SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month November 2002 Volume 9, No. 11 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year; $85 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-281-1609 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. {{ Material dropped from features or changed solely for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. Emphasis is indicated by the presence of asterisks around the emphasized words.}} CONTENTS Features -> The Return of the Patriot Right -> Wartime Journal (plus Exclusives to this edition) -> Are the Races Equal? -> Hannibal and the Kids Nuggets (plus Exclusives to this edition) List of Columns Reprinted FEATURES The Return of the Patriot Right (page 1) THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE, under the editorship of Patrick Buchanan and Taki Theodoracopulos, has just made its debut, much to the satisfaction of those of us who have longed for a magazine that is, well, American (as opposed to Zionist) and conservative (as opposed to neoconservative). If you know anything about Buchanan, you already know much of what the magazine will stand for. Its first issue has few surprises: it confirms that it intends to re-open the debates among conservatives that neoconservatism has tried to close: over immigration, free trade, and imperialist militarism. Despite my warm affection and respect for my old friends Pat and Taki, I expect to take issue with them over some of these questions. But at the moment I can only wish them success in persuading patriotic conservatives that the United States has nothing to gain from another war in the Middle East. That is the really urgent task of the moment. And no other conservative magazine is doing it. On the contrary. The first issue offers anti-war essays by Buchanan, Justin Raimondo, Stuart Reid, and Eric Margolis. They warn not so much against the proposed war on Iraq as against the dangers posed by its aftermath. Margolis sees a repetition of the 1956 French-British-Israeli Suez operation against Egypt, "a military success that turned into a political fiasco" -- with the difference that this one could well erupt into a regional maelstrom too. The United States could easily find itself holding a fistful of wild cards -- not only Iraq, but Iran, Israel, Turkey, and the Kurds, to name a few. "There is simply no political benefit for the United States in invading Iraq." Buchanan's one-page contribution, though fine as far as it goes, is disappointingly brief, given that he's the star of the show. He too predicts that the United States will lose far more than it gains when it has to manage the chaotic postwar world. True enough, but what about the sheer cruelty and immorality of the war itself? This "pre-emptive" war will be what is called "a war of choice" rather than "a war of necessity." In a few weeks countless people, mostly Iraqi boys, are going to die violent deaths. They will be killed without justification. This should appall us even if it produced cost-free geopolitical profit for the United States. It's fine to show that your opponent is wrong even on his own premises, but the premises themselves should be openly challenged. Raimondo reminds us that the greatest anti-war movement in American history was not the liberal protest against the Vietnam War, but the America First Committee during the early phase of World War II. Its chief voices were conservative: John T. Flynn, Frank Chodorov, Robert W. McCormick, and Garet Garrett. Then as now, it was globalists, not patriots, who favored war. But there was this difference: from 1939 to 1941 a war was already under way, and nobody was proposing that the United States *start* it. The war the Bush crowd and the neoconservatives want would be a dangerous break with American tradition; hardly a "conservative" course. It took Pearl Harbor to scuttle the America First Committee -- a surprise so convenient for the Roosevelt administration that many still wonder whether Roosevelt himself was really surprised. Time will tell how truly THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE will keep the faith other "conservative" organs have abandoned, but it's off to an encouraging start. Wartime Journal (page 2) A liberal Republican congresswoman's campaign ad boasts that she "puts principle above politics." Translation: she votes with the Democrats. * * * The Reverend Jerry Falwell, a very nice man with a knack for putting his foot in it, has called the prophet Mohammed "a terrorist." This, as you may imagine, hasn't gone over too well in the Islamic world, where it has been widely broadcast. Falwell quickly backed off, saying he hadn't meant to offend law-abiding Muslims. Wonder what he'd have said if he *had* meant to offend. * * * Let's face it: Christianity and Islam are eternal enemies. Each makes uncompromising claims of exclusive truth. "I bring not peace, but a sword." But this doesn't mean that the imminent secularist-Zionist war on the Islamic world serves any Christian interest or deserves Christian support. This war won't be fought for Christian ends, much less by Christian methods. Most Christians and Muslims have learned to let