SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month July 2002 Volume 9, No. 7 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year; $85 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-281-1609 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. [ Emphasis is indicated by the presence of asterisks around the emphasized words. ] CONTENTS Features -> Conspiracy, Blackmail, and Politics -> Wartime Journal -> We the State -> Convenient Thinking Nuggets (plus Exclusives to this edition) List of Columns Reprinted FEATURES Conspiracy, Blackmail, and Politics (page 1) Robert Caro's heroic biography of Lyndon Johnson (MASTER OF THE SENATE, the third of four scheduled volumes, has just appeared, at 1,167 pages) tells many stories and offers many lessons, including one that seems to go over its own author's head. True, Caro realizes that Johnson was a scheming monster who amassed power in large part by gathering dirt on his colleagues; but it doesn't occur to him that this throws a strange light not just on Johnson, but on democratic government itself. Now, a generation after Johnson's death, we learn, thanks to Caro, what was going on behind the scenes: government by blackmail. We shouldn't have had to wait so long for this insight, if the myths of democracy are true. But that's a very big "if." In the nature of the case, we can never know how large a part secret crimes -- blackmail, extortion, bribery -- play in public affairs; but it must be a far larger part than we usually assume. Most politicians, being human, have something to hide, and they can be controlled by anyone who finds it out. Bob Dole avoided raising the "character issue" against Bill Clinton during the 1996 presidential campaign; later we learned that Dole himself had once had an adulterous liaison, and that others knew about it. Either the Clinton people or the press or both had gotten wind of it. We now know too that during the 1940 campaign Franklin Roosevelt got word to Wendell Willkie that he knew about Willkie's mistress; that may explain why Willkie waged a feeble campaign. Roosevelt knew how to use the FBI and the IRS against his opponents. Though governments actually budget for "covert operations," we are constantly warned against "conspiracy theories." The public learns only belatedly of some of the underhanded doings that shape political events, and these revelations never seem to have any relevance for the present: nobody seems to ask whether such things are still happening today, though they surely are. The public always votes in the dark. It never really knows who controls the men it elects. It *can't* know. It will be lucky if a significant part of the truth comes out decades after the election, and much will remain hidden anyway. Even so, we know some of the crimes of Presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Clinton. (Some would add Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and the first Bush to this list.) And this doesn't begin to address the crimes of all the politicians and government agents who operate below the radar. We know only that what we call "public service" attracts a lot of criminal personalities and serves as a front for an incalculable amount of criminal behavior. The state itself thrives on activities we consider crimes in ordinary life: murder ("defense"), robbery and extortion ("taxation"), counterfeiting ("inflation"), bribery ("entitlements"), and so forth. And these are the things it does *openly.* What is it doing behind the curtain? Even under the most limited government, the powers of the state are bound to be abused in ways the public rarely suspects or discovers. All the more reason for those powers to be as few as possible. Wartime Journal (page 2) Let's not be conspiracy-minded, but isn't it remarkable that an administration of oilmen should be so eager to fight Evil in such oil-drenched countries as Iraq and Iran -- as well as Afghanistan, such an apt route for a pipeline to the oil-rich lands of central Asia? * * * George W. Bush, like his father, aspires to be remembered as an Education President. As a strict constructionist, he might begin by showing us where the Constitution authorizes the president, or the Federal Government, to meddle with schools in any way. He also raised questions about his own aptness for the role when he asked Brazil's president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, "Do you have blacks too?" * * * Post-9/11 security measures have been hobbled by scruples about racial profiling. This is one of those phony conundrums that bedevil American public discourse. The solution is obvious. If (say) you own an airline, it's perfectly sensible for you to be wary of any category of people whom the U.S. Government has provoked to hate Americans. If the government has a history of annoying Arabs, you'd better keep an eye on