long last, Washington has a memorial to the countless victims of
Communism, whose actual numbers can only be estimated: 100 million deaths
is a reasonable figure, though it hardly begins to suggest the myriad forms
of suffering the hellish system imposed over the last century (and is still
imposing here and there). Most of the credit for this too-modest monument
goes to my old friend Lee Edwards, who has worked passionately for decades
to add it to the monument-surfeited capital.

President Bush, speaking at its dedication, took the occasion to draw an
absurd parallel between the most deadly form of tyranny in human history
and the relatively minuscule evil of Islamic terrorism in the Middle East, which
has yet to rival a single Communist state, let alone create the
totalitarian system he accused it of aspiring to.

He implied that he is
leading a heroic struggle against a gigantic evil; as if Saddam Hussein (whom
he didnt mention by name) had been any more than a nominal Muslim
anyway, let alone a menace to Western civilization. Was he trying to insult
our intelligence? He succeeded only in insulting the memory of those the
memorial is meant to honor.
President Who?
The Washington Post
has run a front-page story on Ron Paul, who continues to win
enormous Internet support from conservatives and libertarians who are fed
up with what one wag calls Rudy McRomney.

the allegedly conservative
Washington Times, as far as I can tell, hasnt even acknowledged that
Paul is in the race.

If Paul is elected
president on a third-party ticket, will the
Times even cover
the inauguration? Probably not. The
Times would never
feature any news item that might hurt the Republican Party.
Sin of the Times
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the
celebrity couple, who already have one natural child (plus three adopted from
the Third World), have announced that they are refusing to tie the knot
legally until gay people are allowed to marry too.

Hows that for
self-abnegation? Not to mention humility! They will continue to live together,
of course; all they are asking is that civilization redefine its most basic
institution to suit them.

Hey kids! Try not to
let fame and fortune go to your heads! Actually, Brad is a middle-aged man,
though maybe not a terribly mature one, and Angelina is featured in the
Readers Digest for her humanitarian activities
namely, saving Third World children from the awful fate of growing
up without parents like Brad and Angelina. (Headline: Angelina Jolie:
Saving the world one child at a time.)

Im waiting for
some other Hollywood couple to announce that they too will refuse to marry
until society recognizes polygamy. Would that be too much to ask? Why are
we singling out sodomy for such tender consideration? Tolerance is nice, up
to a point, but if one may inject a note of candor into this discussion, I really
doubt that many parents would be overjoyed to learn they had a homosexual

I mean, its
not exactly something youd wish on your child. You might, after
learning of it, forgive, excuse, ignore, or downplay it, but I doubt youd
exclaim, Just what I was hoping for!

I am old enough to
remember when Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were
Tinseltowns most scandalous couple, their adulterous romps during
the filming of
Cleopatra covered by all the gossip tabloids and
deplored in
LOsservatore Romano. By todays
standards, Liz and Dick seem like Ozzie and Harriet. The Vatican press
doesnt seem to bother about Brad and Angelina.

The only thing that is
hard to figure out is why Brad isnt seeking the Republican presidential
A Sense of Proportion
The United States is often said to be
the most religious country in the Western world. Maybe so. How do our news
media reflect this fact?

Well, I read several
newspapers daily. Every day they have whole sections devoted to business,
the arts, entertainment, and sports; once a week they have sections on
health, food, science, and other specialties, with more specialized sections
on weekends.

And religion? On
Saturdays they bury all the religious news on a single page, or half-page, or
less. They give more coverage to games like chess and bridge.
Washington Post regularly hides religion somewhere in the Metro
section, near the weather and the obituaries. Good luck finding it. I usually
forget its there.

And what counts as
religious news? Topics like anti-Semitism, environmentalist clergy,
homosexuals in the churches, and Muslim groups complaints of
discrimination. In other words, religion seems to be of interest only insofar
as it is entangled with current political interests and fashions.

If youre
looking for bias in the press, dont bother with details of partisan
slanting or inaccurate reporting. The deepest bias is the huge omission of
the sacred. The Good News is no news.

How can you possibly
report on religion adequately if you dont even take the idea of
revealed truth seriously? Religion is reduced by journalism to a sort of
inexplicable private hobby.
The Right of
Dr. Jack Kevorkian has finally
finished his prison sentence and is free on parole as long as he
doesnt resume his specialty of assisted suicide. He has been the
subject of another totally one-sided and admiring profile on

As it happens, I have
two dear friends, both devout Catholics but prone to sadness, whose fathers
killed themselves. One found his fathers body hanging in their home.

There are no words
for this. Suicide is a horribly cruel thing to do to your family, to everyone
who loves you. I cant judge those who do succumb to a temptation so
alien to me; their despair is unfathomable to me, who have always been
blessed with a pretty cheerful disposition. Even in my darkest times, my
friends have always been able to shake a laugh out of me, as today.

I can almost forgive
this apostate world for normalizing so many other abnormal things when I
think of this one, which has drawn so many young people into its torment.
Suicide a right? How can you consider these kids without
weeping? And my heart bursts with gratitude for Brother Tobias, a family
friend who has made it his mission to rescue boys like ours from despair.

Im not quite
sure how a Darwinian would explain the role of men like Brother Tobias in
terms of the ruthless struggle for survival. Actually, he strikes me as a
pretty tough hombre for such a soft touch, but life is full of paradoxes. He
just seems to pop up when someone is suffering and needs consoling. May
Jesus reward him a thousand times.

Our Lord
enjoins us to love our enemies. He doesnt ask us to pretend we
dont have any. It may help us forgive them if we can begin by
identifying them.
Regime Change Begins at Home
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