SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month November 2004 Volume 11, Number 11 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year; $85 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. CONTENTS Features -> The Ambiguous Catholic -> Notes from Limbo (plus electronic Exclusives) -> Reality and Divinity -> Philip Roth's Happy Ending Nuggets (plus electronic Exclusives) List of Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES {{ Emphasis is indicated by the presence of "equals" signs around the emphasized words.}} The Ambiguous Catholic (page 1) Someone has to do something about those Catholics. I'm sure you know the ones I mean. John Kerry will do for illustration here. After the second presidential debate, I wished for a new watchdog organization to dog Kerry with commercials -- Former Altar Boys for Truth, perhaps. Late in that debate a woman asked Kerry how he would respond to a voter who, believing abortion to be murder, asked for reassurance that his or her tax dollars wouldn't be spent for abortions. Kerry's long reply began: "I would say to that person exactly what I will say to you right now. First of all, I cannot tell you how deeply I respect the belief about life and when it begins." A strange way to phrase it; but he went on: "I'm a Catholic -- raised a Catholic. I was an altar boy. Religion has been a huge part of my life, helped lead me through a war, leads me today." Again, odd words. Was he going to answer the simple question? "But I can't take what is an article of faith for me and legislate it for someone who doesn't share that article of faith, whether they be agnostic, atheist, Jew, Protestant, whatever." Notice that Kerry, nearly 60 years old, hasn't learned, or affects not to know, that Catholic teaching on abortion is =not= an "article of faith," that is, a revealed truth; it's a simple application of natural law, shared by many non-Catholics -- agnostics, atheists, Jews, Protestants, whatever. Even altar boys used to know the difference. And =all= the state laws on abortion struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court had been passed by =Protestant= legislatures. Kerry went on showing, and sowing, confusion for several minutes. He never answered the question, but he implied, by sheer evasion (he digressed about "my wife, Teresa," "options," "constitutional rights," "unwanted pregnancies," et cetera), that he had every intention of using tax money for abortion. He finally ended: "And I truly respect it." By then I wasn't sure what "it" referred to. Bush smiled that he was "trying to decipher that." Kerry spoke for many ambiguous Catholics, particularly in politics, who claim affiliation with Catholicism only for the purpose of distancing themselves from it, acting superior to it, and even misrepresenting it -- but =never= for the purpose of actually bearing witness to their alleged faith. In the postdebate commentary, hardly anyone remarked on Kerry's mendacity. Maureen Dowd of the NEW YORK TIMES, usually quick to pounce on politicians' tricks, quoted Kerry's words about legislating his faith with full approval, reserving her scorn for the bishops who were "salivating" for a ban on abortion. Falsehoods about Catholic doctrine are never identified in the press as errors, gaffes, distortions, or outright lies. Miss Dowd herself occasionally mentions her Catholic girlhood. For example, when sneering at Mel Gibson a few months ago, she mocked the Stations of the Cross as a "12-step program" (she was only off by two). Kerry has referred to "Pope Pius XXIII" (off by XI). It isn't as if it would take much research to get these things right. Catholic teaching, practice, and history aren't exactly secret. So how has the Church in America recently managed to produce so many ignorant anti-Catholic bigots? Notes from Limbo (page 2) This month I write in suspense. By the time you read this, you will know what I, as of this writing, don't: the election results. So this issue is in the nature of a time capsule. It does appear that either George W. Bush or John F. Kerry will win the presidency, but they are running so close, AOTW, that the tension is terrific, though either result is revolting. The only consolation in prospect is that the winner's margin is likely to be so thin that he won't be able to claim a popular "mandate." * * * Do I sound pessimistic? AOTW, I'm still in the race, but let me anticipate the postmortems by confessing that, after being excluded from the presidential debates, I'm having trouble mobilizing my base, and my chances of victory will depend entirely on turnout. Being a realist, I'm drafting a concession speech, just in case. * * * "Does the U.S. need the draft?" asks TIME magazine. Wrong question. The real question is whether military conscription is just, and the answer is no. Both Bush and Kerry came out against it