sleeping dogs lie, which is about the only kind of peace we can hope for in this world. * * * What is "terrorism," anyway? Except in the West, it's really just another word for war as men have always waged it. Back when the West was Christendom, it tried to codify rules of "civilized" warfare, to spare noncombatants. A noble idea, but at odds with the nature of war, and even the West itself has found it hard to sustain (see World War II). In the rest of the world, it has never caught on. Most people still observe the logic of war: hurt your enemy any way you bloody well can, and don't fight on his terms or by his rules. Can we really get indignant when the Muslims, fighting the country that created nuclear weapons (and still keeps a few thousand in reserve), refuse to fight like Christian gentlemen? In short, we talk as if "terrorism" were a deviation, when in fact it's the norm. {{ If Iraq is, as President Bush insists, an "imminent threat" to the United States, and may strike us "at any time," why aren't we taking precautions (gas masks, bomb shelters, civil defense programs)? For the simple reason that nobody, including Bush himself, really believes Iraq has any intention of attacking us. }} * * * It's conventionally assumed that the Right is more patriotic than the Left, but that's now open to question. The Left opposes a war that could be disastrous for the United States, while the so-called Right wants that war chiefly because of its allegiance to Israel. Not that the Left goes in for flag-waving; it does tend to "blame America first." Still, America would be better off if it took the advice of the Left rather than that of the neoconservatives who have taken over the conservative movement. * * * Erika Harold of Illinois, a/k/a Miss America, has upset the officials of the annual pageant: she wants to promote chastity and opposes abortion. Once upon a time her views would have been presumed to be those of any decent American girl, especially a Miss America. Today they are deemed controversial and radical. Maybe in the future it should be stipulated that the venerable contest is open only to normal American sluts. Anyway, God bless Miss Harold. * * * A letter to the editor of the NEW YORK TIMES, published October 15: "A single sniper (perhaps with an accomplice) has created enormous fear and frustration in the Washington area for more than a week. The shooter has baffled the combined police forces of the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. If a lone terrorist can wreak such havoc locally, we should have second thoughts about the ease of defeating a large, amorphous terrorist movement globally. How can destroying Iraq accomplish this? (Signed) Joseph Sobran." Exclusive to the electronic version: As noted here previously, Patrick Buchanan warns us that the real threat to the West is not terrorism but demographics. Western women are ceasing to bear children, and the void is being filled by immigrants, many of them Muslim (especially in Europe). The anarchist philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe, otherwise strongly opposed to Buchanan, notes than since the introduction of the welfare state, the Western birth rate has fallen by half. Are the Races Equal? (pages 3-5) Though I don't pay much attention to sports anymore, I recently tuned in on the U.S. Open women's championship tennis match between the fabled Williams sisters, Venus and Serena. I was duly amazed. These two tall, muscular black girls, who serve at more than 100 miles per hour, have completely taken over what was once a genteel white people's game. The same night, I also watched a video of the "Thriller in Manila," the 1975 showdown between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. It was a punishing fight, stopped when Frazier couldn't answer the bell for the 15th round. Ali was supposed to be the boxer, Frazier the slugger, and nobody had expected Ali to win on power and endurance. Between the two events, the legendary heavyweight bout and the current tennis match, I was struck anew by the astonishing athletic dominance of the Negro, especially the American Negro. We hardly notice it now; we have come to take it for granted in almost every major sport. In just the past two years, for example, Barry Bonds has proved he is probably the greatest baseball player ever. How do you explain the overall superiority of such a small minority? Nature seems to win hands down over nurture. Sportsmen themselves seem to agree that blacks are physically designed for sports, with their long limbs and quick reflexes, and according to a recent book, scientific studies bear this out. The whole subject of heredity makes liberals nervous. It undermines their concept of equality, which holds not that all men are created equal in a moral sense, but that all men (and women) can be *made* equal by proper social engineering. Liberalism even tries to play down physical differences between the sexes. But all such doctrinaire thinking is dying fast. Specifically, liberals fear that if we admit that blacks are physically superior by nature, it's a short step to admitting that whites are likewise superior in intellect. They don't want