SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month October 2006 Volume 13, Number 10 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year. For special discounted subscription offers and e-mail subscriptions see, or call the publisher's office. Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. CONTENTS Features -> Will You Join Me for Lunch? -> Free Speech and the Death of the West Nuggets Cartoons (Baloo and Michael Ramirez) "Reactionary Utopian" Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES Will You Join Me for Lunch? (pages 1-2) As my readers know, I am a traditionalist. It's been a tradition of mine to host a luncheon each year for my key supporters -- a great social event and networking opportunity where colleagues, allies, and even a few fans meet to exchange ideas. This year, the Charter Subscribers' Luncheon will be held on Saturday, December 9, at the lovely Maggiano's Little Italy restaurant in McLean, Virginia. I hope you will join me for lunch. Those who know me well understand that I can be unconventional too, so these are typical SOBRAN'S affairs: lots of humor, an eclectic mix of people, plenty of delicious food, and a dash of hate-mongering too. At past Charter Subscriber galas I have made presentations entitled "Memoirs of an Extremist," "Patriotism in Wartime," "The Soul and the State," and "Power and Betrayal: The Clinton Legacy." This year, I will be giving a talk I'm calling "Hate: An Introduction." I'm always appreciative of the audience at our annual affairs: there are congressional staffers, business leaders, political activists, writers, and publishers -- all readers of SOBRAN'S. The annual Charter Subscriber galas have always featured great speakers (besides me, that is): Ann Coulter, Tom Bethell, the late Congressman John Schmitz, Howard Phillips, Michael Peroutka, Sam Francis, Leon Podles, and the Rev. Ronald Tacelli, to cite just a few examples. This year we have my friends Doug Bandow and Tom Fleming making presentations. Doug is Vice President of Policy for Citizen Outreach, a Washington-based grassroots political organization and the Bastiat Scholar in Free Enterprise at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. He writes the weekly column "Foreign Follies" for the leading website Tom, president of The Rockford Institute and editor of CHRONICLES: A MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN CULTURE, is the author of several books, including THE MORALITY OF EVERYDAY LIFE, and MONTENEGRO: THE DIVIDED LAND. His writings have appeared in such publications as the WASHINGTON POST, USA TODAY, NATIONAL REVIEW, CHESTERTON REVIEW, and POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY. Both gentlemen are frequent guests on national radio and television broadcasts. And the scoop on becoming a SOBRAN'S Charter Subscriber? Simple: all are investors of $1,000 or more in this modest publishing adventure (and such gifts can conveniently be made with extended payment plans). Please consider my invitation to become part of this exclusive network and receive a lifetime subscription to both the print and electronic versions of SOBRAN'S and attend this premier annual event -- along with a guest. Please see the enclosed info about how to contact my Publisher, Fran Griffin, who so ably organizes this annual luncheon. Free Speech and the Death of the West (pages 3-6) Freedom of speech is one of our most cherished traditions. Nearly all of us treasure it, or profess to, more or less sincerely, most of the time. Usually it presents few real problems. In America, in the twentieth century, these difficulties were fairly marginal and were mostly resolved in favor of liberty against state control. Did freedom of expression extend to all forms of political protest? Yes, the courts ruled. To atheists? Yes. To blasphemers? Yes. To subversives? Yes, except maybe in wartime. To obscene words? Yes. To outright pornography? Yes. To Nazis marching in Jewish neighborhoods? Yes. And so on, until it seemed that free speech had no more worlds to conquer. Today the ACLU has nothing much to do except to chip away at high-school dress codes banning inflammatory T-shirts. That seems to leave shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater as the last taboo. Those who want legal or social restraints on speech or any other form of expression have an uphill fight in this country. Or so it would seem. Of course there are restrictions on advertising, notably of tobacco and alcoholic products. In fact these are increasing, though we hardly notice. And now we find new taboos being erected against various forms of "hate speech," an area that is difficult to define. What counts as "hate"? Or more to the point, who decides? More and more, we now find ethnic minorities demanding "speech codes" to protect their sensitivities. When I was in