SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month March 2004 Volume 11, Number 3 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year; $85 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-281-1609 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. CONTENTS Features -> The Rise and Fall of the War Nerds -> National Security Notes -> Here to Stay? -> Doubts and Lies Nuggets (plus Exclusives to this edition) List of Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES {{ Emphasis is indicated by the presence of asterisks around the emphasized words.}} The Rise and Fall of the War Nerds (page 1) "O that mine enemy had written a book!" A quaint complaint. Not only do my enemies write lots of books, they always seem to get fat contracts from major publishers for writing them. Random House has now brought forth AN END TO EVIL: HOW TO WIN THE WAR ON TERROR, by David Frum and Richard Perle, two of America's foremost neoconservative war nerds. Now I think I want to end evil as much as the next man, but it strikes me that even winning the War on Terror would be only a modest step in that direction, since it would do little to end other forms of evil that beset us, such as homophobia and mad cow disease. I can't say I regard Richard Perle as a personal enemy. About a dozen years ago I debated him on whether the United States should go to war with Iraq (he was pro, I was con), and found him polite and pleasant. Frum is another matter. I have to count him as an enemy, I'm afraid, since he keeps accusing me of "hating America." He's rather free and easy with the word "hate"; as a speechwriter for the current President Bush, he coined the phrase "axis of hate," which someone upstairs at the White House amended to the more famous and familiar "axis of evil," but he was glad to take credit for the general idea, presumably because to his way of thinking hate and evil are pretty much the same thing. Hence Frum has taken it upon himself to protect America from the likes of me. And I have to hand it to him. I'm an American only because I was born here; whereas he was born in Canada, and chose to *become* an American by immigrating and becoming naturalized, like such other Canadian-born American patriots as Mortimer Zuckerman and Charles Krauthammer, who, like him, find America's democratic values most vividly realized in the state of Israel. Israel too is a target of terror, hate, and evil, hence a natural ally for America. Criticizing either the Bush administration or its Israeli twin the Likud government is a form of hate. And so on. AN END TO EVIL has received a scorching review in the NEW YORK TIMES by Michiko Kakutani, who recognizes it as the delusional effort it is: an attempt by a pair of Jewish intellectual war nerds to justify the Iraq war and extend it throughout the Middle East. Though she avoids the word "Jewish," she sees exactly what's going on here, and she also knows that to identify the ethnic interest that unites Perle and Frum -- and Zuckerman and Krauthammer, and dozens of others in the vociferous but minuscule neoconservative "movement" -- is to court the charge of anti-Semitism. Her awareness is but one sign out of many that the neocon "movement" has peaked. It got its war, but it also got a lot more exposure than it wanted, and the game is up. The neocons may as well stop pretending that they stand for American interests, because they've long since stopped fooling the kind of people they most need to fool. National Security Notes (page 2) Thinking big, President Bush has decided to revive the ailing U.S. space program by putting men on the moon by 2020, on Mars by 2030, and eventually "across our solar system." It all began with Sputnik, back in 1957, but just because we've won the Cold War is no reason to stop waging it. We can't risk letting the Russians get to Pluto before we do. * * * Gridlock in 2004? John Kerry, who has emerged as the Democrats' front-runner, may test the electorate's tolerance for priggish Massachusetts liberals. But Kerry won't be the pushover Michael Dukakis was. He's a toughie, and his military record as a decorated veteran makes Bush's dodgy National Guard history a risible contrast. Anyway, the voters may figure that he can't do much harm if he takes office facing a largely Republican Congress. Liberals, moderates, and serious conservatives should agree that ending the GOP's political monopoly is imperative. * * * Though this is undoubtedly the land of equal opportunity, one can't help noticing that both Bush and Kerry not only went to Yale, but belonged to the exclusive and secretive Skull and Bones Society. Small world! * * * The berserk supreme court of Kerry's state has now decided that the legislature must legalize same-sex marriage; mere "civil unions" won't meet the constitutional standard. Is the court trying to give Bush a red-hot campaign issue? It might as well order Kerry to pick Barney Frank as his running mate. * * * Bush's proposal to let illegal aliens stay in this country, provided they have jobs here, is hard to square with his policy of screening out every potential terrorist entering our borders, especially when he has also ordered tightened checks on legal visitors, but you have to remember that standards of consistency are always relaxed during an election year. * * * Why are conspiracy theories supposed to be absurd, when governments budget billions for intelligence operations that conduct "covert activities" and keep countless secrets from their own citizens? I guess we're expected to assume that "our" conspirators are protecting our freedom. This strikes me