Life after Al-Qaeda
are many events in the womb of time,
which will be delivered, says Shakespeare. Like so many obvious
truths, this one is constantly forgotten. We constantly try to predict the
future by extrapolating from a few urgent things we notice in the present, forgetting all the things we
dont notice.
Today we are asking how long
U.S. forces will remain in Iraq. We try to answer this question in terms of
military success and failure: Can the United States win?
My guess and
thats all it can be is that the war will fizzle out in a few
months without a decisive victory or defeat. Something else, now
unforeseen, will come up at home maybe a fiscal crisis brought on
by stupendous Federal spending, the national debt, the crash of the dollar.
It may make terrorism look like a minor annoyance.
A sudden arrest of the prosperity
weve taken for granted could change the way we look at the world.
Few expected the Great Depression that abruptly ended the prosperity of
the 1920s when the stock market plunged in 1929.
Im too young to remember
that, but Im old enough to remember the generation that could
never forget it. That memory haunted American politics until the Reagan
years and kept the Democrats dominant in Congress until the Clinton
years. As that generation died off, so did the memory, and new urgencies
displaced the fear of the Depressions return.
But that fear, and that memory,
had a remarkably long life, enduring long after, as we can see in
retrospect, theyd ceased to be rational. Most voters were more
afraid of another depression than of another world war, even in the
nuclear age. Ive never quite understood this, but its a fact.
![[Breaker quote: What next?]](2004breakers/041125.gif) Maybe
a personal
illustration will shed some light on the subject. My mother was born in
1924. She remembered lying awake hungry as a little girl, hoping my
grandfather would bring home milk for her and her eight siblings to drink.
Poverty was a vivid reality for her. To the end of her life she was
convinced that Franklin Roosevelt saved her from starvation, and nothing
could convince her otherwise. She was a loyal Democrat to the end.
Similar experiences probably account for the loyalty of most black voters
to the Democrats to this day.
Its extremely hard to
convert people from loyalties formed by memories of that sort. A reader
recently wrote to tell me that all liberals are dishonest; he
couldnt believe that anyone can sincerely believe in liberalism. I
know better. People can form loyalties to ideas, political and religious,
that are every bit as strong as loyalties to their flesh and blood,
especially when they believe that those ideas have saved their lives or
their souls.
One of my mothers
friends suffered sexual abuse from her father until he became a
Jehovahs Witness and the abuse stopped. She remained a devout
Jehovahs Witness to the end of her days. Hers was, you might say,
an experiential, not a theological conversion.
The terrorist attacks of 9/11
have convinced many Americans that we are in mortal peril, and many of
them regard President Bush as their protector in the same way my mother
regarded Roosevelt as hers. But just as the Depression eventually gave
way to other challenges, so will the problem of terrorism. Its a
question of how long.
My sense is that its
already happening. After three years, al-Qaeda no longer inspires dread; it
hasnt mounted anything resembling the terrible assault of 9/11,
and the war on Iraq seems to have nothing to do with it: It has neither
eliminated terrorism, as the hawks predicted, nor increased its frequency,
as we doves expected. It has apparently diminished for lack of energy and
resources. It was never the omnipotent force we feared after its great
surprise attack, which was probably unrepeatable.
We are all slowly realizing that
weve been much too excited over much too little: a single event
that was as spectacular as it was horrible, but is unlikely to happen again.
A sense of proportion is setting in. We are moving on to
other concerns, as we always do and also moving back to more
permanent concerns.
No doubt history will have more
surprises for us, but they wont come from any direction anyone is
predicting today though after they happen well all agree,
as usual, that we should have seen them coming.
Joseph Sobran