SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month February 2005 Volume 12, Number 2 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year; $85 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. CONTENTS Features -> Here We Go Again -> Publisher's Note: A Tribute to Sam Francis -> The Moving Picture (an electronic Exclusive) -> The Real Historical Jesus Nuggets (plus electronic Exclusives) List of Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES Here We Go Again (page 1) {{ Material dropped or changed solely for reasons of space appears in double curly brackets. }} A few days before President Bush's second term began, Seymour Hersh of THE NEW YORKER delivered another of his bombshell reports: that U.S. and Israeli commandos have been undertaking covert operations in Iran, presumably to lay the groundwork for preemptive strikes against Iran's suspected nuclear program. The administration issued a weak denial, saying the story contained "inaccuracies." No doubt. When you have to ferret out facts a secretive government doesn't want known, you're bound to get some details wrong. The real question is whether the story as a whole is true. According to Hersh's sources, Bush and his people construe his reelection as a popular endorsement of his wartime leadership and a mandate for more of same, including a widening of the war -- if necessary, by covert means and without consulting Congress. Though polls indicate waning public support for the war in Iraq, an issue that helped John Kerry in the election (though not quite enough to give him a victory), Bush apparently thinks he's popular enough to expand the war on his own without paying a severe political penalty. He's being encouraged to think so by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and other hawks around him. Some observers surmised that he would learn lessons from the difficulty of occupying Iraq and dismiss the neoconservative advisors who had counseled him in his first term. But if Hersh is right, Bush may be about to give these people the "World War IV" they have pushed for: a campaign of "regime change" across the Middle East, disabling or even toppling all Muslim governments hostile to the state of Israel. Such audacity hardly seems possible. Yet Hersh's record as a reporter is one of the most distinguished, most recently with his revelations of the tortures in the Abu Ghraib prison. And the Bush administration has an equally consistent record of deceit, evading the law, seeking pretexts for military action, and sheer hare-brained goals, untempered by prudent foresight about adverse results. At home, Americans have had second thoughts about the Iraq war, and even loyal congressional Republicans would hesitate to back a huge escalation in the region. And if Bush doesn't have the public as well as his own party solidly behind him, the Democrats won't roll over again. Quiet qualms would become roaring opposition. Militarily, Iran would be a far tougher target than Iraq. It's much bigger, stronger, and by all accounts more united against foreign threats than Iraq; moreover, it has had plenty of time to prepare for an American attack. {{ In the print edition, the paragraph beginning "Militarily," came before the one beginning "At home" -- ed. note }} {{ Hersh reports that Rumsfeld will become even more prominent in Bush's second term than in the first. It's hard to believe that after the mishaps and embarrassments of the last two years -- which have led even Republicans to demand his dismissal -- he can feel flushed with success; but maybe he thinks a blitzkrieg against Iran, a quick aerial campaign against its nuclear facilities (like the 1981 Israeli strikes in Iraq) without an occupation, will do the job. }} And then what? What if the United States does manage to cripple Iran militarily? Worldwide opposition to, and hatred of, the United States will be enormously intensified. The long-term results are incalculable, but surely China and Russia would take steps to meet, or even prevent, any future American threat. It's a cliche to say that the world is a "dangerous place." But the Bush administration seems bent on making it even more dangerous than it already is. Publisher's Note A Tribute to Sam Francis (page 2) What can I say in a few words of a friend of nearly 30 years who was abruptly taken away from us at the still energetic age of 57? My dear friend -- a loyal compatriot of SOBRAN'S -- columnist and author Dr. Samuel T. Francis died suddenly on February 15. We met in Washington, D.C., while we were both working on Capitol Hill. Sam was the terrorism expert for the Heritage Foundation while completing his doctorate in modern history from the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill). From there he went to work as legislative assistant for national security affairs for Senator John P. East (R-N.C.). After Senator East's death, Sam was hired by the WASHINGTON TIMES in 1986, first as an editorial writer and resident staff columnist, and later as deputy editor of the editorial page. I had the honor of accompanying him to a banquet of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, where he received -- two years in a row -- the Distinguished Writing Award for Editorial Writing in 1989 and 1990. He stayed at the TIMES for nine years until he was abruptly fired for speaking (on his own time) at an American Renaissance