SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month July 2006 Volume 13, Number 7 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Managing Editor: Ronald N. Neff Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year. For special discounted subscription offers and e-mail subscriptions see, or call the publisher's office. Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. CONTENTS Features -> Fear of the Smear -> The Babe's Edge -> The Da Vinci Gospel The Sobran Forum -> Counterweight to Dogma, by Nona Aguilar Nuggets (plus electronic Exclusives) "Reactionary Utopian" Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES {{ MATERIAL DROPPED OR CHANGED SOLELY FOR REASONS OF SPACE APPEARS IN DOUBLE CURLY BRACKETS. EMPHASIS IS INDICATED BY THE PRESENCE OF "EQUALS" SIGNS AROUND THE EMPHASIZED WORDS. }} Fear of the Smear (pages 1, 4) {{ As you probably already know, Israel is the only "democracy" dedicated to the proposition that all men sure as hell aren't created equal. }} More than sixty years after Hitler's death, this seems to be the golden age of anti-Semitism, judging by the frequency with which the charge is made. {{ Apparently "anti-Semitism" was the first word Abe Foxman, Alan Dershowitz, and the neoconservatives learned to pronounce right after "mama" and "dada." }} An anti-Semite used to be a guy who hated Jews; now he's a guy whom Jews hate. All right, that's too simple. But you see the point. Calling someone that name is, nowadays, the easiest way to do him a bit of no good. It's almost never applied to people who have actually harmed Jews, or urged others to harm them; it's used for those who commit Thoughtcrimes against the Jewish state. Like "racism," its use has widened as the actual evil has receded. The fewer racial lynchings we have, the more we hear about racism. The charge of anti-Semitism doesn't have to be proved; and it can't be =dis=proved. It's an assertion about motives, not actions. That's the beauty of it: its unfalsifiability. Joe McCarthy was ruined for calling too many people Communists, even card-carrying Reds; but has Norman Podhoretz paid any penalty for calling too many people anti-Semites? Any number can play, including gentiles. Taki was accused by his Catholic publisher. My fate was crueler: I was =defended= by mine. Bill Buckley denied that I was anti-Semitic, but wrote a sentence, or a chapter (with Bill, the difference may be unclear), adding that though I was innocent of the crime, I somehow deserved to be falsely accused of it. That was a little like saying, "True, he was a guard at Auschwitz, but let's give him credit: he always showed up for duty on time." Thanks, Bill! Even when an innocent man is falsely accused, you see, he is still guilty of ... of ... well, of =having been accused.= The charge itself is its own proof! Orwell and Kafka would understand. So would Stalin. Most people don't really care whether the charge is true anyway. To them, the very fact that it was made is enough to warrant ostracism. Their reaction may be interpreted as follows: "Uh-oh! The Jews are mad at this guy! I'd better steer clear of him, or they may come after me too!" This response implies, of course, that "the Jews" control everything, which is what Henry Ford infamously believed and which is what Abe Foxman seems to want =everyone= to believe. Some might call that belief anti-Semitic, but there you go. Weird, but true. The label is enough to terrify people, to make strong men tremble. (The "racist" label used to have similar power, but nobody thinks blacks run the country.) {{ No use saying, "But I'm not anti-Semitic!" Automatic retort: "Yeah, sure. That's what anti-Semites always say." Pleading innocent only gets you in deeper. Denial is further proof of guilt. So what if it's also what an innocent man might say? }} Here's the real kicker, though: The burden of proof is on the accused, not the accuser. Since the word "anti-Semitism" is never really defined, the accused can't even know just what he's accused of, let alone whether he's innocent. It can mean anything from genocide to joking about "Israel's Amen Corner in this country," the phrase with which Pat Buchanan enraged Israel's Amen Corner in this country. {{ Lots of "neoconservatives" claimed the label proudly, until it became a term of reproach, whereupon they decided it was nothing but an anti-Semitic code-word for "Jew." In effect, they denied their own existence. As Milovan Djilas once observed, "The Party line is that there is no Party line." But here it's even crazier: the Party line is that there is no Party. }} {{ Recent case history: two distinguished professors, Stephen Walt of Harvard and John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, have just published a long