nature invoked on behalf of the bogey of racism. Yet racial differences in intellectual performance seem just as stubborn as athletic ones. It's best not to be dogmatic about this as long as most people are educated in state schools, but it does seem to be the case. And Jews and Orientals generally excel non-Jewish whites in measurable mental skills. Efforts to narrow IQ gaps have had unimpressive results. Why should this be treated as scandalous, or even regrettable? It merely means that different people excel at different things. Aren't we supposed to delight in diversity? Actually, people who demand "diversity" don't usually like it when they see the real thing. Personally, I prefer the less tendentious word "variety." And when some people excel in certain skills, it follows that others will lag in them. Besides, black athletes are a source of racial pride. Would blacks give up the glory of their achievements if (supposing it were possible) they could have a higher average intelligence in exchange? Don't people really prefer distinction to equality? Isn't life simply more fun this way? Of course we are talking about possible hereditary edges, not absolute differences. No matter what the role of genetics, there are great white athletes and brilliant Negro intellectuals. And such differences as there are have no bearing on the rights in which people really are equal. As Jefferson argued, the genius of Isaac Newton gave him no claim to legal superiority over less intelligent people. The difference between Newton and others was nothing like the difference between man and beast. Liberal squeamishness about racial difference is odd. Of course liberals believe in equality, but they also believe in Darwin. If the races lived and developed separately for eons, shouldn't we expect them to differ in development? Wouldn't it, in fact, be strange if, over vast expanses of time, they all developed at exactly the same rate? Doesn't the idea of evolution itself challenge the idea of equality? Racialism seems a far more logical corollary of Darwin than egalitarianism. (Why don't creationists make this point in the dispute over teaching evolution in public schools?) For whatever reason, some racial differences are really stubborn. In their never-ending campaign to abolish them, liberals now condemn as racist the very color-blind, equal-opportunity policies they used to espouse. Today they demand "affirmative action," whose results aren't much better and create bitterness to boot. Both sides know that its unadmitted premise is contempt for Negro capacity to achieve. Affirmative action marks the end of liberal optimism about race. Why should anyone ever have expected blacks to duplicate the patterns of whites, anyway? The white race is as peculiar as other races. Are we troubled that the French don't match the Swiss in skiing, yodeling, and making chocolates? Maybe the Swiss just happen to enjoy these things more than the French do. There is no reason to treat their tastes as norms for others. Everyone knows that, when it comes to small matters; but we seem to forget it when it comes to education and jobs, where a socialist mentality takes over. Then we expect identical results of the most diverse people, and equality becomes the great imperative of public policy. But "equality" has a special meaning here. It doesn't mean judging people by the same standards; it means using the coercive power of the state to make people *uniform.* And since this is sheer fantasy, its pursuit can only mean increasing that coercive power indefinitely. "Civil rights" in this sense, means less and less personal liberty. To say that the races aren't equal is only to say that they aren't identical. Pretty obvious, except to the state and its liberal avatars. They won't give up on the principle of uniformity by force. And this requires a lot of motive-hunting, in order to make sure that "discrimination" is rooted out. Even when people are trying not to "discriminate," the term has to be redefined to prove that they aren't trying hard enough, or that they are discriminating "unconsciously," or otherwise evincing "patterns" of discrimination. And since a real pattern can only be judged against a putatively ideal pattern, this leads to racial quotas -- which everyone professes to oppose -- as the objective test of subjective compliance. Back on earth, races, like individuals, acquire reputations over time. Liberals call these reputations "prejudices" and "stereotypes," which to some extent they are; but they are also, in large part, empirical conclusions. They are like caricatures -- perhaps exaggerated, even cruel, but also recognizable. They are recognizable because patterns of group conduct are real. Whatever liberal etiquette may say, we all know them. Sometimes a government propaganda campaign can create prejudice and hatred against a racial group or social class, though it helps if there is antagonism to begin with. But unfavorable popular views about minorities also survive the most strenuous efforts of the state to eliminate them, because they so often spring from the direct personal experience of countless people. Jews often complain of the prejudice