Conference. The comments in his speech were not at issue. The newspaper objected to his appearance at the gathering. Sam had been a syndicated columnist for the Tribune Media Syndicate for many years. When his contract was not renewed, he was carried for a short time by my Griffin Internet Syndicate until he landed a contract with Creators Syndicate, which also offers the column of his close friend, Pat Buchanan. Sam was an advisor to Buchanan during his presidential bids and greatly influenced his thinking and policies. Sam wrote several books, including POWER AND HISTORY: THE POLITICAL THOUGHT OF JAMES BURNHAM (1984); and BEAUTIFUL LOSERS: ESSAYS ON THE FAILURE OF AMERICAN CONSERVATISM (1993). Brilliant and very witty, Sam could have me laughing in no time by a clever turn of a phrase. He had just signed on as an advisor and resident scholar of our new Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation. In addition Griffin Communications was slated to arrange promotion for the new book he just finished editing, RACE AND THE AMERICAN FUTURE (Washington Summit Publishers, 2005). SOBRAN'S was privileged to have Sam present his talk "Unpatriotic Neoconservatives" at our annual anniversary event on December 4, 2004. An audio tape of the event is available and the video is in production. As our hope is in the saving power of Our Lord, we pray for the eternal rest of our good friend, Sam Francis. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fran Griffin Publisher "A nation, or even a planet, that recognizes no god other than its belly will quickly start wallowing in the ignorance, crime, corruption, and avarice that today afflicts the United States, and it will find itself unable to free itself of them." -- Sam Francis "This Land Ain't Your Land" [A longer version of this tribute, together with photographs from the 2004 SOBRAN'S Charter Subscribers' Dinner, comments from SOBRAN'S readers, and links to other tributes can be found on the SOBRAN'S website at] The Moving Picture (Exclusive to electronic media) {{ Emphasis is indicated by the presence of "equals" signs around the emphasized words. }} President Bush's second inaugural speech was one more exercise in banal loftiness, full of the standard urgent utopianism of presidential oratory. Our mission is now to end tyranny everywhere because our own liberty depends on universal liberty, and so on and so forth. If that sounds like neocon boilerplate, well, Charles Krauthammer reportedly chipped in some advice. By now I suppose it would sound paradoxical, if not perverse, for a president to suggest that our own liberty may depend on tightly controlling our own government. * * * Still, White House officials rushed to assure the press that the speech didn't mean a new departure in foreign policy, just a clarification of the values currently guiding the United States around the world. Pro-U.S. tyrants can rest easy. * * * At the same time, Condoleezza Rice was confiirmed as Bush's new secretary of state with only perfunctory Democratic criticism of her role as war propagandist (though the 13 nay votes she got were the most against any nominee to the post since 1825). Doubling the boss's Axis of Evil, she named six countries as remaining "outposts of tyranny" -- Iran and North Korea are joined by Burma, Cuba, Belarus, and Zimbabwe -- requiring U.S. pressure, if not yet preemptive war and regime change. * * * After Seymour Hersh reported that U.S. commandos are conducting secret missions in Iran, the Ziomaniacal NEW YORK POST -- which has always held Hersh a lying pinko un-American enemy of Israel -- ran a column by Rael Jean Isaac blasting him on two counts: On the one hand, he "endangers the lives of American commandos on these missions" (it doesn't seem to matter whether such illegal missions endanger the rest of us); on the other hand, Hersh has a long record of "shoddy reporting" and is not to be believed. In Hersh's defense, then, it would seem likely, from what Mrs. Isaac says, that he's only risking the lives of =imaginary= American commandos. * * * In a recent column, Bill Buckley writes, "What needs to be said about oil is that it is worth fighting for; you must be willing to die for oil." James G. Bruen Jr. of CULTURE WARS magazine retorts, "Was a thirst for oil sufficient justification for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?" * * * Johnny Carson's death at 79 drew forth a flood of excessive praise, reminding us that he had been awarded the Congressional Medal of Freedom. Nothing against Carson, a durable entertainer in a fickle business, but when you stop to think of it, this country gives out an awful lot of honors. The Real Historical Jesus (pages 3-6) {{ Emphasis is indicated by the presence of "equals" signs around the emphasized words. }} Since the Enlightenment, Christianity has been bedeviled by the idea of "the historical Jesus" -- a purely human figure stripped of the divine and supernatural qualities imputed to him by the Gospels, St. Paul, and the early Church. In its popular form, it appears in the common notion that Christ's "teachings" are all very well, even morally edifying, but his "miracles" are mere fables that can be safely dismissed. And of course a Jesus who is merely human, not divine, can't demand anything of us or require us to accept him. This has a superficial appeal to the modern mind, which seeks purely natural