SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month December 2003 Volume 10, Number 12 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year; $85 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-281-1609 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. CONTENTS Features -> The Passion according to Gibson -> The Passing Scene -> Taxation through the Ages -> Sacraments and Sodomy Letters to the Editor List of Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES The Passion according to Gibson (page 1) {{ Material dropped from features or changed solely for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. Emphasis is indicated by the presence of asterisks around the emphasized words.}} After following the months of controversy, I was invited to attend a special preview screening of Mel Gibson's film THE PASSION, a reenactment of the Crucifixion, with Jim Caviezil as Christ and a large cast of little-known actors speaking entirely in Aramaic and Latin. The film {{ as I saw it }} was still incomplete, awaiting final editing for its February release. First, as to the controversy. One liberal Catholic critic, who hadn't even seen the film, flatly predicted, after reading an early script, that THE PASSION will "incite violence" against Jews. Preposterous. It's the most distressingly violent film I've ever seen, all right; but virtually all the violence is directed against its principal character. And far from inflaming the audience, the film shows physical cruelty as unspeakably ugly. {{ When the screening ended, the preview audience sat in stunned, chastened silence. }} Caviezil isn't the candied Christ Hollywood usually offers, but an earthy and believable man. We first see him in the dark garden of Gethsemane, praying in deep anguish. He is in terror of the ordeal to come. But he knows it must come. I was reminded of Chesterton's remark that whereas other religions praise God for his infinite power, goodness, justice, and mercy, only Christianity has given him credit for courage. After his arrest, we see Jesus brought before the pompous, opulently dressed Sanhedrin, who are determined to convict him on any pretext. He maintains his dignity and speaks sharply. But of course the verdict is foreordained. Then we see him taken before Pilate, the most complex character in the film. Bald and stocky, with protruding ears, he seems a reasonable man who wants to govern responsibly. He knows Jesus is innocent and he doesn't like the situation; he must deal with unruly Jews on both sides. Hoping to appease the mob without capitulating, he orders Jesus to be scourged. The whipping seems to go on forever, and is the most painful part of the film to watch. The Roman soldiers whip Jesus mercilessly, mocking him as they do their work with relish and glee. {{ His back is in ribbons and the floor is smeared with his blood. }} Just when it seems that cruelty has reached its limit, the soldiers bring out their nastiest whips, with metal-tipped thongs to tear his flesh even worse. Then they place a crown of thorns on his head, pounding it to draw blood from his scalp. Pilate is outraged at his men's excess, just as he is disgusted by the Jewish leaders' legalism. He makes no secret of his feelings, and you find yourself hoping he will call a halt. But his appeasement hasn't worked, and the crowd's mood is dangerous. Reluctantly, while trying to disown responsibility, he collapses and turns the exhausted Jesus over to be crucified. Throughout, Gibson uses flashbacks to show Jesus in childhood, in affectionate conversation with his mother, and in familiar Gospel scenes, including the Last Supper. The physical details are abundantly and arrestingly observed. The world of the Gospels seems palpable, and the false notes are few (maybe the final version will correct some of them). {{ Jesus staggers and falls several times as he is forced to carry his cross to Golgotha. The Crucifixion itself, though also bloody, is relatively brief. Gibson also shows, to great dramatic effect, the agony of Mary as she watches her son being tortured to death. We see the Apostles, terrified, demoralized, bewildered, abandoning Jesus almost as if there is nothing else they can do. They still don't realize that this is what he was he was preparing them for all along. }} Nothing remotely like THE PASSION has ever been filmed. I can only say that it leaves me at a loss for superlatives. The Passing Scene (page 2) In his November 6 speech to the National Endowment for Democracy, President Bush proclaimed "a new policy, a forward strategy of freedom in the Middle East." Equating "democracy" with "liberty" and "freedom," he said America will promote democracy throughout the region. The speech is confusing to read, a melange of lofty generalizations that would embarrass Woodrow Wilson; and of course Bush, unlike Wilson, doesn't write his own speeches, which makes it hard to gauge his sincerity. How much of this is the ventriloquist, and how much the dummy? Nothing is defined very well, but "democracy" is contrasted with "dictatorship" in a rhetorical melodrama of ideas, in which platitudes and half-truths mingle to encourage the public to