Interests and
Bush has met with Vladimir Putin,
alternately praising and scolding the Russian president, with whom he is said
to have a warm personal relationship, even a friendship.
Charles de Gaulle used to say that
great nations have only interests, not friends. One wonders if Bush
understands this. He seems to place undue reliance on personal chemistry
with foreign rulers. He thinks he is incapable of being deceived by a man
whose eyes he has gazed into. This is a pretty naive attitude to bring to
international politics, where intrigue outweighs benevolence.
Last week, when Rafik Hariri,
former prime minister of Lebanon, was assassinated, the Bush
administration was quick to blame Syria as most Lebanese
themselves did. The Syrian government condemned the murder and denied
the charge. And it would have been pretty stupid to arrange a crime for
which it was bound to be the first suspect. Still, Syria cant be ruled
out but neither can others.
Cui bono? Who actually stood to
gain from increased turbulence in Lebanon, with recriminations against
Syria? Could Hariris murder have been a Mossad operation? There is
no obvious reason to exclude the possibility. It wouldnt be the first
time the Israelis have targeted someone outside their borders for
assassination, when they deemed it in their interest.
The Israelis have also conducted
espionage and technology theft operations against the United States; they
may call America their friend, but they arent
sentimental about it. Theyve learned that their friend
will put up with anything they do.
Now we are told that al-Qaeda is
trying to get nuclear weapons to use against the United States. Some
experts think there is a good chance that it will succeed in the next few
Considering how the United States
freaked out after the 9/11 attacks, we can hardly imagine the reaction to a
nuclear explosion in this country. At the very least, the response would
probably be devastating assaults on the supposed sponsors of
terror, Iran and Syria, which are already being targeted.
![[Breaker quote: Real enemies and false friends]](2005breakers/050224.gif) The
trouble is that we might never know who was actually responsible for such an
explosion. Russia and Israel already have the weapons Saddam Hussein turned
out not to have, and both are capable of smuggling a nuke into this country.
And they both know that Bush would never suspect them. Given his
personal relationships with both Putin and Israels Ariel
Sharon, whom he regards as a man of peace, either of them
might decide such an operation was worth the risk, if others could be
plausibly blamed.
Even the outside chance of
discovery would probably be too great a risk to take. But the point is that in
todays international climate, we could never know who had detonated
a nuclear blast within our borders. It might be an avowed enemy or an
ostensible friend.
After all, the culprit might simply
be an Osama bin Laden who had found a nuclear salesman, Pakistani or North
Korean, on the black market; or it might be an Ariel Sharon who had decided
to frame his enemies in the Middle East; or it might be someone else whose
motives were unfathomable.
Unfortunately, the world
isnt as transparent as Bush assumes. We cant always know
who our friends (if any) are, or what they see as their interests.
Weve been surprised too often to go on believing that events are
predictable, let alone under our control.
Bush has been too eager to be
suspicious of some foreign powers, while far too trusting toward others. He
doesnt see the dangers of unwarranted trust, apparently deeming it
inconceivable that anyone he has pronounced his friend could ever take
advantage of him.
But neatly dividing the world into
two camps democratic and undemocratic is neither accurate
nor sensible. These broad categories are moralistic rather than practical,
and a lot of mischief can go on behind the façade of democracy, as
Americans ought to know.
In his farewell address, George
Washington warned that the United States might be misled even by
affection for other nations. The safest posture in foreign
affairs is that prudent aloofness which we used to maintain, but which is now
damned as isolationism. The opposite policy, a frenetic
interventionism, has brought us nothing but grief. And it will bring us even
more in the years ahead.
Joseph Sobran