The Neocons World
March 25, 2003
Just as World War II began with the invasion of
Poland, World War IV may have begun with the invasion of Iraq. Apparently
Iran will be the next target among Presidents Bushs
Axis of Evil.
World War IV? This isnt
hyperbole or idle speculation.
neoconservatives like Norman Podhoretz are openly calling
for World War IV to topple governments throughout the
Middle East with the exception, of course, of the Likud government
of Israel. (In case youre wondering, the Cold War was World War
This is in keeping with President
Bushs policy of regime change and his ambitious
plan to bless the whole region with democracy.
There is nothing conservative
about the neoconservatives. They care nothing for such
classic conservative principles as Natural Law, limited government,
tradition, prudence, and constitutional order. But just as the Communists
used to borrow liberal rhetoric for their own purposes, while convincing
many innocent liberals that they were merely fellow
progressives, the neocons have used conservative rhetoric,
in the service of a foreign power, for their own purposes.
And their chief purpose is war.
Preferably a big one. Its to be fought not by Israel, but by the
United States. They have already dubbed it World War IV. For once we
should take them at their word.
![[Breaker quote: It already has a name.]](2003breakers/030325.gif) Richard Perle, one of the top
neocon Bush war planners, says he is rather optimistic that we
will see regime change in Iran without any use of military power by the
United States. This implies, however, that military power may be
needed to effect regime change. Perles colleague
Michael Ledeen, yet another neocon, is more explicit. Iraq, he says, is
just one battle in a broader war, and Iran is the
mother of modern terrorism.
Got that? The invasion of Iraq is
not really a war, but just one battle in a broader war, which
must be expanded to other countries, starting with Iran. The War Party is
already telling us the agenda, on the assumption that Bush has a blank
check for limitless war. It will be stipulated that all opposition to U.S.
conquest excuse me, liberation is
terrorism. If this is what they say in public, heaven knows
what they are saying in private.
So all the propaganda about the
evil Saddam Hussein was just a distraction, a device to set larger events
in motion. The goal is for the United States to rule the world, to exercise
what William Kristol of The Weekly Standard (neocon, need
one add) calls benevolent universal hegemony.
Because so many of the hawks
are in effect Israeli apparatchiks, those who oppose the war are often
accused of being anti-Israel and worse. This is nonsense.
Suppose the situation were
reversed. Imagine an administration full of pro-Arab advisors constantly
pushing for war with Israel, in concert with Arab-owned mass media and
Arab governments. Imagine that we were always hearing that Israel was a
threat to world peace, while Arab states were extolled as reliable allies
of the United States in the cause of peace and freedom.
In that case, an American patriot
would have to say, Wait a minute here. Can we have a little sense
of proportion? There is no reason or justification for an American war on
Israel. Israel has done nothing to us and poses no threat to us, even if it
has weapons of mass destruction; it has actually been pretty friendly to
America. And its government, whatever its faults, compares very well to
most of the Arab states; at least it permits political opposition and
criticism. Are we expected to think that Ariel Sharon, brutal as he is, is
worse than, say, Saddam Hussein?
An unprovoked U.S. war on
Israel would be sheer aggression, and contrary to our own best interests.
If the Arabs want to make war, they can do it without our help. We should
avoid entanglement with either side.
Would that be
anti-Arab? By todays logic, I suppose so. But it
would really be nothing but an attempt to restore calm perspective
the very thing propaganda tries to destroy. Of course if the Arabs
were that powerful in the United States, they might be able to smear their
critics and silence dissent.
Not that the neocons would ever
do such a thing, of course.
Joseph Sobran