Bush is criticizing John Kerry, and for
once he has a good point.
has said hed have voted for war on Iraq even if hed known no
weapons of mass destruction would be found. This is an even more radical
position than Bush has taken: it claims the right of preemptive attack
against a country that poses no threat to the United States.
Bush at least held that such a
threat existed. Many of us didnt believe that, but supposing it was
true, it was a plausible reason for war. Kerry now asserts a more
arbitrary right to make war only days after telling the Democratic
convention, in a great applause line, that the United States must never
make war because it wants to, but only because it has to. Now we are left
to wonder why he thinks we had to make war on a country that
couldnt attack us.
So, less than three months
before the election, we still dont know where Kerry stands on the
most urgent issue before us. All the Democrats convention really
told us is that several of his fellow Vietnam vets and one hamster owe
him their lives.
We dont really know
where Bush stands either. Does he think he already has Congresss
authority to make war on Iran, another member of his axis of
evil, if he should deem this necessary to his war on
terror? Probably so; but even if not, he can be confident that in any
case the Republican Congress wouldnt oppose him, let alone
impeach him, if he enlarged the war. But would he dare to do it?
In laying the groundwork for the
Iraq war, Bush stipulated impossible conditions for Iraq to prove it was no
threat to the United States. He made it clear that there would be war even
if arms inspectors, given complete access, should find nothing. The mere
absence of evidence of a threat would be interpreted as proof that Saddam
Hussein had somehow hidden his arsenal. It was Heads we win,
tails you lose. Now Kerry is saying, in effect, You
didnt even have to flip the coin.
![[Breaker quote: Kerry adds to the confusion.]](2004breakers/040810.gif) In
reckoning the costs of war, both candidates look at only one side of the
ledger: the possible costs to the United States in blood and treasure. The
costs to the enemy in innocent lives, for example
dont count. Both candidates should be forced to say clearly,
before the election, whether they favor war on Iran. Of course, given the
political risks of saying yes, both can be expected to say no. But at least
they should have to say it for the record.
The American public now accepts
these amoral calculations. An unjustified war is mass murder, but few
politicians think of it that way. Most care only whether it will be popular
by the time of the next election. Bush says he never lets the polls
influence his decisions, which, if true, would make him unique among
politicians; and of course it isnt true. Its ludicrously false.
Both parties do their own polling, which they have refined to a science.
Every public statement the candidates make reflects what their pollsters
are telling them.
There are some politicians who
are guided not by the polls, but by their consciences and unalterable
principles. They are called third-party candidates. The
media ignore them and it goes without saying that they will lose. They
merit attention only when they get enough support to affect the outcome
of the two-party struggle, as Ralph Nader did in 2000 and may do again
this year.
Its one of the amusing
features of our system that a really principled candidate always causes
outrage when he threatens to make a real difference through sheer
democratic appeal. This system has no room for principle. Thats
why Bush and Kerry are the two big parties anointed candidates.
A forthcoming movie pits two
great film monsters against each other: Alien vs. Predator, I
believe its called, in the great screen tradition of King Kong
vs. Godzilla. The ear-splitting trailer promises apocalyptic
excitement, but as I watched it the other day I couldnt help feeling
that, as the old saying goes, I dont have a dog in this fight.
Thats also pretty much
the way I feel about the Bush-Kerry race, especially as Fay Wray has
passed on without endorsing either candidate.
Joseph Sobran