they have met in country after country-- England, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and now throughout the Arab world. But how could the same "prejudice" be shared by so many cultures? We're entitled to suspect that Jewish conduct has had at least something to do with causing such persistent unpopularity. Israel Shahak frankly examines the negative effect of Talmudic ethics on Jewish-gentile relations in his incisive book JEWISH RELIGION, JEWISH HISTORY. Orthodox Jews, who live by the Talmud, are about as far from liberal ideals as a race can get, and they are pretty remote from Christianity and Islam as well. Yet you have to admit that the Talmudic code has been a powerful cohesive, enabling the Jews to avoid the dissolution, cultural and racial, that is the lot of most ethnic groups over time. Today's Italians bear only traces of the ancient Romans, and much the same could probably be said of today's Greeks, Turks, and Arabs. The Talmud is therefore both divisive and cohesive, like a language, which enables its speakers to understand each other but appears as a "barrier" to those who don't speak it. A century ago there was a movement to create an invented "universal" language, Esperanto, with a simplified vocabulary and grammar (no irregular verbs!). It must have sounded like a good idea at the time, but it never caught on: it was a laboratory language without roots, history, memories, associations, fragrances -- all the things that really make a language what it is. Esperanto had no power to unify a real village, let alone the entire human race. Nobody could even gossip in it. We can't escape particularity. We all have to be something finite. Nobody can be everyone, or even anyone but himself, in all his tangled relations with the particular people who have produced him. Race may not be all of our destiny, but it's certainly close to it. It's more than mere genetics, but it's that too. It's one of the first things others perceive about us, and they are as entitled to their impressions of us as we are of them. And of course the first thing anyone notices about other races is that they are funny-looking. They also turn out to be funny in all sorts of ways. Humor is a good test of racial experience. Ethnic jokes are now as "off-color" as sexual jokes used to be, but also as inextinguishably popular, and they have their own rules. The chief rule is this: an ethnic joke must ring true. A joke about a Jewish mugger or a crooked Negro lawyer would fall flat, because these characters are outside normal experience. Of course part of the joke is that we know it exaggerates the very traits it makes fun of: we laugh at our own perceptions as well as their targets. The literal truth would be less amusing. On the other hand, it doesn't follow that because race is real and important, it's all-important. Too many racialists ignore prior questions about humanity itself. Do men have immortal souls? If so, it's hard to deny the essential rights of men of all races. Or are racial differences so significant that some races, for example, should be excluded from the Catholic priesthood? This is a very hard position for a Catholic to maintain, believing, as he must, that Christ died for all men. After the discovery of America, Catholic theologians did debate whether the American Indian was fully human. The dispute was soon settled in the affirmative, and missionaries commenced trying to convert the Indians. Meanwhile, the African slave trade boomed for centuries, despite papal condemnations of the grim conditions to which the Negro slaves were condemned. A huge number of them inevitably died in the passage to the New World in crowded, filthy ships, so that to participate in the trade at all was to be a party to murder. One needn't have believed in racial equality -- a novel notion in those days, after all -- to be revolted by the sheer cruelty of this form of commerce. Yet such humanitarian philosophers as John Locke and Voltaire enjoyed shares in the profits of the slave trade; Voltaire proudly accepted the honor of having a slave ship named for him. It can take men a depressingly long time to face the implications of their professed principles. In recent years the drive for equality between the sexes, modeled on the civil rights movement at its most excessive, has begun to peter out. It was too absurdly contrary to nature to be sustained. Women themselves killed it. Men, especially the "powerful white males" of feminist outrage, were only too ready to yield to its demands. (Bill Clinton was always "good on women's issues.") Here, if ever, was a case of people preferring distinction to equality. From early childhood, women revel in being women. They adorn themselves from top to toe, baffling men with their obsessive attention to hair, makeup, dress, jewelry, shoes, and even cosmetic surgery. Rare is the woman who would prefer to be a man; and men would rather not even think about the things that consume women, and of which women are such avid consumers. A unisex world is no more possible than a world of Esperanto-speakers; men might adapt to it, but women would never permit it. At any rate, neither sex took the