The New JFK
January 20, 2004
like that, the Dean ballyhoo is over. The
ballyhooed Iowa caucuses have come and gone, and its time for the
Kerry ballyhoo.
Oh, how exciting it is, this hoss
race for the Democratic presidential nomination! Howard Dean was the
front-runner for ever so long, without having won anything; and now that
hes badly flunked his first real test, losing by an embarrassing
margin to John Kerry and finishing way behind even the unballyhooed John
(who?) Edwards, the media have some serious adjusting to do.
Now they have to explain the
hitherto unnoticed charisma of John F. (at least I think its F) Kerry,
the mournful-faced New Englander who looks as if he was cloned from
weepy Ed Muskie, though, being a Democrat from Massachusetts, he
naturally prefers to be known as JFK.
What a comeback! Only days ago,
the coroners were sadly shaking their heads over poor Kerrys
carcass, knowingly explaining his early expiration. Now they must
knowingly explain why his vitality and appeal were so badly underrated, as
if they knew it all along.
Meanwhile, Dr. Dean is crowing,
Im delighted to finish in the top three. On to New
Hampshire! Thats the spirit! Act as if that miserable finish
were a wonderful surprise. This guy could play King Lear for comedy.
Well, the Democrats have been
looking for a new JFK for a generation, and theyve finally got one.
He may not have a rich father, but he has a rich wife who can buy him all
the charisma he needs. And like the other JFK, hes a decorated war
hero. His position on the latest war is a little fuzzy, but the Republican
chicken hawks will have a hard time painting him as a worse coward than
George W. Bush.
![[Breaker quote: Massachusetts is back!]](2004breakers/040120.gif) The
Iowa results also come as a shockeroo to the Democrat big shots who have
been putting their chips on Dean and Gen. Wesley Clark. Suddenly Al Gore
and the Clintons no longer look like kingmakers. These distinguished public
servants have suffered a terrible diminution, along with Dick Gephardt and
that erstwhile conscience of the party, Joe Lieberman.
It may be premature to count Al
Sharpton out, but if Iowa wasnt exactly his home turf, lets
face it, neither is New Hampshire. He always does best in long, hot
summers, and an endorsement from Tawana Brawley may not be enough to
pull him through a long, cold winter. Still, hes not a man to be
deterred by the scoffing of critics.
But whatever happens next, this
is undeniably JFKs moment. The Democrats are thrilled!
Theyve waited so long for this! A savior who can unite the party
against Bush! No baggage of women, draft-dodging, drugs, or scandal. No
Mafia links. No sleazy real estate deals. No silly hippie past. None of
Deans personal abrasiveness. Hes not a crook, hes
never inhaled, and as far as anyone knows hes never been near
Arkansas or laid eyes, let alone hands, on Gennifer Flowers.
The perfect resume! A Democrat
who has never even been mentioned in The National Enquirer!
Yes! Yes! Why didnt we see it before?
Bush himself has been trying to
do the JFK act, seeking a New Frontier in outer space the moon,
Mars, a human presence across our solar system, no less.
But it isnt very inspiring. Pretty tiresome by now, frankly. How
many planets do we really need to conquer? Even spreading democracy on
this one has lost its tang.
True, this JFK lacks magnetism.
Many have considered him stolid and boring. But in due course the media
will see the flip side of these qualities, which they will call
gravitas. When you put it that way, it sounds pretty good,
doesnt it? Gravitas is soooo presidential.
And Bush aint got any. He
is severely gravitas-impaired. Its all his speechwriters can do to
get him to speak in complete sentences. When he speaks English, you
wonder what his first language was. You also wonder what you have to do
to flunk out of Yale these days.
Sorry, Texas. Massachusetts is
Joseph Sobran