Arabs. That's a perfectly rational form of discrimination, and it's no reflection on Arabs; rather on our own rulers. Discrimination is only wrong when it's indiscriminate. * * * Some years ago Father Richard John Neuhaus, editor of FIRST THINGS, accused me of "flirting" with anti- Semitism -- an insinuation he also made against a number of other conservatives he had fallen out with as he ingratiated himself with wealthy Jewish neoconservatives. Well, Father Neuhaus himself is now having his turn in the dock: an article in the June issue of COMMENTARY, "Israel and the Anti-Semites," by Gabriel Schoenfeld, cites his "tortuous rationalizations" as an end-product of "worldwide anti-Semitism." His offense? Mildly critical remarks about Israel. * * * Michael Skakel, Ted Kennedy's kinsman, has finally been convicted of murdering Martha Moxley when both were teenagers. He probably did it, but after a quarter of a century, could his guilt really be proved beyond a reasonable doubt? At any rate, his conviction shows that the Kennedy connection no longer protects the guilty, and may even bring suspicion on the innocent. * * * Don't say they aren't making great movies anymore before you've caught up with today's computer-animated films. TOY STORY (and its sequel), A BUG'S LIFE, and SHREK, to name but three of many, are not only visually astounding; their dialogue and actors' voices are wittier, and funnier, than those of any live-action films I've seen in years. Genius turns up in the oddest places. * * * In answer to your many queries, yes, my grandson Joe is still playing baseball. He's no longer the tiny boy on the field, but a strapping 15-year-old who can throw a fastball nearly 80 miles per hour and hit 350-foot home runs. In his first appearance as a rookie in a league for 15- to 16-year-olds, he pitched a two-hitter with 11 strikeouts, getting two hits himself in a 7-2 victory. And no, he swears he's not taking steroids. We the State (pages 3-4) In October 1945, only two months after the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, George Orwell wrote an essay titled "You and the Atom Bomb." He noted that "curiously little has been said, at any rate in print, about the question that is of most urgent interest to all of us, namely: 'How difficult are these things to manufacture?'" At that time it was still widely believed that a lone scientist might be able to make an A-bomb in his own laboratory; but Orwell surmised, from some remarks of Harry Truman and other officials, that "the bomb is fantastically expensive and that its manufacture demands an enormous industrial effort, such as only three or four countries in the world are capable of making. This point is of cardinal importance, because it may mean that the discovery of the atomic bomb, so far from reversing history, will simply intensify the trends which have been apparent for a dozen years past." This led Orwell to an interesting distinction. Starting with the adage that "the history of civilization is largely the history of weapons," he offered a general rule: "that ages in which the dominant weapon is expensive or difficult to make will tend to be ages of despotism, whereas when the dominant weapon is cheap and simple, the common people have a chance. Thus, for example, tanks, battleships, and bombing planes are inherently tyrannical weapons, while rifles, muskets, long-bows, and hand-grenades are inherently democratic weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple weapon -- so long as there is no answer to it -- gives claws to the weak." He added, "Had the atomic bomb turned out to be something as cheap and easily manufactured as a bicycle or an alarm clock, it might well have plunged us back into barbarism, but it might, on the other hand, have meant the end of national sovereignty and of the highly- centralized police state." But since only a few centralized states could produce the bomb, he predicted that these states -- probably the United States and the Soviet Union -- would divide the world between them in a frigid peace. (Here, as so often, Orwell's essays foreshadow NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR.) Until September 11, Orwell's prediction seemed to stand up pretty well. He hadn't foreseen the collapse of the Soviet Union, but he had been right in principle: the United States stood alone as the global superpower because of its huge superiority in military technology. But on that astounding day we realized that we were vulnerable to a new kind of enemy: one who didn't have to win on the battlefield, or conquer or occupy or destroy or otherwise subdue us -- an enemy who, with modest weapons of his own, was content to disrupt. Even "terrorism" doesn't capture it. Nobody knows what to expect of this ill-defined enemy, or even who he is (or, if Osama bin Laden is the key figure, whether he is still