SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month May 2005 Volume 12, Number 5 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year; $85 for 2 years; trial subscription available for $19.95 (5 issues). E-mail subscriptions: $39.95 for 1 year ($25 with a 12-month subscription to the print edition); $65 for 2 years ($45 with a 2-year subscription to the print edition). Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. CONTENTS Features -> Might, Right, and the American State -> Publisher's Note -> The End of "Progress" -> Old Man Shakespeare -> Thanks Nuggets (plus electronic Exclusives) List of Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES {{ MATERIAL DROPPED OR CHANGED SOLELY FOR REASONS OF SPACE APPEARS IN DOUBLE CURLY BRACKETS. EMPHASIS IS INDICATED BY THE PRESENCE OF "EQUALS" SIGNS AROUND THE EMPHASIZED WORDS. }} Might, Right, and the American State (page 1) The great literary critic Northrop Frye begins his essay "The Problem of Spiritual Authority in the Nineteenth Century" with a startlingly astute political observation: "The source of actual or 'temporal' authority in society is seldom hard to locate. It is always in the near vicinity of whatever one pays one's taxes to. As long as it can be believed that might is right, and that the tax-collecting power is not to be questioned, there is no separate problem of spiritual authority. But the thesis that might is right, even when as carefully rationalized as it is in Hobbes, has seldom been regarded as much more than an irresponsible paradox." Frye goes on to show how various political philosophies, from Milton to Matthew Arnold and William Morris, have dealt with the problem of justifying the state in terms of "spiritual authority." The question is rarely addressed now, and a vacuum has been filled, as a practical matter, by secular universities, which supply the values by which modern society is kept in "so constant a state of revolution and metamorphosis." But in earlier times -- Christian times -- the West was deeply concerned with defining the state, its just powers, and its moral limits. Today the very idea of such limits is nearly defunct. The state just keeps growing, always claiming more of its subjects, but even those who resist its growth rarely offer, or demand, a stabilizing rationale. "Standing athwart history yelling 'Stop!'" -- William Buckley's famous phrase of 1955 -- is still as near to a contemporary conservative credo as we have. "Stop"? Stop what? Just what is "history" doing wrong? Most conservatives have a long list of particular objections, but these are rather miscellaneous and contradictory. In their way, conservatives themselves have encouraged the expansion of the warfare state, while grumbling about the concomitant swelling of the welfare state, their chief complaint about which, nowadays, is that it isn't being managed on sound Republican principles. Liberalism is now equally devoid of principle. {{ Nearly all the political players now agree in practice that might -- especially American might, the might of the U.S. Government -- is right. A government is above all an economy, taking from some, giving to others, threatening (and sometimes delivering) destruction to still others, mostly abroad, while assuming responsibility for prosperity at home. The more godless it becomes, the more authority it assumes; the more aggressive it becomes, the more it insists its purposes are defensive. Its watchwords are "defense," "security," "safety," "protection," and "health," public and national. }} It's interesting to note that the Canadian Frye's formidable list of political philosophers is drawn almost entirely from English literature (Rousseau gets a brief mention). Though the U.S. Government is the most gigantic state in human history, it has curiously lacked a single important American theorist since its infancy as a constitutional republic. Passing strange. Socialist, Communist, Fascist, Zionist, and many other regimes have had their philosophers; but the American regime still awaits even a disinterested, realistic Aristotelian description of its actual constitution (as distinct from its obsolete written one), let alone an attempt to justify the fantastic scope of its present powers. To be sure, America is capable of vehement self-congratulation; but this usually takes the form of empty democratic slogans. What is totally absent is any serious attempt to show that the American regime, as it now exists, meets the test of reason. Publisher's Note (page 2) I am pleased to announce that we have just released a Compact Disc of Joe Sobran's first book, SINGLE ISSUES: ESSAYS ON THE CRUCIAL SOCIAL