Democrats cant muster the will to do what they would really
like to do: pass a resolution calling for a full withdrawal of American forces
from Iraq. And most Republicans who would like such a withdrawal are
inhibited by party loyalty from openly opposing their president.

President Bush and
his dwindling band of allies are relying on the argument that a call for
withdrawal would hurt the morale of our troops and
simultaneously encourage the enemy. But this is putting the
cart before the horse. The chief question is whether the war is warranted by
American national interests and morally right; if not, the morale of our
troops is a secondary question. The war isnt being waged for the
sake of the men fighting it, after all. The problem is not that their morale is
low, but that too many of them are being sacrificed for no clear purpose.

The war has become
a hot potato that Bush cant let go of. The war on
terrorism has morphed madly into a war between rival groups of
terrorists, liberated from Saddam Hussein but indisposed to
enjoy the blessings of democracy we have tried to bestow on them.

Nor has democracy
swept the Middle East as Bush assured us it would after regime
change. Instead, Sunni and Shiite Iraqis, who appear to hate
each other even worse than they hate Americans, are murdering each other
by taking electric drills to each others skulls. Who is profiting most
from this war Halliburton or Home Depot?

As for encouraging
the enemy, the enemy presumably knows from the polls and election results
that the American public has decided that the whole war has been a disaster.
Its a little late for a rousing chorus of Over There. We
have waged too many wars over there. The excuse is always
that we might otherwise have to fight them over here, as if
hordes of camel-riding terrorists were poised to invade if we display

But common sense is
finally setting in, and Americans are starting to realize how dearly we have
paid for the delusion that we are always facing foreign threats.

Even the
once-hawkish weekly
The New Republic has run an editorial
lamenting our overreaction to the 9/11 attacks.
Thats something even Democratic politicians are still afraid to admit,
but its overdue. In the still-hawkish
Wall Street
Journal, my old friend Peggy Noonan, a loyal Republican but a
sensitive observer, has expressed her dismay at Bushs insensate
stubbornness and praised Sen. Chuck Hagel for his blunt skepticism about
this war. (I wonder how long the
Journal will keep putting up
with Peggys Irish Catholic wisdom.)

In public
controversies of this sort, I like to apply a simple test: After time has
passed and both sides have had their say, which way are the conversions and
defections going? Countless people who once supported the Iraq war have
changed their minds about it; even many neoconservatives have repudiated
it. But it would be hard to find a single person who originally opposed it but
has come to believe either that it is justified or that it is winnable. The
evidence is in.

Bush and Vice
President Cheney are responsible for many of the conversions. Their
incessant dire warnings, optimistic predictions, and appeals to patriotism
worked for a while to rally public opinion, but the facts have contradicted
them too many times. The country is suffering from severe irony overload.
Cheneys intransigence and surliness would have made him a severe
liability even without such grimly comic mishaps as his hunting accident and
his lesbian daughters pregnancy.

The marvel is that
these two men still expect to be taken seriously. And they continue to hope
for a wider war with Iran. Somewhere, Colin Powell must be mopping his brow.
It must be a huge relief that the duty of trying to defend this administration
has fallen to Condoleezza Rice instead of him.

Bush has lost the
allegiance of conservatives and even many of his former neocon defenders.
One of the most startling and devastating attacks on him was written by
Bruce Fein of
The Washington Times, which all but questioned
his sanity for pushing a utopian agenda to free the planet of tyranny
and violence. The whole planet!
Dont Ask Me!
Speaking of Dick Cheney, it is with
great regret that I must confess that I have given up trying to understand,
let alone explain, what the perjury trial of his former chief of staff, Lewis
Scooter Libby, is all about. It would be easier to sum up the
Watergate case in a single paragraph.

Washington is full of
people who have followed every turn of the story and feel quite passionately
about it. I, alas, am not among them, nor is anyone I have talked to, though I
dimly recognize the names of the cast of characters: Libby himself,
prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, former ambassador Joseph Wilson, his wife
Valerie Plame (illegally outed as a minor CIA agent), Richard Armitage, and of
course columnist Robert Novak. And Ari Fleischer has now testified.
Something about a leak, I believe.

Scooter feels he has
been set up to take the rap, whatever it is. Apparently its
peripherally related to the Iraq war. Cheney seems to have had it in for
Wilson, who had written a piece embarrassing to the Bush administration in
The New York Times: He said he had been unable to find the desired proof
that Iraq had gotten uranium from Niger for the nuclear weapons it was
supposedly trying to make.

Cheney isnt
being charged with any crime, but the key to this story, buried under the
confusing details, is evidently his desire to punish Wilson for casting doubt on
the administrations rationale for war. Maybe it hardly matters at this
point, except as an additional revelation of character, of the constantly
conspiratorial nature of Washington, and of Cheneys heavy-handed
A Quieter Sort of Holocaust
Hardly a day passes without
denunciations of Holocaust denial, especially now that the
government of Iran is sponsoring it. In the secular West, it remains the
supreme thought-crime.

As long as the
Holocaust meant simply the Nazi persecution of Jews, there wasnt
much controversy about it.

But unfortunately, it
has come to mean much more than that; it has become inseparable from
Middle Eastern politics, as a justification for the state of Israel, for its
oppression of Palestinian Arabs, and so forth; and it is also used to defame
Christianity and particularly the Catholic Church. Such Jewish writers as
Hyam Maccoby and Daniel Goldhagen have blamed the Holocaust and indeed all
anti-Semitism on the Church. We are witnessing what might be called
Holocaust inflation.

Meanwhile, we are
also witnessing though without noticing a quieter sort of
holocaust: the gradual depopulation of the West and Japan though
contraception and abortion. This has been promoted by both governments
and the media, which also promote the sexual immorality and perversion that
make it possible. We are being subtly taught to exterminate ourselves.

The whole process is
more insidious than war, but in the end, even more destructive.

What James
Burnham called the suicide of the West is now far advanced in
a way Burnham couldnt have imagined.
Regime Change Begins
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