SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month August 2004 Volume 11, Number 8 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year; $85 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-281-1609 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. {{ Material dropped from features or changed solely for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. Emphasis is indicated by the presence of "equals" signs around the emphasized words.}} CONTENTS Features -> A Heavy Reckoning -> The Moving Picture -> The Glory of Destruction -> Propaganda: A Lost Art? Nuggets (plus electronic Exclusives) List of Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES A Heavy Reckoning (page 1) "But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in a battle, shall join together at the Latter Day, and cry all, 'We died at such a place,' some swearing, some crying for a surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left. I am afeard there are few die well that die in battle; for how can they charitably dispose of anything when blood is their argument? Now, if these men do not die well, it will be a black matter for the king that led them to it." So says Shakespeare's poor soldier on the eve of the battle of Agincourt in KING HENRY V, not realizing he is speaking to the king himself, who is visiting his troops in humble disguise. Henry, his conscience stung, answers lamely that war is God's "beadle," punishing men who have evaded the law in peacetime. It's not the king's fault if some of his soldiers are wicked men: "There is no king, be his cause never so spotless, if it come to the arbitrament of swords, can try it out with all unspotted soldiers." Of course this reply evades the whole thrust of the soldier's challenge: "But if the cause be not good ..." Henry has invaded France on a flimsy pretext: an obscure and dubious claim to the French throne. The blood of both sides will be on his head; for an unjust war is murder writ large. Recent debates on whether America should take "military action"-- in Panama, the Balkans, the Middle East -- have been remarkable for their abstractness. Their tone is legalistic, though without the substance of law: You'd never think that "military action" means a lot of death and dismemberment, inevitably including countless innocent noncombatants as well as soldiers. And if that action is unwarranted, the soldiers who defend their country against it are as truly innocent victims as the child whose home is bombed while he sleeps. Neither recent administrations nor most of their critics seem to be disturbed by the possibility that there may be a heavy reckoning for unjustified violence. It seems to be assumed on all sides that when America goes to war, even if unwisely, freedom is somehow being defended, and that once the shooting and bombing start, we must all "support our troops." Perish the thought that a war for the wrong reasons may be a "black matter" for those who wage it; that even if the Iraq war were somehow justified, it could only mean inflicting tragedy and horror on real people who bore no responsibility for the actions of their dictator. Has there been any note of regret or reluctance in the hawks' avid calls for war? Even a civilized sense that the only possible case for war can be tragic necessity, accompanied by the dread of the guilt that must belong to even an honest mistake? On the contrary, the administration has declined to estimate the number of civilian casualties in Iraq; only American casualties count as the "cost" of war. Not counted in the American ledger is Ali Abbas, 12, who lost his parents, all six brothers and sisters, and both his arms when an American rocket struck the family's house in Baghdad. THE MOVING PICTURE (page 2) I've been amusing myself by rereading the breathless press accounts of John Kerry's primary victories over Howard Dean last winter. How long ago it seems! At last, the Democrats had come up with a winner -- a tested, electable candidate who combined sobriety with charisma! Kerry's "electability" was headed for a showdown with George W. Bush's seeming invincibility. =Now= look. If Kerry were anything more than a hopeless stiff, he'd be mopping the floor with Bush, whose poll numbers continue to sink. Kerry keeps trying to play down his liberal record, reminding me of Harry Truman's advice to timid Democrats: "If you give people a choice between a Republican and a Republican, they'll vote for the Republican every time." * * * Bill Clinton is back on the stage (again, already), with his bloated and widely panned autobiography. His eight years in the White House are beginning to seem like the good old days, but we should remember that he was responsible, albeit without much bluster or swagger, for more deaths than both Bushes put together: He enforced United Nations sanctions against Iraq, which killed hundreds of thousands, and he ordered the bombing