QUESTIONS (The Human Life Press, New York, 1983). This CD is essentially an electronic photograph of the 1983 book, which has been out of print for many years. There is no audio on the CD -- just a picture of each of 189 pages of the book plus front matter and the dust jacket. You will need a computer to print out the CD or to view it on your monitor. SINGLE ISSUES is a selection of Joe's essays written from 1975 through 1982 for HUMAN LIFE REVIEW. Some of the 15 articles included are: "Nothing to Look At: Perversity and Public Amusements"; "Bogus Sex: Reflections on Homosexual Claims"; "The Established Irreligion"; "On Imposing One's Views"; "In Loco Parentis"; "Razing the Past"; "The Value Free Society"; and "'Secular Humanism' or 'The American Way.'" (A full listing of the contents can be seen on the website at It is a wonderful compilation of Joe's writings on culture, society, the family, and right-to-life issues. The CD is for sale for just $12 but is FREE as our gift to you if you renew your subscription. Also, you might consider giving a gift subscription of SOBRAN'S to a friend, colleague, family member, or priest and we will include the CD as a bonus. You can arrange renewals and gifts on-line at, by telephone (800-513-5053), or by using the subscription forms enclosed with this issue. SOBRAN'S In A Box A kind contributor has made it possible for us to assemble and box complete sets of SOBRAN'S from our first issue in September 1994 through December 2004. This "Ten/Four" Set (10 years plus four issues from 1994) totals 122 issues of SOBRAN'S. We have a limited number of these sets -- which are in cardboard boxes -- so order soon if you want one. Also, you may consider donating a set to a pubic or university library. We can ship the set to you -- or give us the name of a contact person and the library address and we'll ship it directly. Make sure to ask the library if they wish to recieve this donation. We are offering a bargain price for this complete set: just $50 for the box of 122 newsletters! This includes shipping (the box weighs about 10 pounds). Be aware that this set is simply loose newsletters in a box. No binders, no magazine clips, no frills. Just the priceless words and wisdom of Joe Sobran. Finally I would like to thank you for your cards and prayers as Joe recuperates from foot surgery. Keep them coming. They are a tremendous help to him. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fran Griffin Publisher The End of "Progress" (page 3) In its coverage of the Catholic Church, the NEW YORK TIMES never lets you down. Its banner headline announced, "German Cardinal Is Chosen as Pope," but a sub-headline signaled the theme of the story: "In a Celebrating Crowd, Some Show Concern over His Doctrine." "His" doctrine? Is Benedict XVI adding idiosyncratic beliefs of his own to the ancient creeds? Not exactly. By the fifth paragraph of the story, the paper reported that "some" in the applauding crowd at St. Peter's were expressing "reservations about his doctrinal rigidity." One American student worried that he "might scare people away." Another spectator called his election "the gravest error." The story quoted nobody in the vast, applauding crowd who thought Benedict might be a good pope. The rest of the account was peppered with ominous words like "harsh," "rigid," "divisive," and "contentious." Count on the TIMES to seek out, and feature, Catholic malcontents to comment on events in the Church -- as it did consistently throughout the long papacy of this pope's friend and mentor John Paul II, whose orthodoxy (or "doctrinal rigidity") it likewise deplored. Once again liberals, inside and outside the Church, are alarmed that the Pope is too Catholic. An aging lost generation of Catholic liberals, full of false hopes since the Second Vatican Council, can't shake the idea that they are the Wave of the Future, and that the Church's destiny is to adopt their destructive "reforms." But Benedict's quick election means that liberalism's day is over. Benedict promises -- or, from the liberals' point of view, threatens -- to reaffirm and strengthen the orthodoxy and traditions they have hoped were doomed. The College of Cardinals has witnessed the bad fruits of headlong change: the weakening of the faith of ordinary Catholics, the corruption of the liturgy, plunging Mass attendance, and the infiltration of the seminaries and the priesthood by homosexuals. A consequence has been one of the most explosive scandals in the entire history of the Church, the sexual abuse of boys by priests. More "progressivism," anyone? The Church of Rome has chosen not to go the way of the Church of England