explanations for everything and regards man as self-sufficient. But as we reflect on it, a huge and fatal difficulty presents itself: The Jesus we meet in the Gospels can't be reduced to ordinary human dimensions. This is what all the skeptics, scholarly and otherwise, fail to see. The "Higher Criticism" that developed two centuries ago with German scholars has sought to discover a real Jesus behind the Gospel accounts. Charlotte Allen has told the story of the development of this school of thought in her recent book, THE HUMAN CHRIST: THE SEARCH FOR THE HISTORICAL JESUS (The Free Press). The leading names in the great period of the Higher Criticism were mostly German: Reimarus, Strauss, Schleiermacher, Troeltsch, Dibelius, Harnack, and Bultmann. Not all of them had subversive intent. Some had a real residue of piety for Jesus and hoped to salvage a core of fact acceptable to Christianity's "cultured despisers" in an age of science and reason. But even these assumed that most of the Gospels' assertions about Jesus would have to be discarded. This method has come to be known as "demythologization." By now, skepticism has become a precondition of academic biblical scholarship. No self-respecting scholar today wants to be mistaken for a gullible believer! As time passed, speculation about Jesus had its way. He was variously portrayed as a mystic, social reformer, megalomaniac, religious enthusiast, political activist, Essene ascetic, liberal, proto-Marxist agitator, utopian dreamer, feminist, and homosexual. As long as his divinity was denied, no surmise was too wild to find an audience (and a publisher). He could be freely modernized -- or, as one might say, remythologized. We are in the age of the gullible unbeliever. Once the Reformation shattered the unity of Western Christendom, all this was bound to happen. The early Protestants hoped to substitute the authority of the Bible for the authority of the visible Church, but the many problems of interpreting the Bible prevented any new and stable orthodoxy from emerging, until the authority of the Bible itself came into question. Thomas Jefferson, late in his life, produced a sort of Deist New Testament by editing out all supernatural events and claims, leaving only a skeletal "morality," which he called the authentic message of Jesus (no longer Christ). One of the earliest debunkers was an Englishman, Thomas Chubb (1679-1747). Chubb was a glovemaker and popular writer, not a scholar, whose aim was to reduce Christianity to something conformable to "reason and natural religion," the shibboleths of his age. He knew neither Hebrew nor Greek and did nothing in the way of biblical research. Yet, as Miss Allen notes, he created what would be the "template" for future scholars of the historical Jesus: "The 'historical' Jesus is =almost always= a version of Chubb's: a nonsupernatural ethical teacher born in Nazareth -- not of a virgin -- who offended the reigning religious authorities in Jerusalem and found himself in political trouble. Mark's is =almost always= the first Gospel. Paul of Tarsus is =almost always= the real founder of Christianity." The reduction of Jesus has come full circle from these humble beginnings. Some of today's prominent Jesus-debunkers have no more scholarly credentials than Chubb. The Jesus Seminar claims to separate Jesus' original sayings from those later ascribed to him by the Church (the original ones being those most congenial to the twenty-first century, as determined by vote of Seminar members). At the low end of the scale we find Dan Brown, whose novel THE DA VINCI CODE has sold in the millions, convincing myriad readers that the Vatican has for millennia concealed the real facts about Jesus (including his marriage to Mary Magdalene). Brown insists that his novel is based on thorough research, a claim to be measured against his assertion that the Catholic Church "murdered" Copernicus. (Any children's encyclopedia could have saved him from that howler.) More important, all these versions of the Historical Jesus lack the vitality of the Gospels' Jesus. The explanations leave too many loose ends unexplained. We never feel that anything has been gained by them; the Historical Jesus is always a smaller and less satisfying figure than the Gospels' Jesus, and not only, or even chiefly, because he can't walk on water. He's almost a nobody, not even a rounded character. We may also wonder why, if the Historical Jesus never claimed to be the Son of God, the early Church would have been so imaginative and audacious as to have him speaking of the Holy Spirit as well as of the Father. There is something radically wrong with the very conception of a "historical" Jesus (defined a priori as merely human). It's both evasive and naive. Indeed separating Jesus' moral teachings from his supernatural claims and deeds has proved more complicated than the early Higher Critics expected. Many of his recorded teachings have had to be sacrificed along with the miracles, until hardly anything is left. As C.S. Lewis puts it in MERE CHRISTIANITY, the Jesus of the Gospels combines the deepest moral and psychological insight with the most extraordinary assertions of his own authority any man has ever made. If he is not what he says he is, he is either "a madman or something worse." Lewis rejects as "patronising nonsense" the notion that he was merely "a great human