alive). The first attack was a brilliant stroke, using minimal means. Even after billions of dollars have been spent devastating his suspected lairs in Afghanistan, nobody knows whether this has crippled or even hurt his capacity for destruction -- though the Bush administration, for no clear reason, wants to extend the war to Iraq. What that would have to do with "defeating terrorism" is anyone's guess, but President Bush has redefined the struggle as a war on "evil." Bin Laden is already all but forgotten. The great worry now is one Orwell couldn't have foreseen: that the shadowy enemy will smuggle nuclear devices into the United States, causing destruction and disruption immeasurably worse than last September's. A bin Laden doesn't have to manufacture nukes; he just has to buy one of the thousands that have already been stockpiled since 1945. He doesn't even need to detonate it; merely releasing its radiation with conventional explosives could effectively depopulate a major city and ruin this country economically. The administration doesn't know what to do. Three of its top officials have now admitted as much. Vice President Dick Cheney, FBI director Robert Mueller, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld now say that more terrorist attacks, possibly with nuclear weapons, are "inevitable." They also admit that they can't do their job, the supposed raison d'etre of any state: to protect the population. In a nutshell, the almighty U.S. Government has made an enemy it can't handle. It has involved this country in the endless Middle East War with no plan, purpose, or goal. It makes blustering threats it can't carry out. George W. Bush radiates inadequacy. Even in terms of conventional statecraft, he is incompetent; in a crisis he is simply hopeless. He is neither a thinker nor a re- thinker. You can't imagine him asking the basic and obvious questions that need to be addressed right now; instead he leans on all the wearisome "lessons" of World War II, taking his guidance from the dubious examples of Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, with Ariel Sharon as his Stalin. He has learned nothing from history except how the vulgar press expects a "great wartime leader" to behave, and this war is like no other. For Bush, common sense means cliche, and heroism means overstatement. The Middle East War is an unholy mess, in some respects like World War I with its unpredictable alliances and tangled tripwires. In large part this war is a legacy of British imperialism, which left unstable borders and unresolved disputes all over the place, from Palestine to Kuwait. No single principle or American interest is at stake, but the U.S. Government has meddled its way into it aimlessly, with the usual slogans about democracy and freedom -- the sort of official talk that disgusted Orwell. This has been going on for decades; September 11 merely served notice that the Middle East War will also be fought on American soil. This caught the U.S. Government by surprise, though it shouldn't have, and the American reaction was not to ask whether all this intervention was worth the price, but to redouble the intervention, even at risk of redoubling the price as well. Now the truth that has been obvious all along has been confirmed at the highest levels: the U.S. Government has exposed the American people to terrible dangers, and despite its enormous and stupendously costly "defense" system, it doesn't know how to defend us against the enmity it has provoked. "To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle," as Orwell wrote elsewhere. (Compare Chesterton: "Men can always be blind to a thing, so long as it is big enough.") In more than one sense, the enemy is already within the gates. We don't know how many Islamic fanatics are in this country, plotting further attacks; but the Bush administration has secured easy passage of a "USA PATRIOT Act" that greatly increases the arbitrary and unconstitutional powers of the government. These powers are said to be aimed at terrorists, but since a terrorist isn't likely to be self-identified or easily detectable, they may be used against anyone. In order to frustrate a handful of criminals, the rights of a quarter of a billion Americans have been abridged. Our rulers are better at curtailing our freedom than at protecting it. And of course -- to return to Orwell's point -- the government's weaponry, nuclear and "conventional," has reached a level of potency and complexity inconceivable in 1945. Meanwhile, the government has been whittling away "the right of the people to keep and bear arms." The chief reason this right was acknowledged in the Constitution was to ensure that the people would possess the means of resisting tyranny. Even the statist Alexander Hamilton called the right of self-defense "paramount to all [other rights]." But times have changed. In 1861 