during the campaign, and the House voted it down, 402 to 2, so the matter appears settled -- for the time being. But as long as young men are still required to register for the draft, the coffin hasn't been nailed shut. And as long as the U.S. Government keeps acting as an empire, we can't be sure the issue is dead. * * * A lawyer named Douglas T. Kendall, writing in the WASHINGTON POST, raises an alarm about Justice Clarence Thomas: he doesn't seem to believe in stare decisis, the principle that judges should be bound by precedents. Maybe it's a good principle in general, but it can hardly apply to constitutional law, where it would mean that the most extravagant past rulings of "living document" jurisprudence would remain virtually irreversible. Which appears to be just what Kendall wants. After all, justices are sworn to uphold not their predecessors, but the Constitution itself. There's a difference. * * * About half the celebrities in the United States have died this month: actor Christopher Reeve, actress Janet Leigh, comedian Rodney Dangerfield, photographer Richard Avedon ... am I leaving anyone out? Since I don't want to write an all-obituary issue, I'll content myself with remarking on Reeve's obits. Yes, he struggled bravely with his horrible injury, but I doubt he'd be hailed as a "hero" if he hadn't become an advocate for stem-cell research on human embryos. * * * Oh yes, Jacques Derrida, the French father of the famous -- or is it infamous? -- school of "deconstruction," has also died. Nobody seems to know quite what deconstruction is, but it has still, or therefore, excited furious controversy. My impression is that it's the idea that every text potentially contains the opposite of its apparent meaning. Put simply, =all= documents are living documents. Exclusive to electronic media: Oh no! Not another Shakespeare biography! Yes, Stephen Greenblatt, doyen of the "New Historicism," has produced another reshuffling of the sparse facts about the wrong guy, WILL IN THE WORLD (Norton). No surprises, lots of surmises. And even the surmises are a bit shopworn; for example, Greenblatt speculates that the Stratford man wrote THE MERCHANT OF VENICE after witnessing the grisly execution of a Jew, before a jeering crowd in 1596. Trouble is, the play had already been written by then, and by somebody else. It's a good rule of thumb, when writing a biography, to begin by making sure you have the right guy. Reality and Divinity (pages 3-4) C.S. Lewis begins his classic MERE CHRISTIANITY with five short chapters under the heading "Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe." He points out that we all have a moral sense that points to the divine. Strictly speaking, it doesn't prove God's existence, but it can't be reduced to any mere social or psychological cause. Every attempt to explain it away only requires a further explanation. Even small children appeal to this sense when they quarrel ("I had it first!"). So do rulers of nation-states when they feel the need to justify, excuse, or deny their crimes. Lewis developed this insight further in THE ABOLITION OF MAN, the book that began my own reconversion to Christianity when I read it as a college student. It was a quiet little argument that all men accept the same basic moral principles, citing the teachings of the great religions as illustrations. Again, he wasn't trying to prove too much; he merely called attention to a dimension of ourselves that contradicts the dominant philosophies of our time, materialist, reductionist, positivist, nihilist. Lewis denied that men are only "trousered apes" who can be comprehended in Darwinian, Marxian, or Freudian categories. Most educated people aren't systematic philosophers, but their minds are apt to be confusedly dominated by some smattering of these philosophies, which have been considered "advanced" for the past two centuries or so. Human behavior is routinely explained in terms of supposed evolutionary needs; at times we read that our "instincts" are formed by this or that "evolutionary purpose," though the theory of evolution was developed in order to dispense with the very idea of "purpose" in nature. Darwin presupposed nature as a blind force. But the notion of something like design -- even Providence! -- keeps creeping back in. This broadly materialist view has even had its impact in art and esthetics. Modern painting and music have tried to dispense with the whole concept of beauty, which is dismissed as "subjective" and "conventional" rather than as an intimation of order in the universe. At the low end of popular entertainment, love is reduced to lust, morality to revenge, and religion, when it appears at all, to superstition and hypocrisy. Even modern theology has tried to accommodate itself to the respectable materialism, eliminating the supernatural, revelation, and absolute divine