of the former Yugoslavia. Clinton should be grateful for suffering no worse than the modest historical infamy of a crook, liar, and lecher. * * * Speaking of bloat, Marlon Brando has died at 80, leaving memories of a powerful talent, a mostly wasted career, and a worse than wasted personal life. As a young actor in New York, according to his biographer Peter Manso, he arranged "literally hundreds" of abortions; in one case, he and a girlfriend kept the dead embryo in a paper cup and gigglingly showed it to friends as "our baby." Six women committed suicide after having affairs with him. His depravity, which makes Don Corleone seem a wholesome citizen by comparison, was reflected in the sorry lives of his many unaborted children, one of whom hanged herself after her half-brother killed her boyfriend. * * * And writing in the NEW YORK TIMES, Garry Wills likens abortion to cutting hair or fingernails. Brando was way ahead of him. * * * I wonder if the TIMES is having second thoughts about David Brooks, its new "conservative" columnist. Brooks is in fact a =neo=conservative, though he has lately been trying to deny it. His dogged defense of the Iraq war has become more than an embarrassment; it's almost an anachronism. He speaks for a sect that was on top of the world a few months ago, but has gone out of vogue as suddenly as -- well, John Kerry. * * * After telling a Senate Democrat to go bleep himself, Vice President Dick Cheney said he "felt much better" afterward, perhaps in part because of the applause he received from Republicans who want to clean up the airwaves. This is the party that used to express shock when Truman said "hell" and "damn," now boasts of restoring dignity to the nation's highest offices, and resents charges of hypocrisy. * * * Same-sex couples now account for about 40 per cent of all adoptions in Massachusetts. What makes such figures particularly chilling, notes Steven Baskerville on WorldNetDaily, is the ease with which courts may now "seize children from their parents with no due process finding that the parents have actually abused their children." It doesn't necessarily take a village to raise a child; just a judge and a couple of perverts. And it could be =your= child. The Glory of Destruction (pages 3-5) Few today question the heroism of Winston Churchill, perhaps the most lionized statesman of the last century. Yet a few historians have begun to look critically at the myth. In fact Churchill himself, as the creator of his own legend, may have realized its fragility. The wonder is it has endured so long. Until Pearl Harbor, polls showed that about 80 per cent of the American people opposed intervention in the Second World War. This was only the common sense that had prevailed since Washington and Jefferson. With two oceans separating the United States from the belligerent countries, Americans had no vital interest at stake. Conquering the United States would be a logistical impossibility for even the greatest power in the world. And of course that is still true. But Pearl Harbor caused the kind of outrage and panic stirred by the 9/11 attacks 60 years later, awakening fears of foreign predators invading North America along with fantastic fears of enemy agents already in our midst. Barely three years ago we were likewise warned of al-Qaeda operatives among us, ready to create chaos at a moment's notice. Since then, sanity has quietly set in. We are in no danger from abroad today, any more than in 1941. But in a flash the Japanese "sneak attack" solved the greatest problem facing Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill: making the American people want to fight Britain's war. Adolf Hitler obligingly declared war on the United States days later, and the previously half-concealed North Atlantic alliance became official. The Germans had always been Roosevelt's and Churchill's chief target anyway, though most Americans reserved their bitterest hatred for "the Japs." Postwar propaganda has made the European theater the main feature of the war, and Hitler, in contrast to the Emperor Hirohito, has been ceaselessly demonized. Roosevelt and Churchill have been divinized correspondingly. Roosevelt's legend has been somewhat tarnished by growing awareness of his mendacious character, which was never much of a secret anyway; but the Churchill legend, cultivated by Churchill himself, has only grown. He remains the stalwart British lion, warning a cowardly world against the Nazi monster and for two years fighting it virtually alone. He made up for military weakness with his singular courage and matchless eloquence. Many still regard him as the greatest man of the twentieth century. The Churchill myth suffered its first great challenge in 1961, when the British historian A.J.P. Taylor published THE ORIGINS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR. This was not at all an assault on Churchill's reputation, but it