teacher": "He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to." Jesus' teachings aren't just uplifting homilies about social justice. One of his most central teachings is that he has a special intimacy with God and speaks with God's authority. "I and the Father are one." "No man comes to the Father except through me." "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." When he told the paralytic, "Your sins are forgiven," the Pharisees immediately accused him of blasphemy, since "only God can forgive sins." In fact, as Frank Sheed writes in TO KNOW CHRIST JESUS (recently republished by Ignatius Press), Jesus' enemies, in contrast to the Higher Critics, didn't deny his miracles, which they ascribed to diabolical power; it was precisely his teachings they violently rejected! The Gospels are quite clear on this. No skeptical reading of them can plausibly argue that the "real" Jesus taught innocuously and that the Gospel authors superadded accounts of miracles after his death to create the impression of divine power. One might as well argue (as only a few extreme skeptics do) that Jesus never existed at all, and that the Gospels are entirely fictional. Sheed is far from the first to point out that four amateur writers couldn't have invented the most original character in all the world's literature. Not even a Shakespeare could have imagined Jesus, as he imagined such marvelous figures as Hamlet and Cleopatra. Jesus' words have a power no other human words have ever had. They ring with wisdom, authority, and mystery. They have the stamp of a definite personality, totally unlike any other ever known. Replying to Freudian critics who have tried to portray Jesus as hysterical or otherwise abnormal, the French historian Henri Daniel-Rops, in JESUS AND HIS TIMES (now, alas, out of print), observes "the perfect balance of his character," its wholeness and integration. He is consistent, yet unpredictable; he can be serene, tender, tearful, piteous, stern, indignant, even furious, as the moment warrants, but he is always "master of the event." And he is marvelously quick-witted: When his enemies try to trap him, he is never at a loss but, on the contrary, always has an unexpected and decisive answer. Jesus' words, Daniel-Rops remarks, have "the unmistakable accents of a man who has only to speak to be obeyed." He has, supremely, the gift of reaching people's hearts in earthy language. He sizes people up, judges their motives, and says exactly what they need to hear, with a complete lack of the self-absorption and confusion that usually impede human communication. He combines spiritual authority with the keenest alertness to the situation and the person he is facing at the moment. He can win a disciple with the slightest personal attention -- as when he astounds Nathanael with the simple words, "I saw you under the fig tree." Only Nathanael knows what this refers to; but it's enough for him. He believes. It's striking how many of Jesus' sayings are quick responses to his immediate circumstances. The Gospels constantly show him in lively interaction with others. He is always ready, never remote. It's easy to overlook his sheer sociability, shown in his preference for humble and even disreputable companions. We shouldn't forget that such people accepted his company too, as they would hardly have done if his manner had been aloof, priggish, or pontificating. Evidently the holy Son of God wasn't holier-than-thou. On the other hand, even knowing his imminent ordeal, he yields nothing when he faces Pontius Pilate. He speaks with all his poise and authority -- still "master of the event" -- when any other man would be cringing and begging for his life, or at least struggling to keep his dignity. He speaks to the mighty power of the Roman Empire with the same totally unawed self-possession with which he addresses the Samaritan woman. My personal experience as a writer has given me a special respect for Jesus' eloquence. I'm flattered when people quote anything I've written even a year after I write it. Imagine speaking words, many of them off the cuff, that are quoted, even in translation, for thousands of years -- and not merely because they are memorably phrased, but because they penetrate the depths of our consciences. Great as Shakespeare is, his words don't have this kind of sovereignty over our inner lives; we don't measure our very souls against them. We can go further than Sheed. The belief that the Evangelists could have created Jesus, giving him words of such authority, assumes that they were trying to imagine a perfect man. That is, they began with a conception of a man like Jesus and then filled out their portraits with details of what they thought such a man would say and do. This idea has a fatal flaw: Jesus himself gave his disciples a new, and shocking, conception of what it meant to be perfect, one that could never have occurred to them until they had known him. If the greatest pre-Christian writers had tried to imagine an ideal man, the result would have been nothing at all like Jesus. Homer might have created a hero like the "godlike" Achilles, or Hector, or Odysseus; Virgil an Aeneas. Aristotle might have set forth his haughty, prudent, honor-loving "great-souled man." These are all admirable, as far as they go; but they all go in the same direction, away from the example of Christ. They obviously deserve an earthly glory that