Southern Americans could still believe they could secure their liberty with rifles; a mistake, as it turned out, but they did hold out for four years. Today that belief would be sheer fantasy. Imagine Lincoln with modern tanks, helicopters, jets, and nukes taking on the state militias. Meanwhile, the government claims and spends more and more of the wealth people produce; and more and more people depend on others' taxes for their income. Both classes, the taxed and the tax-consuming, are at the mercy of the government. And nearly everyone accepts this as a normal condition rather than a tyrannical perversion of government. So the disproportion between the government and the individual has increased tremendously since Orwell's day. At the same time, fewer and fewer people realize this or find it alarming. Education, also provided by the government, gives its pupils neither the historical memory nor the power of analysis needed to appreciate the political facts of life. When education means state propaganda, the "citizen" becomes a product of the state -- a system of coercion he feels all around him, but can't comprehend. According to our official mythology, "We the People" create the government. The truth is that the government is now creating the people. That is, it creates the kind of people it wants: ignorant, docile, weak, dependent. The kind Orwell noticed around him: Winston Smiths, who, far from seeing the state as their enemy, identify themselves with it. Convenient Thinking (pages 5-6) In public debates I'm often struck by the prevalence of a special form of wishful thinking -- what I call "convenient thinking." This occurs when people assume that all the facts are on their side, or try to make them appear so. Convenient thinking spares them the trouble of facing and sorting out complications. We see this in the endless quarreling in the Middle East, when Jews and Arabs hurl grievances at each other, while ignoring each other's grievances. To the impartial eye it's obvious that plenty of crimes have been committed on both sides. What has this to do with the question of who has a right to the land? One absolutist position, held by many Christians as well as some Jews, holds that God gave the land to the Jews, forever, in the time of Moses. If so, it is irrelevant which side has committed more crimes. Even if the Jews had committed all the crimes, and the Arabs none, the land would still belong to the Jews. Yet such absolutists as Cal Thomas insist on enumerating Arab crimes and ignoring Jewish ones, as if this fortified their case. But why pile on the grievances? Isn't the divine donation sufficient? Not only that, but it seems that America must support Israel to the hilt. Here the reason is not so clear, since God, as far as we know, didn't command Harry Truman to do this. Some absolutists -- presumably including Thomas -- would say it's America's duty to save the Chosen People, citing God's promise to bless those who bless the Jews. (Never mind the U.S. Constitution, which doesn't authorize foreign aid of any kind.) But this is not enough: the absolutists argue that Israel is also a valuable asset to the United States, ignoring much evidence to the contrary. Again, why does this matter? Do you count costs when doing your duty to the Almighty? It should be possible to hold that the United States must support Israel *regardless* of the costs and dangers such support brings on this country. Even if U.S. policy toward Israel helped provoke the 9/11 attacks -- and everyone knows it did -- it would be America's duty to stand by Israel. Then there is the George Will position, which makes no appeal to the supernatural, yet somehow always finds that the facts happen to be 100 per cent in Israel's favor. Will, in all the years I have read him, has never found Israel at fault, has never mentioned Palestinian rights, and has never noticed any tension between American and Israeli interests. How you account for this remarkable coincidence of justification without believing in divine providence is beyond me. Of course Israel's partisans, religious and secular, insist that 9/11 was completely unrelated to Israel. This tacitly admits that if the truth were otherwise, some second thoughts about Israel just might be in order. This problem is averted by the simple denial of the obvious relation between U.S. policy and Arab hostility to the United States. Nobody dares to say, "Yes, the 9/11 attacks were, unfortunately, brought on by U.S. policy toward Israel. But that policy is still, on balance, well worth the price." It seems rather improbable to hold at once that (1) the Jews have every right to exclusive possession of the Holy Land; (2) all the wrongs have been on the Arab side; and (3) the U.S. Government's favoritism to Israel in the bitter conflict yields pure profit to Americans. This is an example of what