commandments. The Protestant theologian Paul Tillich did away with the Living God, who intervenes in our lives, and substituted a more refined (and less demanding) Ground of Being; somehow I wasn't surprised to learn, after his death, that Tillich himself had led a life of frenetic adultery. Why not? He had nothing to fear from the Ground of Being. In the same spirit, the "higher" biblical criticism has eliminated miracles not only from the Old Testament but from the Gospels. Even the words of Jesus are now subject to skepticism. Apparently the early martyrs died for myths. The "historical" Jesus was a proto-liberal social reformer, whose real message St. Paul and the Evangelists failed to understand; the Church buried it in fantastic dogma and empty ritual. One great fruit of this philosophy has been the modern state, of limitless power and undefined authority, circumscribed only by hostility to Christianity -- the absolute "separation of church and state." In the famous words of Dostoyevsky, "If God does not exist, everything is permitted." He might have added, "particularly to our rulers." In a world without essences, where even human nature is in doubt, where anything may turn into anything else, it's only to be expected that government should keep changing unpredictably, according to the whims of rulers. Such changes are dignified as part of the process of evolution, as when our jurists speak of the U.S. Constitution as "living" or, yes, "evolving." Modern law has been heavily influenced by what are called "the social sciences," which themselves are almost wholly products of the materialist philosophy, particularly behaviorist psychology, whose premise is that man, being a mere animal, has no free will. Having no fixed nature either, he is the creature of his environment, which it's up to the state to reshape -- according to the "findings" of social science. Against this gigantic system of circular thinking, it's refreshing to hear Samuel Johnson's defiant growl: "We =know= the will is free, and there's an end on't." Johnson, a good Christian, was a champion of simple intuition and immediate human experience against seemingly sophisticated argument: "When speculation has done its worst, two and two still make four." Two months ago, in these pages, I found solace in a magazine article discussing a little-known subject: the difficulty of turning young men into soldiers. The author had found that it's surprisingly hard to overcome the natural reluctance to kill other human beings. In a word, conscience -- the recognition of natural law -- is a "problem" in the eyes of the military. I think Lewis would understand. Last month, I was also cheered by a British finding that even the youngest infants prefer pretty faces to ugly ones. Here was experimental refutation of the modernist conviction that beauty is unreal. We =know= it's real, as Johnson might say, and there's an end on't. These examples illustrate that we know and respond to good and evil, the beautiful and the repellent, even when we can't explain why. These things are innate in our nature, no matter what theorists may say. Jesus Christ didn't argue. He didn't offer proofs of God's existence. He rebuked those who demanded proof in the form of miracles. Instead he spoke truths that those with faith would recognize as true the moment they heard them. He blessed those who were immediately receptive. His audacious claim of divinity, of direct intimacy with "my Father," of being "the way, the truth, and the life," of having the authority to forgive sins, had no precedent. "No man comes to the Father but by me": as Lewis says, all this was so shocking that it left, and leaves, no room for a middle position. To call Jesus a "great moral teacher," as if the Beatitudes were mere platitudes, separable from his claim to divine authority, won't wash. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." So far, at least, they haven't. Perhaps they serve some "evolutionary purpose"? In the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, as in Homer, Plato, Cicero, and in ancient literature generally, the reality of the divine is assumed. God and "the gods" are spoken of matter-of-factly, with no felt need to prove their existence or to justify appeals to our immediate sense of the true, the good, the beautiful. These are taken for granted as aspects of being itself. It's only modern materialism that has called them into question and reduced them to mere opinions, doubtful because beyond the reach of the senses. Lewis once explained his own faith in an excellent image. He said he believed in the sun not because he watched it rise, but because he saw everything else by its light. Skepticism can always make plausible arguments against the good, the true, and the beautiful; but without these transcendental conceptions, our minds are paralyzed by doubt, and we