SOBRAN'S -- The Real News of the Month May 2007 Volume 14, Number 5 Editor: Joe Sobran Publisher: Fran Griffin (Griffin Communications) Subscription Rates. Print version: $44.95 per year. For special discounted subscription offers and e-mail subscriptions see, or call the publisher's office. Address: SOBRAN'S, P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183-1383 Fax: 703-281-6617 Website: Publisher's Office: 703-255-2211 or Foreign Subscriptions (print version only): Add $1.25 per issue for Canada and Mexico; all other foreign countries, add $1.75 per issue. Credit Card Orders: Call 1-800-513-5053. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue. CONTENTS Features -> American Idols -> Editor's Note: Will You Help Us Continue? -> Since Publius "Reactionary Utopian" Columns Reprinted in This Issue FEATURES American Idols (page 1) How can this country survive much longer, when the younger generation is so appallingly ignorant? Only half of them can name the first book of the Bible, or any of the four Gospels. Worse yet, in a way, I'm not sure they can even read the NEW YORK POST! They all know who the current American Idol is, but a shocking number are unable to identify Amy Fisher and Joey Buttafuoco. No use trying to converse intelligently with such people about Antony and Cleopatra. I have my own problem with the POST. My eyes are so weak now that without my reading glasses I can't tell whether it still supports Israel. I'll have to start getting the Braille edition, I guess. Today's atheists baffle me too. If they don't believe God exists, why do they hate him so much? That doesn't figure for me. I mean, I don't believe in Zeus, myself. But for that very reason, I don't hate him. (Or, to be safe, Him -- some people in this multicultural society of ours are pretty sensitive about capitalizing pronouns.) I've always found it hard to hold grudges against deities that don't even exist. When, as a kid, I didn't believe, I couldn't even work up a head of steam against the one wise people tried to tell me did exist. A tolerant fellow Christian just told me he thinks atheists are entitled to their opinions. I told him I think they're entitled to my opinions; I've heard enough of theirs! Don't even get me started on the subject of that fool Darwin. The world would be a lot better off if he'd taken up astrology, like Attila the Hun. At least astrology is a science with a long and respectable pedigree. Not that it can't do a lot of harm in the wrong hands, I suppose. But so can physics. It wasn't astrologers who gave the world the atomic bomb. Why don't the atheists get angry at Zoroastrians, by the way? Talk about troublemakers. I used to live next door to one of those people. Never again. Of course, with the Internet, you can't get away from them now. And they always seem to know how to find Yours Truly. I guess that's what I get for answering their messages. One of the pretty clear lessons of history is that Zoroastrianism tends to lead to war in the Middle East. It's so obvious that I'm surprised that the atheists still haven't caught on to it. Why do they always give Ahura Mazda a pass when they're inveighing against gentle Jesus? Do they assume nobody will notice? Well, some of us are keeping score. They accuse us Christians of being Manicheans, for example, but they seldom say a word against the actual Manicheans. How fair is that? If you ask me, it's the same old tired story: atheism talks, polytheism walks. Watch the treatment of the Catholic Church on public television, and you'll see what I mean. I've had it up to here with these people. I wish I could say I don't have a god in this fight, but I do: the only one today's atheists seem to care about, the only one they can never forgive. Read the Psalms, listen to Handel: he is the king of glory. The hatred of the atheists bears perverse witness to him. So does their persecution of his believers, which is so unlike their indifference to the old pagan gods and idols. Atheism is tolerant, they say. Maybe I'm missing something. We never seem to hear about the sins of organized irreligion, still active in China and Cuba. In the West it's called "separation of church and state." As Charles Baudelaire observed, "Satan's cleverest wile is to make us think he doesn't exist." It has come to sound quaint to speak of the diabolical, no matter how evident it is. Most atheists now prefer to call themselves agnostics, meaning that even if there is a bare possibility that some sort of God exists, he can't speak to his own creatures, so we should ignore any messages from him. And religion is all right, they say, as long as it makes you feel good. Just don't try to impose it on others by acting as if it's really true. Editor's Note: Will You Help Us Continue? (page 2) Dear Loyal Subscriber, Last month, I enclosed a letter with your copy of SOBRAN'S. We have just started to receive responses as of this writing, and I am happy that so many people are encouraging us to continue the newsletter. But some people never noticed my letter (I hear tell that people throw out the enclosures without looking at them), so I am repeating some of it here. As you know, my business partner, Fran Griffin, and I started SOBRAN'S newsletter in 1994 to provide my writings to you once a month in a printed newsletter. Later, with the emergence of the Internet, we added the Sobran E-Package that one can get by e-mail. As it happens, the Sobran E-Package is thriving. Our expenses are minimal. Our chief expense is our wonderful website,, that archives much of my writing. However, the printed edition involves many more expenses. Just to start the printing press each month is in the four figures, and the postage and mailing costs continue to go up. Despite this, we have continued to publish every month, barely breaking even -- many times not breaking even. I love writing for you, but we cannot continue the printed version unless we raise $39,000 by the end of August and another $28,000 by October 31. We want to continue this publication. We don't want to go out of business. But financial necessity and financial responsibility are forcing our hand. We simply cannot continue without your support. Will you help us today with your most generous contribution or pledge to keep SOBRAN'S afloat? Please let me hear from you within a week. We need to know right away if we are going to be able to keep our printed edition of SOBRAN'S going. Regardless, we plan to keep e-mailing