I mean by convenient thinking. It's all too good to be true. (I pass over the further reinforcing assertions, such as that Israel is a democracy and that the Arabs want to exterminate all Jews.) A more complicated but realistic position might hold that even if the Jews' claim to the land is justified, there is no particular reason for the U.S. Government to enforce that claim, especially considering the problems it raises for this country. Or one could even argue that the Jews have no special claim to the land, but that the U.S. gains more than it loses by taking Israel's side anyway. Another sort of convenient thinking may be found in those who see nothing but evil in Israel. Now it's far from an ideal state (if any state can be "ideal"); it has blood on its hands; it treats its minorities shamefully; yet it doesn't approach the world's many worse tyrannies in scale of evil, and it's unfair to exaggerate its crimes and to condemn it without a due sense of proportion. My main objection to it is that it has been a terribly costly *client* -- alias "ally" -- of this country, as witness 9/11. Moreover, far from feeling grateful for American support, it has behaved treacherously to its only benefactor, from the 1954 Lavon affair to the 1967 assault on the Liberty to the 1985 Pollard spy case (and these are only a few famous highlights of its scandalous record). There is an obvious way to resolve the Jewish-Arab dispute, but few are willing to accept it. The solution is property rights. No group can claim the land as a whole, but everyone has the right to settle there peacefully, including Norwegians and Tahitians if they so desire. No state has the right to exclude anyone from the land or to drive people from their homes. That is, under a system of property rights there would be neither a Jewish nor a Palestinian state. Instead, alas, both sides assume that there must be one state or the other, and this assumption leads inevitably to convenient thinking. This mentality is typical of victim politics, but other situations also generate similar thinking. In the debate on the death penalty, the two chief positions assume a happy convergence between principle and the facts of experience. One side holds that (1) capital punishment is justified, and (2) it "works" -- that is, it deters crime. But surely you could argue that even if it doesn't "work" in this sense, it's morally justified, even imperative. Yet few advocates seem willing to admit the possibility that killing criminals doesn't affect the crime rate. By the same token, opponents always seem to hold that (1) the death penalty is barbaric, and (2) it doesn't deter crime anyway. They seldom face the obvious question: Would it be justified if it *did* deter? That is, if every execution of a murderer resulted in fewer murder victims, isn't it unjust to potential victims not to kill killers? A grimly amusing story. A few years ago the WASHINGTON POST reported that the D.C. government was finding it hard to prosecute drug dealers because people were afraid to testify against them after several recent witnesses had been shot dead. A few days later, Richard Cohen, the POST's chief liberal pundit (in recent years, I'm happy to add, his lucid intervals have become more frequent), who apparently hadn't been reading his own paper, wrote his standard column denouncing the death penalty as legalized murder or whatever, adding that all the evidence shows that it has no deterrent effect anyway. Well, I thought, Mr. Cohen should have a chat with the drug dealers. *They* seem to think it has a deterrent effect -- at least on witnesses. This may be an area where the criminals are wiser than the criminologists. Obviously, death threats have *some* effect. As the old saying goes, you can get a lot further with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word. Why do people make *any* threats? You might as well argue that fear plays no role in social life. Needless to say, a threat must be serious to achieve its purpose. A drug dealer who may shoot you tomorrow is more credible than a state that may someday, years hence, get around to strapping you into the chair. In the old days, a criminal might be tried, convicted, and hanged within a week of his crime. Having said all that, I should state my own view. I think many criminals richly deserve to die. For that matter, some of them deserve lingering torture. And I'm sure that if promptly administered, these punishments would deter a great deal of crime. But I don't think the state should have the power to inflict them, for the simple reason that I doubt that the state should exist at all. Apart from that small reservation, it seems to me monstrous to hire men to perform such acts -- to pay them to kill or torture other men who have done them no personal injury. Personal revenge I can understand; though it has obvious