the fourth grade, my teacher read HUCKLEBERRY FINN aloud to my class. Today that would be unthinkable, if not impossible. Jewish groups oppose expressions of Christian belief -- even if drawn from Jewish scriptures -- on public property. The arrival of Muslim immigrants in this country is bringing new sensitivities and hence new inhibitions. In addition, homosexual groups now insist on respect too. It's all very confusing to anyone who has assumed that we had reached something like a consensus in favor of absolute free speech. Outside this country, taboos are not weakening but strengthening. In most Western countries, "Holocaust denial" is now a crime; and other restrictions abound. In Canada, for example, even quoting Biblical strictures against sodomy can be, and is, prosecuted as a hate crime. No actual injury has to result from these putative offenses. You can be fined or put in prison just for uttering the wrong words. As old taboos fall, they are replaced by myriad new taboos. And even if these new taboos aren't enforced by law here -- so far, anyway -- we all feel their pressure. Even our pronouns are suspect. Did I say "he" when I should have said "he or she"? In this new atmosphere, we walk on eggshells, never knowing who is going to take offense at our words or what the penalty may be. Even cartoons can cause riots in the global village. Suddenly all our familiar slogans of free speech sound old-fashioned to the point of being meaningless. Laws and national borders hardly protect us. We are all too keenly aware that our opinions may provoke violence. For someone my age, the situation is confusing and intimidating. When did all the rules change? "Most men quarrel because they do not know how to argue," G.K. Chesterton observed. And that describes our public discourse today: every argument quickly degenerates into a quarrel. To the old saw that you should never argue about politics or religion, Chesterton retorted that nothing else is really worth arguing about. I love to argue, and I hate to quarrel. The ideal argument is impersonal; as the prophet says, "Come, let us reason together." That is the ultimate justification of free speech: our God-given ability to reason together, to listen to each other's reasons calmly, to converse without passion, to disagree without anger or violence. Of course this sounds easier than it is. Words are potent and provocative. Even as a schoolboy I admired St. Thomas Aquinas's ability to weigh both sides of an argument without the least recrimination. He never thinks of insulting an opponent; he treats his opponents as partners in the quest for truth, and he looks for the kernel of truth even in their errors. He often states their positions better than they do, stripping away everything extraneous or inessential. This is a hard standard to emulate. Most people tend to use only one kind of argument, especially in political debate: the ad hominem argument. This is exactly the way to turn an argument into a quarrel. Why reason when you can accuse? Organized touchiness To take a familiar example of which I've had my own experience, criticism of the state of Israel is apt to provoke charges of anti-Semitism. For many years I regarded Israel as a valuable ally of the United States. But as soon as I expressed second thoughts about this in my newspaper columns, I found myself compared to Hitler! Many others have had the same experience, most recently a pair of distinguished academics. Now, the essential question is quite a simple one. Are the interests of the United States and Israel identical? Yes or no? It seems obvious that they are not. No two countries, even allies, can always have the same interests. How you answer this simple question should have nothing to do with personal biases for or against Jews. Do the interests of France and England always coincide? Of course not. Over the centuries, despite their similarities, they have often been at war with each other, and even now, in peace and friendship, they sometimes differ sharply. That's just the way the world is. The very existence of a pro-Israel lobby in this country implies that the interests of Israel and the United States may diverge. Even many Zionists are honest enough to admit this. It's virtually self-evident. Yet you say it at your own risk. Furious people will see to it that the argument becomes a quarrel immediately. It doesn't help that anti-Semitism is never really defined. Anything from murder to ethnic jokes may incur the charge. And it always seems to be serious; unlike homicide, there are no first or second degrees of the crime, let alone justifiable or excusable instances. Because the charge can be ruinous, you would think there should be penalties for false charges of anti-Semitism. But if the offense can't be defined, how can a charge of committing it be false? Joe McCarthy