So Many Hitlers
February 27, 2003
witty reader with a long memory likens American foreign policy to
Joe Louiss boxing career. Joe Louis, the Brown Bomber, was the
heavyweight champ before and after World War II who, having destroyed
all his worthy opponents, proceeded to take on, with unbecoming
frequency, a lot of unworthy ones. Sportswriters derisively nicknamed
these hapless unworthies the Bum-of-the-Month Club.
The United States seems to have
a Hitler-of-the-Month Club. As the Soviet Union waned and collapsed, a
new series of enemies began to emerge, each in turn likened to Hitler as a
global threat: the Ayatollah Khomeini, Muammar al-Qaddafi, Manuel
Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, Osama bin Laden, and now
Saddam Hussein again. Globally, these were equivalent to Joe
Louiss bums, but U.S. propaganda has dignified them as Hitlers.
Just as the United States has had
its 9/11, even Joe sometimes got a rude shock. In 1942, I believe it was,
Tony Galento, a roly-poly slugger from New Jersey who trained on beer,
landed a punch that knocked Joe on the seat of his trunks, but by round
four Tony had been rendered unconscious. (The history-minded will note
that he later took bit parts in movies like On the
Today Joes legend has
faded; he is best remembered for beating Max Schmeling, Hitlers
boy. Today, in fact, Hitler still defines just about everything, one way and
another. His name is invoked to settle all arguments. You want war? So did
Hitler. You dont want war? Youre like the people who
appeased Hitler.
Hitler was not only bad, but
infinitely bad. No price is too great to pay for vanquishing a Hitler
even a metaphorical Hitler. Thus Andrew Sullivan, urging war on Iraq in
Time, points out, The war against Hitler killed
millions but it was just.
Was it ever! Not only did World
War II cost 50 million lives, it gave Stalin a huge swath of Europe and
brought the world into the nuclear era. But it was all worth it! We got rid
of Hitler!
![[Breaker quote: So few Stalins]](2003breakers/030227.gif) Once Hitler is
introduced into the conversation, and he usually is, any sense of measure
disappears. All-out war becomes imperative, and its petty to ask
what the consequences may be. When youre budgeting for Hitler,
cost is no object.
This might not be a problem if
we were dealing with one supremely evil figure who died in 1945 (despite
rumors that hed survived and legged it to Argentina). But there are
so doggone many Hitlers, every one of them a threat to world peace. Uncle
Sam has to be quick on his feet to stamp em all out as fast as they
spring up.
Next week will mark the 50th
anniversary of the death of Stalin (and of Sergei Prokofiev, the great
Russian composer, if anyone cares). Stalin killed several times as many
people as Hitler, but he had one redeeming virtue: he was against Hitler!
True, he formed what might have seemed the beginning of a beautiful
friendship with the German dictator, but Hitler, by turning on him, saved
his reputation.
Soon Stalin was a chum of
Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt again, as liberals cheered. He
even wound up as sole proprietor of Poland, which hed thought
hed have to share with Hitler.
Today even liberals agree that
Stalin was a bit of a stinker, all things considered, but Uncle
Joe is by no means the symbol of evil Hitler has become. Though he
too could be rough on minority groups, he talked the talk about democracy,
equality, and diversity, so he can be excused for not always walking the
walk; and the sort of minorities he wiped out werent the sort who
trouble the Western conscience overmuch anyway. (Who cares about
Estonians, for Petes sake?)
So, to this day, there is no
Stalin-of-the-Month Club, and though he has had numerous imitators,
including some very able ones, none of them has been designated a
new Stalin against whom it behooves us to make war. Nobody
remembers Enver Hoxha nowadays. Even Fidel Castro seems more like a
relic of the sunny Kennedy era than a Stalin.
Kim Jong Il is the genuine article
indeed, a rather flamboyant Stalin but, after all, he is no
Hitler! We can live with him. He even brings out the coquettish side of
Madeleine Albright.
Joseph Sobran