did question the received notion that Hitler himself was the sole cause of the war. The book stirred furious controversy, calling in question as it did more than two decades of official propaganda and journalistic myth, which are still prevalent today. Taylor simply reminded his readers of some obvious facts: Another European war had been widely regarded as a probable result of the Versailles Treaty, which had punitively assigned Germany all the blame for World War I. Britain had maintained its large military forces during the 1930s, preparing for war while hoping to avoid it; and Germany was of course the enemy it was preparing for. Hitler too wanted no war with Britain, and though he did a lot of bluffing, his actual military spending was greatly exaggerated. All in all, Taylor argued, Hitler had acted, under the circumstances, pretty much the way any German ruler might have been expected to act. The second war, like so many wars, issued from blunders and miscalculations on both sides. But calling Hitler "evil" -- as Taylor himself agreed he was -- wasn't an explanation of events. It is not true that Churchill rose to power in an England that was unready for war. It was already at war when he became prime minister in May of 1940; but it was too weak to defeat Hitler. War had been declared the previous year, after the invasion of Poland, by the alleged appeaser, Neville Chamberlain, and his French ally. In the spring of 1940, however, Germany had quickly conquered France, routing the British at Dunkirk but allowing them to retreat, Hitler still hoping to make peace with Britain. But Churchill rejected Hitler's overtures, insisting on a fight to the finish. He bet everything on his ace in the hole: Roosevelt's support, which he had been secretly (and quite irregularly) currying while still a member of Chamberlain's cabinet. Everything depended on Roosevelt's success in bringing America into the war. That Roosevelt was deceiving the American public, violating the Neutrality Act, and breaking his oath to honor the U.S. Constitution bothered the conscience of neither man. Both were practised dissemblers, ruthlessly unprincipled. Churchill sponsored a vigorous propaganda campaign to promote American entry. His chief agent in America, William Stephenson ("Intrepid"), was assigned such tasks as smearing opponents of the war, intercepting their mail, tapping their phones, and spreading false rumors -- all of which, and more, Stephenson and three hundred or so of his agents did, with Roosevelt's clandestine approval and cooperation. Here we encounter a curious feature of the Churchill legend. Unlike Roosevelt, who at least had created a lasting legacy of sorts with the New Deal, Churchill is remembered almost solely for his role in World War II, a role that has been greatly oversold. Without that war, he would remain only a minor name in British history, recalled only for a few brilliant aphorisms and witticisms (and for fathering the disaster of Gallipoli in World War I). Among those who knew him, he was notorious for his hare-brained military inspirations, for colossal vanity and rudeness, and for his great misplaced self-assurance. Strangely, Churchill has become a large symbol of liberty and conservative virtues. But as the historian Ralph Raico points out in a superb summary of his career, he had no consistent philosophy, lurched from party to party, laid the foundations of the welfare state, and cynically pandered to the labor unions for political advantage. Only war excited Churchill's imagination, preferably war with Germany, which he passionately hated well before Hitler came along. He was so obsessed with victory over Germany that he gave little thought to the consequences until it was too late; by that time, Stalin commanded Central Europe, including Poland, which he had joined Hitler in invading in 1939. Surveying the political results of the war, Churchill once confessed, in a rare moment of self-doubt, "I am not sure that I shall be held to have done very well," later adding that "we lie in the grip of even worse perils than those we have surmounted." He wasn't altogether deluded by his own legend. At one time he had been anti-Communist too, and later, seeing how he had helped Stalin devour much of Europe in order to defeat Germany, he adopted anti-Communist rhetoric again. But as Raico observes, during the war he had fawned on Stalin as shamefully and fatuously as Roosevelt had. He had also supported the murderous Tito in Yugoslavia, ignoring the pleas of the anti-Communist Mihailovich. When a horrified aide protested that Tito would rule Yugoslavia a la Stalin, Churchill flippantly retorted, "Do you intend to live there?" At the war's end, he favored Stalin again, needlessly, by agreeing to "repatriate" millions of refugees from the Soviet Union, thereby sending them to almost certain death. Many had never actually lived under Communist rule; Churchill