as the oddest conspiracy theory of all. * * * Janet Jackson's strip act during the Super Bowl halftime show roused Christian America to a rare and astounding roar of protest. For once the media seemed to get the message. Profuse apologies were tendered, and a few old standards of broadcasting decency were restored. Temporarily, at least. And naturally the Feds are getting into the act, threatening to "protect" a public that has just proven perfectly capable of protecting itself when it wants to. * * * Jewish groups are still harassing Mel Gibson's PASSION OF CHRIST in this country. Instead of quarreling with the Gospel accounts, why not just urge their Hollywood friends to film the Talmud's version of the story? Exclusive to the electronic version: Only a Republican could, as Bush did in his State of the Union speech, simultaneously attack Big Government and propose a dozen new Federal programs. One of them would assist imprisoned felons. Michael Kinsley, my favorite liberal, said it best: "Willie Horton, thou shouldst be on furlough at this hour!" * * * Now that Japanese troops have arrived to help in Iraq, it's truly a quagmire. Fifty years from now, Jap soldiers will still be holed up there, refusing to believe the war is over. Here to Stay? (pages 3-4) Can civilization exist without the State? No, says Professor Randall G. Holcombe of Florida State University, writing in the Winter 2004 issue of THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW. Holcombe's position might be described as one of thoughtful and pessimistic libertarianism, summed up in the view that "although government may not be desirable, it is inevitable because if no government exists, predators have an incentive to establish one." By "government" he means the State, a legal monopoly of power; let us accept these terms for the moment, though many anarchists have argued that government, or a rule of law, can exist without such a monopoly, through voluntary protective organizations. The basic idea, I take it, is that since force can never be eliminated from human society, there must always be a Top Dog. It's an idea that haunts me too. If the State as we know it were somehow done away with, it seems likely that some gang would eventually replace it. On this view, the best we can hope for is to "tame" the State, seeing to it that some form of limited government prevents totalitarian rule. As Holcombe plausibly puts it, "History has shown not only that anarchy does not survive, but also that some governments are better than others. Therein lies the libertarian argument for a limited government." But does history really teach such an unequivocal lesson? Yes, states have been plentiful (after all, what we call "history" is in large part the record of states), some states are worse than others, and the differences are important. Still, men have lived in many places and for long periods without anything we would recognize as the State. One may argue, a la Hobbes, that stateless societies are doomed to be primitive, and life in them "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short"; hence the need of men for a Top Dog "to keep them all in awe." Just or not, the Top Dog -- king, chief, pharaoh, whatever -- decisively settles quarrels, prevents other quarrels, and enables life to go on. Better Stalin than anarchy. Or rather, anarchy (according to Holcombe's argument) will in any case pave the way for a Stalin. History as Americans have learned it is Locke's answer to Hobbes: Jeffersonian limited government. Unfortunately, even under the cunningly designed U.S. Constitution, government didn't stay limited, thanks in part to Thomas Jefferson himself (who, Constitution or no, couldn't resist the Louisiana Purchase). Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt greatly enlarged the power of the U.S. Government -- and abandoned the Constitution -- while emphatically proclaiming Jeffersonian pieties. Under George W. Bush that government is ready to wage war around the world and send men to Mars, without feeling that the Land of the Free has changed in principle. If this can happen to America, we are forced to wonder: Can *any* state remain limited? In other words, which is the real fantasy -- anarchy or limited government? Maybe both are possible, at least for a spell; maybe both are impossible, at least in the long run. History, pace Holcombe, doesn't tell us. All it does tell us is that men, at various times and in various places, have lived with, and without, what we think of as states. What we do know is that in modern times the State has grown to astounding dimensions, beyond any precedent in recorded history. In the name of protecting its subjects from innumerable alleged evils -- many of them created by semantic ingenuity ("discrimination," "homophobia," and the like) -- it now invades every nook and cranny of human life and society. To call it limited is a bad joke. The hypertrophy of the State over the last century or so is something new under the sun. Whether you like it or not, it's an enormous fact of life, comparable to, say, the Industrial Revolution in scope, sweep, and impact. Yet, unlike other great periods of change (Feudalism, the Renaissance, the Reformation), it still has no name! Many men are still unaware that it has completely changed the nature of social life, though everyone vaguely senses it. We notice, applaud, or grumble about this or that new feature of State authority -- a new tax, rule, or regulation -- without seeing such things as part of a comprehensive transformation. We accept them as inevitable. We assume not only that