or its American branch, the Episcopal Church. We have seen the "progressive" future, and it doesn't work. C.S. Lewis, who died in 1963, just as the Second Vatican Council was beginning, was the great apologist for "mere Christianity." By this he meant the irreducible core of belief shared by all who believed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. Lewis carefully avoided discussing the doctrines that divided Catholics and Protestants; as a devout Anglican, he assumed that "mere" Christianity was secure within the Church of England. But as the Catholic writer Joseph Pearce points out, events have proved otherwise. By the end of his life, Lewis was warning against the proposed ordination of women and other fashionable changes; today his church has long since adopted most of them, marginalizing many of the doctrines he considered essential to any form of Christianity worthy of the name. As one wag quipped only a few years after Lewis's death, the Church of England is so liberal that "nobody from the Pope to Mao Zedong can say with any assurance that he is =not= an Anglican." Benedict XVI means to see to it that everyone will know confidently whether or not he is a Catholic. But liberals consider the mere definition of Catholic teaching -- the elimination of mush -- a form of intolerance, or "doctrinal rigidity." This Pope has always known that Catholic doctrine is not "his," or anyone else's, to change. The secular world, including many within the Church, will always passionately urge that this doctrine be updated to suit the times, rather than just restated in terms intelligible to the times. As G.K. Chesterton reminds us, there is a world of difference between restating and updating. It's the difference between putting old wine in new wineskins and putting new wine in the old wineskins. Liberalism is no longer new, but that's not what's wrong with it. The trouble is that it's false, was always false, and never offered anything that could be permanent and sustaining. It survives only as the corrosive residue of another time, a fad now expiring, which our new Pope seems determined to expunge from the Church. Old Man Shakespeare (pages 4-5) Even my friends wonder why I'm so impassioned about proving that "Shakespeare" was really the Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere. They're too polite to roll their eyes, but I can sense that they think I'm in the grip of an eccentric obsession. What difference can it make to sensible people? We have the plays, don't we? What else matters? Let me try to explain. Only Shakespeare conveys the full pathos of writing. When I read the Sonnets, I come close to tears. Here is the genius who wrote HAMLET -- the only man who ever lived who even =could= have written it -- and he feels his life has been a failure! What on earth would success be like? When my friend Sam Francis died recently, I reflected that Sam might have understood this. Despite his talent, and despite having his share of admirers, I always felt that Sam knew the loneliness of writing as Oxford had known it. So in a way I'm simply trying to correct a historical injustice, like a crusading lawyer who wants to prove that an executed man, long dead, was innocent after all. I want =justice= for Oxford! And I can't rest as long as the world denies him the glory that is due him. These thoughts come to mind after reading a new Oxfordian book, PLAYERS: THE MYSTERIOUS IDENTITY OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, by one Bertram Fields (who, as it happens, is a lawyer). It breaks no new ground and is even, by my lights, behind the curve. Though it mentions me a few times, I don't think Fields really understands the materials he's dealing with. He not only makes arguments that have been made before, but also makes a few that should have been abandoned long ago. They get us nowhere. I hope to write at least one more book on this question, from an angle that has been largely neglected: Shakespeare, when we first hear of him, is already in his prime. I touched on this point in these pages four issues ago when I argued that the two long poems, VENUS AND ADONIS (1593) and THE RAPE OF LUCRECE (1594), are mature works, not the "early" ones they've been commonly assumed to be. (This article is also available at This means that when "Shakespeare" made his public debut as a writer, he had already achieved full mastery. The academic scholars have gotten the whole story wrong. They have the poet arriving in London from Stratford around 1590 and learning his craft as an actor-playwright, then taking time out for fancy poetry during the plague years. This narrative requires them