you trapped in an abusive relationship with your
government? Does it do all the taking and none of the giving? Has it become
increasingly demanding and
dependent? Does
it refuse to admit
being at fault? Does it always insist on being the dominant partner, while
refusing to accept its own responsibilities? Does it run up huge bills and stick
you with the payments? Is it secretive and evasive about its activities, while
denying you your own space and privacy? Does it demand your undivided love,
while remaining emotionally distant from you and indifferent to your basic
If you answered yes to all these
questions, you have a problem. In fact, you have the same problem every
American taxpayer has.
Whats more,
theres no solution. If you had a spouse that behaved like your
government, you could not only break free of the relationship, you might be
able to collect damages or even have the offender jailed, or at least ordered
to stay away from you. But the cost and inconvenience of divorcing your
government is prohibitive. You have to leave your home, move far away, and
start a completely new life.
For many people, the problem is
aggravated by denial the need to pretend that everything is all right
because many other governments are even worse. They feel guilty if they
criticize their own government, which constantly tells them how lucky they
are not to be living elsewhere. Its as if an alcoholic, adulterous
wife-beater were to keep reminding his wife that shes fortunate
hes not O.J. Simpson.
The modern state stands ready to
release you from all your duties to your own family, while constantly
increasing your political obligations. You can divorce your spouse, neglect
your parents, abandon or abort your children. But youd better pay
your taxes, most of which will be spent for the benefit of people
youve never met and have never agreed to support.
This system of forcing some to
pay others way is justified as compassion, but
its an inversion of the natural order of love, the family-centered
affections that modern liberalism despises as narrow and selfish. Its
typical of the champions of the all-absorbing state that even as they treat
the family as something a child must be protected from, they try to clothe
the state itself in the warm metaphors of family,
community, and village.
Our public discussion seems to
assume that its the destiny of the state to keep getting bigger,
without limit. We are told that were not being governed unless
Congress is continually passing new laws. But this confuses governing with
legislating. We have more than enough laws, while the most basic ones are
being enforced less and less. The disparity between the number of laws on
the books and the will to punish violent crime ought to tell us something, but
it doesnt seem to. We complain about partisan
bickering and gridlock and demand that Congress get
back to passing more laws, any laws.
The current Clinton-Gingrich
scandals have almost nothing to do with the central problem: defining the
proper role of government. Neither party has anything worth calling a
philosophy; both talk vaguely about reducing governments size
without specifying its nature, purpose, and limits. But its obtuse to
discuss political questions exclusively in terms of quantity, in an inane
dialectic of empty uplift and equally empty cynicism.
In reality, both parties seem to
feel were stuck with the kind of government we have. Its
instructive to contrast their vacuous debates with the real debates this
country witnessed before the Civil War. Not only was the rhetoric grander;
the substance was solid. From Jefferson and Hamilton to Lincoln and Douglas,
people argued about the principles of government, on the assumption that
they could still shape their destiny.
We cant assume that
anymore. A sense of dull doom hangs over our politics, as if the fateful
decisions have already been made for us, and all thats left is a little
wiggle room. The awful part is the suspicion that we may be getting the kind
of government we deserve.
Joseph Sobran