nod in numb assent. Bush said nothing about weapons of mass destruction, barely mentioned terrorism or national security, and avoided any reference to Israel. * * * Good economic news: a recovery is under way. We're told that this will boost Bush's chances for reelection. And no doubt it will. But why is the Federal Government -- and specifically the president -- responsible for general prosperity? Shouldn't the market take care of itself? Part of the Franklin Roosevelt myth is that the New Deal ended the Depression, when in fact (as conservatives used to agree) it aggravated and prolonged it with its (unconstitutional) interference. Why does everyone now assume that the state is in charge of our economic life? * * * THE JESSICA LYNCH STORY, Rick Bragg's authorized account of the ordeal of America's most famous and beloved woman soldier, reveals that she was sexually assaulted by her captors in Iraq. She disclaims being a hero: "I'm just a survivor," she says modestly. Well, thank God she did survive; but her experience vindicates all misgivings about putting women in combat. * * * The elevation of the openly, actively homosexual Gene Robinson to Episcopal bishop is tearing his church apart. Should we be surprised? Two churches in New Hampshire are already seeking to be transferred from Robinson's authority to that of a New York diocese; a Nigerian Anglican archbishop has announced that he won't attend any future global conferences in which American Episcopalians participate. It seems the worldwide Anglican communion still includes many members who openly, actively practice Christianity. * * * Partial-birth abortion, as it's called, is so nakedly nasty that you marvel that anyone could defend it: the child's brain is sucked out, its skull crushed, on the verge of birth. Both sides agree on one thing: it follows from the very logic of legitimating abortion. If a mother has the moral right to have her unborn child destroyed, she has that right from conception to the last moment before birth. If she doesn't have the right then, she doesn't have it at all. Give the abortion-lovers their point: they are perfectly correct to fear that if killing the child is banned in the ninth month, it may be a slippery slope toward banning it at *any* moment after conception. * * * The pro-war newsletter "catholic eye" features, in its October 29 issue, insulting comments on Cardinal Pio Laghi for reiterating the Vatican's opposition to the war on Iraq. Since the cardinal was speaking for his boss, shouldn't the sarcasm be directed against the old pope himself? Come to think of it, why not rename the newsletter "republican eye"? Exclusive to the electronic version: Howard Dean, seeking the Democratic nomination for president, ran afoul of his rivals by saying in a candidates' debate that he wants to broaden the party's appeal to the South -- specifically, to "guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks." All the other candidates immediately agreed that it was a reprehensible thing to say. Actually, it was the most refreshing thing any Democrat has said in decades. If only he meant it. * * * Pressure from angry conservatives has caused CBS to cancel its movie THE REAGANS, a portrait of the marriage of Ron and Nancy. Bits of the script quoted in the press did sound unfair to the couple, and I can't blame Mrs. Reagan for being upset. But with a pair of sensitive performers like James Brolin and Judy Davis in the title roles, how bad could it be? Sometimes I wish conservatives would keep their shirts on. Taxation through the Ages (pages 3-5) I've told this story before, but I'll tell it again. In the summer of 1965, when I'd just finished my freshman year in college, I was reading a little book called THE LAW -- a long pamphlet, really -- by the nineteenth-century French legislator Frederic Bastiat, when I was riveted by a single sentence: "Look at the law, and see if it does for one man at the expense of another what it would be a crime for the one to do to the other himself." In Bastiat's view, government, beyond the strictest limits of justice, became "organized plunder," a device by which "everyone seeks to enrich himself at the expense of everyone else." In other words, government itself tends to become the very evil it is supposed to prevent: crime. But it confuses people because it enacts criminal acts under the forms of law. The simple insight rocked me. It upset my faith in my country and its basic justice. If Bastiat was right, the United States was already profoundly corrupt. It took me years to come to terms with this idea. Today it seems to me almost self-evident. I marvel that anyone with common sense thinks otherwise. This means, for openers, that taxation is a gigantic system of fraud, robbery, and extortion. Most taxpayers receive nothing to justify the amounts they are forced to pay. Yet it's the taxpayer, not the ruler, who is treated as a criminal suspect and required to "confess" his earnings and holdings. The ruler isn't penalized for anything he does to the taxpayer. This fact makes me wildly indignant, and I'm frustrated and baffled that so few Americans share my feelings. We are being robbed and