SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month November 2003 Volume 10, Number 11 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year; $85 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-281-1609 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. CONTENTS Features -> The Neocon Heresy -> Current Notes (plus Exclusives to this edition) -> The Jackson Heresy -> Recognizing Evil Nuggets (plus Exclusives to this edition) List of Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES {{ Material dropped from features or changed solely for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. Emphasis is indicated by the presence of asterisks around the emphasized words.}} The Neocon Heresy (page 1) In ROGUE NATION: AMERICAN UNILATERALISM AND THE FAILURE OF GOOD INTENTIONS (Basic Books), Clyde Prestowitz argues that the United States has needlessly alienated much of the rest of the world, including its traditional allies. He thinks the problem has gotten worse during the Bush administration, particularly with its misguided war on Iraq, the occupation of which should be terminated as soon as feasible. We're used to hearing this sort of talk from liberals, but Prestowitz is a self-identified conservative who believes the U.S. Government has permitted "its view of reality to be distorted by intensely self-interested groups ... [and] key positions [to be] occupied by dedicated minorities that are sometimes heavily influenced by foreign elements whose interests are directly at odds with those of the United States." Chief among these foreign interests are those of Israel. "Unless the lobbies and the Congress and the White House wake up," he warns, "the prospect is for the United States to pour more billions of dollars into expansion of Israeli settlements. This policy will catalyze violence and lead to brutal reprisal that will bring more global disdain for the United States." "The imperial project of the so-called neoconservatives," Prestowitz goes on, "is not conservatism at all but radicalism, egotism, and adventurism articulated in the stirring rhetoric of traditional patriotism. Real conservatives have never been messianic or doctrinaire." The neoconservative foreign policy, resulting in bigger government and stupendous spending, "is neither conservatism nor liberalism but simple irresponsibility." The Iraq war has been a mixed blessing for the neocons. The very fact that it occurred is a mark of their success and inordinate influence, in the media and in government. But this has also brought them publicity and unaccustomed scrutiny. As the occupation has gone sour and the official reasons for war have been exposed as dubious or worse, much of the blame has fallen on the small cabal of pro-Israel neocon intellectuals who were pushing for war on Iraq long before 9/11 and all that. {{ As Prestowitz suggests, the term "neoconservatism" is misleading. Neoconservatism has little to do with traditional conservatism; in fact, the two things are almost opposites. The neocons aren't interested in such conservative principles as prudence, limited government, and constitutional order. I learned long ago that the quickest way to get yawns and puzzled stares at neocon gatherings is to mention the Tenth Amendment. }} {{ What the neocons *are* interested in is power. I don't just mean that they want it for themselves, ambitious as they are; I mean that they exemplify the type Michael Oakeshott warned against when he said that some people can only see government as "a vast reservoir of power," which inspires them to use the state for pet projects (such as war). Oakeshott contrasted this view with conservatism, which sees governing as disinterested umpiring between clashing desires. }} Within the conservative movement, the neocons are like those liberals and pragmatists within Christian churches who want to ignore or even discard ancient dogmas. For "progressive" Christians, the old doctrines -- the Redemption, the Resurrection, and the rest -- are inessential and disposable; the real action is elsewhere, in current concerns, and the Church must be where the action is. But for the orthodox, those doctrines are the very essence of Christian faith, and without them there is no point in calling yourself Christian. The two sides have opposing, and irreconcilable, views of the Church's raison d'etre. In the same way, the neocons deny the centrality of the values conservatives have generally seen as defining and indispensable. They don't so much reject those values as fail to see why anyone should attach much importance to them. It's not as if any principle were at stake, is it? So we have the oddity of two sides talking at cross- purposes and imagining they're the same side. Current Notes (page 2) Arnold Schwarzenegger, a baptized Catholic, is married to Maria Shriver, niece of the first Catholic U.S. president. Yet nobody thinks it's noteworthy that he's pro-abortion and generally liberal on "social issues." Hard to recall that John Kennedy's religion was the most intensely discussed topic of the 1960 campaign. Many Protestants feared that the Vatican would rule America through the Kennedys. Yet as Arnold's