The Immigrant "Invasion"

     The huge demonstrations of mostly Mexican immigrants 
around the country on April 10 have heated up the already 
sizzling debate over illegal aliens. As my old mentor 
James Burnham used to say, "When there's no solution, 
there's no problem." I think this is a case in point.

     There is no question of deporting 10 or 20 million 
people, legal or not. It's far bigger than a mere 
"problem." And whether it's a good thing or a bad thing 
on balance, government "solutions" are sure to make it 
worse than it would otherwise be.

     An analogy: Abraham Lincoln wanted to get rid of 
slavery, but only if the former slaves could be persuaded 
to leave the country. He was convinced that "the African" 
could never live peacefully and in full equality with the 
white man in America. And most whites -- probably the 
great majority -- agreed with him.

     So why didn't the idea of "colonization" catch on? 
Lincoln fought hard for it, even during the Civil War, 
and many prominent Americans -- Jefferson, Henry Clay, 
and others -- also advocated it.

     But most whites probably realized it was futile. The 
four million blacks in America were reproducing faster 
than they could be transported, and they had no intention 
of leaving. Lincoln's dream was vain, and he finally had 
to abandon it. It was easier to turn slaves into citizens 
than to remove them.

     Uncontrollable immigration has already changed this 
country forever, even if it ceases tomorrow. Some people 
want to talk absurd happy talk about it, as if it could 
have no unpleasant side effects at all. As Lincoln saw, 
even abolishing slavery was bound to create other 
hardships. You may think every human being is a gift from 
God, but how many do you want in your living room at 

     But in any case this population change is simply 
irreversible, a historical development that demands new 
ways of thinking. It is bringing some strains, especially 
in the Southwest, where many immigrants speak of 
reconquista and want to throw their weight around, and 
Mexico's arrogant president, Vicente Fox, seems to 
delight in making trouble.

     It never seems to occur to him that his own 
chronically irresponsible government is what drives so 
many of his countrymen north. Checked the peso lately? 
Inflation, which impoverishes whole populations, isn't 
caused by locusts. Now this odious demagogue professes to 
speak as the champion of the people he has oppressed. 
They are caught between two lawless bureaucratic 
behemoths, alias "democracies."

     In a few years this is bound to bring our welfare 
state, already overloaded, to a crisis. To me, this is 
the most disturbing prospect we face.

     But I find it hard to see how any Christian can get 
indignant about poor men who leave home to take tough, 
low-paying jobs in order to feed their families. I can't 
imagine Jesus standing on the border to turn them back. 
As for angry talk of an "invasion," it's a pretty 
peaceful one, and the complaint comes oddly from 
Americans who believe their own country has the right to 
invade countries around the world, and not necessarily in 
a pacific manner.

     Be that as it may, our situation has changed 
forever. In effect a whole nation has already crossed the 
border, and it's here to stay. It can be cursed, 
insulted, and penalized, but not gotten rid of. That is 
the great, stark fact that must be faced. It will bring 
many problems, some that can be solved, some that can at 
least be adjusted to, some that will just have to be 
endured -- and probably more blessings than we can 
foresee right now.

Now They Tell Us

     It now transpires that a secret Pentagon 
fact-finding mission reported to the Bush administration 
on May 27, 2003, that the two small trailers captured 
early in the Iraq war were not mobile "biological 
laboratories," as President Bush claimed. Nevertheless, 
he insisted, "We have found the weapons of mass 
destruction." Yet another pretext for war, punctured.

     Tiresome, isn't it? And Bush expects us to believe 
him when he says that Seymour Hersh, one of the best and 
most honorable reporters of our time, is merely giving us 
"wild speculation" when he says this administration is 
gearing up for war on Iran. From My Lai to Abu Ghraib, 
Hersh has been digging out the stories men in power don't 
want us to hear.

     From time to time readers complain that I am too 
"negative" about Bush. Well, it appears I am hardly 
alone: A new WASHINGTON POST-ABC NEWS poll finds 60% of 
respondents giving him negative ratings, with only 38% 

     So if I sound negative, I can only say, Wait until 
you hear from the voters in November. I suspect the 
disparity will be even greater. Of course many voters 
will just stay home, including disappointed conservatives 
who won't have the heart to give the Republicans another 
chance. By nearly every conservative standard, Bush has 
failed miserably -- often worse than Bill Clinton.

     Of course one reason Clinton was no worse than he 
was is that he faced a Republican Congress after 1994. 
Bush doesn't have that excuse. Like Lyndon Johnson, he 
has had nearly everything his way; and like Johnson, he 
has been undone by his own power.

     Neither party can be trusted; the best we can hope 
for now is a return to good old "gridlock."

Easter Tidings

     As Holy Week approached, the unbiased liberal media 
swung into action with a spate of news stories calculated 
to discredit Christianity.

     Big play was given to a scientist's surmise that 
Jesus was able to walk on the Sea of Galilee because it 
was frozen. He was actually walking on ice! I suppose the 
real marvel was that the apostles were strong enough to 
row a boat through the ice. And apparently St. Peter fell 
through a hole in same.

     Even bigger play was given to the discovery of the 
fossil of a fish with fins that could serve as 
rudimentary legs, enabling it to walk on land (or was it 

     This, of course, proves that Darwin was right and 
Christian creationists are wrong. Science scores again!

     Not far behind was the sensational publication of a 
second-century Gnostic Gospel According to Judas, 
revealing that Jesus assigned Judas to do what he did, so 
it wasn't really a betrayal at all.

     Garry Wills has written in a similar vein about 
"St. Judas," which I guess means that we can pray for 
his intercession now. (How should we word our pleas? "O 
St. Judas, secret buddy of the Word Incarnate, despise 
not our petitions ..."?) Two thousand years of really 
bad press is finally being corrected.

     And these were just some of the highlights of what 
might be called the ABC News -- Anything But 

     Happy Easter!

                 +          +          +                  

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