SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month August 2005 Volume 12, Number 8 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $36 for six months; $72 per year; $144 for 2 years. For special discounted subscription offers and e-mail subscriptions see, or call the publisher's office. Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. {{ MATERIAL DROPPED OR CHANGED SOLELY FOR REASONS OF SPACE APPEARS IN DOUBLE CURLY BRACKETS. EMPHASIS IS INDICATED BY THE PRESENCE OF "EQUALS" SIGNS AROUND THE EMPHASIZED WORDS. }} CONTENTS Features -> A Bad Name -> The Moving Picture (plus electronic Exclusives) -> An Echo, Not a Choice Nuggets (plus electronic Exclusives) List of Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES A Bad Name (page 1) {{ MATERIAL DROPPED OR CHANGED SOLELY FOR REASONS OF SPACE APPEARS IN DOUBLE CURLY BRACKETS. }} The question of "profiling" has become acute since 9/11. Everyone knows it's absurd, insulting, and useless for airports to do body searches of Caucasian grandmothers. Few of us want to encourage invidious prejudices. So what to do? There are all those ethnic sensitivities and multicultural taboos to think of. First, let's pretend the government isn't in charge. Imagine that the airlines and airports were privately owned and pretty much unregulated, free to act only on their own safety concerns. At once common sense tells us that many large categories of people can be written off as no threat. Those grandmothers and, say, Japanese toddlers pose no threat; so let 'em through. But terrorism is now in fashion, so to speak, among certain other categories, large enough to make us a little uneasy at anyone who "looks" Arab or Muslim, or looks as though he might be {{ (though terrorism is far more common, as I've read, among the Tamil right now). }} At times, "prejudice" becomes a matter of rational caution, even for those who hate humiliating others. The point is not to wound their feelings, but to protect ourselves. If a murderer is still at large, and all we know is that he is a man with red hair, we go on the alert for men with red hair until the right suspect is caught. Nobody thinks this is any sort of insult to redheads, let alone a judgment about them. It's strictly a temporary practical measure until any danger seems to have passed. {{ Sorry about the inconvenience to the innocent majority of red-headed men, who I'm sure are fine people. }} Right now, millions of innocent Arabs and Muslims resemble the very few Arabs and Muslims who have been committing suicide bombings and hijacking planes. That makes them all, to some extent, suspects. {{ Again, sorry for the inconvenience. }} No offense meant. Let's be clear about where the blame lies. If you commit an atrocity, then it's your fault if you bring suspicion on everyone who resembles you. You have, as we used to say, given the whole group a bad name. (The expression, I notice, has dropped out of use lately. I don't think we're allowed to acknowledge, anymore, that a whole group can get a bad name.) Arabs and Muslims aren't generally violent people. Most of the time they seem quite peaceful. So who's to blame for the current alarm about them? Well, the actual terrorists, certainly. The criminal commits the crime, not some indefinable entity like "society." But in this case we can single out an entity that actually bears a lot of responsibility: the U.S. Government. The chief reason that so many Arabs and Muslims, enough to cause problems, hate us and resort to terrorist violence is U.S. foreign policy. What a few white Americans in suits have done has, as it were, given the whole group a bad name, as far as some Arabs and Muslims -- often educated and sophisticated young men -- are concerned. Just as Arabs and Muslims, for their own good, should discourage such violence among their own, so should white Americans. If your child dies in a hijacked plane, you can thank Dick Cheney. The Moving Picture (page 2) The Iraq war would have been unjustified even if it had been a glorious victory, the "cakewalk" its enthusiasts predicted. But the Bush administration chose to make success proof of its righteousness, and must now try to cope as it may with its failure. There is no great anti-war movement this time; most Americans are just writing it off and tuning it out. Condoleezza Rice still insists ... but is anybody listening? * * * John Roberts, President Bush's pick for Chief Justice of the United States, appears to be a principled conservative, the kind I used to dream of when I still thought it might make much difference. To put it in what may seem a condescending manner, he appears to believe in the same things I myself used to believe in at his age. He also has many fine personal and professional qualities, nicely combining a tough legal mind with delicate tact. Things being what they