gubernatorial candidacy and win show, the real effect of the Kennedy era was not just to promote tolerance, but to trivialize religion in American public life. The real Kennedy legacy is that nobody now need worry that Catholic politicians will stand for any Catholic principles. * * * We can go further. To read any current textbook, you'd never guess that religion had ever played an important role in American history, society, or culture. Because today's secularism ignores it, you get the impression that Americans have always ignored it. Most people would be amazed to learn, for example, that many of the best-selling books of the nineteenth century were volumes of sermons. Until the 1960s, even lots of Hollywood's biggest hits were films with religious themes: GOING MY WAY, THE SONG OF BERNADETTE, QUO VADIS, THE ROBE, THE NUN'S STORY, A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS, and several versions of BEN-HUR, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, and KING OF KINGS, not to mention many others with Christian undercurrents. * * * Case in point: ON THE WATERFRONT, directed by the recently deceased Elia Kazan, starring Marlon Brando as a young dockworker who wrestles with his conscience over whether to testify against a corrupt labor union. The film is a melodrama, but it's full of religious symbols, and Brando's better angel is a priest, forcefully played by Karl Malden. Kazan, widely hated in Hollywood for testifying against his own Communist former friends, had the audacity to portray informing as a courageous -- and Christian -- act. * * * Less than six months after a popular military victory, George W. Bush's approval ratings are plunging and Iraq has become a tar baby. The reasons he gave for going to war now ring so hollow that he has been forced to change his tune somewhat; those Iraqi WMDs still haven't been found. Nor has the rest of the Axis of Evil been deterred: Iran still has a nuclear program, and North Korea says it's stepping up its own nuke production. Meanwhile, as attacks on occupation troops increase, Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, says, "The enemy has evolved -- a little bit more lethal, a little more complex, a little more sophisticated, and in some cases a little bit more tenacious. The evolution is about what we expected to see over time." Maybe so, but that's not what the American public was led to expect. It sounds as if the "evolution" really means that the resistance is something quite distinct from the original enemy -- neither Saddam Hussein's loyalists nor al-Qaeda, but a popular movement that didn't exist when all this started. * * * So once again our government has succeeded in making itself -- and us -- new enemies. It defines these enemies as "terrorists," then cites them as justification for the "war on terrorism." * * * Don't forget to tell your friends about SOBRAN'S! May we also suggest gift subscriptions for Christmas or Kwanzaa? Exclusive to the electronic version: Rush Limbaugh may have been wrong, unfair, and out of line in charging that the media have been overrating quarterback Donovan McNabb because he's black. I can't judge. But the National Football League has invited such suspicions with its affirmative action program, under which the Detroit Lions were fined $200,000 for hiring a white coach without interviewing a black candidate first. If you make race a job qualification, what is more natural than for others to wonder whether people are being favored because of their race? As usual, liberals want to have it both ways. * * * Limbaugh also got in trouble on another front: purchasing prescription drugs illegally. Zev Chafets of New York's DAILY NEWS scores him for supporting the Federal Government's War on Drugs, which is currently incarcerating more than 400,000 people in the United States. Most of these are "luckless nobodies," Chafets observes -- not violent criminals, but young black and Hispanic men who can't afford good lawyers. Few whites who violate drug laws (and the majority of offenders are white) face prison sentences. He hopes Limbaugh will learn from his own experience and pipe up against this iniquity. I heartily agree. The Jackson Heresy (pages 3-5) What most Americans call the Civil War, many Southerners still prefer to call the War Between the States, since it wasn't a civil war in the sense of a struggle for supremacy between two rival factions. Others call it the War of Northern Aggression; still others, the War for Southern Independence. It might also be called the War *Against* the States, since its ground and result was the denial of state sovereignty. Most Northerners failed to see that if the Union won, their own states would lose the status of "Free and Independent States" claimed for them by the Declaration of Independence. The stage was set for the war by an unlikely figure: Andrew Jackson. Old Hickory was a fierce, Jeffersonian advocate of states' rights who took a severe view of the limits of Federal power. One of his chief presidential accomplishments was the abolition of the first national bank of the United States, which he believed (as Jefferson had) to be beyond the constitutional