far this week
the news is being made a little south of Washington, at Virginia Tech,
where a Korean student went berserk and murdered 32 people, then killed
himself. Its being called the worst mass murder in American
history (not counting Waco, I guess).

Horrible as such
incidents are, I wish we could let them pass without affecting national grief
over them, and without our politicians and pundits assuming the roles of
pastors and grief counselors. The grief belongs to the
victims families, and nobody else should try to appropriate it.

Yet President Bush,
visiting the school the day after these stunning crimes, spoke piously, wisely,
and without cant.
Revving Up
Now that the phony rape charges
against those three Duke lacrosse players have been dropped
my, college life (lets not forget Rutgers) is eventful these days!
will the Reverend Sharpton demand that their accuser be fired from
her job, like Don Imus?

Of course Sharpton
himself is even worse than the disgraced prosecutor in the Duke case, Mike
Nifong. At least Nifong was finally forced to apologize; Sharpton still stands
by the phony rape charges he made in the Tawana Brawley case; and whereas
Nifong may well be disbarred and even prosecuted for a crime, the Rev is in
no imminent danger of being defrocked.

But his 15 minutes of
fame may be over at last about 15 years too late.
Bush and the Catholic
Neoconservatives have been likened
to skunks: They can stink you up for a while, but in the end,
everyone knows the odor is theirs. This may somewhat limit the harm they
can do. Theyve made it hard to remember that they have ever done any

one subset of neocons I feel something like pity: the Catholic neocons, many of
whom I have known personally. By supporting the Iraq war, they have allowed
themselves to be put into an awkward and compromising position. We must
ask bluntly, Do they really want to be used against the Church and the

In his authorized
biography of Pope John Paul II, George Weigel criticizes His Holiness for his
opposition to both American wars against Iraq. I must say that it would make
me uneasy to have said such things about the Pope, especially in the light of
those wars unhappy results.

Another Catholic
neocon, Michael Novak, has been critical of both John
Paul II and now
Benedict XVI for their views on the current Iraq war. In early 2003, before the war had
begun, after flying to Rome in a vain effort to set the Vatican straight,
Novak argued that Saddam Hussein was capable of
devastating London, Paris, or Chicago and, invoking
St. Augustine, that Catholic principles of just warfare might well give the United
States a moral obligation to invade Iraq and topple its

Lately Novak has
scolded Benedict for his Easter message saying that nothing good has come
of the Iraq war. He seems to equate Benedict with mere secular European
critics of this country. (For those who may suspect I exaggerate, Novaks
articles on these matters can be found on
National Review
Online.) And in a long interview in
Crisis magazine,
which he founded, Novak expounds on neoconservatism without mentioning
the Iraq war at all! It would seem he is in no mood to celebrate the neocons
most famous achievement.

Can anyone seriously
believe, or even imagine, that Christ would blame these two Popes for urging
peace? It would be presumptuous enough to claim the Lord for old-fashioned
conservatism. But for neoconservatism?

The neocons argue
ingeniously over-ingeniously, it seems to me that the
decision to go to war must be referred to the prudential
judgment of legitimate authorities. But that can
hardly be the end of it. The prudence and judgment, not to mention the
morality, of our authorities are precisely what millions of thoughtful people
have come to question; and those millions have pre-eminently included the
last two Popes and other Catholics, laymen, clergymen, and hierarchs, who
command respect.

authorities doesnt necessarily mean a monarch, or a president;
under the U.S. Constitution, it also means Congress, which decides when to
declare war, and which may decide that it, or the president, has acted
imprudently. Congress and the people are moving into alignment with the
Popes and, yes, most Europeans on this; and though in this respect we are all
fallible, still, as Samuel Johnson observed, About things on which the
public thinks long it commonly attains to think right.

That is the very voice
of Christian common sense, the
consensus fidelium.

How many serious
Christians originally had qualms about the war, but over the past four years
have become persuaded of its wisdom and justice? Hasnt virtually all the
motion been in the opposite direction?

Its weird that so
many Catholics are promoting
George W. Bushs
fundamentalist Armageddon agenda. I suspect that Bushs war policy has
very little to do with just war theory, considerations of prudence, or
St. Augustine, and everything to do with an occult and fanatical eschatology he
hasnt told the public about.
Patricia Buckley RIP
C.S. Lewis said of his friend Charles
Williams that when he died, it was the idea of death, not Williams, that
seemed to have changed. I felt almost that way when I heard that Pat
Buckley, Bills wife, had died this week at 80.

Wed known it was
coming. I hadnt seen her in many years, but Id heard shed been suffering
the most agonizing kind of arthritis. Unremitting torment. The end was
inevitable but still unbelievable.

Pat was the most
forceful woman I ever knew, a tall, striking, raucously funny lioness,
intimidating (though she didnt mean to be) until you got to know her. The
only child of the richest tycoon in Canada, she was that rarity in America
(see Tocqueville), a woman who never had to please anyone. Oh, was she
blunt! Feminists would wither in her presence. But her fearlessness was a
tonic. You could see why Bill loved to play with her, the lion-tamer who loved
her wildness.

She and Bill were
married for over half a century, and their son Christopher is one of
Americas most successful satirists. She bawled me out when I panned his
first book in her husbands magazine after all the other reviewers had
praised it. Pat, I teased her,
Review was the only magazine with the guts to take that book
on. Bill roared with delight; trying to look stern at my insolence, she
smiled in spite of herself.

She dominated New
Yorks high society, seeming to run most of its charities. The gossip
columnists doted on her, despite the total lack of scandal in her life. That
city wont be the same now.

Eventual grief is the
price of every love, so there is no way I could offer Bill the consolation I wish
him. But then, thats what families are for.

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