I havent received the latest issue of
The New Yorker, but its already making news with an
article by the invaluable Seymour Hersh reporting that the Pentagon is
preparing intensively and illegally for a military strike on

Hersh says the
Department of Defense, not the CIA, is smuggling agents into Iran disguised
as Iranian civilians.

Not only is this illegal under U.S. law; under the Geneva Conventions, only
those captured in uniform are entitled to the protections due to prisoners of
war. Its hardly necessary to spell out where this may lead.

Hersh really keeps his ear to the ground, has great sources, and
collects well-earned enemies in every administration. I wonder how many
high-level conspiracies he has aborted over the last four decades by getting
wind of them in time.

Meanwhile, with respect to Iran, the politicians have a new mantra,
repeated so obsessively as to remind one of the brainwashed soldiers in
The Manchurian Candidate: All options are on the
table. This is a transparent euphemism for Were not
ruling out nuking Iran.

When John Edwards said it to an Israeli audience recently, he
added, just so nobody would miss the point, I repeat: all
options. Thats how you raise campaign money nowadays: by
threatening mass murder.

Incidentally, though it might be overstating the case to say
President Bush is enjoying a comeback, we are now hearing less-frequent
reports of his sinking poll numbers.

But that could change in a flash if he attacks Iran. As Conan
OBrien has quipped, his recent warnings about the Iranian threat
sound as if he has just taken his old Iraq speeches and changed all the
Qs to Ns.
Hollywood Goes to War
His name may be slightly unfamiliar
to the folks who buy the popcorn, but David Geffen of
DreamWorks is one of the most puissant figures in Hollywood, a leading
player in the Democratic Party and an old friend of the Clintons. So he
caused a furor last week when he told Maureen Dowd of
The New York
Times that he is throwing his hefty support from la Hillary to Barack

Why? Because Obama is inspirational, and the
Clintons havent changed: Everybody in politics lies, but they
do it with such ease, its troubling. Furthermore: I
dont think anybody believes that in the last six years, all of a sudden
Bill Clinton has become a different person.

Hillary exploded. Through her spokesmen, she demanded that
Obama repudiate Geffen and refund his money. Fat chance. Obama, through
his own spokesmen, coolly retorted that Bill and Hill had had no scruples
about taking Geffens dough back when they were stuffing it into their
own pockets and putting him up in the Lincoln bedroom.

world, thy slippery turns! Stilettos were flashing all
over the place, and Obama by no means got the worst of it. As I often say,
old ladies should think twice before starting knife fights. Thought she was
going to teach this kid a lesson, did she?

Well, this is what she gets for
moving to the right taking such fascist positions as
opposing gay wedlock and supporting the American Legion flag-burning
Father, I recently asked a priest friend, if we
cant have the Tridentine Mass back, do you think we could at least
have the Novus Ordo said in pig Latin?

I still cringe when I hear Catholics say hollowed be thy
name, confusing hallowed with
hollowed, just as some of my angry readers confuse
mean-spirited with mean, and most people use
might for may.

Life is a vale of tears for pre-Vatican II English teachers, as it
must be for those lonely Episcopalians who still adhere to the Thirty-Nine
Articles. We are headed for extinction. My reverend friend and I also agreed
that were it not for the lesbian clergy, the Episcopalians might not reproduce
at all.

And as if I didnt have enough to tear my remaining hair
about already, I just heard a newsman call Al Sharpton a civil rights
leader. You thought he was just a comical racial demagogue?

Now it transpires, by the way, that one of Sharptons
ancestors was the slave of one of Strom Thurmonds ancestors, also
named Sharpton.

Which reminds me: If were supposed to be reminded that
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, why arent
we also reminded that Julius Caesar and countless other Greek and Roman
freemen owned them too? Yes, all men are (and always have been) created
equal, but it seems that owning white slaves is less culpable than owning
black ones.

Have we at last reached the limits of our amazing, seemingly
infinite capacity for moral indignation about the past?
Persevering in Dark
Abortion seems to have dwindled to
an intramural Republican issue, and even most people who regard it as a
grave evil have difficulty keeping it uppermost in their minds. There are just
too many distractions, and in politics the urgent always tends to usurp the

A sense of futility, discouragement, abandonment, betrayal, and
just plain baffling practical complexity makes it hard to sustain resistance. It
is easy to succumb to the feeling that though its terribly wrong, legal
abortion is now here to stay; that even our old allies have found other things
to do.

Let us at least beware of our own infirmities and keep praying.
Sad Decline
Far be it from me to solicit pity, but
it is a plain fact that since my stroke I am not quite what I once was. I can
tell. Not to brag, but before the stroke I was something of a math whiz. I
could solve calculus problems in my head using Roman numerals.
(Now I have to count on my toes.)
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