SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month November 2005 Volume 12, Number 11 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $36 for six months; $72 per year; $144 for 2 years. For special discounted subscription offers and e-mail subscriptions see, or call the publisher's office. Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. {{ MATERIAL DROPPED OR CHANGED SOLELY FOR REASONS OF SPACE APPEARS IN DOUBLE CURLY BRACKETS. EMPHASIS IS INDICATED BY THE PRESENCE OF "EQUALS" SIGNS AROUND THE EMPHASIZED WORDS. }} CONTENTS Features -> The War on Innocence -> Publisher's Note "Reactionary Utopian" Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES The War on Innocence (page 1) Of all the subjects I write about, abortion is the most unpleasant, even more revolting than war. To this day I can hardly believe that many civilized people accept the killing of innocent human beings as a right that ought to be protected, even subsidized, by the state. In war at least the victims may have a chance to defend themselves, and even to act with heroism. Abortion is so much bleaker that it's depressing to contemplate. For me it will always be a sickening horror. It doesn't help that abortion is justified by specious arguments, as well as absurd slanders on its opponents, who merely maintain what was a moral consensus not long ago. In various ways, the anti-abortion people are called "extremists" -- as if killing the innocent weren't itself a fanatical cause. Even as the value of the "fetus" is denigrated, and the plain word "kill" is carefully avoided, we're told that choosing to abort is a "difficult," "painful," or "wrenching" decision, and most doctors won't perform abortions. These facts tell you what the consciences of even abortion advocates really say. The practice can't be justified without hypocrisy. The lying extends to the political claim that abortion is protected by the U.S. Constitution. This is so obviously false that it's discouraging to have to pretend that anyone really believes it. Not only does the text say nothing about abortion; in 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court, then dominated by liberals, struck down the abortion laws of all 50 states, implying that =all= those states had =always= misapplied the Constitution. This insults common sense; it would be plausible only if there had been, along the way, vocal minorities protesting those laws on constitutional grounds. But there never had been, and until 1973 even the most liberal justices had never taken such a position. Why did the Court suddenly adopt it then? Only, it was transparently clear, because the cause of legal abortion had just come into fashion, and the Court's liberals, with the notable exception of Byron White, were willing to achieve that result in any way they could, however disingenuously they had to argue. Law became lethal. In a flash, slaughtering the innocent became the American Way. The enormity of the ruling -- not only in morality, but in jurisprudence -- didn't sink in for a while. Even those who were stunned by it were caught off guard by this coup, a plain usurpation of the powers reserved to the states. Resistance took several forms, all unavailing: protests, physical interference with abortion clinics, proposed constitutional amendments (as if the Constitution were the problem!), and political action to reverse the decision (chiefly by the hopelessly roundabout way of electing conservative Republicans). As far as I can recall, nobody so much as suggested impeaching members of the Court, or even executive measures to make the ruling ineffectual. The Court's coup was given legitimacy by the passivity of the American public as well as its political and religious leadership. The abortion fanatics took the high ground they have held ever since. It would be wonderful if this curse could pass. For one thing, I'd never have to write about it again. Publisher's Note (page 2) Dear Loyal Subscriber, Our annual SOBRAN'S Charter Subscriber party was held the first weekend in December. It was a joyful occasion at the charming Maggiano's Little Italy in Virginia. Thanks to all of our benefactors who made the 11th anniversary party possible. Accomplished author and friend of SOBRAN'S, Tom Bethell, attended the event with his latest book -- THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE TO SCIENCE (Regnery Publishing, Inc.). It is a marvelous book and a favorite of Joe's. You can buy it at Another book showcased was NEO-CONNED! JUST WAR PRINCIPLES: A CONDEMNATION OF WAR IN IRAQ from IHS Press (available at The book includes essays by Joe Sobran, Tom Fleming of CHRONICLES magazine, Pat Buchanan, Charley Reese, and Sam Francis. It is the first in a two-volume anthology on the Iraq war. Michael Peroutka, the Constitution Party candidate for president in 2004, took his lead in his address "Let's Not be Foolish" from American humorist Josh Billings: "It ain't what a man don't know that makes him a fool; it's the things he does know that ain't so." Writer and political activist Peter Gemma, talked about the new book he is editing for the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation: SHOTS FIRED: SAM FRANCIS ON AMERICA'S CULTURE WAR. Pat Buchanan is writing the Foreword and Joe Sobran is penning the Afterword. In attendance were a number of luminaries, including another presidential candidate of the Constitution Party, Howard Phillips, who had inspired Mr. Peroutka's candidacy, as well as that of Frank Creel, who challenged Congressman Tom Davis (R-Va.) in 2002. Dr. Creel gave an eloquent introduction of Joe Sobran, who gave us a warm and moving address. I announced that we have a book and a booklet in the works right now. The book is titled THE ESSENTIAL JOE SOBRAN and will comprise major essays by Joe from NATIONAL REVIEW, HUMAN LIFE REVIEW, SOBRAN'S, and other sources from 1972 to the present. It will be a large volume and a handsome addition to your collection. The booklet is REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME. It is the second in our series of pocket-sized quotation booklets and will include excerpts from SOBRAN'S. Both will be released early in 2006. We will keep you posted on how to obtain both them and CDs and DVDs of our celebration. The Rev. Matthew Mitas of St. Louis, Missouri, led the opening prayer and the Rev. Kenneth Baker, editor of HOMILETIC AND PASTORAL REVIEW, said the closing prayer. Joe persevered in 2005 through a very tough year for his health. He is one of God's instruments of the truth who is able to enlighten us and dispel some of our blindness. How blessed we are to have such a lamp to show us the way in these chaotic times! Joe will be celebrating his 60th birthday on February 23, 2006. We have engaged a hall in Falls Church, Virginia, and are planning a party for him. How would you like to help by being a sponsor of the event? See the insert included in this newsletter if you want to help out or attend. Wishing you a blessed Christmas happy new year, Fran Griffin REPRINTED COLUMNS ("The Reactionary Utopian") (pages 3-12) * The Constitution and Common Sense (November 3, 2005) * Words of Choice (November 8, 2005) * Orwell's Fable, Bush's Reality (November 15, 2005) * Slick Willie and Gauche George (November 17, 2005) * C.S. Lewis in the Dock (November 22, 2005) * National Socialism Comes to America (November 24, 2005) * Saddam's Defense (November 29, 2005) * Roe and Rot (December 1, 2005) * Good News -- at a Price (December 6, 2005) * What's in a Pronoun? (December 8, 2005) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran. You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2005 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]