including the Bush administration, are now accusing Iran of
meddling in Iraq. When I first heard this expression I laughed.
Was it meant as a joke? How could it be serious?

Consider: The United
States has invaded two countries on the other side of the globe, Iraq and
Afghanistan, overthrowing their governments. This isnt meddling?
But when the very large country between them, threatened with the same
treatment, reacts, very naturally and predictably, by fighting the invaders,
we should be surprised and feel menaced?

What on earth did we

Almost unbelievably,
it appears that the administration, far from being chastened by the
compound disasters of Iraq, is planning to launch an attack on Iran. If this
werent being intelligently argued with ample evidence by excellent
reporters in such reputable magazines as
Newsweek and
Vanity Fair, who cite authoritative sources and diehard
neoconservative advocates of such an attack, I would dismiss the whole idea
as too insane to credit.

Its terrifying.
How could it happen? War on Iran and chaos in the Middle East have been the
neocons ultimate goals for a long time, and the Bush team still seems
to be listening to them or simply obeying them.

This is a real
conspiracy against American interests that no longer really bothers
concealing itself and is publicly led by the president of the United
Obama and Honest Abe
Barack Obama has finally
(finally by the weird standards of todays interminable
presidential races, anyway) formally announced his candidacy for the
monarchy we call the American presidency.

With none-too-subtle
symbolism, he did so in Springfield, Illinois, just before Abraham Lincolns
birthday. Springfield is of course the state capital where Lincoln also
launched his presidential campaign. This young man needs a history lesson.

Before we get carried
away by the parallels with the Great Emancipator, we should recall that
Lincoln emphatically opposed social and political equality for the Negro. He
professed disgust for racial intermarriage, and he endorsed
Illinoiss Black Code, which banned Negroes from voting, serving on
juries, or testifying against whites.

Lincoln often
referred to the American Negro as the African he
would have thought the phrase African American a
contradiction in terms and though he condemned slavery in principle,
that is far from the whole story and still misleads the naive.

Lincoln passionately
favored colonizing free Negroes, with their consent, outside
the United States. In his 1862 State of the Union message he asked
Congress for a constitutional amendment authorizing a federal program to
achieve this.

His ideal was what
would now be called grand apartheid: I cannot make it better known
than it already is, he said, that I strongly favor
colonization. He made no effort to conceal or disguise this

has been left to his modern admirers, who rarely mention it.

This is still one of the
most diligently evaded facts of American history, along with Lincolns
brutal suppression of dissent in the North. But the record is clear.

Lincoln was willing to
live with slavery, and said in his first inaugural speech that he would support
an amendment protecting it forever! where it already
existed. Real abolitionists despised him, and its no wonder Frederick
Douglass called him pre-eminently the white mans
president. He opposed slavery more for the sake of white laborers
than blacks. And he actually doubted his authority to free slaves, which he at
last did very reluctantly.

So Lincoln was what
todays liberals would call a racist, a white supremacist, and a
segregationist anything but a champion of diversity.

A President Barack
Obama was not at all what he had in mind.
After a long winter weekend trying
to get news out of my television, I finally resigned myself to the grim truth
that the American news media are less interested in the Iraq war, the
presidential race, and the astronaut love triangle than in who is the father
or biological father, as we now say of Anna
Nicole Smiths baby.

All the resources of
investigative journalism are being employed to find the answer. I never quite
expected the Information Age to culminate in this. The child does not seem
to realize that she has suddenly become one of Americas foremost

According to the U.S.
Census Bureau, one of every 17 Americans is now a celebrity. Most of these
are rap artists. Why Anna Nicole herself achieved celebrity is not entirely
clear, though she once appeared in a film with O.J. Simpson. One thing is
certain: She managed to redefine widowhood in our time. It would be hard to
find a more spectacular widow.

A friend of hers,
speaking to
The Washington Post, explained the key to her
character: She just wanted to be a mom. Her rather
roundabout quest for maternal status included getting silicone implants,
becoming Playmate of the Year, marrying (and not marrying) various men,
and other maneuvers.

And now, incredibly,
slurs are being cast on her chastity.

Fascinating though all
this no doubt is, perhaps we should be at least equally curious about the
paternity of Mary Cheneys baby. It seems to me a little more
significant. Anna Nicoles child may have been somewhat irregular
illegitimate, to put it quaintly but whoever begot her
apparently did so the old-fashioned way. Anna Nicole needed no recourse to
such desperately unnatural measures as artificial insemination.

Be that as it may,
something about Anna Nicole some indefinable, intangible quality
has always caused people to lose their sense of proportion. Not that
this country ever had one to speak of. But Anna Nicole Smith, more vividly
than any other woman, exemplified the difference between being female and
being feminine.

the U.S. government today exactly what the U.S. Constitution was supposed
to prevent?
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