SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month March 2007 Volume 14, Number 3 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year. For special discounted subscription offers and e-mail subscriptions see, or call the publisher's office. Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. {{ EMPHASIS IS INDICATED BY THE PRESENCE OF "EQUALS" SIGNS AROUND THE EMPHASIZED WORDS. }} CONTENTS Features -> Mighty White of You, Hillary! -> The End in View The Sobran Forum -> Jonah Jumps the Whale -- for Giuliani Cartoons (Baloo) "Reactionary Utopian" Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES Mighty White of You, Hillary! (pages 1-2, 6) Writing about politics these days takes a lot of tact, like being introduced to the Elephant Man. How to begin? "Nice suit you're wearing there, Mr. Merrick. Who's your tailor?" Women and minorities never have a nice day, as we all know, and I certainly don't want to give offense; but candor also has its claims, so I feel compelled to say that Hillary Clinton, the aging, Geritol-swigging Queen of the Boomers, increasingly reminds me -- and I'll bet I'm not the only one -- of Cathy Bates in MISERY. This bodes ill, as they say, for her 2008 presidential hopes. Yet that isn't the end of it. Let me say up front that much as I distrust Hillary, I prefer her to most of the other hopefuls so far, if only by default, as I'll explain later. Because the candidates are so numerous this time, it's easy to forget that the elected president (and for that matter every presidential nominee of the two major parties) has always been the last man standing. That is to say, a white male. Hillary is a white female. Barack Obama, on the other hand, the current American Idol of American politics, is a half-white male. But "half-white" still means nonwhite (in diverse, multiracial, multicultural America, the word "mulatto" is taboo, like the more recent "macaca"), yet there is grumbling that he is "not black enough" from the sort of people who think Sidney Poitier should have been more like Superfly. If that's normative for blackness, Obama should carry a switchblade (assuming he doesn't already) and address Hillary, when she tries to bully him, as "bitch" and "ho." His campaign rallies could also feature the theme from SHAFT. No, I haven't forgotten that Hillary is from Illinois, too. So was Abe Lincoln, though he was born in Kentucky, technically. Obama is stressing his Lincoln parallels, as in his choice of Springfield to declare his candidacy, but he seems unaware that the Great Emancipator opposed letting blacks vote in Illinois. True, Lincoln opposed slavery, after a fashion, as long as freed blacks could be induced to leave the continent. He didn't call them "African Americans," which he'd have thought a contradiction in terms; he called them "Africans" (or, more privately, "niggers"), giving their "physical difference" from whites as the compelling reason to deny them "social and political equality." Though he said repeatedly that "all men are created equal," his dream of an all-white America differed somewhat from the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. It was more like the dream of George Lincoln Rockwell. Today Abe Lincoln, barring some metamorphosis, would have been most at home among neo-Nazis. No wonder Frederick Douglass called him "pre-eminently the white man's president." In our world he'd be known as Skinhead Lincoln. Not that I'd urge Hillary to stress these easily ascertainable data. That might cost her more than it would gain her. When it comes to Lincoln, even historians know enough to dummy up. In mass politics the prudent rule is simple: Get real. Stick to the beloved imaginary Abe. Abe the apostle of colorblind equality and brotherhood. The old Obama -- the Obama of yesteryear, 2006 -- needs a makeover. The electorate might respond well to a newer, funkier Obama. Yet in today's volatile atmosphere, that approach might backfire. Hillary has her own well-paid black hirelings, who point out, reasonably enough, that a black at the head of the ticket could drag down all other Democratic candidates. This is a powerful argument, but it cuts both ways. A woman at the head of the ticket, particularly the most hated woman in America, could also drag her whole party down. Even if she wins. To make matters worse, Hillary may also be the most hated woman in the Democratic Party! After years of trying to soften her liberal image, guess whom she has infuriated: liberals. Her positions on the Iraq war, gay marriage, the flag-burning amendment, and even abortion -- all these have alienated some of her strongest friends and supporters of yore, notably in the movie industry, only recently a Clinton stronghold. Few think she has reached her new positions out of sincere conviction: always a bitch, she is now arguably a ho. The Hollywood bellwether David Geffen of DreamWorks has told Maureen Dowd of the NEW YORK TIMES why he is switching to her rival: Obama is "inspirational," whereas the Clintons are such liars that "it's troubling" (and, for good measure, Geffen hints that Bill hasn't changed his randy ways). The spreading conviction among Dems is that even with 100 percent name recognition, Hillary can't win. And lots of them won't