article on how costly the Israel lobby's success has been for the United States. Care to guess what they're being accused of? Several neocons offered the clinching evidence: David Duke agreed with them! Before you say that two and two make four, make sure Hitler, or Pat Buchanan, never said so. }} Now you might think it's almost self-evident that two countries as remote and different from each other as the United States and Israel would have divergent interests, that what was good for one might sometimes be bad for the other, and so on. {{ This is essentially all the two profs are saying, albeit with footnotes. }} But even self-evident truths, if applied to Israel, can become explosive and, yes, anti-Semitic. Still, I think "Jewish power" is largely a mirage. True, there are powerful Jewish interests, and they can be nasty, but most Jews are only their distant relatives. Fear of "the Jews" is really fear of nuts like Foxman, whom it would actually take very little courage to stand up to. I think of a line in the film MILLER'S CROSSING, where the Irish hero says to the Irish mob boss, "You don't hold elective office in this town, Leo. You only run it because people =think= you run it. When they stop thinkin' it, you stop runnin' it." As I wrote shortly after the 9/11 attacks, "When it comes to Israel, an American journalist speaks his mind at his own risk. That helps explain why so few voices in the U.S. press are saying what European journalists may say without fear." The neocons will learn that fear is a dangerous weapon to wield. Those who fear you today will hate you and fight you tomorrow. Osama bin Laden and George Bush will learn this too. A version of this piece was originally published at Taki's Top Drawer (, April 8, 2006. The Babe's Edge (pages 2, 4) {{ Barry Bonds finally limped past Babe Ruth, statistically, hitting home run number 715. Ruth's career record, of course, was 714. If you needed me to tell you that, you obviously aren't a baseball fan. It may be just a matter of time before Bonds breaks Hank Aaron's lifetime record of 755 homers. }} {{ Since everyone knows that Bonds owes his amazing batting records to illegal steroids, nobody outside the Bonds family is rejoicing. This milestone has produced a flood of censorious comment to the effect that Ruth was "really" a greater hitter, no matter what the stats say. }} {{ Well, of course he was. Babe }}Ruth changed baseball. Some still think he changed it for the worse, but he certainly changed it. Before him, it was a low-scoring game of singles, bunts, stolen bases, and spitballs. The home run was a rarity, not a major factor in a team's fortunes. A hitter might lead the league with a dozen homers in a season. The game's greatest pre-Ruth player was the odious Ty Cobb of the Detroit Tigers, a competitor of murderous ferocity who was hated by his own teammates and who, even today, has no memorial even in Detroit. Then came Ruth. He began as a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, where he set several durable records and outdueled the great Walter Johnson. In those early years he was a surprisingly lean kid, unlike the burly figure of his prime. As a pitcher he wasn't expected to hit; but this had the paradoxical effect of allowing him to swing away, without worrying about striking out, and soon he was blasting balls out of the park. He was moved to the outfield, where he could play every day, and he set a new record with 29 homers in a single season. This was sensational, because the simplest fan, who might not relish the sacrifice bunt, could thrill to the mammoth home run. And Ruth hit the ball farther than anyone had ever hit it before. One spectator died of a heart attack while watching Ruth tag one. Baseball's popularity soared. When Ruth was sold to the New York Yankees in 1920, he went from mere sensation to god. He doubled his own home-run record; he simply had no competition as a slugger, and he'd dwarfed all his predecessors. It was as if Barry Bonds were to hit 150 homers in a season. No, even that hardly suggests Ruth's achievement. Such dominance of the game is almost beyond measure. Something previously inconceivable was happening. By 1920, his first season with the Yankees, Ruth had already set a new lifetime home-run record: 103. Nobody else had reached triple figures before. He was just 25 years old. Suddenly baseball was a slugger's game; other musclemen were swinging for the fences too. Cobb growled that the home run was ruining the sport, destroying the need for finesse. Hitting homers was no great feat, he said, and to prove his point he announced to the press that he would hit the long ball himself. In his next two games he hit five homers. Having made his case, Cobb went back to swatting singles