English Usage, Old and
These are the times that try English majors
souls. The sacred rules we were taught, and struggled to grasp and live by,
are violated in the daily papers, not to mention
radio. Doesnt anyone these days know the difference between
may and might?
I grant there are gray areas where
either can be argued. But there are some areas that arent gray:
I might go to the movies tonight.
I dont want to seem
priggish about this. I may wince inwardly at a split infinitive, and I try (with
some strain) never to split one myself, but I dont complain when
others do it. The old taboo against the split infinitive was wrong, a bogus rule
that violated idiomatic English. Nor need we be too fussy about who
and whom. Different than may be better than different
from, depending on the situation.
Likewise the taboo against ending
a sentence with a preposition. A preposition can be a fine thing to end a
sentence with. If you take all the old rules of proper usage seriously,
Shakespeare will drive you nuts a sure sign youre taking
refinement too far.
Shakespeare uses the English
language with great subtlety, but also with idiomatic ease. Hes never
haunted by rules. In some respects the English of his day was more emphatic
than ours. I like him not, where the crucial adverb is climactic, has
more power than the modern I do not like him, where the adverb gets
buried in the middle of the sentence. Why have English-speakers abandoned
this fine old form? Well, these things happen.
We should be annoyed by
superfluous words, especially those meant to sound official
a real vice of our times. Many people now say prior to
when before will do. The same sort of people say
despite the fact that rather than although.
Modern Ideologies have imposed
some onerous new rules. We are supposed to say he or she
when he is perfectly clear, lest some touchy feminist throw a hissy
fit. Samuel Johnsons famous observation When a man
is tired of London, he is tired of life would now have to be
amended to When a man or woman is tired of London, he or she is
tired of life; an improvement that destroys the simple
vigor of Johnsons sentence.
![[Breaker quote: Keeping up with the language]](2005breakers/050308.gif) That
goes for many old sayings about man:
What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world ... What is
gained by changing that to a man or a woman?
The new rules are often bad for
the same reason many of the old rules were: People dont
spontaneously talk that way, and their speech and writing lose force when
they try to. Unless formality is called for, its more natural and more
eloquent to speak of man than to speak of the human
The Sabbath was made for
man, not man for the Sabbath. The same is true of language. When
rules of usage impede simple expression, there is usually something wrong
with them.
The new taboo on man is
also a sign of another baneful modern tendency toward abstraction
and generalization, in preference to the concrete, the symbolic, the
metaphorical. The simplest truths, as George Orwell observed, now tend to
be stated in long-winded formulas.
Ideology has also burdened us with
such neologisms as racist. Just what does this word mean? We hear
it all the time, but nobody defines or explains it. How did Shakespeare and the
King James Bible and, in fact, all the great masters of the language
do without it?
An even sillier ideological coinage
is homophobic. It signifies another unexplained disapproval, begging
some obvious questions. What does it say that couldnt be said with
simple nouns and verbs? And again, how did the language survive so long
without it?
Even stranger, if possible, is the
word judgmental. To call someone judgmental is to
accuse him of disapproving of something. But the word itself expresses
disapproval. Methinks this calls for explanation too.
For all their defects, the rigid old
rules of usage encouraged us to think critically about the words we use.
Thats an excellent habit to cultivate. Without it, we find ourselves
with too many rules and not enough reasons.
Joseph Sobran