get nowhere. Or rather, we find ourselves at the mercy of their opposites: evil, falsehood, and ugliness -- all of which eventually find social expression in political tyranny. Since the Enlightenment, as it dubbed itself, the beginnings of the Age of Faith have been scornfully dubbed "the Dark Ages." Historians have long since abandoned this epithet, but it persists as an image in the modernist mind. The grain of truth in it is that these centuries after the dissolution of the Roman Empire, when power was decentralized, aren't as well documented as heart could wish. But today a fuller and richer picture of the period is emerging, and the "Dark Ages," the six centuries during which barbarian Europe became almost entirely Christian, were a time of profound though quiet moral and spiritual progress. We can't precisely date the discrediting or outright banning of such routine and ancient pagan practices as infanticide, abortion, pederasty, slavery, and divorce, but by the High Middle Ages -- when the lights came back on, as it were -- they had either disappeared or receded almost to the vanishing point. A new standard of human conduct had displaced them: the Christian standard, centered in the virtue of chastity and symbolized by the Virgin. To the modernist mind, the Dark Ages remain an era of reaction and stagnancy, and "progress" is now measured by the return of the very evils Christendom had vanquished. Modernism reserves its deepest hatred for chastity, which even the ancient pagans honored (as in the virgin goddesses Diana and Vesta). And yet, even in an age of confused hedonism, modern man still bears indirect witness to the natural law that can never be wholly expunged from the human heart. Angry men still insult each other's mothers; soldiers still rape the enemy's women; sexual degradation, symbolic and physical, remains a basic means of conquest and humiliation, transcending mere bodily pain. Everyone understands this. What is it but indirect testimony to the dignity of the person in its sexual nature, which materialism otherwise tries to deny? The violation of chastity is still felt to be more deadly than murder itself. How can you violate something that doesn't exist? Deep in his heart, modern man knows what his ancestors knew. But modern philosophies have helped him pretend not to know it. Philip Roth's Happy Ending (pages 5-6) Philip Roth's new novel, THE PLOT AGAINST AMERICA (Houghton Mifflin), has gotten more publicity than anything he has written since PORTNOY'S COMPLAINT. The premise is as explosive today as sex was in 1969: Nazis take over the United States in 1940. This "alternate history" is narrated by a character named Philip Roth, an adult who was a little Jewish boy in Newark at the time of the imaginary events. Roth-the-author has said in interviews that little Philip is faithfully describing the actual Roth family up to 1940, when the story becomes fictional, and he surmises what the impact of a pro-Nazi regime might have been like, especially for his family and neighbors. In many ways, it's brilliantly done. Roth has rare talents for dialogue, mimicry, and parody; he gives every character a distinctive voice, including creepily suave bureaucrats and namelessly moralistic NEW YORK TIMES editorial writers. (Some things never change.) In this story, Charles Lindbergh, aviator, national and worldwide hero, "isolationist," and "anti-Semite," is drafted to run for president of the United States as a Republican. Promising to keep America out of the European war, he defeats Franklin Roosevelt in a landslide. Somehow it goes without saying that this would have been a terrible turn of events. And it seems to follow, in Roth's imagination, that Lindbergh's putative anti-Semitism means that he would have used his presidential power to do the Jews a bit of no good. But Roth's Lindy doesn't go in for violent persecution; instead, he creates an Office of American Absorption (OAA), whose goal is not to exterminate Jews but to assimilate them peacefully, turning them into "real" Americans. Under the OAA's Just Folks program, little Philip sees his adored big brother Sandy assigned to spend a summer working on a Kentucky farm. Nobody suspects what the reader is expected to assume: that Just Folks is an innocuous-seeming prelude to concentration camps. To the horror of his parents, Sandy enjoys his summer sojourn. He comes home loving farm life and admiring the kindly farmer he lived with. He feels muscular and manly, speaks with a slightly Southern accent, and savors pork chops, bacon, and ham. Only 13, he argues violently but intelligently with his father, and won't abide criticism of President Lindbergh from "you people" -- the urbanites he now despises as "ghetto Jews." Sandy isn't the only Jew to find Lindbergh inspiring. So does Aunt Evelyn, his mother's impetuous sister; and so does Aunt