to twist or ignore at least six key facts. ITEM: Thomas Nashe referred to Hamlet and his "tragical speeches" in 1589. But this date is too early for the scholars' story; William, son of Stratford, couldn't have written such an accomplished work before about 1600. So Nashe must have been referring to an earlier Hamlet play, an "ur-HAMLET." No shred of this supposed play has ever turned up, which hasn't stopped the scholars from treating it as solid fact. ITEM: In 1591, the great poet Edmund Spenser published verses lamenting that "our pleasant Willy," a brilliant writer of comedy who imitates Nature herself and from whose pen honey and nectar flow, had recently been "idle" and absent from the theater. For many years it was assumed that "Willy" could only be Shakespeare (who was often said to "imitate Nature" and whose style was likened to "honey"). But then, because of the early date, the scholars decided that he must have been someone else. But who? They've never figured that out. Maybe there was an ur-Willy? ITEM: Also in 1591, a mysterious poet calling himself "Phaeton" saluted the writer John Florio in a sonnet whose polish and rich imagery fairly cry out that the author is Shakespeare. But yet again, the scholars have resisted the obvious. Their reason? "Too early." Their chronology of the Stratford gent's career is set in concrete. He =couldn't= have been writing excellent sonnets in 1591! ITEM: At this point, in 1593, the poet himself introduced one of the greatest red herrings of all time: Making his formal literary debut as "William Shakespeare" with VENUS AND ADONIS, he called the poem (in his dedication) "the first heir of my invention," creating the impression that he was a young poet at the beginning of his career. Taking him literally, the scholars still base their chronology on the dogmatic assumption that this is the Stratford man giving us the straight scoop. (Odd as this sounds, even to me, Shakespeare =never= mentions Stratford.) ITEM: In 1594, WILLOBIE HIS AVISA, a cryptic work of gossip in doggerel rhyme (author unknown), described "W.S." as an "old player" (i.e., actor) who has amorous adventures. If there was any doubt as to who W.S. was, the poem added, "And Shakespeare paints poor Lucrece' rape." This time the scholars admit that the allusion is probably to Shakespeare, but they don't know what to make of his being called "old." ITEM: In 1599, a small book of verse titled THE PASSIONATE PILGRIM included a version of what is now known as Shakespeare's Sonnet 138, in which the poet confesses that he lies to his mistress about his age, even though "my days are past the best" and "I am old." This poem was probably written several years before 1599, along with so many other sonnets bemoaning the poet's age, wrinkles, misfortunes, and approaching death. But even when he himself says, "I am old," the scholars refuse to believe him. The scholars may not know what to make of all this, but I think I do: Three witnesses who knew something of Shakespeare personally -- Spenser, the author of WILLOBIE, and Shakespeare himself -- were telling us that whatever and whoever the poet was, as of 1591 to 1599 he was, as we say, no spring chicken. In fact the real Shakespeare apparently reached the peak of his genius by about the time the man who has been mistaken for him arrived in London. If so, the scholars have gotten the dates of =all= the plays wrong. They were written much earlier than has been believed -- most of them long before the Stratford man came to town. One example. In 1601 supporters of the rebellious Earl of Essex revived RICHARD II, hoping that the scene of Richard's deposition would inspire Londoners to join their insurrection against Elizabeth I. It didn't, but the queen was enraged by this use of the play against her. During the subsequent official inquiry, an actor named Augustine Phillips mentioned that the play was "so old and so long out of use" that it had become hard to perform properly. According to most scholars (who of course take the Stratford man's authorship as a given), the play was written about 1595. But a play only six years old would hardly be called "so old and so long out of use." Judging by its style, I'd say that it had been written long before HAMLET -- that is, many years before 1589. But to return to my original question, what difference does it really make? Well, the Stratfordian myth is just too neat for my taste. It's a sentimental democratic myth: a Horatio Alger success story of a self-made provincial, of undistinguished blood and education, who arrives in the big city and achieves astounding literary greatness through sheer native talent