are, he's probably as good a choice as Bush could have made. True, liberals aren't screaming, but we can't have everything. * * * Vital Distinctions Dept.: Joe Queenan, reviewing Edward Klein's best-selling hatchet job THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY (the subtitle, if you've got a minute, is WHAT SHE KNEW, WHEN SHE KNEW IT, AND HOW FAR SHE'LL GO TO BECOME PRESIDENT) in the NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, distinguishes usefully between the merely lousy (like Klein's book) and the "sublimely vile" (like Geraldo Rivera's autobiography). He uses the analogy of a typical Kevin Costner movie (merely lousy), as opposed to an "epic, studio-busting disaster" (HEAVEN'S GATE, say). * * * Two reasons I've lost interest in baseball are Pete Rose and Barry Bonds. Both men had already established Hall of Fame credentials by the time scandal clouded their careers: Rose had set the major league record for hits, surpassing Ty Cobb, before it transpired that he'd placed bets on his own games; Bonds won several Most Valuable Player awards even before steroids apparently helped him set new seasonal slugging marks. So two of the game's greatest players ever may be remembered with more disgust than admiration. * * * Bob Woodward's new book, THE SECRET MAN, the story of his dealings with Mark "Deep Throat" Felt, has had disappointing sales: just over 60,000 copies, a healthy enough figure, but only a third of what most of his books have sold. Maybe Felt, a self-serving bureaucrat, disappointed those who'd expected a more heroic figure. Or maybe the Watergate story is just too old. Or maybe the public was never as excited about it as the pundits were in the first place. * * * VERA DRAKE, an award-laden film from the Brit director Mike Leigh, is the story of a potty but sweet-faced English housewife (Imelda Staunton) who does abortions -- or, in the delicate phrase of the DVD cover, "helps women terminate unwanted pregnancies." Not for money, you understand, but out of the sheer goodness of her heart. As she explains, "I help girls." Her own family doesn't find out until the police spoil their Christmas by coming to arrest her: one of the girls has nearly died of her help (not to mention the child who did die). Only her son is properly revolted to learn what Mum has been doing. Poor Vera winds up doing two years in prison. Moral: No good deed goes unpunished. An Echo, Not a Choice (pages 3-5) {{ MATERIAL DROPPED OR CHANGED SOLELY FOR REASONS OF SPACE APPEARS IN DOUBLE CURLY BRACKETS. EMPHASIS IS INDICATED BY THE PRESENCE OF "EQUALS" SIGNS AROUND THE EMPHASIZED WORDS. }} Even before I read FIVE DAYS IN PHILADELPHIA, by Charles Peters (PublicAffairs), I figured the breathless subtitle probably told me all I needed to know: THE AMAZING "WE WANT WILLKIE" CONVENTION OF 1940 AND HOW IT FREED FDR TO SAVE THE WESTERN WORLD. Just as dozens of other recent books have been celebrating the Founding Fathers, from the 1776 Revolution to the earlier Philadelphia convention that produced the U.S. Constitution, Peters's book celebrates the triumph of the one-party system, alias "the two-party system," in 1940. Yet Peters tells this discouraging story about as well as it can be told, because he finds it inspiring. And he tells it at a nice, fast pace, never bogging down in details. He may irritate, but he never bores. He has a knack for good anecdotes and funny quotations, and his nostalgia for an older America adds charm to his telling. Life moved at a slower pace then; most Americans were only a generation removed from the farm; they weren't flooded with constant news reports (on December 7, 1941, only one radio network devoted a full hour to the day's events). In his best-selling novel THE PLOT AGAINST AMERICA, published last year, Philip Roth based his story on a big What If: What if Charles Lindbergh had gotten the Republican presidential nomination in 1940, had whipped Franklin Roosevelt in the November election, and kept the United States out of war with Germany (and also rounded up Jewish Americans, and so forth)? What actually happened is, in a way, more interesting. More than a year before Pearl Harbor, while Americans were still overwhelmingly (over 80 per cent) opposed to intervention in World War II, the Republicans took a dive by putting up a sure-fire loser to challenge the popular monster in the White House. Yet Willkie managed to persuade the Republicans that he could beat Roosevelt -- with a pro-war stance! Was this audacity or insanity? Or -- a possibility Peters never entertains -- was Willkie a Roosevelt stooge? From Roosevelt's point of view, though Peters doesn't face this obvious implication of his story, Willkie was the ideal challenger, favoring his foreign policy and only marginally opposed to the New Deal. Peters, raised in a Democratic home, praises