would be impossible if they were to meet Jesus' crushing fate on Calvary -- the very fate his followers eventually learned to see as the fulfillment of a kind of glory utterly different from any they were aware of. Plato would have offered a Socrates, the closest pagan analogy to Jesus. Socrates is wise, virtuous, and courageous even unto death; but the analogy is still feeble. He claims no divine nature, works no wonders, and doesn't baffle his disciples with enigmatic sayings, such as that they must eat his flesh and drink his blood. He is permitted a dignified death. Not only would these authors have failed to imagine Jesus; judging him by the outlines of his life, they would have regarded him as anything but ideal -- a poor man of low social status who preached loving your enemies and who died the horrible and ignominious death of a common criminal, after being spat on by a mob. Ideal? Nonsense! Absurd! The Greek and Roman poets and philosophers would have found his story not admirable but simply repulsive. Socrates also dies courageously, but his death is decorous. It merely ends his life; it doesn't fulfill it. There is nothing timely about it, in contrast to Christ's death in Jerusalem, where not only Christ's life but the long history of Israel is finally concentrated in one event. The crucifix gives only the faintest impression of what crucifixion was really like. The early Church regarded crucifixion as too hideous and degrading to be represented; only long after the practice had been abolished was its image adopted, more symbolically than realistically. In Christian art the cross is so tall as to appear almost to exalt the victim; in reality it was a small stake whose crossbeam rested on it in the shape of a T, while the victim writhed, impaled and suffocating, in indescribable agonies. If Jesus hadn't risen from death, his scattered followers would probably have preferred to forget the whole thing. Only his resurrection gives his crucifixion meaning. The Historical Jesus doesn't rise, except in hallucination. Why such a hallucination should be shared by all his disciples -- not a sane man among them? -- is never explained. Why the bitter persecutor Saul of Tarsus should suddenly (and belatedly) experience the same delusion we are also left to wonder; just as we are left to wonder why all the authors of the Epistles sound so matter-of-fact about having met Jesus alive after his death. (They don't sound like either frauds or hysterics.) Even the most pious Jews couldn't imagine a Jesus. Their ideal might have been a super-Moses or a super-David, a great prophet or conqueror who would restore Israel to glory. But how far they were from imagining a Jesus is shown not only by their general rejection of him, but by his own faithful disciples' inability to recognize or comprehend what he was when they actually met him and lived in his presence! As a boy he mystified even his mother when he explained his lingering in the Temple. The Gospels' authors couldn't have made him up because, as they themselves tell us, they didn't understand him fully until after his death, resurrection, and ascent into heaven; until Pentecost, actually. He was anything but the realization of a preexisting ideal. Just the opposite. In crucial ways Jesus contradicted the ideals his disciples had actually held all their lives. And this is an essential part of the story they tell. Of his chosen Twelve, all but John had deserted him at the very climax of his mission. The story, as they tell it, does them little credit -- additional reason to doubt they falsified it. They could easily have shown themselves in a more favorable light, or at least omitted their shameful behavior. Even in his miracles Jesus falls short of both pagan and Hebrew models of heroism. His wonders are mostly "little" ones -- healings and exorcisms, nothing like spectacular physical feats of killing monsters or parting seas. If the Gospels were fictions, wouldn't they have given us something on a more epic scale than curing sick people? Imagine Hercules healing lepers! Any mythmaker would have outdone the Evangelists in mere scale; but Jesus' miracles are of a piece with his teachings about showing mercy to everyone, however humble. And instead of glorying in his deeds, he tells their subjects, "Your own faith has cured you," charging them to tell nobody. Jesus' teachings themselves are miraculous. Nothing like them had ever been heard before. If he hadn't come, nobody else would ever have thought of them. This is why they can't be prescinded from his deeds, as the skeptics try to do. After the climactic events in Jerusalem, everything fell into place -- the hints of the prophets, the infancy stories, St. Simeon's prediction that Jesus would be a "sign of contradiction," Jesus' own dark words. He was born of a virgin in Bethlehem, "despised and rejected by men," and, most astounding of all, "God with us." He changed our very conception of God. It would have been remarkably ingenious of his followers, after his death, to invent the Trinity. It can't be too strongly emphasized that Jesus' mission is =completed= by his crucifixion. If he were anything but what he was -- a social reformer, et cetera -- an untimely death would have been a mere unfortunate interruption of what he was trying to do, leaving his aspirations frustrated. But the opposite is true. Everything in his life has pointed to this moment. Every mysterious word he has spoken is illuminated by it. It's not as if he'd left plans unaccomplished or words unspoken. His death doesn't seem a tragic abridgement of a career still full of promise, like the death of Mozart at about the same age. Jesus had said and done everything he had to say and do. His hour had come, just as he himself had foretold. His life ended in what the pagans would have regarded as the mortifying accident of unjust execution, but he knew it was complete. And as Simeon had predicted, he went to his death a sign of contradiction, a sword piercing his mother's heart. From the manger to the cross, the Gospel story is too perfect, too coherent and consistent, too rich in unexpected meaning, for any merely human mind to have designed. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." His words continue to have their original power. Nothing in the last two millennia has made them outdated; nothing he said has been superseded. And to the skeptics he remains a sign of contradiction. Again, the Jesus Seminar, not content to leave his "teachings" intact, professes to distinguish the authentic words of Jesus from words later forged by his followers. As if his followers would have dared to put words in his mouth! As if they (or anyone else) could have fabricated words worthy of him, words convincing enough to fool the Christian world for 20 centuries! What's more, any such interpolations would have had to meet a well-nigh impossible condition: Apart from sounding like something Jesus might say, they would have had to contribute to the coherence of the whole story. If the pagan and Jewish writers couldn't imagine Jesus, neither, in a sense, have Christian writers. Even with the example of Jesus before them for imitation, the greatest geniuses of the Christian era have never been able to create a character who could speak with anything approaching the power of Jesus' words. Few have even tried. Milton's Christ, in PARADISE REGAINED, has all the eloquence of Milton and none of the eloquence of Christ. Scientific theories are often judged less by their truth or coherence than by their explanatory power. Do they seem to account for all the data? The various versions of the Historical Jesus explain less than the Jesus of the Gospels. In fact the very assumption of a Historical Jesus begs the real question. It denies the undeniably supernatural personality whose power we ourselves meet on every page of the New Testament. If Jesus himself isn't the source of those miraculous words, who is? NUGGETS FURTHER READING: If the question of the "historical Jesus" interests you, you may enjoy Lee Strobel's CASE FOR CHRIST (publisher, $16.95, paper). Strobel is a former CHICAGO TRIBUNE investigative reporter who had the inspired idea of checking out the Gospels the way he used to check out news stories. His interviews with dozens of experts confirm that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John hold up very well indeed from many angles. And this story has legs. (page 6) BAD GUY: Alexander Hamilton is back in vogue, with several recent biographies and a big exhibition in New York hailing him as "the Man Who Made America." The term "fascist" is usually a mere term of abuse, but it fits Hamilton pretty well: He favored the concentration of power, wars of conquest, economic dirigisme, government crackdowns on the press, the use of Federal troops to collect taxes, and on and on. Jefferson called him "our Bonaparte." Reviewing his career, you wonder why Aaron Burr isn't on the $10 bill. (page 9) VOX POPULI: The suspicion grows that we hold elections so that at least some of our rulers can avoid the danger of confirmation hearings. (page 11) Exclusive to electronic media: THE OTHER BUSH WAR: Europe has 87 prisoners per 100,000 people; the United States, 685. This is chiefly a reflection of the first President Bush's War on Drugs, which has had the effect of criminalizing countless young men, chiefly blacks, most of whom are no threat to anyone. You don't have to be a slobbering liberal to find this tragic and outrageous. Prohibition, the War on Booze, required a constitutional amendment. The War on Drugs was launched by a mere executive order. GETTING RELIGION: Since the November election, Democrats have been changing their stance on abortion. Hillary Clinton is just the latest to pull the long face about the "tragic" nature of the act, professing her "respect" for its opponents, and urging both sides to seek "common ground" (i.e., on Federally funded contraception, of course). She's taking a leaf from her husband, who used to say abortion should be "safe, legal, ... and rare." One wonders why the exercise of a constitutional right should be rare. Do we call the exercise of free speech "tragic"? QUERY: Isn't it time the Old World issued its own Monroe Doctrine, warning the Americas against butting into the affairs of its hemisphere? REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 7-12) * The Dark Lady, and Other Intellectuals (January 4, 2005) * Magnifying the Enemy (January 6, 2005) * Osama and Jack the Ripper (January 11, 2005) * "What Will History Say?" (January 18, 2005) * The Utopian Conservatives (January 25, 2005) * Bush's Helpful Critics (February 1, 2005) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2005 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]