and stealing bases, the old-fashioned way. But there was no turning back. Baseball had discovered its ultimate weapon, and neither the game's strategy nor its economy would ever be the same. In 1930 a reporter asked Ruth if it was proper that he should be getting a higher salary than the president of the United States. "I had a better year than he did," Ruth replied. He'd had 46 homers; Herbert Hoover had had the Depression. Ruth was making $80,000 that year {{ ; today, thanks to inflation and television, Bonds is making $18 million. }} Here again, calculation doesn't take us very far. In today's money, Ruth was making about a million bucks, less than any infielder makes now. {{ And Bonds, struggling with seven homers and a .254 batting average, is having a better year than our current president. }} Ruth had more than power; he had flamboyance, magnetism, humor, joie de vivre, a delight in his own magnificence, a love for his adoring fans, an unguarded emotional directness that made his fiery temper not only forgivable but lovable. He was everything you'd want your hero to be. The press loved him too; he was great copy, a pal to reporters, and legends sprang up about him. He hit home runs for dying boys, he pointed to the bleachers before he hit one in the World Series -- who knew how much of it was true? If these were myths, they were myths only he could inspire. The awesome statistics were only a by-product of this jovial god. In fact, Ruth's amazing numbers changed the way we think of baseball. The game's obsession with statistics as a way of measuring performance began with his records. To be sure, baseball had been keeping individual records for generations, but with Ruth these became far more elaborate and, for fans and analysts alike, much more important as a focus of attention -- an end in themselves. Only in recent times, thanks to the brilliant Bill James's study of "sabermetrics," have students of the game begun to abandon the simplistic idea that stats speak for themselves; a high batting average, for example, is no longer accepted as a reliable measure of a player's real offensive value. (And a high fielding average may be so misleading as to be nearly meaningless.) {{ And what of Barry Bonds? }} Surly, sulky, suspicious, foul-mouthed and self-pitying. Everything you =don't= want your hero to be. He craves admiration, but does nothing to reward it; he has none of Ruth's easy ability to connect with the fans. Despite his enormous success, he exudes resentment. Does he take steroids? It's a reasonable question, and the answer is all too obvious, but he resents it. His detractors, he says, are racists. He'll go to his grave blaming everyone but himself for the ill will he provokes. It just goes to show that the richest man on earth can always persuade himself that he's a victim. Bonds has, to a superlative degree, what is now called "attitude"; Babe Ruth never heard of it. {{ So never mind the statistical squabble about who was the greater slugger. One of these men will be remembered happily for as long as baseball survives; and if it doesn't survive, the other will be remembered for his prominent role in its demise. }} A version of this piece was originally published at Taki's Top Drawer (, May 31, 2006. The Da Vinci Gospel (pages 3-4) In late May, the film version of THE DA VINCI CODE was released in more than 4,000 theaters in the United States and in thousands of others around the world. Despite harshly unfavorable reviews, in its first weekend it raked in nearly a quarter of a billion dollars, most of it abroad, rivaling the sensational opening of Mel Gibson's PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Neither of these movies was going to be stopped by bad reviews. Both were spinoffs of the Gospels, in their different ways, and any critic who panned them risked being trampled by the crowds rushing to see them. Sixty million copies of Dan Brown's novel are said to be in print, and last year I bought one of them myself, a deluxe illustrated edition with lavish pictures purporting to authenticate the book's surreal historical claims. I spent a weekend reading it in utter fascination. The plot was essentially conventional: an innocent man, a Harvard prof named Robert Langdon, flees the Paris police and has to solve the bizarre murder he has been accused of. But the solution leads him to the amazing discovery that the Catholic Church has been concealing the truth about Jesus for two millennia! The closely guarded secret, which, almost miraculously, has never been spilled over all those centuries by a single drunken bishop, is that Jesus was not a supernatural figure but a rather normal sort of person, married to Mary Magdalene, with whom he had children. His royal line