The Vatican Cover-Up
Tarcisio Bertone, archbishop of Genoa, has
called Dan Browns bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code
rotten food and evidence of anti-Catholic
attitudes. He
laments that even Catholic
bookstores are carrying stacks of it. He wants to
unmask the lies the book propagates.
Cardinal Bertones words
have gotten a lot of attention because, for one thing, he is regarded as a
likely candidate to be the next Pope. He is being accused of trying to
censor the book. Apparently arguing with Dan Browns
whoppers including slanders of the Catholic Church is a form
of medieval persecution, proving Browns point.
Which is? That the Catholic Church
is evil. Its based on lies and superstitions, and it has known and
covered up the truth for centuries, to this very day, using the most
unscrupulous means. Browns novel begins with a murder in the Louvre
(yes, the one in Paris) instigated, the reader soon learns, by a priest of Opus
The plot is terrific. I spent a
weekend unable to put the book down. The hero, an American Harvard
professor, is suspected of the murder, so he must solve it while eluding the
police. He is aided by a young Frenchwoman (a cryptologist) and a scholarly
Englishman, Sir Leigh Teabing. (The real-life model for Teabing is suing Brown
for plagiarism, but never mind.)
Brown is nothing if not audacious.
Through these scholarly characters, he creates, in addition to a great
suspense story, an elaborate fictional history as background, which he wants
the reader to believe. This gives new meaning to the term historical
fiction. Browns history, which he boasts is based on thorough
research, is about as credible as Robert Blakes alibi.
![[Breaker quote: Dan Brown could have predicted it.]](2005breakers/050317.gif) That
history posits that Jesus wasnt divine
and never claimed to be. (So why was he accused of blasphemy when he
forgave sins? Never mind.) He married and had a child with Mary Magdalene,
whom he wanted to lead his church after he was gone. (What did he need to
create and leave a church for? Did he know he was going to die young? Never
mind.) But misogynist males hated Mrs. Jesus, so she fled to France and had
her baby (a girl!), whose secret line eventually became royalty. Meanwhile,
the male church denigrated the memory of Mrs. Jesus, née Magdalene,
and denied her original role.
Okay. Follow me so far?
Browns world-famous expert on church history, Sir Leigh, informs us
that Jesus was first proclaimed divine by the Emperor Constantine in A.D.
325, which suggests that the world-famous expert is unacquainted with the
New Testament, let alone the Patristic writings and early controversies of
the church. (Why did the church still exist in 325, if everyone had always
assumed that Jesus was only a human? Didnt it worship him? Or was
it just a Jesus Memorial Society? Oh, never mind.)
Tiny secret societies kept the
truth alive through the ages, so Leonardo da Vinci found out about it and
encoded it in his ostensibly Christian paintings, which Browns hero
decodes for the reader. Meanwhile, the Catholic Church continued its
misogynistic tradition, oppressing them and blaming them for everything.
During the Middle Ages, the reader is informed, the Church burned no fewer
than five million women as witches! And not only did it burn much of
Europes female population at the stake (without protest from the
men) it prevented historians from finding out about it!
Browns suspense story is
grippingly plausible, with some of the most stunning plot twists Ive
ever read. Its his historical background thats
like a goofy dream. You want to argue with it until you pause to reflect that
it doesnt make any sense. Its not just untrue; it
couldnt possibly be true. Its like a story set in todays
New York City in which the hero finds out that the discovery of America was
all a huge hoax. If it was perpetrated by the Catholic Church, Brown could do
a sequel about this. Brown has proved once more that any smear of the
Church, no matter how absurd, will find a willing audience.
For inside the Vatican, it would
seem, Church officials know all the secrets Brown has brought to light, from
Mrs. Jesus on, and theyre still trying to prevent the rest of us from
finding out. That would explain why Cardinal Bertone has denounced
The Da Vinci Code. Just as Brown would expect.
Joseph Sobran