forgive her for backing the war at first, even though she has repented. She has been virtually Bushified. Serves the bitch right. Ho, ho, ho. Obama is also chipping diligently into Hillary's once-strong black support. When both of them spoke on the same day in Selma, Alabama, he could thank the civil rights movement of the Sixties for paving the way for a black president; Hillary could hardly match that! If elected, would Obama show up for his inauguration wearing an Afro and an oversized zoot suit? All of which brings us back to the question, If Hillary and Obama cancel each other out, who will be the last man standing? The likely answer is the cute little Disney cartoon rodent John Edwards, who has hinted, despite some pro forma griping about the Iraq war, that he would not be totally averse to nuking Iran. ("All options are on the table," he told an Israeli audience. "Repeat: =all= options.") And being a slick white guy, Edwards would probably crush any Republican in November. After eight years of Bush, a GOP victory would be a miracle. And considering the choices, not a very nice sort of miracle; though we must also take into account the Democrats' genius for losing apparently sure things. For some reason, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani is now leading the Republican pack. Pro-abortion, pro-homo, =and= pro-war, with a marital record that would scandalize ever-decadent Tinseltown, not on speaking terms with his own children, Giuliani's chief claim to fame is having struck doughty poses after the 9/11 attacks (themselves the result of the sort of pandering Middle East policy he espouses). His other qualifications to be national duce escape me. Trailing Giuliani slightly, and only slightly less odious, is Arizona's senator John McCain, a pathological hawk who, even before 9/11, was telling Jewish audiences that the United States should go to war for Israel even if it wasn't in America's interest to do so. Hillary may be the only bitch in the race, but she's far from being the only ho. Far behind this sorry pair (whose fading glamour appeals chiefly to neoconservatives) are such hopeless curiosities as Governor Mitt the Massachusetts Mormon Romney, who, as NATIONAL REVIEW's Kate O'Beirne points out, is the only solid monogamist of the three. Like Giuliani and McCain, he is a white male; like Hillary, he has a record of kaleidoscopic conviction, only more dizzying. He's counting on conservative voters to trust that the views he has adopted this week are for keeps, rather like Giuliani's latest nuptial vows. We need not detain ourselves with such also-rans as George Allen and Newt Gingrich, except to congratulate ourselves on their futility. It's hard to imagine conservatives turning out enthusiastically for any of the soggy GOP options. Given this appalling field, is there any hope for a dark horse to surge to the fore and rescue us? You may as well pine for party bosses to settle everything in a smoke-filled room, if such a room is still legal anywhere in this great land of ours. Financial realities have made the dark horse extinct, unless a Ross Perot decides to give it another go. Still, all things considered, it looks as if only Hillary can raise, and has raised, the awesome amount of money now needed by any little white boy who dreams of growing up to be president. And no Republican can win, unless the Democrats can actually blow it again. Sure, Obama and Edwards and the nation's comedians can make Hillary look bad, but so what? I've about given up on Delaware's Joe Biden -- clean, articulate, and white, mildly silly but affable and charming, too moderate to be perniciously liberal -- so I'm resigned to Hillary. What more harm can she really do? It's not as if we had any hope of a president who took the oath of office literally. Anyway, the next president, whoever it is, will arrive at the Oval Office with an agenda already decided by fate: coping with the Bush aftermath. That doesn't leave much room for innovative action. Most Americans, in their basic decency, complain that because of "partisan bickering" the government can't "get things done." Would that it were so! The real problem is that it gets a lot done. Way too much, in fact. Legislation means coercion, and anyone who is serious about freedom would want to repeal laws and programs, not make more of them. So the most desirable presidential candidate is the one least likely to succeed in piling more legal obligations on us; one who would be too cautious to rush into war and foreign adventures, one unlikely to mobilize Congress into overweening action. My guess is that that would be the hated Hillary. George W. Bush has made a difference; she won't. That's all I ask of a president now. Only active, volcanic hatred of Hillary can spur a sufficiently large turnout to produce a Republican victory next year; hatred is the only force strong enough to counter the power of money in politics. But how potent will lingering Hillary-hatred be by November 2008? Won't most voters see her as a symbol of the good old days before Bush? And after all, she has morphed into the candidate liberals loathe most. That has to count for something, doesn't it? I hate her too, but she has my vote. So to speak. Jefferson Davis