Evelyn's employer, the fast-talking Rabbi Lionel Bergelsdorf, who becomes Lindy's foremost Jewish apologist, enraging other Jews who see him as an opportunist. Sandy is so articulate that Aunt Evelyn and the rabbi enlist him to make pro-Lindbergh speeches, until his parents crack down. After some bitter family fights, Sandy is rescued by puberty: an interest in girls displaces his interest in Lindbergh. But the picture otherwise darkens gradually for the Roth family. Soon the Lindbergh administration gets cozy with Nazi Germany, and in many states there are anti-Semitic riots which Lindbergh does nothing to discourage. America's most famous Jewish journalist, Walter Winchell, is assassinated when he begins leading opposition to Lindbergh. Jews are at once heartened by Winchell's courage and terrified by his fate. At this point some skepticism is in order. Roth tries to justify his imaginings (or fantasies) through the unusual step of adding to his novel an appendix of real-life historical information, including the text of Lindbergh's notorious 1941 Des Moines speech to the America First Committee, the chief anti-war (or "isolationist") group in the country. But that speech won't bear the weight Roth puts on it. In the first place, as he himself points out, he has to put the speech back a year, to 1940, in order to fit it into his story. Far worse, Roth ignores what Lindbergh actually said. The thrust of the speech was an attack on Roosevelt for seeking to involve the United States in war by "subterfuge." Lindbergh also noted that British and Jewish interests were seeking U.S. involvement too, but this he pardoned because he found those interests understandable: The British were at war with Germany; as for the Jews, It is not difficult to understand why Jewish people desire the overthrow of Nazi Germany. The persecution they suffered in Germany would be sufficient to make bitter enemies of any race.... No person with a sense of the dignity of mankind can condone the persecution of the Jewish race in Germany. But no person of honesty and vision can look on their pro-war policy here today without seeing the dangers involved in such a policy, both for us and for them. Instead of agitating for war, the Jewish groups in this country should be opposing it in every possible way for they will be among the first to feel its consequences.... A few far-sighted Jewish people realize this and stand opposed to intervention. But the majority still do not.... Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government.... We cannot blame them [i.e., the British and the Jews] for looking out for what they believe to be their own interests, but we must also look out for our own. The rest of the speech took a different tone. Lindbergh did blame Roosevelt, very severely, for betraying the American interests it was supposed to be defending. Roosevelt had won reelection in 1940 on a platform promising to seek peace, which he had never intended to do. So this was Lindbergh's "anti-Semitism": pointing out that the Jews' interests, as most Jews understood them (albeit wrongly, in his opinion), were at odds with America's interests. Sure enough, the headlines the next day roared "Lindbergh Attacks Jews." Nobody has seemed to notice, from that day to this, that he'd "attacked" the British in the same terms, nor that his chief target was the unprincipled deceiver in the White House. Yet Roth assumes, when it comes to "anti-Semitism," that the sky's the limit. Once a man commits it, whatever "it" is (mild criticism will do), he can be presumed capable of any crime against Jews. There are no degrees of "it." Annoyance, distrust, genocide -- they're all the same thing, "anti-Semitism." One is surprised to see Roth, who is himself capable of wittily mocking Jewish delusions, falling for this ethnocentric fallacy. People (including Jews, though you wouldn't know it from this book) make ethnic slurs all the time without following them up with violence; and Lindbergh was such a high-minded man that it's hard to imagine him committing a crude slur even in private. Roth posits a whole American population capable of fanatical cruelty. He never seems to question or qualify the vulgar equation, fostered by Roosevelt, of "isolationism" with pro-Nazism. What's more, it would have been wildly out of character for the Lone Eagle to seek political power, let alone to use it to persecute. He preferred a private, even reclusive life, especially after the kidnap-murder of his infant son. Roth's OAA is the sort of thing Roosevelt would have created, and did in fact create; he's the one who put Japanese-Americans in concentration camps. There is simply no warrant for supposing Lindbergh was capable of such a measure; this fiction has no roots in the real man. Making all allowance for literary license, it's a kind of defamation. Yet Roth keeps