survives underground to this day, and one of his descendants, as it turns out, just happens to be the brilliant young woman who helps Langdon crack the case. The real murderer is a demented albino in the employ of Opus Dei, the sinister outfit popes rely on to knock off nosy people who learn too much. All this is so flamboyantly implausible that you have to admire Brown's fine-tuned audacity. He is aiming at a huge readership of bottomless gullibility, superficially schooled but unable to spot either factual errors or glaring incoherence, people who are cowed by sheer assertiveness. When Brown, in a brief foreword, assures the reader that his research has verified the history his story presupposes, they aren't going to ask questions, let alone suspect Brown's weird fusion of plagiarism with sheer invention. One of the book's key figures, for example, is Sir Leigh Teabing, a noted expert on Christian history who explains that the idea that Jesus was divine was first conceived and proclaimed by the Emperor Constantine in A.D. 325. We are left to wonder why people who didn't believe he was divine had been worshiping him for three hundred years by then. Why did the Church exist at all? And what held it together for three centuries? Was it a church or a fan club? This points to a certain gap in the illustrious Teabing's vast knowledge of Christian history: namely, the New Testament. He has never read or reflected on, say, the first chapter of St. John's Gospel: "And the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Neither, obviously, has his creator, who shows almost total ignorance of all four Gospels. Brown has managed to stir controversy about four of the most famous books in the world without even knowing their contents -- quite a feat! He's like a man who has never read HAMLET, but is sure Shakespeare didn't write it; he has no interest in Jesus' teachings, only in his, well, sex life. If Brown doesn't know the primary sources, he does have his eccentric secondary ones, such as a popular and entirely speculative book called HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL (which, when Brown was shown to have adopted its "ideas," gave rise to an embarrassing plagiarism suit). It's as if a revolutionary treatise on astronomy turned out to be based entirely on a book about the Zodiac. According to Brown (speaking through Teabing), the esoteric truth about Jesus and his main squeeze has been preserved through two millennia by a few brave heretics, such as the Gnostics. Once again Brown displays his basic ignorance. The Gnostics believed that sex, like matter itself, was evil, and they'd have been the last to cherish the idea of a carnal Jesus. Regardless, Brown includes Leonardo da Vinci in this heretical succession, insisting that his paintings tell the truth in "code." Wouldn't you know, modern feminism comes into the story, albeit somewhat anachronistically. During the Middle Ages, Brown points out, the Church burned five million women as witches, less because it believed in witches than because it hated women. Five million! I'd almost forgotten that. No, wait. I don't think I'd ever heard it before, actually. Wouldn't historians have mentioned such an infamy? Wouldn't millions of men in those days have protested the roasting of their wives, daughters, and grandmothers? Or did they all say, a la Henny Youngman, "Take my wife -- please"? Why did the misogynistic Church forbid men to dump their dumpy old mates and swap them for young and nubile trophy wives? Like a strange dream, it doesn't add up. But the narrative momentum of a thriller forbids critical sifting. Stories demand that we suppose, not believe, but some people forget the difference. Brown demands that we mistake batty surmises for hard facts. And his "facts" are counterfeit. I used to work in a mental hospital, where I learned that psychosis and stupidity are two different things. One evening a patient told me how the doctors were transplanting a monkey's brain into his skull, piece by piece; he begged me to help him escape. He'd worked out the story with such ingenuity and conviction that it was all I could do not to believe the pitiful madman, and I wished I could somehow help him. In the end I could only try to reassure him, lamely, that he'd be all right. After reading THE DA VINCI CODE, I wondered whether its author was similarly psychotic or just cynical and shameless. Today the answer seems obvious. He wrote the book for a certain market. Just as Gibson's film found a huge market of believers in the Gospel message that Christ is risen, Brown's book found a huge market of unbelievers for whom the "good news" is that Christ is =not= risen, is =not= divine, and therefore is no impediment to earthly happiness, especially