cheated on an astonishing scale. Once, during a radio interview (I've been known to repeat this story too), I was asked, "Why don't you ever criticize big business the way you always criticize big government?" I answered, "I'm not forced to do business with General Motors. If I do so voluntarily, I get a car for my money. But I am forced to do business with the government. Every year I'm forced to pay it roughly the price of a new car. And I've never seen that car. Someone else gets it." Bastiat, a devout Catholic, reasoned about the state from a natural law philosophy. He concluded that the state violates the most basic principles of natural justice. Once you start thinking that way, you can hardly avoid thinking of politics as a largely criminal activity. At some level, most people know this intuitively. I think this accounts for the huge popular appeal of THE GODFATHER. We are all taught that the government is there to protect us from criminals. THE GODFATHER audaciously reverses our civics lessons: it shows us a benign master criminal who will protect us from the corrupt government. This is another sentimental myth, of course -- unlike real mafiosi, Don Corleone never extorts "taxes" from shopkeepers in the form of protection money -- but it has enough truth to seize our imaginations. But the state's myth still prevails, and we submit. Most people see nothing questionable about state taxation, and politicians complacently assume their right to take our wealth. Some Oklahoma politicians, for example, are currently in a tax-boosting mood. They want to raise taxes of all sorts -- income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, excise taxes, you name it. According to the National Taxpayers Union, the average Oklahoman *already* pays more in taxes -- Federal, state, and local -- than for food, shelter, clothing, and transportation *combined.* This amounts to 26.5 per cent of per capita income. How much is enough? What is the limit? At what point, short of taking 100 per cent of our earnings, do our rulers feel they are taking too much from us? The obvious answer is that they recognize no limit. The subject never comes up. They view the taxpayer as an inexhaustible resource. And why shouldn't they? The sad fact is that the American taxpayer is a remarkably passive creature. He merely grumbles at conditions far more oppressive than the tyranny that drove his ancestors to rebel against British rule in 1776. One of the chief complaints of the American colonist was that he was taxed without his consent. Yet by today's standards, his taxes were amazingly low. Precise figures are hard to come by, but in 1764, for example, the average American was taxed by the Crown at the rate of sixpence per year. That is not a misprint. Six pennies per year. One penny every two months. Even adjusting for inflation, that is a pretty light tax burden. Today's children pay more than that in sales taxes. And the British were cautious about raising taxes. Even a slight tax increase, as on a commodity like tea, could bring the colonies to a boil. The Americans knew that a principle was at stake. Unlimited taxation could mean slavery. That is why they tried, at every turn, to nip it in the bud. Under slogans like "No taxation without representation," Americans fought for independence and established their own governments. They thought self-government was their bulwark against tyranny and overtaxation. But the problem turned out to be more complex. Even elected officials found it easy to abuse the taxing power, and self-government could be as predatory as foreign rule. Senator John C. Calhoun remarked that the most surprising thing experience in government had taught him was that it was easier to raise taxes than to cut them. The Lincoln administration imposed the first Federal income tax to meet the costs of the Civil War. But again, by our standards the rates were amazingly low: the basic rate was 3 per cent, with a top rate of 5 per cent. Even so, after the war the U.S. Supreme Court soon ruled that a Federal levy on incomes was unconstitutional. In 1913 the Federal Government surmounted this obstacle by winning a constitutional amendment authorizing taxes on incomes. No upper limit was set, but most Americans were unaffected. "Incomes" were narrowly defined; an unmarried taxpayer had to make about $50,000 (in today's money) to pay the tax at all; and the top rate, a mere 7 per cent, reached only the very rich. It wasn't until after World War II that most Americans paid income taxes, but then the rates rose to their current punishing levels. And in recent decades most states have imposed income taxes too. Other taxes have also increased at dizzying rates. At nearly every step, the government has had its way. Taxpayers have mounted only sporadic resistance, in what are often called "tax revolts." The phrase is significant. If our rulers are really our "servants," as self-government implies, why are the wishes of the ruled considered "revolts"? Can we "revolt" against our own servants? Or have they really become our masters? The question answers itself. We might also ask, At what point does taxation become confiscation, theft, and