sent them back anyway. Some killed themselves rather than accept this fate. Yet only a few months later, Churchill was booming eloquently against the "Iron Curtain" that he himself had helped to bring down on the Continent. Like Roosevelt, like Lincoln, he is chiefly remembered for ringing words that were contradicted by his acts. Raico notes that Churchill was possessed by the warlike spirit all his life, beginning with his huge boyhood collection of toy soldiers. "The story of the human race is war," he once wrote; and he was determined to be a hero of that story. He fought in the Boer War, distinguishing himself for bravery under fire. But this also led him to a shallow social philosophy. He lost his religious faith early, becoming, by his own account, "a materialist -- to the tips of my fingers." He adopted a facile Darwinism, in which war was not the destroyer of civilization, but a process of weeding out the unfit. The peaceful achievements of men and the virtues of markets meant little to him. In this, as Raico observes, he was curiously like Hitler; but his admirers have largely ignored his anti-Christian view of the world. His regard for Christianity may be measured by one of his wartime gestures: At the 1943 Tehran Conference, he presented Stalin with a Crusader's sword. (Roosevelt also discerned in Stalin "a Christian gentleman.") After a visit to Germany, Churchill became an enthusiast and promoter of Bismarckian collectivism. He also fell under the influence of British Fabian socialism; inspired by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, he called for "a sort of Germanized network of state intervention and regulation." So he wasn't altogether anti-German: He savored the marvels of German statism. Far from being a champion of liberty, Churchill, in peace and war alike, worked to strengthen the power of the state. As with so many conservatives, it's not obvious what he was conserving. During World War I, as first lord of the Admiralty, Churchill led the way in implementing the naval blockade that claimed 750,000 German civilian lives by hunger and malnutrition. This was contrary to international law as everyone but the British saw it, but it succeeded. The bitter naval warfare also indirectly helped Churchill achieve another goal: drawing the United States into the war on the British side. When World War II broke out, Churchill was again head of the Admiralty, and again his chief goal was to enlist American power for Britain. This time he had an inside track: He found two eager co-conspirators in Roosevelt and his top advisor, Harry Hopkins. The three men labored to provoke a naval incident with Germany that would repeat the history of World War I. Here the ironies become almost unfathomable. World War I, in our historical mythology, appears an accident of tangled alliances, with no clear moral lesson for our times. Kaiser Wilhelm II is no longer the monstrous villain of the old propaganda, which related lurid stories of Belgian babies impaled on German bayonets and Belgian nuns raped by marauding German soldiers, all with the kaiser's blessing. Today, even the official lies of that war are all but forgotten. By contrast, the propaganda of World War II is still repeated as simple fact. Indeed, that propaganda has been intensified. Hitler and the Nazis have become Absolute Evil in a way that was not the case while the war raged. World War II was fought by rulers who remembered, and had played major roles in, World War I. As Churchill had been first lord of the Admiralty, Roosevelt had been assistant secretary of the Navy. The new war seemed an extension, result, and repetition of the earlier war. Old grudges were being avenged on both sides, except for the new factor: the Japs. It was their perfidious sneak attack, not the European broils, that outraged ordinary Americans. American soldiers fought with far more fury, and sheer savagery, against the Japanese than against the Germans. (It helped that the Japanese were far more apt to fight to the death, refusing to surrender, when the odds were hopelessly against them.) But, like Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt always regarded Germany as their chief enemy, and they fought it with a method even more cruel than the starvation blockade of the Great War: what was nicely called "strategic bombing." Not to mince words, this was a policy of terror-bombing that turned whole cities into gigantic furnaces, roasting countless men, women, and children alive. Many of the desperate victims jumped into rivers for relief, but the water was literally boiling. The beautiful city of Dresden, "the Florence of the North," was the most infamous case, but many other German and Japanese cities met the same fate. Brazen as he was, Churchill again turned flippant when asked about Dresden: "I thought the Americans did it." He knew quite well, of course, that the two countries had