feminists seriously; they were too obviously misfits, whose idea of a better world had nothing to do with this one. Despite its label, feminism was actually contempt for the feminine, a desire to remake women on a masculine model. And of course the unisex world, like any other fantasy, could only be approached (never realized) by applying enormous amounts of coercion. A million things would have to be forbidden, a million others enforced, exhausting even the resources of a totalitarian state. The final result would be a dull universal slavery. At bottom, egalitarianism must always mean a regime of limitless force. More ambitious even than feminism, and therefore more absurd, is the animal rights movement. Here we should distinguish sharply between a thoughtful plea for a more humane dominion over animals (Matthew Scully's book on the subject -- see my column of October 1, which is reprinted in this issue and which is available at -- is actually titled DOMINION) and the doctrinaire extremes of Peter Singer, author of ANIMAL LIBERATION. Singer actually defends the killing of newborn infants, on grounds that they haven't yet achieved sentience, whereas he opposes killing any sentient animal. It's obvious where this leads. If animals have the same rights as people, then not only must man refrain from violating those rights himself, he may have a duty to police the entire animal world (including the ocean depths) to prevent the beasts from preying on each other. Such an enterprise, need we say, could cut sharply into the Social Security fund. Not only would the carnivores be hard to convince (will the lion, having tasted the antelope, settle for soybeans?); the equality of the sexes would be a hard sell for almost any species, particularly those insects that devour their mates. It all goes to show that if you really want equality, you must be prepared to exert a good deal of force. The quest for equal rights has barely begun. Hannibal and the Kids (page 6) Aristotle, in his POLITICS, argues that some sentiments are just too base to be uttered in the theater, even if they may suit the character who says them. The theater, after all, serves a pedagogical function, and citizens shouldn't become used to hearing indecorous emotions expressed in public. Even popular entertainment should be elevated. The Greeks dealt with extremes of human behavior -- Orestes, Oedipus, and Medea certainly pushed the limits -- but they kept the violence offstage. We've come a long way since then. I don't go to the movies much anymore, and when I do it's usually to blockbusters I don't really expect to enjoy; I just want to keep up with what everyone is talking about. I wait for the more critically acclaimed films to come out on video. So it was that I recently ventured to see RED DRAGON, the latest Hannibal Lecter film and the third starring the great Sir Anthony Hopkins. In its first weekend it was the biggest hit in the country. An earlier version of the film, MANHUNTER, cast someone else as Lecter and doesn't really count as part of the series. The role belongs completely to Hopkins. The first film in the series, SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (1991), was gory enough, and well done; it was a huge hit and won bushels of awards. For all its violence and absurdity, it featured a riveting pair of characters: Hopkins as Lecter and Jodie Foster as the FBI agent who enlists his help, from his prison cell, in solving a series of gruesome murders. Lecter, the psychotic psychiatrist, doubled as villain and Sherlock Holmes, presumably possessing special insight into his fellow serial-killer. After a most distinguished career playing Shakespeare and whatnot, Hopkins became instantly world-famous in this melodramatic gag. He was a monster with snob appeal: a gourmet anthropophagite with a polished accent, a love of the fine arts, and vast erudition, all implying, for the groundlings, anyway, a profound mind. The black joke was a play on two senses of "taste" -- the cannibal as connoisseur. Nothing but the best for his palate! And it was funny the first time. The second Lecter film, HANNIBAL (1998), was a sloppy effort that had the sole merit, to call it that, of outdoing its predecessor in grossness: Lecter, having broken out of prison and living in Florence, home of the fine arts, stir-fried a bit of his living victim's brain (the top of the skull having been delicately removed) and fed it to him. I found this too silly to be shocking. The film was straining for an effect that wasn't worth achieving. The story of RED DRAGON takes place before the events of SILENCE; in an early scene we see Lecter, in his posh home, serving a posh dinner to posh guests who don't realize that the exquisite entree -- surprise! -- is a friend of theirs. He happens to be a musician in a symphony orchestra, whose disappearance has baffled the police; needless to say, they discuss his absence as they eat what we know at once are his remains. (The film is perhaps overly generous with clues for the audience.) The play on "taste" is wearing thin. A brilliant young detective (Edward Norton) whom Lecter has befriended solves the crime in Lecter's own leather-bound