Yankee, Come
first my reaction to the torture stories was cynical. It was only to
be expected that Iraqi prisoners would be abused. Some details were even
funny, in a mordant way: one of the fiendish torments was playing Beastie
Boys recordings at terrific volume.
Saddam never
did this to his own people! There was the true, hideous face of the New
World Order: rap sans frontieres.
My cynical amusement only
lasted a few paragraphs. Keeping suspects underfed, thirsty, sleepless;
beating them; keeping them in blindfolds and eyeless hoods; attaching
electrodes to their scrota; humiliating them sexually in front of women ...
Suddenly, to my surprise, I found
myself in tears. Partly it was pity for the poor Arab boys. Partly it was
shame for the American boys.
We may not know the worst of it.
Weve only heard about the tortures our boys bragged about among
themselves. There may have been others they didnt brag about.
Back home most Americans were
decent enough to be outraged. But some were angry at our media for
reporting the story, because this allowed the Arab media the
enemy to run with it and spin it, thus, as one local
talk-radio host said, undermining our efforts to make
Well, yes. The next American
boys, or girls, to be captured may find their captors less than hospitable,
God help them. President Bush was already finding it hard enough to
persuade the Arabs that our intentions are benign. This takes the bloom
off the boast that weve liberated them from Saddams
torture chambers.
![[Breaker quote: Victims of America]](2004breakers/040504.gif) More
than a
year before the invasion of Iraq, there were even more horrifying stories
from Afghanistan, where hundreds of prisoners were reportedly
suffocated in hot, airless metal transport crates; Newsweek
even did a cover story on them, but it was barely noticed. The Afghan war
got much less coverage than the Iraq war, with far fewer pictures. It was
easier not to face.
The excesses of
the American interrogators pose a special problem for Bush, of course,
since the original defensive rationale for his
preemptive war has collapsed: Saddam had no deadly
arsenal, had no ties to al-Qaeda, posed no threat to the United States. Now
the war is justified as a humanitarian operation for the benefit of the
Iraqis themselves. But the torture stories destroy the new rationale as
surely as the absence of weapons of mass destruction
destroyed the old one.
Pitiable as the torture victims
are, we should also remember the first wave of victims: the Iraqi soldiers
who died trying to defend their country last year. If the
preemptive war was unjustified, then these young men,
soldiers or not, were murdered. Today they are forgotten like so much dry
camel dung in the desert.
We Americans have forgotten
them, that is; their families havent. If were giving the
Iraqis democracy, in some abstract way, weve already given them
countless personal scores to settle. And they cant be settled by
marking ballots.
Its hard to fathom the
mentality of rulers who would do this to a foreign country and expect
gratitude in return. The torture revelations arent spoiling an
otherwise warm relationship between America and Islam; they are
intensifying a fury we may not live to see the end of.
Blaming our torturers for doing
piecemeal what our army did wholesale is silly; to our victims, its
all the same thing. How else can they possibly see it? Can we expect the
Iraqi to shrug and sigh, My brother was blown to pieces
another sad case of American good intentions gone awry?
The United States threw the
Iraqis babies out with the Baath Party but has now
decided to bring the Baath Party back, in order to restore some
semblance of order among the people we liberated them from. The
revolving rationales, policies, and propaganda semantics would make
George Orwells head spin.
The villains change without
notice from day to day too. As soon as Saddam was toppled, new villains
many of them Saddams bitter enemies began
popping up. Their names were hard to keep straight, let alone spell, but
they were all terrorists. Is it any wonder that our
interrogators didnt make careful distinctions?
Joseph Sobran