shared the honors, the Americans bombing by day, the British by night. Apologists for the war still defend the terror-bombing of defenseless cities of no military value. This is something to ponder. Some (the "Holocaust deniers") doubt that the Germans were intent on exterminating the Jews, but they don't deny that such a thing, if it happened, was a horrible crime. The champions of Churchill and Roosevelt defend an obscene policy of whose occurrence there is no question. Nor was this mere retaliation for German bombing of English cities. The English had planned and prepared for it even before the war, building a huge fleet of heavy bombers; it was Hitler who belatedly retaliated with an inferior air force, when he finally realized that the British bombing of cities was no accident. Ordinary Englishmen, outraged by the Blitz, didn't know that their own government had provoked it. The truth leaked out after the war, but by then it was too late to diminish the Churchill myth. Yet even that myth might have been impossible to maintain if Churchill had achieved his heart's desire: to do to the Eternal City of Rome what he did to Dresden. "We will bomb Rome when the time comes," he wrote in a 1940 memorandum. In September 1941 he repeated this threat publicly, in Parliament. Pope Pius XII warned through diplomatic channels that he would protest any such attack, rallying the world's Catholics against the British. Others around Churchill, aghast, tried to dissuade him from leveling Christendom's most venerable basilicas, churches, and monuments, including St. Peter's, St. John Lateran's, and many others, not to mention the priceless remains of ancient Rome. Churchill was willing, even eager, to destroy them all, along with the city's huge population. This was far beyond the beleaguered defiance of "We shall fight them on the beaches." It was also far beyond, though it included, mass murder. Luckily, it never proved feasible. Even the Americans had reservations. Such were Churchill's dreams of military glory. He was fully as cynical as Stalin about how many divisions the pope had. That he might incur eternal infamy as a twentieth-century Nero never seems to have crossed his mind. Yet today Winston Churchill is revered as a savior of Western civilization. Under the circumstances, the question is not whether he was a great hero, but whether he can even be described as sane. Propaganda: A Lost Art? (page 6) {{ Material dropped from features or changed solely for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. Emphasis is indicated by the presence of "equals" signs around the emphasized words.}} If you oppose the Iraq war, you find yourself, alas, on the same side as Michael Moore, whose FAHRENHEIT 9/11 has broken box-office records for a documentary film and may even affect this year's presidential election. Though he is defiantly unkempt and mountainously unprepossessing, Moore's self-confidence suggests that he didn't get enough rejection as a child. He wants to be the star of his own movie, even if this undermines the serious purpose he claims for it. Alfred Hitchcock {{ was overweight too, and he also }} made a point of appearing in his own movies, but it was a joke, almost defying the audience to notice him in the second or two before he disappeared and let his art do its stuff. Moore's art is not documentary, but propaganda, and he's not very good at it, even when working with powerful material. It doesn't occur to him that propaganda =can= be an art, or that like other arts, it can be enhanced by self-effacement. Moore sees it only as an opportunity for uninhibited self-expression. As a result, several liberal pundits, who also oppose this war, have complained that FAHRENHEIT 9/11 only preaches to the converted. That might be all right if it preached eloquently. {{ But in this case the }} preacher insists on being right in your face, standing on your shoes and clutching your lapels, shouting his message, without having bathed or brushed his teeth. And what is that message? That George W. Bush is a jerk, a dunce, a liar, a crook, and a murderer. All these charges are easy to support, and I can believe most of them, but they aren't all of equal gravity. Moore begins the film with a long rehash of the 2000 election, stressing {{ the irregularities in the Florida voting and vote-counting; }} he then asserts sinister long-standing ties between the Bush family, the Saudi Arabian government, and the bin Laden family. You don't have to believe that the Bushes are selfless public servants to find this a dizzying barrage of accusations. But how does it explain the war? Something about oil, I gather. {{ While he's at it, Moore also blames Bush for unemployment in Flint, Michigan. }} Nothing is too petty for Moore's Bush-loathing attention. But we might have been reminded of Bush's verbal maladroitness more subtly than by successive clips of him mispronouncing "nuclear." Moore even enlists physical disgust against the Bush team: we see Paul Wolfowitz preparing for a TV appearance by licking a comb to slick his hair down. But Moore is a very fat man on very thin ice when he resorts to this sort of thing: At least Bush appears to attend to grooming and personal hygiene. Moore wants to be thought of as a righteous slob, whose inattention to such vanities certifies his authenticity. I thought this attitude went out with the hippies. Is Moore making a statement against war and corruption, or just grownups? Not that the grownups here help their own cause. Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, and Colin Powell repeat (and repeat, and repeat) their own studied propaganda lines about the Iraqi "threat," the fabled weapons of mass destruction, the links with terrorists, the mushroom clouds, and so on. It already rings utterly false; no need to add sarcasm now. But it's good to be reminded that not so long ago this solemn hysteria had millions of Americans scrambling for duct tape. But despite his pose as a fearless truth-teller, exposing the dark motives that drove the war, Moore says nothing about the Israeli-neocon forces that had been plotting this war long before Bush became president, or about Bush's unconcealed links with Ariel Sharon. This explains far more than shadowy Saudi interests. To hear Moore tell it, you'd think the Arab governments welcomed U.S. military intervention; the opposite is true. It was the Likud and its American Amen Corner that were clamoring for the war. Moore can hardly have forgotten that. An omission so gross amounts to a lie. The most powerful part of FAHRENHEIT 9/11 is its war footage, which Moore himself didn't film but got from other sources, including the Arab media. The American assault on Baghdad is terrifying, a city exploding in the night with thunderous noise. Then we see the wailing Arab mothers and disfigured faces of children, as American pilots do their work with grim humor, while playing obscene rock CDs. If Moore could leave bad enough alone, this would have been quite sufficient to discredit the war. {{ And without these sickening scenes, the whole film would have little point. }} As a connoisseur of propaganda, I recently watched, once again, the seven WHY WE FIGHT films produced by the U.S. Government during World War II, under the direction of Frank Capra. It must be said that they are masterpieces in their kind. Unlike Moore, Capra {{ treats the war as a serious business, with no room for frivolity. Capra's patriotism, however corny at times, is devoid of personal egotism; he }} is trying to serve his country, not himself. {{ Even jabs of ridicule against the enemy are few. }} He repeats the official lies because he really believes them, and his propaganda carries a conviction Moore's lacks. The difference isn't entirely to Capra's credit. Under the constraints of his time, he couldn't have criticized Franklin Roosevelt if he'd wanted to. It's a blessing that Moore has a freedom Capra was denied (and didn't miss). But it's also a pity that Moore has made such poor use of that freedom. He's content to fight official lies with dubious half-truths. NUGGETS RETIREMENT BENEFITS: Glad to see that Bill Buckley's latest book, in the issue of NATIONAL REVIEW announcing that he's finally stepping down as chief executive officer, got a rave review. As have his previous four dozen or so. The next four dozen will be the real test: At 78, he threatens to outlive all his sycophants. (page 10) BLACK HOLES -- THE LIGHT SIDE: Who says the news is always bad? Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking now believes that black holes have had a bum rap. He is reported to have concluded that light can sometimes escape them. (page 12) Exclusive to electronic media: STILL YOGI AFTER ALL THESE YEARS: Now in his eighties, Yogi Berra remains our greatest living wordsmith. Told that Mike Piazza had surpassed his career record for home runs by a catcher, he rose to the occasion: "I knew my record would stand until it's broken!" WELL, NOBODY'S PERFECT: The Communist Party of the United States has endorsed John Kerry for president, generously overlooking his Catholic convictions and his deep personal opposition to abortion. THAT'S A RELIEF! A spokesman for Michael Jackson has categorically denied reports that a surrogate mom is carrying Jacko's quadruplets. Why must the media always go to such lengths to make the guy sound weird? I'll bet it's only triplets. REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * Land of the What? (June 3, 2004) * Is Bush Another Reagan? (June 15, 2004) * Hitler, Hitler Everywhere (June 22, 2004) * The Death of Shakespeare (June 24, 2004) * Bill Buckley's Sad Farewell (June 29, 2004) * Brando and His Imitators (July 6, 2004) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2004 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]