was disgraced for allegedly making unsupported charges of Communism, because Communism meant something definite. In fact, such charges came to be called "McCarthyism." But we don't even have a word for loose and unsupported charges of anti-Semitism ... "Foxmanism"? But such accusations usually center on Zionism. To me the idea of the Jews returning to the Promised Land seems very beautiful in itself. But what is the actual price tag of a Jewish state in a land inhabited by others? Only a utopian would think it could be cost-free. How much of the cost should America bear? Why shouldn't Americans be able to discuss this frankly, without the charge of evil motives? Unfortunately, we run up against the human tendency to feel victimized by disagreement, to experience adverse argument as persecution, and to accuse one's opponent of the worst imaginable motives. Even mild jokes can provoke such accusations. Of course the forces of organized touchiness, as I like to call them, extend far beyond the Jews. Nowadays if you oppose anything called a "civil rights" measure, you are apt to be accused of racism, though the essential question may have nothing to do with race, but rather with how far the coercive power of the state should reach. The freedoms of association and property ownership have been severely curtailed in the name of civil rights. And again, freedom of speech has been a casualty too. And no wonder. As long as charges of racism, anti-Semitism, and "homophobia" work, and go unpunished when false, there is every incentive to make them freely and no reason not to. Race and religion, which are often hard to separate, have a special power to distract us from the real questions we face -- that is, a power to turn any argument into a bitter quarrel over irrelevant motives. And I don't see the situation getting any better in the near future. On the contrary, it threatens to get much worse. The arrival of millions of Muslims in the United States and Europe can mean only more trouble. It's as if the Middle East were engulfing two more continents. Christians now have to be careful not to offend Muslims as well as Jews. And the Muslims promise to be even more assertive than the Jews. Nor do they lack the sense of grievance necessary in the competition for accredited victimhood. We see this when President Bush, speaking right after the 9/11 attacks, feels constrained to say that Islam is a "religion of peace." Pardon me, but I get a different impression. If Islam is a religion of peace, I wonder what a warlike religion would look like. Or does the president assume that every religion, by its very nature, must crave peace? Tell it to the Aztecs (they are coming here too). Islam has no visible interest in the ecumenical and interfaith dialogue that bewitches Western liberals. Its view is that the Koran is the infallible word of Allah, and unbelievers are damned. Not much wiggle room there. Nor is there much tolerance for rival sects of Muslims. Sunnis and Shi'ites don't seem to regard each other as "separated brethren" who may settle their differences amicably. If there are passages in the Koran urging believers to "love your enemies" and to "pray for those who persecute you," I haven't heard them. At the risk of committing hate speech, I must confess that Islam seems to me no more than a crude syncretism, mixing undigested bits of Judaism and Christianity without adding spiritual insight of its own. I'll pass over Mohammed's violence and polygamy, except to note that Islam bears the marks of its (and his) locality. It seems the product of struggles among the desert tribes of his time, with only a superficial universalism. And of course its perspective is wholly masculine, promising virginal houris to believers when they reach Paradise. (I'm not clear what joys await female believers.) To a Christian all this can seem only a garbled fantasy of religion. One marvels that anyone who knew the two great religions descended from Abraham could have taken it seriously. In fact both Jews and Christians at first found Mohammed's doctrines laughable, rousing him to fury. He, or Allah, then decided on a harder line against stubborn adherents of both persuasions. Since Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, forbids both murder and suicide, how do we explain the current phenomenon of suicide bombing among Muslims, in seeming violation of Islamic precept? I can suggest only a rather roundabout answer. Society and belief I'll begin with an anecdote. Some years ago, when Ireland was wracked with terrorist murder between Catholics and Protestants, a visitor asked wryly, "Don't you have any atheists?" "Indeed we do," smiled his host; "we have Catholic atheists, and we have Protestant atheists." I'm also reminded of Jonathan Swift's observation, "We have just enough religion to make us hate one