isn't running this year. The End in View (page 2) THE VERDICT: The Scooter Libby trial is over, pending appeal, but don't look for closure soon. The minute he was convicted, the neocon chorus was demanding a presidential pardon; obviously this trial hadn't done the War Party (or Dick Cheney) any good. All I know is that Valerie Plame is one foxy lady! TRUE (I THINK) STORY: Apart from the ever-vigilant Joke Police, I'm always having run-ins with the law. The other day, pulling up beside a police cruiser, I yelled, "You'll never take me alive, copper!" I quickly explained, "I've always wanted to say that." In reply, he told me of an old woman in traffic court. The judge told her, "This court finds you guilty of speeding and orders that you be hanged by the neck until dead. (I've always wanted to say that.)" Sometimes the taxpayer almost gets his money's worth from government. LOOKING BACK: Speaking of Cheney, 'twas he who told us five years ago, "There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now [!] has weapons of mass destruction." Sounds absurd now, doesn't it? "Downright goofy" would be putting it mildly. If Saddam had had even a single nuke, would he have dared use it against us? He wasn't suicidal, and in the end, as I recall, he didn't die by his own hand. Yet this was the line we heard from Cheney, Bush, Rummy, Condi, and, yes, Colin. The worst lie, as I observed at the time, was not WMDs, but "no doubt." Seldom has such audacious mendacity been combined with such lunatic bad judgment. MAKING BABIES: If it weren't for the lesbian clergy, the Episcopalians might not be reproducing at all. This is the church that was launched by the heterosexual (rather spectacularly so) Henry VIII. AFTERTHOUGHT: And by the way -- aren't the Cheneys Episcopalians? JUDGES GONE WILD: Mirabile dictu, a Federal appeals court has struck down Washington, D.C.'s gun control laws on grounds that they violate the Second Amendment. If that's the case, what's the point of having a Living Document? CONSOLATION: The best thing about the Bush years has been the Bush jokes. (To take one of a thousand, Conan O'Brien says of Bush's warnings on Iran, "He just got out his old Iraq speeches and changed all the Qs to Ns.") But if anything happened to Cheney, who would explain them to the president? Or is that part of the Secret Service's job? THE SOBRAN FORUM Jonah Jumps the Whale -- for Giuliani by Paul Gottfried Having already seen ample evidence that the neocon Evil Empire is wild about Rudy Giuliani and supports him enthusiastically for president, last week I encountered further proof courtesy of Jonah Goldberg, who is syndicated in the Lancaster New Era. Although our evening paper pretends to be on the center-right, in contrast to its equally narcoleptic morning counterpart, which is Democratic, most of the items in both papers come out of decidedly leftist news services. The featured columnists every evening are unfailingly neoconservatives, so much so that after several nights of the assorted maunderings of that predictable Bushite windbag Cal Thomas, I eagerly await Jonah's relatively peppy prose. In Jonah's latest offering, "Romney, Giuliani: Canaries in Coal Mine of Conservative Politics," one can locate the party line already laid out by Richard Brookhiser, Dennis Miller on FOX, John Podhoretz, William Kristol, the NEW YORK SUN, and the NEW YORK POST about which presidential hopeful we best appreciate. What makes Jonah's presentation less programmed than the other endorsements, however, is that he takes his time approaching the big issue. He talks about Romney's tactical about-turn on abortion and why this candidate just can't cut it with real conservatives. Then he gets on to the good guy, who is becoming apparently irresistible to voters: "Of course, Giuliani's national profile expanded enormously because of 9/11. And while the press harps on that point, the more interesting part of the story lies elsewhere. The war on terror hasn't just changed Giuliani's profile as a crisis leader; it's changed the attitude of many Americans, particularly conservatives, about the central crisis facing the country." Moreover, "It's not that pro-lifers are less pro-life or that social conservatives are suddenly OK with homosexuality, gun control, and other issues where Giuliani's dissent from mainstream conservative opinion would normally disqualify him. It's that they really, really believe the war on terror is for real." There are three questions, although there may be more if I think longer, that this implied endorsement occasions. One, why don't those who notice Giuliani's leftist social views bring up the one that has been most on display: his exuberant support of illegal immigration? A review essay of mine, printed in the spring 2006 issue of the Australian NATIONAL OBSERVER, which starts and finishes with remarks on Pat Buchanan's recent bestseller, STATE OF EMERGENCY: THE THIRD WORLD INVASION AND CONQUEST OF AMERICA, points out Giuliani's shocking public positions on illegals. For those who are supposedly concerned about what is usually interpreted as a wedge issue for Republicans, the fact that Rudy has called for increased social services to illegals should influence their electoral choices. One wonders