The stylish and able historian Lady Antonia Fraser has just published a sympathetic biography of Marie Antoinette, showing that the poor queen remains maligned and misunderstood to this day. She never said "Let them eat cake," of course -- one of the many slanders her revolutionary tormenters heaped on her (they also induced her young son to accuse her of sexual abuse) before and after they beheaded her. She was an ordinary but decent woman caught in a tidal wave of fanaticism. (page 10) FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: The historian Stephen Ambrose has been caught plagiarizing. Sort of. In a recent book he borrowed a few dozen words from a book by another historian; he cited the source in a footnote, but used the words verbatim without quotation marks. (page 11) Exclusive to the electronic version: ACADEMIC FADS (CONT.): Is there such a thing as genius? According to the NEW YORK TIMES, some progressive academicians are saying the concept should be abandoned, since individual "geniuses" are really just carriers of class values. So the four-year-old Mozart, it seems, was merely a passive vehicle of bourgeois interests! Which proves that whether or not we need the concept of genius, we certainly can't do without the concept of imbecility. WINTER JUST FLASHES BY: No sooner had we recovered from Kwanzaa than it was already Black History Month REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * The Myth of "Limited Goverment" (December 20, 2001) * Who's the Rat? (December 25, 2001) * The Curse of Beatlemania (December 27, 2001) * The Greatest, Joyless (January 1, 2002) * What Do We Owe the State? (January 8, 2002) * The Powers That Be (January 10, 2002) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2002 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]