the State is here to stay, but that it will keep growing, expanding, commanding, taxing, and of course intruding. That's what it does. That's the way we live now. Orwell and others have noticed some of its nightmarish features, but without seeing the completeness of the change even in its seemingly benign details, its "services" as well as its torments. The State's rhetoric is, of course, benevolent: It offers to spare us every imaginable evil, and its lexicon is full of words like "defense," "security," "protection," and "safety" for every liberty it strips away. Once we naively assumed (at least I did) that the best protection we could have was simply an impersonal, objective rule of law. Then the State discovered a new role for itself: *special* protections for particular categories: racial minorities, farmers, laborers, old people, women, the handicapped, children, even sexual perverts. The roll call of accredited victims continues to lengthen, and with it the powers of the State. It isn't enough to treat people equally; they must be made equal. (And not only people: animals too.) There is no end to it. *Limited* government? Don't be silly. The only argument now is over what new roles (and powers) the State should appropriate. The change is stupendous, truly revolutionary, more radical than the change from Tsarism to Bolshevism. Terms like "big government" and "creeping socialism" are only lazy, inadequate nicknames for it. And nobody seems to see it! Hence two of my favorite quotations. G.K. Chesterton: "Men can always be blind to a thing, so long as it is big enough." And Hugh Kenner: "The style of your own period is always invisible." Those who do see, and still resist, the great change are said to be "ideological," "ultraconservative," "right-wing." That is, they have principles, which they realize that the State is continually violating. Is the great change inevitable? Those who think they benefit by it naturally want us all to think so. But to say that the State is "here to say" is to make a certain prediction. The State is more than organized force; it is force endowed with *legitimacy* -- that is, the approval of its subjects. And can we say that, as the State keeps expanding, its subjects will forever approve of it? In the film MILLER'S CROSSING, the urban gangster who rules the city is cautioned by his right-hand man: "You don't hold elective office in this town, Leo. You only run it because people think you run it. When they stop thinkin' it, you stop runnin' it." That's legitimacy for you. Even the State needs more than force alone. When it appears nothing more than a gang, its days are numbered. More and more Americans are becoming deeply skeptical of the State and its claims. Very few are principled anarchists or even libertarians at this point. Not many have read or understood the Constitution. But mistrust of the government and the two major parties is already widespread. More and more people sense that the problem isn't just the Republicans or the Democrats, but the whole system of organized force. The government doesn't even respect or observe its own fundamental law as codified in the Constitution. Its legitimacy is wearing thin. Before 1860 the Abolitionists never remotely approached a majority of even the Northern population, yet they severely damaged the legitimacy of slavery merely by challenging it. Norman Thomas's Socialist Party likewise never won an election, but it exerted a strong influence on the two major parties. In the seemingly invincible Soviet Union, a tiny number of courageous dissidents helped bring about the eventual collapse of the whole system, which even the most anti-Communist Westerners hardly thought possible. In the same way, even a small body of articulate anti-Statist opinion could change the entire American political climate and eventually destroy the legitimacy of Leviathan. The State is a human institution, sustained by human will. It isn't a given of nature, though it may at times seem so. There can be no moral "right" to a monopoly of force. Once significant numbers of men see that this is self-evident, the State will be in real trouble. By the standards of the Founding Fathers themselves, the U.S. Government has long since crossed the line into tyranny. Most Americans prefer not to think it possible. George W. Bush himself thinks he is merely carrying on the unbroken tradition of 1776. Just as a complacent old party hack like Leonid Brezhnev could see himself as the avatar of the Marxist faith, so Bush may suppose that by leading the American Leviathan into the Middle East and outer space he is only doing Jefferson's work. There was a time when most people imagined that some men could be free only if other men were slaves. Even more fantastically, most people still imagine that without the State there could be no freedom at all. Professor Holcombe is far too rational to believe that; but his subtler error, the notion that the State is "inevitable," could do its part to keep the State in business. It puts him in bad company where he doesn't belong. Doubts and Lies (pages 5-6) {{ Material dropped from features or changed solely for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. Emphasis is indicated by the presence of asterisks around the emphasized words.