Willkie precisely for his basic agreement with the incumbent. A politician as able and underhanded as Roosevelt was capable of engineering the nomination of a weak challenger; at least we can't rule it out. The November election shouldn't have been such an easy victory for Roosevelt. He was violating a revered custom by seeking a third term; even many of his supporters knew he was lying when he pledged he wouldn't send their sons to fight in foreign wars; the country still bitterly remembered the similar lies of Woodrow Wilson in 1916. An honest, Lindbergh-style Republican really might have won. By failing to offer a real alternative to Roosevelt, except maybe in candor, Willkie gave Americans little reason to prefer him. If Roosevelt lied about his intentions, Willkie lied only about which party he belonged to. Willkie was hardly even a Republican at all. An Indiana lawyer and businessman who'd moved to New York, he'd still been a Democrat as late as October 1938 and maybe until early 1940 (he'd even been a delegate to the Democrats' 1924 and 1932 conventions!); vying against staunch Republicans like Thomas Dewey, Robert Taft, and Arthur Vandenberg (with a late boomlet for Herbert Hoover), he was the only outright interventionist seeking the party's 1940 nomination; what's more, he favored the draft with no baloney about keeping American boys out of foreign wars. But he had the backing of Time-Life's Henry Luce, the NEW YORK HERALD-TRIBUNE, the northeastern Republican establishment, many intellectuals, and what Alice Roosevelt Longworth wittily called "the grass roots of a thousand country clubs." At one press conference during the convention, Willkie was actually applauded by the reporters present. What's more, he was an exciting personality whose speeches could bring crowds to their feet. Mrs. Longworth, a great wag, also quipped that Dewey (the front-runner going into Philadelphia) looked like the groom on a wedding cake; nobody would say that of the rumpled, burly Willkie. But he was handsome and charming, in his way, with a handshake that made grown men yelp. His extemporaneous brilliance wowed everyone. (Women adored him, and he took full advantage of their susceptibility, with his wife's tacit consent.) He campaigned with furious energy, adding a cunning mastery of backstage politics. Like many American public figures of his era, Peters notes, Willkie consciously adopted the earthy manner of Will Rogers, whose immense popularity survived his death in a 1935 plane crash. Peters is old enough to remember how powerfully Rogers's homely humor influenced the way Americans then saw themselves and their politicians. Though largely forgotten now, Rogers's gently deflating style helped define an age; he even had a column in the august NEW YORK TIMES. The seemingly guileless Willkie even copied his haircut, right down to the stray lock hanging down on his forehead. These are excellent observations, as are Peters's recollections of the hit movies of the day, {{ such as THE WIZARD OF OZ, WUTHERING HEIGHTS, GONE WITH THE WIND, and GOODBYE, MR. CHIPS. }} I only wish he'd said something about one of the most popular and characteristic books of the decade, Dale Carnegie's HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE, which sold millions of copies. Written in a colloquial style, it was in its way a work of genius, turning the normal desire to be liked into conscious technique. The book cited the successful methods of great charmers from Roosevelt's postmaster general Jim Farley (who claimed he knew 50,000 people by name) to a bigamist who had married dozens of women. {{ Alexis de Tocqueville would have recognized it as a touchingly typical expression of the American spirit. }} But Peters makes an even more serious omission, which leaves his story incomplete. British covert operations, desperate to draw America into the war, worked tirelessly to promote Willkie and, worse, to smear his Republican opponents. More than spontaneous idealism was helping shape the 1940 election. It was one of the most sinister episodes in American democracy. Yet for Peters the story is still the triumph of innocence; he begins the book with a paean to Winston Churchill, who, in his own way, certainly won American friends and influenced the American people. In those days before television, the dominant media were radio, newspapers, and motion pictures (newsreels being a standard feature of movie houses); but as Peters reminds us, weekly magazines like THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, LOOK, and Luce's LIFE, with its superb photos of current events, weren't far behind. In May 1940, when Luce had pulled out the stops for Willkie, LIFE ran an enormous eleven-page spread touting him for president. It helped that Willkie faced a dull Republican field. Dewey, New York's scourge