even involuntary servitude? Our rulers -- we may as well say our masters -- never address this point. The Ruler of the universe asks only 10 per cent of our wealth. Our earthly rulers won't settle for such a modest share. They consider us "greedy" for wanting to keep more of our own money; they consider themselves "compassionate" for wanting to take more of it -- 20 per cent, 40 per cent, why not 80 per cent? If the politicians had any respect for our rights, our property, our liberty, even our dignity, they would impose taxes only reluctantly, and they would acknowledge some just limit. They would act as if the money they take and spend is *our* money, to be used for the common good of all, and not for buying the votes of special interests and government dependents. In short, they would recognize that taxation is a *moral* issue, not a mere political convenience to be exercised arbitrarily and irresponsibly. I know of only one history of taxation, Charles Adams's 1993 book FOR GOOD AND EVIL: THE IMPACT OF TAXES ON THE COURSE OF CIVILIZATION. It's not a totally satisfactory book; the writing is uneven, some of its judgments are open to question, and the subject is far too vast to cover in 530 pages. But it's about the only book dealing with the topic for the general reader, and it's full of fascinating information and anecdotes, backed by a basic wisdom. Adams isn't categorically against taxation. He thinks there are "good" taxes as well as bad ones, and he argues, for instance, that the Roman Empire fell because it wasn't collecting taxes efficiently. He blames tax evasion for its demise, but blames its policies for fostering evasion. Nevertheless, his narrative makes it hard to deny that "organized plunder" has been the very lifeblood of most states throughout history. In most times and places taxation, like slavery, was simply taken for granted as an inescapable fact of life; now and then there have been tax revolts, just as there have been slave revolts; and at times, especially since the Christian era, taxation has been recognized as presenting serious moral problems. Aside from the Roman Empire, Adams thinks states have usually destroyed themselves through overtaxation. Greed is almost the defining mark, not of the capitalist, but of the state. Ingenious rulers have found a thousand ways, from slavery to debasing money to tariffs to exacting tribute, of appropriating others' wealth. At the same time, they fail to foresee how their own oppression will breed tax resistance. Adams finds abundant records for this. In fact, many important archeological discoveries have been of tax inventories. The fabled Rosetta stone is essentially a tax record. "A large percentage of all ancient documents are tax records of one kind or another," he writes. "The day may come when historians will recognize that tax records tell the real story behind civilized life.... They are basic clues to the way a society behaves." After reading his swift review of history, you can hardly doubt it. Taxation has always been big business, the biggest business of government. Hebrew complaints about the "oppression" of the Egyptian pharaohs seem to have been chiefly about the taxes imposed on them, which often amounted to, and were hard to separate from, slavery. (The Egyptians were cruel taxers, even sending scribes into every home to make sure people weren't preparing their food with untaxed cooking oil!) Sometimes we hear of taxation so casually that we hardly notice it, as in the Gospel accounts of Joseph and Mary going to Bethlehem to submit to a great Roman tax census. As Adams sees it, history is largely the story of men's constant efforts to get the wealth produced by other men, with politics and the state as the main means of acquisition. It's amazing that this ever-present dimension has been so slighted in most history books. Men have fought for power for many reasons, but the strongest has always been their own enrichment. It's hardly too much to say that the story of taxation is the story of mankind. Adams sees Old Testament history as the constant struggle of the weak Jews against powerful predatory neighbors, Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Assyrian, Greek, and Roman. Losing a war, or avoiding one, meant paying tribute. (We tend to read words like "tribute" without grasping their concrete meaning.) In the often deadly game of politics, tax exemptions and immunities as well as taxes were key weapons. Exemptions were irresistible privileges and definers of social class; Islam owed much of its original appeal to its offer of tax immunity to converts. This sufficed to lure the great majority of Christians and Jews in the Middle East, still heavily taxed by the dying Roman Empire, to the Muslim faith. But in time, Muslim rulers, having run out of taxable infidels, became eager taxers of their own people, and Islam lost its zeal even in its own domains. "Islam ceased to spread when converts were not offered a tax break." Conversion had become a tax "loophole" that worked only too well. In the Middle Ages, struggles between Church and state were usually over taxes and the authority to tax. Stern moral limitations