federal government wants to protect us from
Bill Gates. The Justice Department is bringing an antitrust action against
Microsoft for including Internet-browsing software in all copies of Windows
98. A
appeals court has ruled in favor of Microsoft on a narrow point, but that will
merely delay rather than halt the governments prosecution of the
software giant. The action is based on the contention that the inclusion
would give Microsoft too great a competitive advantage over its less
successful rivals.
Does anyone notice something a
little bit odd here? The institution that gave us the atomic bomb is offering
to protect us from a company that gives us personal computers.
I must be stupid. Ive never
understood why concentrations of private property are more dangerous than
concentrations of coercive power.
I went to government schools
where I was constantly told about the evils of 19th-century robber
barons who sought monopolies, while I was taught that 20th-century
governments which had slaughtered tens of millions of people
would protect people like me. Of course there were distinctions
between good and bad governments. The Hitler government was bad; the
Roosevelt government was good. (The Stalin government was at first
thought to be good, by an innocent mistake on the part of our government,
but later turned out to be bad.)
If what Bill Gates owns is a
monopoly, even though he has countless competitors, why is
the federal government, which has steadily eliminated its own competition,
not a monopoly?
Personally, I dont feel
threatened by Bill Gates. Bill Gates cant take a penny of my earnings
if I dont want him to have it. I dont have to work for him for
the first four months of the year. He cant put me in prison for
refusing to pay him or for disobeying his orders. He cant break into
my house and search for drugs. He cant send my sons to war. He
hasnt incinerated any religious sects, and none of his agents has shot
a mother in the head while she was holding her baby. He doesnt even
seem interested in doing any of these things.
![[Breaker quote for Bill Gates, Robber Baron: Monopolies are bad -- except in government.]](2005breakers/050526.gif) And
Barney Frank doesnt work
for him. Thats my shorthand way of saying that I cant
imagine Gates hiring the sort of people who run the federal government.
All in all, Bill Gates has been
leaving me alone. He is a lot better at leaving me alone than the federal
government is, so I really cant take it as an injustice or a threat that
he wants to be free to stipulate the conditions under which I can buy his
products. I want the same freedom for myself.
As you may have observed, the
sort of people who are always warning us against business monopolies never
worry about monopolies of government power. Just the opposite: they think
government monopolies are the cure for all evils.
The Constitution was supposed to
be at once a charter and an antitrust act for government, carefully dividing
power several ways to prevent any monopoly or
consolidation, as it was called then of power. Only a
handful of powers (few and specific, in James
Madisons words) were delegated to the federal
government, while all the rest (numerous and indefinite) were
reserved to the states and the people. And even the handful of delegated
powers was divided among two houses of Congress, the executive branch,
and the judiciary.
Today the feds have managed to
convince everyone that the Constitution means the direct contrary of what
it meant to those who ratified it: that its a charter for a centralized
power so overwhelming that no state or local government can effectively
resist even its most arrogant claims. If Bill Gates wants to keep his freedom,
his only hope is that he can find a federal court to rule against the federal
executive branch.
People who create things
nowadays can expect to be prosecuted by highly moralistic people who are
incapable of creating anything. There is no way to measure the chilling effect
on innovation that results from the threats of taxation, regulation, and
prosecution against anything that succeeds. Well never know how
many ideas our government has aborted in the name of protecting us.
Joseph Sobran