whether the media, and particularly Rudy's neocon boosters, have not been keeping this burning issue out of the public discussion. Two, how seriously can one take Jonah's assurance that "social conservatives" (whatever the heck that means) are not less conservative than they used to be, if they have abandoned their protection of innocent life and the sanctity of heterosexual marriage to back a swinging, out-of-work, former New York mayor who is as far to the left on social issues as, and even farther to the left on immigration than, his likely Democratic presidential opponent? I've no trouble believing that this change of position has happened for nonmoral reasons, namely, that self-proclaimed conservatives and the entire "conservative movement" have had their minds or arms twisted to vote for a leftist who is "good" on Israel and foreign crusades for democracy. What is unlikely, however, is that the enthusiasm for Giuliani has anything to do with prioritizing deeply held convictions. It merely shows the undiminished power of the neoconservative media in handling small minds and opportunistic placeholders. Or else the pressure placed by Republican operatives, who are afraid of losing patronage if Hillary wins and who are pushing their local organizations to back a left-leaning Republican politician, that is, someone who may be able to wrest the presidential election from the Democrats. As the French say, d'autres temps, d'autres moeurs. Unless I'm mistaken, those who ceaselessly yakked about Clinton's lechery are now rejoicing over the manliness of their preferred lecher of the hour. Two weeks ago, the onetime Pecksniffs at the NEW YORK POST placed on their front page a tasteless photo, which was meant to impress, of Giuliani French-kissing his latest spouse. And this from a paper that has sounded like Billy Sunday preparing for the Apocalypse when it comes to highlighting Bill Clinton's affairs. Three, why doesn't Jonah offer any better evidence for his weighty judgments than what he picked up at the "NATIONAL REVIEW conservative summit last month"? Supposedly Romney laid an egg there as a speaker by addressing the pro-life issue. Those assembled registered "disappointment" that Romney proceeded to discuss social issues and failed to stress the war against terror. It is hard to imagine what the reader is supposed to learn from this "disappointment," however "palpable" it was according to Jonah. The gathering to which Jonah refers would have had the spontaneity of a meeting of the geriatric Soviet Politburo or, to find an even more dramatic example of obedient consensus, a meeting of Heritage Foundation staffers called to discuss Middle Eastern policy proposals. I'm not sure that one can learn much about opinions in the American heartland by schmoozing with Rod Dreher, Ramesh Ponnuru, and David Frum. Who cares that they say the obvious, that they agree with the neocons' presidential choice, and that Israel and exporting democracy are the key issues for the next presidential race! Although Jonah would not very likely be persuaded to do anything quite so intellectually honest or daring, he might, for the sake of a fuller view of political reality, pay attention to those who write for and read this website [i.e.,]. There are at least as many of us around here as those who attend NR "conservative summits," and I imagine that our median intelligence is considerably higher -- or at least less constrained. For the sake of full disclosure, in a two-way race between Hillary and Giuliani in which I was required to vote, I would reluctantly give my ballot to the less dangerous and less radical candidate from New York, the former first lady. I could not imagine a candidate whom I as a Taft Republican would find less agreeable in the White House than Giuliani, and not only for his positions on foreign affairs. His stated views on illegal immigration are at least as execrable as those of Teddy Kennedy. Paul E. Gottfried, Ph.D., is the Raffensperger Professor of Humanities at Elizabethtown College (Elizabethtown, PA) and a Guggenheim recipient. He is an adjunct scholar of the Mises Institute. He is the author of numerous articles and eight books, including, AFTER LIBERALISM: MASS DEMOCRACY IN THE MANAGERIAL STATE (Princeton University Press), THE STRANGE DEATH OF MARXISM: THE EUROPEAN LEFT IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM (University of Missouri Press), and MULTICULTURALISM AND THE POLITICS OF GUILT: TOWARDS OF SECULAR THEOCRACY (University of Missouri Press), and of the forthcoming BASELESS CONSERVATISM: MAKING SENSE OF THE AMERICAN RIGHT (Palgrave Macmillan). This article originally appeared at It is reprinted with permission. CARTOONS (Baloo) cartoons.shtml REPRINTED COLUMNS ("The Reactionary Utopian") (pages 4, 7-12) * Ms. President? (January 29, 2007) * A Better Tyrant? (February 1, 2007) * America after Anna Nicole (February 12, 2007) * Rated FDR (February 15, 2007) * Fine Filed Phrases (February 22, 2007) * How to Make a Great Movie (February 26, 2007) * The Fun of Falstaff (March 1, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran, except where noted. You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2007 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]