inhibited taxation, especially new and "unheard of" taxes ("exactio inaudita"). Rulers who raised taxes were widely regarded as wicked tyrants who "incurred sin and would be punished by God." But churchmen sometimes had greater taxing powers than secular rulers. Like Rome, argues Adams, the mighty Spanish Empire finally broke down because it taxed too many too much and was unable to enforce its demands on a resentful population. But one of his most original chapters says that Aztec Mexico fell to the tiny forces of Cortes because of its own short-sighted greed in taxing its provinces. Adams likewise sees taxation, not chattel slavery, as the issue that precipitated the American War Between the States. His sharp reading of Lincoln's first inaugural address confirms this. (He has developed the argument further in another book.) Only one country, as Adams tells it, has gotten it right: Switzerland. The Swiss have kept their government under control pretty well, in great part because they have had the wisdom to keep the taxing power and the spending power under separate agencies. He says this practice also preserved English liberty for a long time, but the vaunted American constitutional separation of powers overlooked this crucial distinction. The U.S. Congress taxes *and* spends. So we lack checks and balances where we most need them. Moreover, the Swiss federal government can't raise taxes without a popular majority, which is usually denied. The Swiss taxpayer, unlike the American, has learned to defend himself. According to Adams, America's downfall may come gradually through its failure to control and limit the taxing power. A nominally "federal" system is in vain when the spending and taxing powers are combined and centralized. It's at least a provocative idea; but if his book teaches anything, it's that Swiss wisdom isn't contagious. A version of this piece was presented as a speech to the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs ( in September 2003. Sacraments and Sodomy (page 6) {{ Material dropped from features or changed solely for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. Emphasis is indicated by the presence of asterisks around the emphasized words.}} Andrew Sullivan has established himself as the most eloquent voice of "gay" Catholics in the American media. He recently wrote a piece on the op-ed page of the NEW YORK TIMES to bewail what he {{ chooses to call }} the Church's "hostility" to homosexuals. "How can I worship at the altar of intolerance?" he asks. "For the first time in my own life," he goes on, "I find myself unable to go to Mass." He insists that he is, and will always be, a Catholic. Still, "It would be an act of dishonesty to enable an institution that is now a major force for the obliteration of gay lives and loves; that covered up for so long the sexual abuse of children but uses the word 'evil' for two gay people wanting to commit to each other for life." He speaks of his "tears of grief and anger," his "distress," his "anger and hurt." "There are moments in a spiritual life," he concludes, "when the heart simply breaks." The immediate provocation for all this was the expulsion of a homosexual couple from a parish choir in the Bronx after they had gotten a civil marriage license in Canada and announced their union in the TIMES. That is, they had broken some long-standing rules of the Church and had publicized the fact. So the Church, in its intolerance and cruelty, had excluded them. "Gay people are the last of the untouchables. We can exist in the church only by silence, by bearing false witness to who we are." Gay people are denied "any outlet for their deepest emotional needs." Sullivan concedes that "this will not change as a matter of doctrine," but that doctrine was "never elaborated by Jesus." How can one fail to sympathize? Sympathy is called for. But so is reason. You must certainly pity the man whose sexual desires doom him to a life of loneliness, frustration, and social disapproval. This is also true of the pedophile to whom Sullivan adroitly and tactfully alludes (though without facing the analogy, which could be fatal to his case). You might even extend a bit of sympathy, if you've any left to spare, for the Church authorities, whose duties include enforcing ancient standards of moral conduct, which have suddenly come under attack. These standards apply to everyone; they aren't particularly aimed at homosexuals. But the bishop who does apply them to homosexuals, in today's climate, can expect to be publicly accused of "intolerance" and "hostility," in the pages of our newspapers, by lugubriously self-dramatizing dissenters. {{ Not all desires are "needs." Does a pedophile "need" sexual relations with children? Was the woman taken in adultery satisfying a "need"? What led or drove her to adultery? Was her husband cruel and unfeeling? }} Of course Jesus didn't specifically condemn sodomy. He had no reason to. The moral standards, the ones it still falls to Catholic bishops to preach and enforce, were known to everyone. Sexual relations were confined to marriage. {{ Nobody suggested it should be otherwise. }} It was taken for granted that the sexual