and hard work. This happy yarn is no doubt encouraging to those who have dropped out of school, but I can't believe it. The learned Ben Jonson might scoff at the poet's ignorance ("small Latin and less Greek"); the even more learned John Milton could marvel at Shakespeare "warbling his native woodnotes wild"; yet such dismissals are hard to square with the immense rhetorical virtuosity of HAMLET and LUCRECE. It's hard to offer an appealing counter-myth for Oxford. He was about as different from the Stratford man as can be imagined. He came of blue blood (some of it, in fact, royal), money, and Cambridge University, with help from the best tutors in England. He was even a favorite of the queen. Yet he wasted his huge fortune (inherited, not earned) and made bitter enemies, and was perhaps the supreme example not of the self-made but of the self-unmade man. Later in life he was ostracized at court. He also appears to have been singularly cruel to his wife. Many people, studying his life, find him repellent. I can hardly blame them. So why do I take his part? Only because he was Shakespeare, and nobody else was. I make no excuses for him. If, in the Sonnets, he bewails his misfortunes, he never denies having brought many of them on himself; he confesses his "guilt" and "harmful deeds." Oxford's unsparing self-knowledge shows up in the eloquent but self-pitying heroes Lear, Othello, Macbeth, and Leontes (in THE WINTER'S TALE), all of whom must learn to face their own guilt. We can't separate his genius from his flaws. In his hard-won maturity, when he saw himself as "old," the social isolation that may have forced him to write under pen names also enabled him to produce literary miracles about isolated men. The strange story should be told. Thanks (pages 5) My gratitude is inexpressible to all of you who have offered your prayers and expressed your good wishes during my recent infirmity. I seem to be recovering from the surgery for a badly infected foot; I may yet recover from my medications too! Not that I don't count my blessings, including the angelic care I received in the hospital, the generosity of my friends who visited me, and the devoted ministrations of my son Mike here at home. NUGGETS MANY HAPPY RETURNS: Congratulations to Fr. Ian Boyd, founder and editor of THE CHESTERTON REVIEW, on the occasion of that splendid journal's 30th anniversary. Father Boyd offers a free copy of the delicious anniversary issue to new subscribers; just write him at The Chesterton Review, 400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, NJ 07079, or ($38 for a year's sub, $70 for two years). Then enjoy the only scholarly journal that makes me laugh out loud. (page 7) NOW IT CAN BE TOLD: An art historian contends that LAOCOON, long regarded as one of the greatest sculptures of antiquity, is actually a Renaissance forgery. And the forger? None other than the great Michelangelo! I guess it figures. If a wonder like that could be faked, who else on earth could have done it? (page 8) PROGRESS REPORT: How goes the War on Terrorism? Well, the State Department and intelligence officials reckon that the number of terrorist attacks all over the world more than tripled last year. Maybe it's just another of those intelligence failures. (page 9) Exclusive to electronic media: LONG-RANGE WEATHER FORECAST: In a three-part series in THE NEW YORKER, Elizabeth Kolbert argues plausibly that global warming is real and will bring almost unimaginable disaster within the next generation. Maybe so; but we heard similar dire prophecies about the "population explosion" in the Sixties. And then as now, the solution was bigger government. Yes, friends, only tyranny can save us! NEVER SEND A BOOR: John Bolton, President Bush's choice for new United Nations ambassador, has a low opinion of the UN. Which would be fine, except that everyone who has ever encountered Bolton seems to have an even lower opinion of him. By every account, he's as abrasive as a badger; he's been accused of botching diplomatic assignments, alienating allies, bullying subordinates, and falsifying intelligence data. No wonder Bush thinks he's just the man to represent this administration. REPRINTED COLUMNS (pages 6-12) * Family Secrets (March 22, 2005) * Will Faith Destroy Us All? (March 29, 2005) * The End of a Papacy (March 31, 2005) * The Lost Art of Speaking (April 5, 2005) * Honey and Vinegar (April 19, 2005) * Another Country (April 26, 2005) * Roosevelt and His Critics (April 28, 2005) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran. You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2005 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]