power of the Federal Government. In his first inaugural address (1829), Jackson promised, "in regard to the rights of the separate States," that he would be "animated by a proper respect for those sovereign [!] members of our Union, taking care not to confound the powers they have reserved to themselves with those they have granted to the Confederacy" (a synonym, then, for the Union). In his second inaugural address (1833) he pledged to veto measures which threatened to "encroach upon the rights of the States or tend to consolidate all political power in the General Government." The Federal Government, he emphasized, should exercise "those powers only that are clearly delegated [to it]." How, then, could Jackson pave the way for Abraham Lincoln's war on the states? Well, he did so. During the Nullification crisis of 1832, he set forth the doctrine that Lincoln would invoke in his own first inaugural address in 1861. Bitterly angry at the "Tariff of Abominations," which protected Northern industry at the expense of Southern cotton interests, South Carolina threatened to resist collection of the tariff within its borders. This step was the brainchild of Senator John C. Calhoun, formerly Jackson's vice president. Calhoun adopted the logic of Jefferson's 1798 Kentucky Resolutions, which asserts the right of any state to declare any act of the Federal Government null and void on its territory if the state deems the act unconstitutional. If the Federal Government tried to enforce the tariff, South Carolina warned that it would resist with force. Then it would leave the Union. Jackson was not a man to take this sitting down. He was the most autocratic of American presidents, and a remarkably tough hombre before whom hardened criminals quailed. He had fought more than 70 duels; once a doctor had cut a bullet from his shoulder (this was before anesthetics, of course) and he had returned immediately to work. Whatever his abstract principles, Jackson would hear none of this secession talk. He announced that he was prepared to invade South Carolina to compel submission. But there was more. The issues at stake aroused the country. A memorable debate was held in the U.S. Senate. Robert Hayne of South Carolina made the Jeffersonian case for states' rights and secession. Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, the most powerful orator of the time, answered with a resounding pair of replies, the second of which became a classic for its great peroration, "Liberty and Union, now and for ever, one and inseparable!" Northern schoolboys would declaim these words for generations. But eloquence is not logic. Jackson made his own reply in a proclamation denying the state sovereignty he had once acknowledged. Contrary to Jefferson, he argued, the Union was no mere agreement among the states; it was the creation of the American people as a whole, and no state could break it. The Union was older than the Constitution itself -- a theme Lincoln would later adopt. Sovereignty belonged to the people, not to the individual states. The Union was "indesoluble" (Jackson, like Lincoln, was an erratic speller), unless the people as a whole chose to dissolve it. South Carolina's threatened resistance to the laws of the Union was "treason." The Constitution, Jackson asserted, "forms a *government,* not a league." It makes the United States "a single nation," whose member states do not "possess any right to secede." The states gave up "essential parts of sovereignty" in "becoming parts of a nation." Jackson was rejecting the whole states' rights philosophy Jefferson had set forth in the Kentucky Resolutions. He was also adopting the nationalist or "consolidationist" philosophy of Jefferson's enemies, Alexander Hamilton and John Marshall, according to which the American people had, in ratifying the Constitution, bestowed irrevocable sovereignty, including vast "implied powers," on the Federal Government. Jackson took a narrower view than these men had of the implied powers, but when push came to shove, he thought, the Federal Government had to be boss. Jackson was enraged when he learned that Calhoun, even as his vice president, had secretly led the nullifiers and secessionists. He privately roared that he should have hanged Calhoun. Soon the breach became open, and Calhoun emerged as the great Southern spokesman of the age, carrying the torch of Jefferson for the sovereign states. Robert V. Remini, Jackson's recent biographer, writes, "[Jackson] was the first American statesman to offer the doctrine of the Union as a perpetual entity. His arguments and conclusions provide a complete brief against the right of a state to secede. In terms of constitutional arguments, Jackson's statement is far greater than Daniel Webster's more famous reply to Hayne. Webster relied on a sentimental appeal, arguing for the Union 'as a blessing to mankind.' Jackson went beyond sentiment. He offered history and a dynamic new reading of constitutional law." Remini adds, "President Jackson marks an important break with the past. He is the first and only statesman of the early national period to deny publicly the right of secession. Secession was a doctrine