The capture of Saddam Hussein
immediately struck me as funny, even before Id seen the
pictures, which made it seem even funnier.

Obviously the Bush
administration would play up the arrest as a huge triumph, though
Saddams capture, just as obviously, would have near-zero impact
on the struggle to subdue Iraq, and even less on quelling terrorism. But the
spirit of P.T. Barnum still hovers over America, and the opportunity for
ballyhoo would be irresistible.

Then ah, those
pictures! The man looked pitiful. Not that he merits any pity, all things
considered; no doubt there were moments when Stalin, photographed off
his guard, would have looked like a sad old man, if you could look at him
without Gulag-tinted preconceptions.

What struck me as
funny was the idea that we were supposed to be terrified of this sad sack.
And to be correspondingly grateful to our own president for ousting him
from power. Saddam had never threatened us, had never had anything to
threaten us
with. Now, out of power, alone, haggard, bearded, living in a
hole, down to his last few pistols and as much money as he could stuff
into one suitcase (American money at that!), he just didnt begin to
live up to the role of monster in which the years of war propaganda had
cast him.

President Bush
called him a murderer and torturer, but not a
wielder of weapons of mass destruction. The war, it seems,
was all about what Saddam had done to his own people, not
what he might do to people outside his own borders.

Interviewed by
ABCs Diane Sawyer, Bush kept deflecting questions about those
WMDs. He wouldnt even use the phrase he had repeated obsessively
for many months as
the reason war on Iraq was the only course

We can expect
Saddams long rap sheet to lengthen further, as new discoveries are
made. It appears that even in hiding, Saddam, ever the public servant,
managed to fund a few cells of resistance fighters; surely
will be adduced as another vindication of the war, which needs all the ex
post facto vindication it can get.

Millions of Arabs are
said to be furiously indignant at the humiliating videotapes showing
American doctors checking his hair for lice and his teeth for cavities.
Even if they had no use for him, the Arabs seem to see his treatment as
more evidence of American contempt for general human decencies. Never
mind that the Americans thought they were just being humane, certainly
more humane than Saddam had been to his own prisoners.

What we have here,
as the old catch-phrase goes, is a failure to communicate and a
sign of the cultural gulf American democratization must
face. Every gesture, however innocent or benign, is apt to be darkly
construed by those who see ordinary Americans in their midst as sinister
aliens, while Saddam Hussein, for all his crimes, is at least, in their eyes,
one of our own.

Bush thinks that
American good intentions are self-evident; dont we all agree that
Democracy and Freedom are Good Things? That Arabs and Muslims crave
and deserve these things too? That Islam, after all, is a religion of
peace, not so different from Christianity? Cant we all just
get along?
No Natural Law

Unfortunately, the
answers to these rhetorical questions are not so obviously affirmative as
Bush assumes. He might (we all might) profitably read a little book called
Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics, by Daniel Ali and Robert
Spencer. Despite its subtitle, its not just for Catholics, but for any
Westerner who wants to peer into a strange world.

Ali, whom I know
well as a neighbor and friend, is an Iraqi Kurd who spent several terms in
Saddams prisons and, after coming to America, converted from
Islam to Catholicism in 1998; his learning is formidable. He is fluent in
Kurdish, English, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, Turkish, and several other
languages, and, by the way, his Arabic includes both modern
and classical Arabic.

I mention his
linguistic achievements because he understands that learning a language
means more than acquiring sounds, alphabets, and translatable synonyms;
it can mean entering a way of thinking that may be so remote from your
native one that you seem to be in a wholly different universe which defies

Lets start
with Allah. Were tempted to assume (and are often assured) that
Allah is just a foreign word for
God. But the
Islamic conception of Allah is radically different from, say, St. Thomas
Aquinass conception of God. For St. Thomas, God can do no evil;
cant contradict Himself; is bound, so to speak, by
logic and natural law, because these things reflect His own being, as all
created things must.

To the Islamic mind,
these would be limitations on Allahs omnipotence. The word
cant cant apply to him; any sentence that
begins with the words
Allah cant ... is nonsense. He is
utterly free (men have no free will) and can do literally anything.
Everything that happens (including your latest ax murder) is the result of
his will, nobody elses. He can, and does, contradict himself when
he chooses. He is superior to all logic; there is no natural law, only his
arbitrary command. He can change or even reverse it tomorrow.

Hence the
self-contradictions of the Koran itself dont trouble Muslims. Islam
rejects the Trinity (while revering Jesus as a sinless prophet) because it
insists that Allah is One. But couldnt Allah create another Allah,
even more powerful than himself? If we say no, arent we limiting
his power?

Never mind. Once you
grasp the concept of Allah, you immediately intuit that Westerners,
Christian or not, are apt to encounter failures to communicate. How do you
reason with people even highly intelligent people who
regard logic itself as contingent? (Maybe Calvinists, with their Allah-like
concept of God, could get through to Muslims. But I wouldnt bet on

Before we start
pouring democracy and freedom into the Muslim world, we may do well to
give it a heavy infusion of good old Western metaphysics. Whether we have
enough practicing metaphysicians for the job is a good question, but you
see my point: Dialogue presupposes that the participants
have, for openers, a shared sense of reality. If one mans reality is
another mans absurd fantasy, the conversation is likely to get four
flat tires long before it gets around to democracy and freedom.

Yet Bush talks as if
democracy and freedom were elemental things, like dog and
cat, for which you only have to find equivalents in an Arabic
dictionary. (Allah, by the way, speaks only in Arabic. Which is not to say, I
hasten to add, that he cant speak English, only that
he chooses not to.)

Put otherwise, Bush
is looking for the same things in what amounts to a
different universe. And he thinks military force can achieve the desired
result. Hes probably in for frustration. Sunny, arid Iraq may look
something like Texas, but a Texan is likely to find himself at sea there.

George, meet Allah.

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Joseph Sobran