since the 1968 Tet offensive has the news made me feel so
confused and dispirited. Its easier to say what should have been done
or not done than what should be done now.

The Founders of the American Republic counseled us to maintain
neutrality, now disparaged as isolationism, in foreign broils. It wasnt
that they thought all foreign powers were wrong; just the opposite.

Every state might have plausible reasons for making war, but
that was exactly the problem. Their reasons, however appealing, need not be
our reasons; and it was unlikely that their interests should often coincide
with ours. Let them fight without us!

But since the days of Woodrow Wilson we have been taught that
it is both our interest and our duty to side with democracies abroad. In any
conflict, the democratic side must be right; for, as Condoleezza Rice keeps
reminding us, Democracies dont start wars. If you
believe that a priori, everything is immediately simplified. Israel is a
democracy, so in its latest war we must take Israels side.

But having abandoned neutrality, the United States is in no
position to broker the diplomatic settlement Rice hopes to negotiate. Both
the Bush administration and Congress have quickly expressed their support
for the violent Israeli assault on Lebanon, which Hezbollah has made its base
for rocket attacks on Israeli cities.

Most of the world agrees that the Israeli assault is wildly
excessive, but the Israelis argue that under international law Lebanon, by
failing to control Hezbollah, has become responsible for those rockets and
for any innocent carnage resulting from measures the Israelis deem
necessary for their defense. So, as a democracy defending itself, Israel
becomes Americas dog in this fight.

once again the United States finds itself
entangled and ineffectual in the most violent region on earth. Not only that,
but the world holds America largely responsible for a bitter conflict we all
deplore. O for the placid era of Yitzhak Shamir and Yassir Arafat!

To be sure, Hezbollah is supported by Iran, which may well have
instigated the latest trouble to deflect attention from its nuclear program.
But was this unforeseeable? Did the administration think the Iranians were
just going to sit still and endure more American scoldings for their

Never assume that your enemies are without resource. Iran is
too big and too cunning to be bullied.

Im always wary of the Israelis, but that doesnt
mean I trust their enemies, and for some days, remembering how we reacted
to the 9/11 attacks, I was willing to give Israel the benefit of a doubt, as far
as their own safety was concerned.

By the same token, though, I didnt expect them to
consider whether their actions were beneficial to us. Right or wrong, their
fight is not ours. We have more than enough enemies now, and fewer allies
than ever. Never was prudence more urgent, or less in evidence.

Maybe there is no justice in this world, but there is certainly
hubris, and there is its usual reward, Nemesis.

As William Schwenck Gilbert once complained to the president of
a railroad, Sir: Sunday morning, though recurring at frequent and
well-established intervals, always seems to take this railway by

In the same way, Nemesis always seems to take this country by

So here we go again. We intervene on the other side of the world,
where the only thing worse than war is peace, and we are shocked to find
things beyond our control.
Independent Iraq

And having installed a brand-new democracy in Iraq, we are
unpleasantly taken aback when Nouri al-Maliki, the brand-new prime minister
of our brand-new ally, condemns the Israeli action during his first official
visit to Washington.

We wanted Iraq to be independent, but perhaps not quite
that independent. When he addressed Congress, several
congressmen boycotted his speech.

This put President Bush in yet another awkward situation (he
must be getting used to them), and Maliki quickly got the word to tone it

Only Rush Limbaugh still thinks the Iraq war is going well; even
other conservatives are deserting Bush now. Bill Buckley has opined that
Bush is no conservative and that his disastrous failure in Iraq, were he a
European prime minister, would have compelled his resignation.

Surely the Republics Founders would be astonished to find
their country so impossibly mired in the Muslim world, to say nothing of its
fantastic debt and semi-socialist economy.

Less than halfway through his second term, Bush seems intent
on completing Americas ruin. Not that he has done it alone, but
its hard to imagine how a single man could have done more to
aggravate the damage he inherited.

To say that Bush has failed as a president is to understate the
matter. He has booby-trapped the presidency for his successors. How can
they hope to repair what he has wrought? Even without war and military
spending, his new Medicare entitlements cant be paid for by marginal
tax cuts; barring a miracle, they ensure generations of spiraling debt.

If the immediate future looks bleak, the long-range future looks
even worse.
Wasted Assets
Grim as the prospect of Democratic
rule may be, it seems probable that the Republicans political
hegemony is finished. Seldom if ever has a party wasted its assets as rapidly
as the GOP has since 2004, or lost the aura of invincibility so suddenly. If the
Democrats can reverse their fortunes in this falls elections, even
another impeachment is possible.

As long as Im spreading good cheer, allow me to suggest
a silver lining. Party loyalty neednt mean following your leader over a
cliff. Bush is so completely discredited that I see only one way for the
Republicans to recoup: by repudiating him the way the Democrats disowned
Lyndon Johnson by nominating George McGovern in 1972. Pretend he never

Once the Republicans make it clear that they agree that George
W. Bush was an aberration, they can begin to recover. This may mean
enduring a period of Democratic dominance, but the Democrats themselves
will see to it that this doesnt last long if the voters have an

I once predicted that Republicans would eventually urge us to
return to the conservative values of Bill Clinton. I just didnt expect it
to happen quite so soon!

Nows your chance!
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