appetite was unruly, but it was up to each person to practice self-control. What is new and insidious is the custom of discussing people of a particular inclination as a persecuted minority. Sullivan falls into this habit without explaining why homosexuals should be an anomaly. No doubt it pains him that the Church still frowns on sodomy, but why should moral law yield to hurt feelings? Over the centuries, Catholic moral theologians have tried to figure out how the moral law applies to all sorts of situations. It's not as if *only* homosexual acts were singled out for censure, though this is just the impression Sullivan tries to create -- or rather, he makes it sound as if Church teaching were directed against homosexual *persons,* which of course it never was. Catholic doctrine, large and impersonal, was never determined by mere "hostility." It's childish to suggest that it was. You might as well accuse the Church of "hostility" to masturbators. But that, finally, is the problem with Sullivan's argument: its utterly self-absorbed childishness. He can't admit that a principle may be at stake; he demands that the moral law {{ itself }} be altered to accommodate homosexuals. The "doctrine" he objects to, he says, "was constructed when gay people as we understand them today were not known to exist." Actually, they *didn't* exist. There was no such thing as a {{ vocal }} "gay community," and people didn't use such phrases as "multiple sexual partners." (Imagine your grandfather referring to Grandma as his "sexual partner"! Worse yet, imagine her reaction.) Sullivan doesn't quite demand that the Church recognize "gay marriage," but he clearly resents its strong opposition to it. But again he fails to say what social end, besides sparing homosexuals' hurt feelings, would be served by blessing such unions, which, in the nature of things, aren't really marriages at all. As Lincoln is said to have asked, how many legs does a dog have if you count its tail as a leg? Four -- because calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. If Sullivan is really as attached to the Church as he says he is, he might reflect that one reason for its hold on him, and millions of others, is precisely that it refuses to follow the absurdities of fashion. It claims no *authority* to call a tail a leg. To do so would be, in fact, an act of the very arbitrary authority he accuses it of exercising now. NUGGETS SHARED PRINCIPLES: Urged on by President Bush, Republicans in Congress have cut a deal with the Democrats on prescription drugs for seniors that would be the biggest expansion of Medicare, ever. "We have come to an agreement on principles," says Senate majority leader Bill Frist of Tennessee. Exactly. (page 5) SILVER LINING: Let's not lose our perspective when Federal spending, deficits, and the total debt are reckoned in trillions of dollars. Trillions may sound like a lot, but at least we aren't talking about *real* dollars. (page 8) GIFT IDEA: The Massachusetts court's ruling in favor of same-sex matrimony has inspired dire predictions from conservatives. Here's mine: henceforth gerbils will be offered as wedding presents. (page 9) WHODUNIT? JFK's murder is still, in the opinion of millions, unsolved. For me the key fact is that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't flatly deny all involvement in the crime; he called himself a "patsy," suggesting that he knew he'd been used. (page 11) Exclusive to the electronic version: RETROSPECT: It's now 40 years since John Kennedy's assassination! The JFK mystique remains amazing. Popular polls still rank him a "great" president, despite his short and undistinguished tenure. Me, I'll go so far as to rank him the least obnoxious of the Kennedy brothers. UNLIKELY LIBERALS: Four former heads of Shin Bet, the Israeli security forces, have denounced the hard-line tactics of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon against the Palestinians, which they call futile, immoral, and dangerous to Israel itself. Having had to do Sharon's dirty work, they agree that it's failed even on its own terms. JUDICIAL REVOLT: The supreme court of Massachusetts has ruled that the state legislature must revise the legal code to certify same-sex unions as marriages. A lawyer for the victors calls the decision "common sense." I guess it is, in Massachusetts. Unless, that is, the lawmakers can finally summon the nerve to do a bit of impeaching. JUDICIOUS REVIEWS: The NEW YORK POST has published the reactions of five viewers to an advance screening of THE PASSION. Four of the five -- two Jews (one a rabbi), two Catholics (one a priest) -- found it anti-Semitic. The fifth, a young black woman (presumably Protestant), found it fair and said it had "an incredible impact" on her. REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * Limbaugh the Lawbreaker (October 14, 2003) * "Compassion" and Talk Radio (October 16, 2003) * Clarifying Premises (October 21, 2003) * Airbrushing History? (October 23, 2003) * Lansky's Complaint October 28, 2003) * Implied or Usurped? (October 30, 2003) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2003 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]