no longer in keeping with a democratic society, no longer congenial to the idea of 'a Federal Union founded upon the great principle of popular representation.' Whether at some point in time secession had any validity no longer mattered. It was a dead issue as far as Old Hickory was concerned, annihilated by the historical evolution of a democratic society." It was a break with the past, all right. Remini's words -- "new," "dynamic," "first," "no longer," "at some point in time," and "historical evolution" -- admit, approvingly, that Jackson's doctrine was an innovation, a departure from the original consensus. He was asserting that the states were not, and never had been, the "Free and Independent States" Jefferson had insisted they continued to be under the Constitution. Jackson would have disdained Remini's defense of him. That defense rests on the modern view -- variously called historicist, relativist, et cetera -- that principles "evolve," so that what is "true" for one age may be false for the next, and no truths can be self-evident, permanent, or eternal. Jackson was still Jeffersonian enough to reject this confused nonsense, which hardly deserves to be called a doctrine. He didn't think the right of secession was outdated; he denied that it had ever existed, or could exist, at all. Jackson's position split his own party, and even Webster was shocked by his threat to make war on South Carolina. As Hamilton, no champion of states' rights, had said, "To coerce the States is one of the maddest projects that was ever devised." Late in his life Webster went back on his own arguments, agreeing that if the Northern states should violate the Constitution "deliberately, habitually, and of fixed purpose ... the South would no longer be bound to observe the compact. A bargain can not be broken on one side, and still bind the other side." Congress obliged Jackson by passing a Force Bill authorizing him to coerce South Carolina, if necessary, but both sides backed away from a bloody settlement and reached a compromise on the tariff. Still, in point of history, Jackson's idea of national sovereignty was wrong. Sovereignty belonged, by general agreement, to the people of the separate states. Madison, even when he shared Hamilton's hope for a stronger central government and weaker states, spoke of the states as "thirteen sovereignties." In the political literature of the founding period, the Union was usually called a "voluntary confederation" (or "confederacy") and the states were almost monotonously described as "free, sovereign, and independent." America might be spoken of as "the nation," but the United States were merely a limited confederation, each member retaining its sovereignty. The Constitution itself had never referred to the United States as a nation or denied state sovereignty. As an agreement between the states, it was often called a "compact" -- even at times by Webster, who later forgot, when attacking the compact theory, that he himself had used the term. As Jefferson Davis would point out, the Constitution stipulated that ratification would make it binding "between" the states, not *over* the states. The Federal Government was not endowed with sovereignty; that, the states kept. As Davis and others argued, sovereignty was crucial, and it couldn't be surrendered by mere implication. The Tenth Amendment made plain the principle that the states gave up *nothing* by implication. This was to be a central issue in the controversies leading up to the War Between the States. Jackson's most important disciple would be Abraham Lincoln. Before becoming president, Lincoln was guarded in his views on secession. He created a nationwide agony of tension with his four-month silence on the subject between his election and his inauguration. But as he prepared his first inaugural address, he studied Jackson's words on sovereignty and secession with the utmost care. The result was not Lincoln's greatest speech, but it was certainly his most significant. Despite its conciliatory and euphemistic expression, the South correctly took it as a threat of war. It was the full fruit of Jackson's heresy. Echoing Jackson, Lincoln held that the Union was even older than the Constitution -- older than the Declaration of Independence itself -- and was "perpetual" and indissoluble. No state could secede from it under the Constitution. There could be no compromise on that. Still, he promised not to invade the states, not to interfere with slavery where it existed already, and not to take any military action beyond what was necessary to secure Federal property. But, he warned, he was bound by his oath of office to preserve the Union. In fact, he was not. His oath required him to uphold the Constitution; it said nothing about preserving the Union. The Constitution granted no power, either to Congress or the president, to prevent secession. Federal forces could be sent into a state only if the state requested them. Lincoln committed the fallacy of confusing the Federal Government with the Constitution. For him, abiding by the Constitution meant maintaining, or submitting to, the government. He thus identified the Constitution with a