I am haunted by an observation of the philosopher
David Hume, which I must quote approximately from memory: To
the philosophic eye, nothing is more surprising than the ease with which
the many are ruled by the few.

Consider my little
dog Zipper, a Shetland sheepdog. She is a bright, sweet little thing, but no
watchdog. She is afraid of other animals, even squirrels; she has never
been in a fight, even with other small dogs. Yet she has been genetically
endowed, through centuries of breeding, with authority over sheep.

Now Zipper has never
even seen a sheep. I vaguely hope to buy her one someday, circumstances
permitting. But dogs of her breed and size have been herding sheep in
Scotland for ages. If she saw it done, I suppose she would quickly pick up
the knack.

To me this is a
fascinating fact. A whole flock of sheep will obey a single small, yapping
dog. There thou mightst behold the great image of
authority, says King Lear: A dogs obeyed in
office. Maybe this is where Hume got his idea. The sheep could
easily ignore, or even overpower, the dog, but they dont.

Arent men
really the same way? How easily they might defy their rulers if they
chose to; yet they rarely do, even when their rulers are venal, annoying,
and tyrannical. I dont think this can be explained by force alone.
Even brutal rulers have sometimes been overthrown by a united and
determined populace whose patience has been tried too far. But this is
exceptional. To me, as to Hume, that is the mystery.

It is as if most of us
were bred to obey. I dont suggest that social turmoil is desirable;
on the contrary, I devoutly believe that God has made us social beings for
whom cooperation is good, necessary, and satisfying. We need civil society
and law as well as family life, the contract as well as the vow.

But in modern
society the habit of obedience has been taken far too far. The State now
makes greater claims on us than the family; in fact the State even claims
authority to redefine the family, which in the order of creation is prior to
any merely civil relations. What God has joined together, the State may
put asunder. Yet even this is no longer recognized as the tyrannical claim
it is.

We are taught to
beware of violent tyrannies like those of Stalin and Hitler. But we are
seldom warned against the bland and gradual tyranny of the bureaucratic
State, which is the one modern man typically lives under. The autocrat has
been discredited, while the bureaucrat goes his merry way, taking our
wealth, regulating our lives, subtly undermining our religion. We are no
longer sure just whom we are obeying; but we obey. We are even led to
believe that the bureaucrat is protecting us from the autocrat (Saddam
Hussein, Kim Jong Il, even Manuel Noriega).

In Christendom
now derisively called the Middle Ages it was believed that
everything had its natural limits, including law. A human or
positive law could not be the mere whim or will of the
ruler; it was expected to conform to natural law. Not that this principle
was always honored, far from it; but it was acknowledged. The subject,
even if he wasnt a full-fledged citizen, was
supposed to know whom he was obeying, and why.

Today, as C.S. Lewis
observed, law has become the unbounded will of the State, which is
incessantly engaged in legislation. The citizen is told that
he enjoys democracy and self-government, so
that the will he obeys is really his own will. The State is really nothing
more than an extension of ourselves, so that when it seems to be
harassing us we are really harassing

This is nonsense, of
course. Some men are forcing others to obey, under the abstractions of an
ideology few bother to question. As usual, a minority rules the majority,
even if that minority is hard to identify with any precision. Most of us are
heavily taxed, while many others are getting checks from the State (even
if they too have to give some of it back in taxes in order to preserve the
general confusion).

This is
Lenins famous Who/Whom question: Who is
doing what to whom? For the classical Marxist, the capitalist was
doing it to the worker, and the practical solution was for the State to
enslave both so that they would cease to exist as rival classes. If class
warfare should break out between producers and parasites in the
bureaucratic State Bellocs Servile State many
people wouldnt know which side to take. The parasites know they
depend on the State; but many of the productive people who create the
wealth that supports the parasites are also convinced that their freedom
depends on the State. The bureaucratic State has blurred the lines,
disguising the opposition of interests. It rules by confusion.

To me one of the
most dispiriting features of the war on Iraq was the ease with which the
State was able to convince millions of productive Americans that this
was somehow a war for their freedom. These people, mostly conservative,
are simply unable to see the military establishment as a huge and integral
part of the bureaucratic State, parasitic on the countrys wealth.
The military is the one part of big government with which
conservatives have no quarrel, though every objection to socialism applies
to military organization to the warfare state as well as the
welfare state. (Paul Fussells book
Wartime makes this stunningly

How hugely ironic
that the bureaucratic State is able to enlist the most conservative
instincts to support it. Where would Big Government be without
As a rule this
column chastely avoids the topics of sex and violence. But there are times
when they are forced upon our notice.

A British biologist
named Olivia Judson has written a popular, often funny book about the
mating habits of animals, especially insects. Ill spare you the lurid
details, but she devotes a lot of attention to those couplings that result in
the demise of the male partner.

The female midge,
for example, plunges her proboscis into [the males]
head during the throes of passion. Her spittle turns his
innards to soup, which she slurps up, drinking until shes sucked
him dry. Among certain species of Australian spiders, the male
pays a similarly high price for gratification. Dr. Judson provides many
other illustrations, which can only increase ones respect for the
power of the male appetite while lowering ones regard for male

All creatures
are literally dying to pass on their genes, Dr. Judson explains to
The Washington Post. From an evolutionary standpoint,
thats the whole purpose of life.

And this is why I
raise the subject. I merely wish to point out that most animals, especially
insects, have never heard of genes. They just want to have a little fun. I
would add that the whole idea of the theory of evolution is to banish the
idea of teleology or purpose in nature. Yet this creationist
concept keeps sneaking back in, even into the rhetoric of scientists.
Mother Nature, it seems, uses male madness as her method.

Funny, isnt
it, how scientists assume theyre confirming Darwin even when
their data seem to confute him?