sexual pleasure; indeed, he enjoyed it himself! Again, though Brown claims to respect Jesus as a great (though merely human) teacher, it isn't clear why he should, since he shows no interest in, or acquaintance with, Jesus' actual teaching, especially his call for sinners to repent. In Brown's world, there is no reason for repentance; only the Church has done anything it should be sorry for, such as burdening us with the ideas that we are sinners and that women are evil. It's all pseudo-scholarly New Age tripe, and the essence of New Age thinking is wishful, as opposed to critical, thinking. If reincarnation grabs you, well, it's true for you. You need no proof beyond your own preferences. It's a loopy twist on American pluralism ("Attend the church of your choice"). The most perfect expression of it I've ever heard was that of a young neo-Nazi in a television interview: "Nazism is the answer for me. It may not be the answer for everyone." Dan Brown may not be the answer for everyone. A version of this piece was originally published at Taki's Top Drawer (, May 29, 2006. THE SOBRAN FORUM {{ EMPHASIS IS INDICATED BY THE PRESENCE OF "EQUALS" SIGNS AROUND THE EMPHASIZED WORDS. }} Counterweight to Dogma by Nona Aguilar (page 5) The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism, by Carrie L. Lukas; Regnery Publishing, 2006; 221 pages. If more young women are beginning to realize that it may be possible for them to have it all if they don't expect to have it all at the same time, it is thanks to contributions from a number of bright, smart women in touch with their deeper feminine instincts =and= their brains. Women opening up this broader line of inquiry include economist Sylvia Ann Hewlett, journalist Maggie Gallagher, psychology professor Judith Kleinfeld, policy analyst Lauren R. Noyes, scholar Christina Hoff Sommers -- and now author Carrie L. Lukas. Age 32, married, and a first-time mother, Lukas is grateful for the satisfying turn her life has taken, which she credits to good decisions made in the decade after graduating from Princeton. In that period, Lukas's thinking took her away from the doctrinaire views she held in college, prompting different -- and better -- life decisions. To be sure, Lukas made mistakes along the way. Mindful that more mistakes (i.e., poorer decisions) could have been substantially deleterious to her life, Lucas wrote her book. Its modest goal: to offer young women sound information they can use to make better life choices. Lucas focuses on three areas of crucial feminine relevance: the negative effects of casual sex; the relationship between age and infertility; and the long-term benefits of marriage for women. Take casual sex: Men seem to be able to enjoy casual encounters without apparent consequence (an arguable matter, in this reviewer's opinion). Because it holds that there are no essential differences between men and women, feminist dogma insists that women should -- and can -- feel free to enjoy casual, no-consequence sex. So much for theory. Here's the reality. Research reveals that casual sex is unsatisfying to most women. Most who try it eschew it soon enough. Reasons for dissatisfaction vary but include confusion ("Will we see each other again?"), feelings of shame ("Didn't it mean =anything= to him?"), and feelings of being "used." In one study cited by Lukas, nine out of ten women express regret about their casual liaisons. In addition to the emotional risks of casual sex, there are health risks. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are not gender-neutral. A woman is four times more likely to contract gonorrhea and eight times more likely to contract HIV from a single act of intercourse with an infected partner. Moreover, women are far more likely to suffer permanent STD damage, including infertility and cancers. And speaking of infertility ... Because men produce sperm continuously throughout their lives, they can impregnate throughout their lives. By contrast, women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. Eggs aren't replenished -- and they age. By their thirties women can't conceive as readily as they did in their twenties; the possibility declines precipitously by the time women turn forty. In matters of fertility, like so many things, it really =is= different for a woman. When it comes to marriage, we already know that men benefit -- but here's a news flash: so do women. Like married men, married women exhibit better mental health and are happier than their single, widowed, cohabiting, or divorced counterparts, according to research Lucas cites. Other research shows that married women have better health and are more secure financially. And -- surprise! -- their level of sexual activity and satisfaction