concrete body of power, regardless of whether that power was actually being used according to the terms of the Constitution. By this Jacksonian logic, "saving the Union" might justify or require *violating* the Constitution. Lincoln later came close to saying as much: "Are all the laws, *but one,* to go unexecuted, and the government itself go to pieces, lest that one be violated?" One Ohio congressman ridiculed this question by quoting an Irish politician who said, "We must stand prepared to sacrifice a part of the Constitution, or even the whole of it, in order to save the remainder!" Lincoln stood prepared to sacrifice as much of the Constitution as necessary. Here were "implied powers" with a vengeance. If his highest duty was to "preserve the Union" -- by preventing secession -- then he might have to assume any powers necessary to that end, no matter what the Constitution itself said. In the name of saving the Union, the Constitution, self-government, and liberty itself, Lincoln, in the words of Harry V. Jaffa (quoted here last month), "discovered the reservoir of constitutional power contained within that presidential oath." He "discovered," inter alia, his power to arrest state legislators and other elected officials; to suspend habeas corpus; to raise, deploy, and finance an army without consulting Congress; to postpone elections indefinitely; to close hundreds of dissenting newspapers and arrest thousands of critics; to install puppet military governments directly answerable to himself; and to rig elections to ensure the victory of "loyal" forces. Jaffa thinks that all these measures were not only justified, but fully consistent with Jefferson's principles! They may not look much like constitutional rule or self-government, but at least they are logical -- if you accept the premise that the Federal Government is sovereign and a president's supreme duty is to prevent secession. The problem is that this proves far too much. The supposed duty to prevent secession -- which can only be an *implied* duty, since the Constitution says absolutely nothing about it -- can obviously generate an indefinite number of "implied" powers for that purpose. The powers in Lincoln's "reservoir" are already far broader, and far more numerous, than the presidential powers expressly granted in the Constitution. As his critics observed in his own time, they are arbitrary and dictatorial, often directly transgressing the Constitution's letter. In effect, Lincoln claimed a constitutional power to suspend the Constitution. In his inaugural address, he remarked that no government had ever provided for its own termination. Yet he thought the Constitution virtually provided for its own destruction; which is what he finally achieved. Lincoln's administration brought to an end the voluntary confederation of sovereign states. Here was the answer to Webster's cry: liberty and Union proved anything but "inseparable." Jefferson Davis called his memoirs THE RISE AND FALL OF THE CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT. His treatment of secession amounts to a full and brilliant expansion, a hundred pages long, of the Kentucky Resolutions, one that Jefferson would have been proud and grateful to have inspired. An equally apt title would have been THE RISE AND FALL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Recognizing Evil (page 6) Orson Welles once recalled meeting Adolf Hitler at a dinner party before Hitler came to power. Asked what impression the future dictator made on him, Welles said, in effect, None at all. Hitler struck him as a totally uninteresting personality, a blank. Welles's remarks came to mind when I heard that the legendary film director Leni Riefenstahl had died at 101. Her death was greeted with predictable sermons asking how she could have lent her great talent to glorifying evil. This is of course a reference to her most famous film, TRIUMPH OF THE WILL, an ecstatic record of the 1934 Nuremburg Party Convention that is widely considered, as one film historian puts it, "the most powerful propaganda film ever made." Riefenstahl insisted to the end that the film was a documentary, not propaganda. She denied that she was ever a Nazi or (as sometimes rumored) Hitler's mistress. After World War II she spent four years in and out of prison on various charges, chiefly supplying Nazi propaganda -- never mind that her two films that became notorious (the other was OLYMPIA, a brilliant documentary of the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games) were produced long before the war. She was eventually exonerated, but her career in film was over. (She did make a final short documentary shortly before her hundredth birthday.) There is no use denying that TRIUMPH OF THE WILL is, and was meant to be, a thrilling piece of work. It conveys Hitler's appeal to a Germany still recovering from the defeat of World War I; yet it's not at all what we expect Nazi propaganda to be like, after decades of fanatical anti-Nazi propaganda (which has never relented). There is no Jew-baiting in it; in fact, no mention of Jews at all. Instead, there is an impression of innocence, of ordinary Germans letting their