}} Well, well. The dust is settling, the shouting has died down, and the Bush administration's great pretext for war has been all but annihilated. President Bush himself, and Secretary of State Colin Powell as well, have backed away from their flat insistence that Saddam Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction" that could threaten the United States and its "friends." This tacit but crucial concession comes after the sober liberal Brookings Institution issued a study concluding that the administration had "systematically misrepresented" the supposed Iraqi threat in order to herd us into supporting the war. Paul O'Neill, Bush's former treasury secretary, has also disclosed that Bush wanted war with Iraq even before the 9/11 attacks and that he, O'Neill, never saw evidence of the notorious weapons. And of course, Bush's own weapons inspector, David Kay, has concluded that the weapons most probably didn't exist. Kay still favors the war and qualified his findings as much as he could, but there was no evading the central fact: the Bush administration misled the country about the supposedly menacing Iraqi arsenal in order to wage war with popular support. {{ After the quick U.S. victory, Bush doggedly repeated his prediction that those weapons would be found. They haven't been, and Bush has quit saying that too, though he still says the war was justified -- without explaining what war on Iraq had to do with "war on terror." }} Now the intelligence services are being blamed for misleading poor Bush. Here the head spins. Was the Central Intelligence Agency the driving force behind the war fever? That's hardly the impression we got at the time. (And did the CIA mislead the poor neocons too? It appears that the administration's "intelligence" included disinformation supplied by the neocon-Mossad cabal.) In order to get the monkey off his own back, Bush has appointed a bipartisan panel to investigate the "failure" of the intelligence services. CIA director George Tenet, meanwhile, has defended his agency's performance with the seemingly reasonable plea that intelligence is seldom "completely right or completely wrong." But that only undercuts the unwavering claim of the administration that it had infallible *knowledge* of an Iraqi threat -- even a threat of nuclear incineration! Were Bush, Powell, Dick Cheney, and the rest of the cast consciously lying? Probably. But even if not, they were baldly claiming a certainty that in their circumstances couldn't possibly have been warranted. And they were counting, quite realistically, on the popular faith that they "knew something" the rest of us couldn't know and that they could be trusted not to abuse their privileged information. One phrase was repeated in the Bush crowd's emphatic war propaganda. Vice President Dick Cheney told us, "Stated simply, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld assured us, "There's no doubt in my mind that they currently have chemical and biological weapons." Bush himself said that "intelligence ... leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." No doubt ... no doubt ... no doubt. There were slight variants, no less dogmatic: Ari Fleischer told the White House press corps that "we know for a fact that there are weapons there." Cheney was being relatively tentative when he said merely that "we believe" that Saddam "has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." Bush himself drove the point home by warning that "the smoking gun may take the form of a mushroom cloud" -- a line well calculated to terrify a jumpy populace who couldn't imagine that a president would say such a thing irresponsibly. Surely the intelligence agencies, even knowing what their boss wanted to hear, didn't make such absolute assertions about Iraq's arsenal. It's grotesque for our "democratic leaders" to pass the buck to the unelected bureaucrats who serve them. And speaking of those weapons, why are they euphemistically called weapons of mass "destruction"? They are weapons of mass *murder.* But Bush can't afford to call them that, because the U.S. Government and its little pals in Europe and the Middle East have them too. This fact always made it preposterous, in the minds of sober people, to assume that if Saddam Hussein got a single nuclear weapon, he would immediately drop it on someone (or genially pass it along to his enemy Osama bin Laden, to use it as he saw fit). So it turns out that Bush went to war over a very big maybe. But "perhaps" and "probably" were absent from his pre-war vocabulary. Yet neither he nor his team nor the journalistic flaks for the war concede that Kay's findings in any way alter the war's justification, the principal justification they themselves offered! How can people be so brazenly self-contradictory? I posed this question to a friend, who offered an apt and amusing parallel. When Bill Clinton denied having had "sexual relations with that woman," nearly everyone, including top officials of his administration who professed to believe him, agreed that if he turned out to be lying, he was finished. But when it turned out -- when Clinton himself admitted -- that he had indeed been lying, it simply *made no difference* to his supporters (or to "objective" journalists who had held that such a lie to the country would ruin him). So it is here, though lying about war is a far graver deceit than any lie Clinton told. Virtually no supporters of the Iraq war have changed their minds in light of Kay's finding that the chief reason given for that war was as bogus as millions of people around the world had suspected. Never mind the "lessons" of Vietnam and Watergate: Much of the American public simply takes presidential lying in stride, as long as they consider the liar to be lying in behalf of their side. The part that shocks me personally is how corrupt much of the "conservative" electorate is. During the pre-war debate, and even now, I've often