Is Bush Another
the eight Clinton years already seem like the
good old days, we shouldnt be amazed at the huge, affectionate
reaction to Ronald Reagans passing. Reagan
himself was a symbol of the good old days even while he held office. In our
nostalgia, we forget how contentious the Reagan years actually were.
President Bush is often said to
model himself more on Reagan than on his own father, who alienated his
conservative base by raising taxes in spite of his most memorable
campaign promise: Read my lips: No new taxes! Bush the Son
and his neoconservative supporters claim the Reagan legacy as their own.
And what is that legacy? Strong
defense and standing up to evil, we are told. But Reagan, despite his
earnest anti-Communist rhetoric, avoided risking war with the Soviets
and negotiated an arms reduction deal that basically ended the Cold War,
allowing the Soviet Union to die in peace. Reagan defended the Vietnam
war as a noble cause, but he didnt want another. One
such noble cause was plenty.
Bush the Father, in only four
years, waged two wars: against Panama (you geezers out there may recall
the imminent threat posed by Manuel Noriega) and Iraq. Even Bill Clinton
was more bellicose than Reagan, raining bombs on Iraq and the Balkans.
When a suicide bomber killed 241
U.S. Marines in Lebanon in 1983, Reagan had the perfect opportunity to
declare war on terrorism. He passed. The Pentagon said
emphatically that the peace-keeping mission was militarily
futile, and Reagan yanked the U.S. forces out to catcalls from the
neoconservatives, who wanted American power to dominate the Middle
East and accused him of a failure of nerve. But Reagan knew
a no-win situation when he saw one.
Which is not to say that Reagan
was a man of peace. He bombed Libya and fostered covert operations, as in
Nicaragua, that might have gotten him impeached. But he also tried to
maintain alliances with Arab regimes, especially Saudi Arabia, further
enraging the neocons, despite his warm support for their favorite state,
Israel. He may even have used the phrase war on terrorism
presidents declare war on so many things but he never
pursued it.
![[Breaker quote: Not exactly]](2004breakers/040615.gif) Fighting
terrorism was only one of Reagans many themes. It was not a high priority.
Terrorism had been making headlines since the 1970s, occurring in the
Middle East, Europe, and Latin America. Few expected it to reach this
country, but the government took precautions anyway, making air travel in
America, during the Clinton years, more annoying than ever.
Writing in Freedom
Daily, James Bovard reminds us that Reagan took many
anti-terrorist measures, most of them clandestine. But some of those who
received covert American aid were terrorists themselves, if the word
means anything other than the enemy. In 1985 the CIA may have
been behind a car bombing in Beirut near the home of a radical Islamic
leader, killing 80 innocent people but missing its intended target. A few
months earlier, the Washington Post reported, Reagan had
authorized such measures.
And after the 241 Marines were
killed, Reagan ordered a U.S. battleship to shell a Lebanese village thought
to harbor terrorists, killing more innocent people. I remember my shock at
that time. It was murder, and my beloved Reagan had done it!
No, Reagan was no saint. And the
U.S. Government is an enormous lethal power, even if a saint is running it.
But the current war on Iraq
simply wasnt Reagans style. Saddam Hussein was one of the
Arab rulers he notoriously favored with deadly material aid during its long
war with Iran; he sent Donald Rumsfeld to do the glad-handing. Without
proof that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks, Reagan would never have
taken measures against him especially a major war, with its
attendant political risk.
Yes, Reagan was deeply affected
by what the hawks disparage as the Vietnam syndrome
otherwise known as learning from experience. He saw Communism,
not terrorism, as the great threat to the United States, but he learned to
deal prudently with it, while never ceasing to condemn it in principle.
Even when the Soviets shot down a Korean airliner, killing a U.S.
congressman and many others, he kept his head.
Love him or despise him, Ronald
Reagan had something the people claiming his mantle conspicuously lack: a
bit of common sense.
Joseph Sobran