hair down and having a lot of fun. The early reels, for example, show men in bathing suits playfully squirting each other with hoses, to background oom-pah music. When the ceremonies begin, we see Nazi dignitaries giving speeches whose theme is national regeneration and hope. The dark side of National Socialism is yet to emerge. Subsequent history has made it hard to see the film in the spirit in which Riefenstahl made it. She shows Hitler and his ensemble as they must have seemed to their adherents at the beginning -- not so different from the way Franklin Roosevelt must have seemed to Democrats at the same time, as they hailed him with "Happy Days Are Here Again." Which raises the question, What if Hitler had won the war? What if Germany had devastated, conquered, and occupied America and Russia? What if Joseph Goebbels had controlled the postwar propaganda that saturated the Western world? In that case, Roosevelt and his cronies, not the Nazis, might have become the symbols of ultimate evil. Roosevelt's bombing of cities, his efforts to develop nuclear weapons of mass destruction, his filthy alliance with the unspeakable Stalin, and much more would have made this view plausible. The world would have seen grisly photographs not of German concentration camps, but of the Gulag Archipelago. The great lesson would have been not the horrid effects of racism, but those of worshiping the idol of equality. And the postwar purges would have targeted the followers of Roosevelt and Stalin. How, men would ask, could anyone have supported these manifest monsters? We can imagine aging liberals, Communists, and fellow-travelers being hunted to their graves. Popular movie directors like Frank Capra might have been hanged as "war criminals" for producing American propaganda. Ordinary Democrats would tearfully confess their guilt, insist that they never knew what Roosevelt was doing, or deny they'd ever really been all that enthusiastic about him anyway. But as Welles's words imply, evil men aren't always easy to pick out at their first appearance. In fact, they may give no outward indication of their latent capacity for evil. In 1935 there was no reason to suppose that Hitler would be remembered as an ogre; Roosevelt struck his early critics as no more than a cheerful mediocrity. Nobody could imagine what he would later do. Much the same is true of Stalin. He was able to succeed Lenin because he didn't inspire the kind of fear the dynamic Trotsky stirred in their Communist colleagues. {{ (Nikita Khrushchev would later succeed Stalin because his peers regarded him as a harmless buffoon.) }} Today Hitler and Stalin are infamous, but a new book by the publisher Conrad Black bears the title FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT: CHAMPION OF FREEDOM. Nearly 60 years after his squalid death, Roosevelt is still lionized. Liberal historians like Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. and Doris Kearns Goodwin hail him as the greatest man of the twentieth century. If World War II had ended differently, the world might still have lost all sense of proportion -- it generally does -- but it would probably have done so in an entirely different way. And Leni Riefenstahl might have gone on to make dozens of other brilliant films. NUGGETS AS OTHERS SEE US: Maybe it isn't Puccini or Wagner, but JERRY SPRINGER -- THE OPERA is packing 'em in over in London. And it says here it's soon coming to Broadway. According to one witness, it "mercilessly satirizes Americans as grossly fat, oversexed, foul-mouthed exhibitionists." (page 7) HE MADE 'EM LAUGH: Death can be such a damned shame, especially when it strikes down the young. But also when it takes someone like Donald O'Connor, who, though technically 78 when he died, will live forever as Gene Kelly's madcap youthful pal in SINGIN' IN THE RAIN. Who next? Mickey Rooney? Heaven forbid. (page 8) EXPLAINING TERRORISM: A suicide bomber in Israel has killed 19 people, in addition to herself. The killer was a 29-year-old woman who had just graduated from law school. Israeli authorities are blaming Yassir Arafat for the incident. There may be another explanation: in June she watched as Israeli troops killed her brother and cousin at her family home. (page 8) TRUE ENOUGH: "There are no affairs which men so much seek to cover up as public affairs." -- G.K. Chesterton (page 11) Exclusive to the electronic version: READY FOR HIGH OFFICE? On the eve of California's recall vote, allegations that Arnold Schwarzenegger groped lots of women decades ago brought gasps of horror from Democrats who were recently forgiving Bill Clinton for groping women in the Oval Office. Such behavior is outrageous, but at least Arnold wasn't carrying a Bible when he did it. REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * A King in Close-up (September 16, 2003) * Lowly Origins (September 18, 2003) * The Night I Met Gwyneth Paltrow (September 23, 2003) * Nutty Patriotism (September 25, 2003) * A New Constitution -- Coming Up! (September 30, 2003) * Looking Back at Reagan (October 2, 2003) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. 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