library, and Lecter goes to the slammer (with a few of his books). We arrive at the status quo ante. But this time the chief villain (Ralph Fiennes) is an admirer of Lecter who, while commendably eschewing cannibalism, makes up for it with singular cruelty. He slaughters whole families, and we are treated to close- ups of his victims, children and all, with their eyes gouged out. His motive? Ah, only the perverse genius of Dr. Lecter can fathom such things, so the detective repairs to his prison cell for counsel. But before you know it, the prey has become predator, with the treacherous Lecter's help. The maniacal killer learns where the detective lives and is soon holding a shiny butcher knife to the detective's little boy's eyeball. That's entertainment! Of course the killer has no motive, any more than Lecter does, except to do inexplicably nasty things which, we are to believe, can only be referred to psychiatric "science." Fiennes goes through the film acting tortured -- inner demons, you know -- but his character doesn't even have the thin explanation of good taste. It's just a device for revolting, and scaring, the audience. It revolts, but it doesn't scare. A thriller is only as good as its villain, and this is a villain you can't imagine meeting in real life. Nor does he appeal to the imagination, even in the meretricious way Lecter does. The only fright the viewer feels is uneasiness at the prospect of seeing another child mutilated. This sort of thing doesn't require a lot of creativity. But judging by the box office, it's America's idea of a good time. Carving up kids before your eyes may open new vistas for Hollywood, which has here sunk to depths beneath pornography. NUGGETS {{ Text dropped for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. }} YOU AGAIN! Alan Dershowitz, America's Number One Pest, has written a new book on how to fight terrorism. Among his recommendations: the government should issue "torture warrants," authorizing such measures as sticking needles under the fingernails of suspected terrorists. Yes, this is "Alan Dershowitz, famed civil liberties activist." (At least that's what the press called him when his chief passion was defending pornographers.) It sometimes takes an effort to remind oneself that under our legal system, no defendant may be presumed guilty just because Dershowitz is representing him. (page 5) THE GOOD OLD DAYS (CONT'D): In retrospect, the Ayatollah Khomeini seems like a pretty reasonable fellow, doesn't he? (page 8) KUDOS: And may God also bless the Ludwig von Mises Institute, which for 20 years now has been promoting freedom without compromise. I make it my habit to start the day by reading its excellent website, Congratulations to Lew Rockwell {{ for carrying on the work of von Mises and the late, great Murray Rothbard, both of whom would be justly proud of their brilliant, dauntless disciple. }} (page 10) THE RETURNS ARE IN: Saddam Hussein has been re-elected president of Iraq, with 100 per cent of the popular vote. Western pundits scoff, but if he was running against his sons the figures are quite plausible. By all accounts, they make the old man look like St. Francis of Assisi (their hobbies include rape and torture), and admirers of Saddam can only find them ... well, disappointing. {{ He has evidently failed to inculcate his finer qualities. Perhaps the Iraqi electorate, in their wisdom, have decided that his WMDs must not fall into the wrong hands. }} (page 12) Exclusive to the electronic version: MISNOMER: The NEW YORK POST dubbed our Beltway killer "the Psycho-Sniper." The desire to insult this monster is understandable, but why assume he's a mental case? It's a glib diagnosis, and it inadvertently implies he could offer an insanity defense. If he's crazy, after all, maybe he's more to be pitied than censured. But pity for this guy seems a bit premature. At this writing, he's threatening to kill children. CRAZY KIM: North Korea, the forgotten member of the Axis of Evil, now tells us it already has nuclear weapons. Pre-emptive war, anyone? By President Bush's logic, destroying the present North Korean arsenal should be even more urgent than preventing Iraq from getting nukes some time in the future. You can hardly argue that Kim Jong Il is a more sane and responsible leader than Saddam Hussein. Neoconservatives used to distinguish, with reason, between "authoritarian" rulers, who merely quashed political opposition while leaving most social institutions alone, and "totalitarian" rulers, who exercised tyranny over every aspect of social life -- religion, the family, art, education, commerce, you name it. Hussein clearly belongs to the former category, Kim to the latter. But the distinction seems to have been forgotten. Or purposely laid aside. REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * Before It Was a Sausage (October 1, 2002) * Why Not War? (October 3, 2002) * Drugs and the Law (October 10, 2002) * Taking Care of Peewee (October 15, 2002) * Anarchy without Fear (October 17, 2002) * The Law of Force (October 22, 2002) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2002 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]