Roosevelt, despite his record, as the inviolate democratic hero of THE PLOT AGAINST AMERICA. The possibility remains that Roth, an inventive ironist, has constructed a huge spoof, though in interviews he seems to take his novel's implausible premise quite seriously. Here I'm going to give away the ending; at least I'm going to try. Roth has made it so involuted that the reader -- this one, anyway -- can't be quite sure what is happening. The key event is that on October 7, 1942, amid mounting protests and violence, President Lindbergh simply gets into The Spirit of St. Louis and flies away. He is never seen again. His fate remains a hotly discussed mystery sixty-odd years later; that is to say, today. Then it gets confusing. Mrs. Lindbergh calls off the search for her husband within a week and announces, though she has no legal authority, that she is countermanding his disastrous measures. Then, again in defiance of the U.S. Constitution, a presidential election is held in 1942, and Roosevelt is elected to a third term, only to be arrested, as is Mrs. Lindbergh herself -- yet more inexplicable events. Anyway, it all ends happily: the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor and America gets into the war after all. How could this happen? Roth, the character, cites one account: The Nazis have controlled Lindy all along! How? It was they, on the verge of power in 1932, who had kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, substituting the body of another baby, badly decomposed, to fool the FBI. They raised the real Charles Jr. as a good little Nazi, ignorant of his parentage, while using their possession of him as leverage over his father, who is acting under their orders when he gets into politics and begins persecuting Jews. So the great patriot is actually a "Nazi agent"! Far-fetched? Sure. The only source for this tale is a supremely dubious one: Rabbi Bergelsdorf, who may have dreamed it up to get himself off the hook with his fellow Jews who hate him for having fawned on Lindy. Or so we are invited, or at any rate permitted, to guess. A patented Roth enigma. (Bergelsdorf never existed, by the way; Roth-the-author made him up.) As for that happy ending -- Roosevelt and war -- well, Roth has told TIME magazine that the book is "optimistic," because, after all, the Lindbergh presidency "never happened." That's one way to look at it. Another might be to note, less happily, that hundreds of thousands of Americans wound up dead, Stalin won huge stretches of Europe, and the nuclear age arrived. But that would be ethnocentric. NUGGETS MULTICULTURAL SEASON'S GREETINGS: A local TV station has wished its viewers "a happy and blessed Ramadan." In due course it will no doubt wish them a happy Hanukah, a happy Kwaanza, and, for anyone else it may have overlooked, unspecified happy ... "holidays." (page 7) STUMPER: FOX NEWS Blowhard Bill O'Reilly is being sued for sexual harassment by his own producer. She says he "forced" her to have phone sex with him. I don't have a dog in this fight, but I must say I find the act she alleges hard to visualize. Did it involve bondage? Cell phones? I hope my dear readers are as baffled as I am. (page 11) NICOLE PRIVACY UPDATE: When we last heard from Nicole Kidman, she was publicly wrestling with the problem of protecting her "privacy." At the time she was appearing stark naked in a movie =and= on the Broadway stage. Her latest film shows her bathing, nude of course, with a 10-year-old boy. The solution to her problem continues to elude her. (page 12) Exclusive to electronic media: NOW HEAR THIS: Bob Dylan, perhaps the premier symbol of the Sixties, has been misunderstood. He's now broken his long, enigmatic silence with a surprising memoir, CHRONICLES (Simon and Schuster). Judging by reviews and excerpts, it's a charming and quite unpretentious book. Dylan disclaims such worshipful accolades as "voice of a generation." He just wanted to write songs. He confesses he was out of touch with the kids who adopted him as idol-spokesman. WORKS OF FAITH: One final word (I hope) about John Kerry. Late in the campaign he came up with a retort and rebuke to George W. Bush's religious appeal by quoting the Epistle of James: "Faith without works is dead." Kerry's own "faith," he affirmed, was expressed in his lifelong support for, yes, Big Government. So if you rack up the highest liberal record in the U.S. Senate, you're only doing the Lord's work. REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * Diversity -- The Real Thing (September 16, 2004) * Equality Run Amok (September 21, 2004) * Notes of a Former Couch Potato (October 5, 2004) * Secession, Anyone? (October 7, 2004) * Death of a Comedian (October 12, 2004) * Diane Speaks His Piece (October 19, 2004) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2004 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]