dangers, it's natural and often justified. But what sort of man could make a living avenging wrongs he knows only by report? Debates over historical questions tend to succumb to convenient thinking. To hear the partisans quarrel over the Civil War, either Lincoln was a saint and slavery a diabolical evil, or he was a tyrant and slavery a humane system. Any complications of these happily simple views are unwelcome. Yet all such simplifications deny the whole texture of life, with its puzzles, rough edges, surprises, and general messiness; in which horrible deeds are done in good causes and men who are tragically wrong rise to nobility and heroism. It's the willingness to face all the facts without flinching that makes Orwell so refreshing, and even oddly consoling. NUGGETS CANINE CIVIL SERVANT IN TROUBLE: A German shepherd police dog in McKee's Rocks, Pennsylvania, may be executed for racism. It seems that the dog, trained to sniff drugs, has been attacking black people, several of whom were found not to be in possession of illegal substances. Apparently the dog was merely guilty of inductive reasoning via his nose and had innocently drawn the wrong conclusion from his olfactory experience. But one of the town's councilwomen is demanding his death for unauthorized racial profiling. Well, fair is fair: with animal rights come animal responsibilities. (page 6) HOLD THE MILLSTONES: The U.S. Catholic bishops have adopted a semi-tough policy toward priests who prey sexually on young people. Many laymen find the retention of such priests, even those who have repented and reformed, unconscionable. We can differ on that. What I find most disturbing is that the bishops still haven't confronted the real problem: the homosexual network in the American clergy. Nor has the Vatican. (page 8) PREDICTION: President Bush's "war on terrorism" will match the triumph of his father's "war on drugs." (page 9) GRUDGING CONCESSION: Mirabile dictu, even some neoconservatives are admitting that it's sort of, well, irregular for the U.S. Government to detain a U.S. citizen -- Abdullah al-Muhajir, born Jose Padilla -- indefinitely and without trial as an "enemy combatant," even though the United States isn't formally at war. The Bush administration, says one neocon pundit, is "playing into the hands of its most hysterical and malicious critics" -- by which I guess he means folks who read the Constitution. (page 11) Exclusive to the electronic version: EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGES: In his best-seller, BODY OF SECRETS: ANATOMY OF THE ULTRA-SECRET NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY (Doubleday), James Bamford describes some hair- raising secret schemes by the NSA under Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy, unknown to the public until now, which might easily have led to war, even nuclear war. I'll discuss this more fully in the near future. Without judging the accuracy of Bamford's claims, we can say at least that he tends to confirm one awful fact: that the executive branch no longer regards itself as subordinate to Congress or the laws on the books, and feels justified in usurping power without informing anyone. WHAT'S MORE: President Bush now claims the right of "hot pre-emption" -- first strikes against evildoers suspected of, you know, planning to make "weapons of mass destruction." No need to let the Constitution get in the way, of course. The good news is that such first strikes will be authorized only in self-defense. The bad news is that the perpetrators will define self-defense. NEXT: Sir Ozzy? Days after the jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, during which Her Majesty was celebrated by such certified creeps as Ozzy Osbourne, Buckingham Palace knighted the original bad-boy rocker, Mick Jagger. So, 50 years after her coronation, the British monarch is heaping honors on entertainers whose acts would have landed them in prison when her reign began. A KINDER, GENTLER CANNIBAL: After much bluster about eating children, crushing testicles, and fornicating with female interviewers, former heavyweight champ Mike Tyson was finally destroyed by incumbent Lennox Lewis. Lewis's piston-like jab frustrated and bloodied Tyson until the eighth round, when a crushing right cross finished the job. Tyson was so pathetically humble in defeat as to excite suspicions of brain damage. If a good whipping can change a man's personality within a half hour, maybe boxing should be abolished. REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * Lowering Our Guard (May 14, 2002) * Your Friend, the State (May 16, 2002) * The Giant Problem-Solver (May 21, 2002) * Citing Scripture (May 23, 2002) * A Common Languatge? (May 28, 2002) * Minor Atrocities (May 30, 2002) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2002 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]