another, but not enough to make us love one another." It's as if when the belief goes, the hatred still remains. And maybe this is a clue to what we find puzzling in Islam. In 1936, when Europe was preparing for a new fratricidal war, the Muslim world seemed, to most Europeans, hopelessly backward and irrelevant; but Hilaire Belloc warned that Islam was a sleeping giant. It had nearly destroyed Christendom before, he said, and it might yet revive and threaten us again. At the time Belloc's view seemed eccentric. Now it seems eerily prophetic. Elsewhere Belloc had another powerful insight. Protestantism, he said, had reduced religion to a mere matter of personal opinion, rather than a communal thing. But a vital religion, he insisted, must be communal; it must be a society as well as a belief. By way of illustration, he said, if an ancient Roman asked if you were a Christian, he wasn't asking your personal opinion of Jesus; he wanted to know whether you were a member of the Christian cult, practicing its rites. A religion wasn't an abstraction or a matter of your inner life; it was a body you actively belonged to and owed your loyalty to. The notion of religion as "what a man does with his solitude" would have been alien to both pagan and Christian. Christians were persecuted for something more than opinion. They were regarded as criminally disloyal to the Roman gods. If we think of Islam as an optional individual "religious preference," I think we misunderstand it. It's a totality of a different order. It demands conformity and doesn't regard dissent as a right. Internal belief, squaring thought with evidence, is not really the point. Submission is, submission to Allah, and after all "Islam" means "submission." There are of course differing views about Allah's will, but this regrettable fact of life has not led to real pluralism, let alone anything like what we now call multiculturalism. A frequently remarked trait of Muslims, closely connected to this, is their extreme resistance to conversion. Almost never does a Muslim become a Christian. Recently we have marveled at suicide bombers who were born, raised, and educated in Britain without having assimilated to the mild demands of a secularized British environment. To us it seems a baffling mystery. How could they so bitterly hate an easy-going society as familiar to them as it is to us? How could they remain fanatically attached to a religion that seems to us a backward superstition? Again I think we go wrong in assuming that Islam is chiefly a matter of belief rather than belonging. If Ireland has Catholic atheists and Protestant atheists, driven by hatred when they have lost their faith, I believe we are now seeing what might be called Muslim atheists. They may not believe in a Paradise full of virgins to welcome the martyred believer; but they are still completely attached to Islam and they can still hate those they regard as aliens, anyone outside the fold. In fact, if Islam is not true, murder and suicide may be all the easier for that. As a Muslim Dostoyevsky might say, if Allah does not exist, everything is permitted. But if Allah does exist, things aren't much better. He is no loving Father in heaven who has made man in his own image. He is wholly "Other," his will inscrutable; he makes John Calvin's God seem positively avuncular. In his utter omnipotence he can even contradict himself. If he wills evil, it is good. And everything that happens is something he has willed. If most Muslims are decent folk, as they are, this is in spite of the Muslim conception of Allah, not because of it. Fortunately, human nature is usually too genially weak to take such doctrines to their logical extremes. At the same time, the formulas of multiculturalism, pluralism, tolerance, individualism, separation of church and state, and so forth don't equip us to deal with Muslim culture, which is anything but multicultural. Who coined the nonsensical term "multiculturalism," anyway? Every culture is its own universe. Cultures may borrow from each other, but they don't blend easily. Just as you can't transfer Bertie Wooster to a Faulkner novel, you can't treat Muslims as though they were Methodists, as witness our tortured attempts to achieve airline security without profiling and stereotypes. Our own ludicrous etiquette requires us to treat the young Arab male and the Norwegian grandmother as equally suspect. How many billions must we spend to sustain liberal proprieties? "Multiculturalism" is a self-contradictory concept -- a way of saying it doesn't matter what god you believe in, or whether our souls transmigrate into beetles, or whether existence is better than nonexistence. It's not just a matter of street festivals where people all wear their own native costumes and bring their own spicy dishes and their music. At some point some people are