of organized crime, was young and promising, but on the big question of the day -- the war in Europe -- he waffled. Ohio's Robert Taft, sternly opposed to U.S. intervention, was respected but unloved; Michigan's Arthur Vandenberg, also against intervention, hardly bothered campaigning. Hoover hoped to be drafted, but his defeat in 1932 was still an open (and fatal) wound. Once Dewey's initial lead wilted, Willkie had the momentum to overtake him and stop a late surge for Taft, and the others couldn't agree on how to block him; it took six ballots for him to win, not to mention the balloons and carefully prearranged ballyhoo normal in political conventions. With Hitler making daily headlines in Europe, things were happening fast, and only Willkie and his crack team knew how to exploit their velocity, keeping the press sympathetic at every step. It was one of the last conventions to offer suspense, certainly the last to feature fisticuffs among delegates on the floor, and Willkie was the center of the drama. In essence, he won the nomination because he was so much like Roosevelt; then he lost the election for the same reason. Four out of five voters wanted to stay out of the new war, and they were offered two pro-war candidates. The GOP platform committee had its work cut out for it. In a virtuoso exercise in ambiguity, it produced a statement carefully worded to accommodate Willkie's interventionism without infuriating "isolationists" (as Peters always calls the opponents of war) who still dominated the party. In his acceptance speech, Willkie asked "you Republicans" to "join me" -- apparently forgetting that =he= was supposed to have joined =them.= Willkie's nomination, Peters exults, emboldened Roosevelt to step up his mostly but not entirely furtive actions against Germany and Japan: "Simply put, Roosevelt could not have done it without Willkie." Even in defeat, Willkie's "impact on this country and the world was greater than that of most men who actually held the office [of president]." Well, maybe. But at least one detail supports the hunch that Roosevelt had Willkie under his control. Peters mentions that "Roosevelt loved gossip, whether it be about historical figures or Wendell Willkie's mistress, Irita Van Doren." The latter was the ex-wife of the historian Carl Van Doren, an accomplished woman prominent among the New York literati (whom she helped Willkie court). The point being just this: if Willkie didn't follow the script, Roosevelt could always arrange a timely scandal. As Lyndon Johnson, a Roosevelt disciple, knew, collecting useful dirt about possible enemies can be an invaluable political skill. Letting them know early on that you have it can save you a lot of trouble later. And Roosevelt, Peters notes, did let Willkie know. It was a potent threat, so potent that it didn't have to be spelled out. Any hint of marital discord could wreck a politician's career. Willkie kept a careful distance from Irita Van Doren throughout the fall campaign and, for good measure, resumed sleeping with his wife, who observed drily, "Politics makes strange bedfellows." Then too, Averill Harriman, a big Democratic financier, donated heavily to Willkie before the Republican convention; he also gave generously to Roosevelt's campaign. After the convention, the Willkie magic faded suddenly -- one might even say suspiciously. The only issue dividing him from Roosevelt was the propriety of seeking a third term, as they agreed on everything more substantial. Only late in the race did Willkie make a desperate but half-hearted appeal to those "isolationists" by hinting that Roosevelt might send American boys to fight abroad. He still lost by five million votes. Right after the election, Willkie came forth in support of Roosevelt's Lend-Lease scheme to help Britain. Roosevelt praised his patriotism. Willkie continued offering such patriotic gestures, wrote a best-seller called ONE WORLD, took on a few new mistresses, and threw his hat into the ring again in 1944. This time the Republicans threw it back decisively. Meanwhile he smoked and drank unstintingly and died of a heart attack that same year. Peters, a native of West Virginia, was just entering his teens in 1940, following politics, he tells us, as avidly as most boys followed baseball. His favorite movie was MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON, and he still sees Willkie as a Frank Capra hero, raised to glory by the spontaneous Will of the People, albeit with a bit of machination behind the scenes. Even now, Peters remains a believer, thrilling at the memory of seeing Roosevelt pass through his home town. With the rest of the awed crowd, he "caught a glimpse of the upturned chin, the magic smile, and the wave of his hand." Nice to a fault, Peters credits everyone with good motives, even those "isolationists": they