been accused by pro-war readers of being a "liberal." I trust that my whole career has sufficiently acquitted me of this charge. But many Americans now assume that any opposition to *any* war -- at least a war launched by a nominally conservative president -- can only spring from partisan or sectarian motives. In any war, many innocent people die. An unjust war -- a war fought without serious and solid reasons -- is therefore mass murder. Hardly anyone denies this in principle, yet by now it's widely accepted that "conservatism" means the routine approval of war, and that to harbor doubts about a war is the mark of a liberal whose very patriotism is doubtful. Opponents of the Iraq war have even been roundly accused of "anti-Americanism." Neoconservative Catholics have even criticized Pope John Paul II for opposing the war. Sic transit gloria Bushi. The great war president, successor of Roosevelt and Churchill, suddenly looks like a fool who duped not only himself but his country. He roused, and exploited, the most basic instinct of self-preservation in the American people, so that he could pose as their courageous protector. In addition to a huge military deployment, he created an enormous, and no doubt permanent, new domestic bureaucracy, the Department of Homeland Security, armed with the new powers contained in the USA PATRIOT Act. (Which Bush still wants Congress to renew this year.) The whole situation may fairly be called, to adapt a phrase of Saddam Hussein himself, the mother of all snafus. It should stand as the supreme object lesson in how the State operates. Every possible resource was mobilized to meet a phantom "threat." Alarms were sounded, propaganda clanged relentlessly, freedoms were curtailed, and of course the tax burden swelled -- as Bush meanwhile vastly increased the size, scope, and cost of the welfare state. And "conservatives" fervently support his reelection! When they finish conserving this country, there won't be much left of it. Without irony, it can be said that if the Democrats replace Bush in the White House, especially with the Republicans retaining dominance in Congress, the results, however annoying, will be less comprehensively damaging than under Bush. In himself, Bush doesn't appear to be egregiously wicked. He's merely a mediocre man in a literally superhuman job, wielding far more power over others than any man should ever have, and charged with an impossible number of responsibilities for that very reason. Given what the U.S. presidency has become, this would be true of anyone in his place. The trouble is that Bush is actually eager to exercise that power, with no sense of his unfitness for it. He suffers from delusions of adequacy. Megalomania might as well be part of the job description of the presidency. Nobody of normal humility would seek the office and all of what is reverently called its "awesome power" -- a regrettably apt term. This means we are doomed to be ruled by veritable madmen. You needn't worship the Constitution and its Framers in order to appreciate that they did, after all, attempt to design a federal system in which political authority would be widely dispersed, and no "great" man would be required for its proper functioning. In their view, government -- and particularly the Federal Government -- would play only a modest role in the daily life of Americans. The chief executive would simply execute laws passed by Congress, without assuming royal airs. Even so, the difference in quality between the early presidents and recent ones is astonishing. It's inconceivable that a Bush could have been elected two centuries ago, just as it's inconceivable that a Jefferson or a Madison could be elected today. In fact it's impossible even to imagine Bush, a Yale graduate, conversing intelligently with such men. NUGGETS SUGGESTION: Maybe John Kerry's campaign slogan should be "Kill babies, not Arabs!" What a dismal choice voters face this fall. The two-party system has really outdone itself. (page 4) DEFINING DEVIANCY WAY DOWNWARD: Bill Clinton seriously lowered the moral threshold for American presidents; Bush has also lowered the intellectual threshold -- without raising the moral one. (page 8) O YE OF LITTLE FAITH! As dogs trust their masters and children their parents, so Americans trust their government. Why? Well, as Gary North observes, simply and profoundly, people want to trust those they are dependent on. The alternative is disturbing. And the more we depend on the state, the harder it is to face the fact that it habitually deceives us. So the believers turn angrily on the doubters. (page 9) RELIABLE SOURCES: Some of Bush's pre-war "faulty intelligence" may have come not only from the CIA, but from our "allies" (Mossad's slogan, remember, is "By way of deception you shall make war") and/or hairy pseudo-Biblical prophecies about the Middle East. Want to bet the Robb inquiry will go into these things? Exclusive to the electronic version: THE FIRST AMENDMENT IN ACTION: Janet Jackson's latest stunt on network television highlights a fact of life. Once upon a time you had to pay for porn. In this liberated age, you have to pay extra to avoid it. Porn-shunners have become a niche market. REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * Brown Reconsidered (January 13, 2004) * Election-Year Forecast (January 15, 2004) * Burton's Lost Hamlet (January 22, 2004) * A Strategy for Kerry (January 29, 2004) * An Honest Mistake (February 3, 2004) * War and Crime (February 5, 2004) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2004 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]