the Sobran E-Package as long as I can take pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). But I need to know how many people are willing to help us keep the printed version alive. If you haven't already responded, I hope to hear from you in a few days with your thoughts and a donation or pledge. If you have responded, thanks from the bottom of my heart. Best regards, Joe Sobran P.S. I have been a writer now for almost all of my 61 years, and it gives me great satisfaction that people actually subscribe and pay to read my work. I enjoy my trade. I thank the Lord every day that he has given me the ability to craft words and the health to keep on writing. I want to keep writing SOBRAN'S. Won't you help? P.P.S. See the enclosure for a form to give me your comments, pledge, or donation! Since Publius (page 3) Why do we joke about Monopoly money? The Milton Bradley board game dates back to 1932. I played it as a child, then with my own kids as a young father, then with my grandson; and today, I understand, you can still buy Park Place for a mere $2000. A steal! In short, Monopoly money has kept its value much better than the "real" money churned out by that huge counterfeiting ring, the Federal Reserve System. That's because, as a friend quips, it's backed by the full faith and credit of the Milton Bradley Company. If you instinctively get indignant about what the government does to money, you are felt to be a crank. Well, that's me, I guess. The U.S. Constitution authorizes the government to "coin" money, not to "print" the stuff, let alone delegate the printing to another agency. I'm literal-minded that way -- a real misfit in this era of the Living Constitution. You needn't believe in the original Constitution to see what a shell game it has become, a plaything of the powerful. Read the FEDERALIST PAPERS with care, and you'll realize what revolutions have taken place under our noses. In Federalist 62, Publius (James Madison, in this case) offers a prophetic short warning against modern democracy: It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulg[at]ed, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is to-day can guess what it will be to-morrow. Law is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known and less fixed? Throughout history, republics have proved highly perishable. How to create a durable one, in spite of "popular fluctuations"? That is the problem Publius confronts. He argues confidently that the proposed Constitution can solve it. The careful constitutional design enables legislation while making it sufficiently difficult to impede impetuous and venal laws. Publius is obsessed with the problem of "faction," by which he means any special interest (as we now say) opposed to the interest of the whole community, even if that faction happens to be a majority at a given time, as was the War Party that plunged us into Iraq. He may be thinking more of religious factions than of economic ones. He is an unabashed conspiracy theorist, speaking readily of "cabal," "intrigue," and "the vicious arts by which elections are too often carried." The idea that conspiracies are alien to politics is a supremely silly idea. Politicians have been known to have things to hide. Since the tendency to faction can never be eradicated from human nature, Publius says it must be controlled as far as possible by "obstacles." Chief among these, under the Constitution, will be the division of the legislative power between two dissimilar bodies: a popularly elected House of Representatives and a Senate selected by state legislatures. If a factional law manages to pass both bodies, it may still meet an executive "negative," or veto. Finally, the courts may deem it unconstitutional. (Publius failed to foresee the problem of a factional judiciary usurping legislative power.) The Seventeenth Amendment, requiring popular election of senators, defeated the whole purpose of the Senate as a separate body and an impediment to pure democracy. If he were here today, then, Publius would not be moaning about "gridlock." That was the whole idea of constitutional government! Nor would he deplore "partisan bickering in Washington" -- not if the alternative were a superfaction, two major parties acting in concert against the public good (to save the unconstitutional welfare state, for example, violating the rights of property and passing enormous debt on to posterity). Whatever the purposes of the other late (post-1865) amendments, their actual effects, aside from ending chattel slavery, have been largely baneful. The Fourteenth Amendment, illegally ratified under duress, has virtually repealed the original Constitution and the Tenth Amendment, putting all state laws at the mercy of the Federal Government; the Sixteenth Amendment has effectively made all Americans slaves of the U.S. Government; the Eighteenth Amendment monstrously expanded Federal power. Publius might be especially bemused by the Twenty-Second Amendment. Under the original Constitution, the executive branch was so weak that there would have been no point in limiting a president to two terms, and impeachment was a ready remedy for any usurpation of power. But by 1951 the presidency, with its bureaucracies, had swollen far beyond traditional monarchical proportions; impeachment was a dead letter; the Electoral College Publius describes had become a joke. The amendment was a desperate, tardy, and futile stopgap against the danger of tyranny. That tyranny, which has grown far more oppressive since 1951, is immeasurably worse than any American could have imagined in 1787. CARTOONS (Baloo) cartoons.shtml REPRINTED COLUMNS ("The Reactionary Utopian") (pages 7-12) * The Fadsters (April 23, 2007) * Defending the "Procedure" (April 26, 2007) * A Great American Actor (May 1, 2007) * The Sanctimony of the Atheists (May 8, 2007) * Giuliani, the Pope, and Aristotle (May 11, 2007) * My Cane (May 15, 2007) * You Must Remember This (May 17, 2007) * Special Edition (May 22, 2007) * The Great American Fascist (May 29, 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All articles are written by Joe Sobran, except where noted. You may forward this newsletter if you include the following subscription and copyright information: Subscribe to the Sobran E-Package. See or for details and samples or call 800-513-5053. Copyright (c) 2007 by The Vere Company -- All rights reserved. Distributed by the Griffin Internet Syndicate with permission. [ENDS]