going to have to turn their radios down before a riot erupts. There is a simple reason for stereotypes. Children imitate their parents. This is why French toddlers have French accents and Hungarian toddlers presumably have Hungarian accents. Whoever you are, wherever you are from, you, too, probably have an accent. As Ann Coulter has observed, there are so doggone many things you have to explain to liberals! Being color-blind means only that you may not know what color you are! The most important thing No man is an island. Everybody belongs to somebody else, whether he faces it or not. And this means there are limits on everything, including speech. Free speech is generally good, but it's never unqualified. The most we can hope for is limits that make some sort of sense, limits that respect our actual needs. But too many of the current limits on speech make it hard to say things that urgently need saying. You can never completely separate words from deeds. Jesus was killed for words he spoke, and his words still anger people. One reason I believe in him is that he is still hated after 2,000 years. The world forgives Nero and Caligula, Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, but not gentle Jesus. Just as he predicted, the world hates and persecutes his followers as it did him. And of all the modern taboos, the one that fascinates me most is the taboo on Christianity. True, there are designated places, churches, where you can still preach Christ, just as there are designated smoking areas. But as C.S. Lewis observed, the modern world makes Christianity a strictly private affair, while circumscribing privacy as much as possible. And most people, even if they consider themselves Christians, try not to talk about it too much in public. That would violate the separation of church and state, or something. Religion is a private matter you should keep to yourself. There is something a little odd about all this. If God became man, lived and died, then rose from the dead, it was incomparably the most important thing that ever happened, or ever will or could happen. The New Testament is clear that it is urgent for the whole human race to hear the Good News. It happened or it didn't. If it did happen, how can you possibly be expected to "keep it to yourself"? Again we come up against the notion that religion is mere private opinion, a notion the Muslims certainly don't share. Christians have been taught to feel that any public avowal of their faith is a sort of unseemly ostentation, making a "display" of religion like the Pharisees Jesus condemned. But how can this light be hidden under a bushel? We must not only practice what we preach; we aren't even practicing Christianity unless we preach it! Of course there are right and wrong ways to do this. But we are so afraid of doing it the wrong way that we stop trying to find the right way. Islam apparently has no such inhibitions. Personally I think beheading unbelievers shows a poor sense of public relations, not to mention poor taste, but I have to admit that it seems to work better than nothing. A more agreeable way to spread your religion is by having lots of babies, especially if you are too shy to preach, but here again the Muslims are far outperforming Christians. Europe, formerly known as Christendom, has become a spiritual vacuum into which Islam is rushing. While the rest of the world has seen a population explosion, Europe has responded with the very opposite: an apparently irreversible population implosion. The lands of our ancestors are dying. Instead of preaching the gospel of Jesus, they have put into practice the ruinous gospel of birth control. If you forget the Good News of Christ, you can expect other news -- wars and rumors of wars, to begin with; even new kinds of wars, more terrible than the old. And what have we done to prevent this? We may end up wishing we had made better use of our freedom of speech, while we still had it. [A version of this article was delivered as a speech at the American Free Press Conference held over Labor Day weekend 2006.] NUGGETS TO COMPLAIN THAT a free economy favors the rich is like complaining that free speech favors the eloquent. -- REGIME CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME by Joe Sobran; $5 postpaid or free with a renewal of your subscription to SOBRAN'S. CARTOONS cartoons.shtml REPRINTED COLUMNS ("The Reactionary Utopian") (pages 7-12) * Violent Religions (October 5, 2006) * Hamlet's Lame Creator (October 3, 2006) * Thou Shalt Not Reelect (September 26, 2006) * The Islamic Enigma (September 21, 2006) * Bad Muslims (September 19, 2006) * Glorious War (August 31, 2006) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran, except where noted. You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2006 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]