are constantly warned about the great menaces that now threaten us:
terrorism, global warming, illegal immigration, and overpopulation. Led by the
news media, we all automatically look to government to save us. What would
St. Paul have to say about this?

To him, as to our
Lord, the urgent and imminent danger is damnation. And time is running out.

This is not a peril the
government takes any cognizance of. It not only tolerates but actively
promotes moral and spiritual evils. What was once Christendom
Europe and all the Americas has fallen into a worse condition than
Africa, where, for all the afflictions and miseries people endure, the word of
God is still taken seriously.

God wants to save us
much more than we want to be saved. This is the season to remind ourselves
of that, to rejoice, and to keep a sense of proportion about the far lesser
(but more highly publicized) evils we face. The Devil wants us to worry and
Brave Enemies
As I listen to the news from Iraq,
Im struck by the way our news media almost reflexively
adopt the perspective of our government propaganda. Our soldiers are brave
and patriotic, they are defending our freedom, and they deserve our support.
By implication, the opposite is true of the enemy, who are presumed to be
savage terrorists.

Well, on the principle
nihil humanum a me alienum est, I have to wonder: Is there no
courage or patriotism on the other side? Are these qualities possessed only
by the invaders? May not our enemies at times have their own share of
them, even if they sometimes commit horrors? (After all, who created, and
dropped on cities, the first atomic bombs?)

These questions are
prompted not by sympathy, or by my own opposition to this war, but by the
simple realism that recoils from melodramatic patriotism. If we love our
country, we have to assume that others love theirs too.

An inability to imagine
the enemys point of view is a serious practical handicap in war, like
the inability to anticipate your opponents reaction to your attack
when you play chess. And its downright childish to suppose that,
because you call him a terrorist, he sees himself that way.

To listen to President
Bush, youd think that the members of the axis of evil,
in a diabolical parody of the international community, had said
to each other, Hey! Why dont we evil guys all get together and
make trouble for the good guys?
Hostages, Bombs, et Cetera
brings us, naturally, to the latest hostage crisis in the Middle East, where
15 British sailors were detained for several days by the government of Iran.
Apparently they were in Iraqi not Iranian waters, which is all right, since as
our ally, Britain is entitled to be in Iraqi territory if we dont object,
since if we broke it, we own it, and.... Do I make myself clear?

Meanwhile, the
Iranians announced that they are now producing, for peaceful purposes of
course, that radioactive stuff you make nuclear weapons out of (plutonium,
if Im not mistaken), which only we and our allies are supposed to
have, especially in the volatile Middle East, where we are trying to maintain
the peace, and.... I think you follow my train of thought.
Now It Can Be Told
Two years ago, I flew to my
hometown in the Midwest and passed up the chance to make national news.
Despite the heavy security measures at the airports and on the plane, a
stewardess (or flight attendant, as we now say) made a shocking remark.

She was a pleasant,
comely young woman, from whom one wouldnt expect controversial
comment. As she served us beverages, I said casually to her and the
passenger next to me that I wasnt crazy about
Mr. Bushs
war. I cant recall why I said this; I think I was reading, and reacting to,
an article about Bushs plunging approval ratings.

To my surprise, she
muttered passionately, Id like to off him myself! I let
it pass, with a friendly wink to suggest I took it as a joke. But I saw that she
wasnt joking. She was really angry at Bush. So was I, even if I
expressed myself more mildly.

Quite unprofessional
of her, no doubt, not to say totally indiscreet. If it had gotten back to her
boss, or Homeland Security, there would have been the devil to pay. It shook
me up. Shed put herself at the mercy of a total stranger (she had no
idea I was a journalist!).

If Id reported
her, I could see the headlines in
The Washington Post and on
CNN: Flight Attendant Held for Threatening Bush. It would
have blown over quickly, just another five-minute seizure of hysteria, but it
could have ruined her life.

But Id learned
a lesson or two from this incident. I learned how deep the rage at Bush had
gotten, even among ordinarily apolitical people, not just liberal types; and I
felt the utter absurdity of supposing that the war on terror
was making us freer, or even preserving the freedom we used to take for
Imus in the Morning and All Day
Don Imus of MSNBC, by now the
mildest and most respectable of shock jocks, made an
unexpected sensation with a mildly vulgar joke about the predominantly black
Rutgers University womens basketball team, and two days later
various outraged black activists were demanding that he be fired. Such was
the furor that the normally sassy Imus was soon abasing himself all over the
place, begging forgiveness of such dignitaries as Al Sharpton. As I write, the
network has suspended him for a fortnight.

O world, thy slippery
turns! The Reverend Al Sharpton! Civil rights
leader, forsooth! Am I the only one who still remembers that he
achieved his national stature by swearing by the lurid lies of Tawana Brawley,
not to be confused with Rosa Parks? And that he was successfully sued for
slander by the policeman shed accused of raping her? His august
reverence, the jive artist! Still riding his high horse, two decades later!

All I can say in his
favor is that he has generally avoided theological controversy.

Was Imuss
poor joke as offensive as treating this clown as the representative of his
race? All Sharpton really represents is the degraded and degrading (to both
women and blacks) rap culture that joke echoed. Imus didnt learn
those words from the Ku Klux Klan.

Why was this
news? I guess because it forced the cable networks to divert
their attention, briefly, from the latest developments concerning Anna Nicole
Smith. Such is journalism in the 21st century. Take note, ye historians.

been a journalist for nearly 35 years now. In that span, the world
hasnt gotten any saner, and I havent gotten any
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