The Fear of
Dear Dr. Johnson! Samuel Johnson, that is:
eighteenth-century Londons literary dictator, most
famous today for conversations he may not have even realized James
Boswell was recording for a projected biography.
Johnson also wrote poetry, of
which only one couplet remains famous:
How small, of all that human hearts endure,
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure!
In this age of total government, these words remind us that government
once played a far smaller part in mens lives than it now does.
Under the rule of King George III, Americans paid only a few pennies per
year in taxes. Yet Americans thought he was a tyrant; Johnson defended
C.S. Lewis, after reading many
private letters written during Englands civil war, was surprised to
discover that none of them mentioned the war at all. By modern standards,
it was a mere skirmish.
And I think this is ones
general impression when reading old literature: poetry, novels, letters,
diaries. We find very little in them about politics, unless the writers were
themselves politicians. Public affairs vex no man, Johnson
could observe without contradiction.
Until recently, governments had
fairly limited appetites, if only because they had limited means of
taxation, propaganda, and surveillance of their subjects. The government
under George W. Bush is far more ravenous than that of George III
not because Bush is a worse man than the old king, but because the nature
of government has changed, whether it takes the form of liberal
democracy or dictatorship. Indeed, spreading democracy
may be just one way of spreading modern tyranny.
This is why it always sounds
quaint to me when liberals warn us obsessively against one particular
form of government: theocracy. They see the threat of theocracy in every
Christmas creche, in legal restrictions on abortion, in public school
prayer, in the rise of the Religious Right, in the Pledge of Allegiance, in
any official reference to the Almighty (In God we trust).
But just what are we being
warned against? What is theocracy, anyway? Its vigilant
enemies never bother to define it. If the danger signs they cite are any
indication, Western man has lived under theocracy for most of his history
and in some respects, he still does.
![[Breaker quote: A
liberal fantasy]](2004breakers/041221.gif) How bad is it? Judging by, say,
Chaucers Canterbury Tales, not too bad. His pious
pilgrims seem quite content in a religious society. And judging by, say, the
tavern scenes in Shakespeares Henry IV, even people
who were none too pious didnt feel oppressed by life under an
official state religion.
I wonder if even life under an
Islamic theocracy is the horror its supposed to be. Some of the
religious laws may be severe, but these are apparently far fewer than the
myriad government restrictions we take for granted.
Not to mention taxes. There is
nothing in the nature of theocracy, however defined, that warrants the
predatory tax rates that are now standard in the modern democracies. And
in fact the old governments now considered theocratic imposed far lower
taxes than modern states do though they still faced frequent
resistance, sometimes violent, when they tried to collect them.
Johnsons couplet reflects
the fundamental peace of mind most men assumed in an age when they
lived under Christian governments. Even at its worst, when torturing
heretics and oppressing minorities, the religious regime was generally
pretty inactive, and left most human activities alone.
Of course there were lurid
exceptions; we hear about them all the time so often that they
warp our judgment. This is why its valuable to read the literature
of those ages, in which ordinary life is recorded, and can be measured,
apart from the scattered episodes by which the modern mind judges those
Religious persecution reached its
peak not under theocracy, but under communism; Lenin and his successors
outlawed Christianity and murdered millions of Christians and Muslims.
Atheism was the official state doctrine (as it still is in China). But of
course this has never scandalized liberals, who seem to see no menace in
an atheistic state only in Christmas carols in public schools.
Dr. Johnson attached little
importance to particular forms of government. But he would have seen
that liberal democracy, as we know it, is a deadlier enemy of human
liberty and well-being than the theocracy of liberal
Joseph Sobran