is greater compared with that of single women with partners. This may explain other research that Lukas uncovers. Many women choosing divorce later experience regret; they wish they had given their marriages another chance. They probably should have. Couples who stick it out through periods of marital storm and severe problems, including infidelity, verbal abuse, emotional neglect, and alcoholism, often describe themselves five years later as happily married. The couples explained that, with time, many of the sources of conflict and distress eased. If Lukas has one piece of advice for young women, it is: be strategic and thoughtful in making your decisions. You will live with the consequences. Come to think of it, she has a second piece of advice: Get the facts, ma'am -- which is why Lukas wrote her book. It's a counterweight to prevailing dogma. Nona Aguilar writes frequently on women and health issues and has been widely published by FAMILY CIRCLE, LADIES HOME JOURNAL, and REDBOOK, as well as by Catholic publications. Her book THE NEW NO-PILL, NO-RISK BIRTH CONTROL (1980; Simon & Schuster, 2002), was the first to research and report on the unexpected, positive psychological benefits of using natural family planning. NUGGETS IF ISLAM IS A "RELIGION OF PEACE," how come there are so many brawls in the NBA? (page 6) -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME IF YOU'RE GOING TO HARP on the "lethal" potential of religion, you should spare a chapter for the lethal actuality of atheistic ideologies. (page 6) -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME SO NOW ROOSEVELT himself is a conservative icon? Has it come to this? Can you remain a conservative in good standing if you don't admire Roosevelt? (page 7) -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME SUGGESTION: If we're going to install a new government in Iraq, why not lend them our Constitution? We can spare it; after all, we aren't using it. (page 9) -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME WHEN HATE IS OKAY: Why is otherwise tolerant progressive opinion so judgmental about homophobia? Can't they understand that the Good Lord made some of us homophobic, and he loves us the way we are? (page 9) -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME HARDLY ANYONE complains about unconstitutional government. But millions would complain if their unconstitutional government checks stopped coming. The Framers of the Constitution worried constantly about the problem of usurpation; but few Americans today even understand the word "usurp." It has dropped out of our public vocabulary, so we don't recognize usurpation when we see it. (page 10) -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME "HARD CASES MAKE BAD LAW," says the old adage. But liberalism starts with the hard cases, then can't draw the line anywhere. At first it wanted abortion legal in the first trimester for poor minority girls who'd been raped by their fathers; now it passionately resists restrictions on late-term slaughters of fully developed infants in the birth canal. (page 11) -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME SOME PEOPLE THINK you can take Christ's "teachings" and ignore his miracles as if they were fables. But this is to confuse the Sermon on the Mount with the Democratic Party platform. (page 12) -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME I UNDERSTAND that Florida public schools are now required to teach Holocaust studies from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Doesn't anyone see where this must inevitably lead? Soon Florida's college students will have to take =remedial= Holocaust studies. (page 12) -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME Exclusive to electronic media: LIBERALS ACCEPT MILITARISM as the politically necessary cost of socialism; conservatives accept socialist programs as the politically necessary cost of militarism. It's a very expensive symbiosis. -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME QUERY: What's the difference between women and neoconservatives? Answer: You can get a few women to go into combat. -- from REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME REPRINTED COLUMNS ("The Reactionary Utopian") (pages 6-12) * "Everyone Has His Reasons" (July 13, 2006) * The Lawless State (July 11, 2006) * St. Paul and the Liberal Agenda (July 4, 2006) * The Behemoth of Bust (June 27, 2006) * The HAMLET That Never Was (June 22, 2006) * What Would Gore Have Done? (June 20, 2006) * The Real Bill Buckley (May 30, 2006) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran, except where explicitly noted. You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2006 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]