quite understandably didn't want their sons dying overseas. So why was it imperative for the United States to get into the war? How was it threatened by Germany, which failed even to conquer nearby Britain? For Peters these are givens, which need no explaining. Hitler was evil, and there's an end on't. Well, what about Stalin? Wasn't he evil too? But Peters barely mentions him, or indeed the Soviet Union, or Communism, except to note that Germany and Russia were allies for a spell. (Japan isn't even mentioned in the book's index.) Nothing must be allowed to complicate the Frank Capra scenario, starring Wendell Willkie as Mr. Smith. Peters praises Willkie extravagantly, stressing the brilliant intelligence that awed everyone who met him, intellectuals as well as politicians. He came from a brilliant family and compiled his own excellent academic record. But there is no evidence of "his original and important ideas," or any ideas, in the book. He captured the mood of the moment, obviously, and his presence must have been electrifying; but nothing Peters quotes suggests more than ordinary intelligence. Neither Willkie nor Peters, moreover, ever explains why Germany posed a threat to America. Why would it? Hitler didn't even want war with England, and after France and England declared war on Germany he warned the United States not to intervene. He had a hard enough time crossing the English Channel; crossing the Atlantic Ocean would have posed far graver difficulties. As Taft said, "There is a good deal more danger of the infiltration of totalitarian ideas from New Deal circles in Washington than there will ever be from activities of the communists or the Nazis." Very true; and thanks to Willkie, those ideas infiltrated Taft's own party in 1940. At one private dinner party that year, Taft exploded in anger when Willkie said he would vote for Roosevelt rather than any Republican candidate who opposed aid to Britain and France. During the fall campaign, the only objections Willkie could raise against his opponent were to his seeking a third term and to the red tape and mismanagement in Washington. There were no differences of principle or philosophy worth mentioning. Willkie was the wave of the future, as it turns out. Today it's routine for Republicans like Newt Gingrich and Jack Kemp to hail Roosevelt as the greatest president of the century. The GOP has adopted his interventionist policy, along with his domestic programs, as its own; it even hurls his pet epithet "isolationist" at the Democrats! Yet for Peters, Willkie's greatness consists precisely in his aping of Roosevelt. Much as I enjoyed FIVE DAYS IN PHILADELPHIA, I couldn't help feeling that Peters has missed the real point, and the most interesting overtones, of his own story. He is too beguiled by its straightforward surface. I kept thinking the book should have been a Mario Puzo novel. NUGGETS INSULTING THEIR FAITH: President Bush's endorsement of "intelligent design" has provoked indignant yelps from those who believe that life is an accident. I'm a bit surprised they get so upset by a little blasphemy, but apparently they are, in their own way, very devout. The evolutionist creed, I gather, is roughly this: "There is no God, and Darwin is his prophet." (page 7) IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS: I'm no longer really a fan of baseball -- I lack the stamina required of a couch potato -- but I'm an avid fan of baseball theory. I'll explain in a future essay, but meanwhile I commend one of the most gripping, original, witty books ever written about the game, Michael Lewis's MONEYBALL: THE ART OF WINNING AN UNFAIR GAME (Norton, now in paperback). (page 8) FINE DISTINCTION: Ideally, we would have law without a state. What we have instead is the state without law. This is the difference between anarchy and chaos. (page 9) CIVICS FOR SUCKERS: Opinion polls, like elections, are clever devices to make the hostages think they control their captors. (page 10) HEALTH NOTES: "Stem Cells Heal Burns," says a WASHINGTON POST headline. While we're looking on the bright side of things, why not "Cannibalism Provides Protein, Prevents Malnutrition"? (page 12) REPRINTED COLUMNS ("The Reactionary Utopian") (pages 6-12) * Film's Great Chameleon (July 28, 2005) * Inordinate Fear (August 2, 2005) * Islam and Terrorism (August 9, 2005) * The President and the Professor (August 11, 2005) * The "Seamless Garment" (August 16, 2005) * The Iraqi Constitution (August 23, 2005) * The Patriot's Creed (August 25, 2005) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran. You are receiving this message because you are a paid subscriber to the Joe Sobran column or a subscriber has forwarded it to you. If you are not yet a subscriber, please see for details or call 800-513-5053. 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