there anything shallower than depth psychology? Ever since Freud,
weve been taught to look deep for the causes of
crime and misbehavior in early childhood, in repressed memories, in
unconscious roots of
conduct. Psychology
now enjoys the prestige astrology once commanded in royal courts.
Intellectuals adopted Freudian
language quickly, warping even such disciplines as literary criticism.
Shakespeare was a major casualty: Hamlet became a victim of the Oedipus
complex. But faith in psychology has long since penetrated popular culture
too. You still see its imprint in old Hollywood movies, where the psychoanalyst
is presented as a sort of wizard peering into the souls of his subjects.
The quest for deep
causes was abetted by other social sciences or at any rate by
quacks speaking the language of social science. For a generation crime has
been ascribed chiefly to socioeconomic factors, such as
poverty and racism.
Not that there isnt some
truth in all this. Freud did map out large areas of the psyche that had been
previously unexplored. But his map now looks a little quaint, like those
Renaissance maps where vast regions are described only with the legend
Here be monsters.
But crime is due not so much to
hidden motives as to absent motives. In normal people, the desire for
respect is strong, and so is the corresponding fear of disgrace. When
conscience doesnt do the job, the highly conscious dread of shame
and of shaming ones family usually restrains people
from wickedness.
Every culture knows this. Honor,
respect, reputation, good name, saving face such everyday words
express the understanding that we all want to be well thought of. That is why
we resent insults so deeply, in spite of the jingle about sticks and stones.
One of the oldest stories we have, The Iliad, is about the total
breakdown of the siege of Troy after the Greek leader, Agamemnon, publicly
insults Achilles, his greatest warrior.
What we now call a
sociopath is simply a man who really doesnt care what
other people think of him. He may be disconnected from his society as an
individual, or he may belong to a small society a
subculture, as we now say that is morally
disconnected from the larger society. Either way, the larger society
cant reach him, cant make him feel guilt or shame. It has to
deal with him by force.
![[Breaker quote for Freud, Shame, and Crime: Hidden v. missing motives]](2005breakers/050607.gif) But
force works only when crime is exceptional; you
cant force a whole society to behave. In a
multicultural society this problem is likely to get worse. The
idea of a homogeneous society is now in disfavor; we are taught it is
one of President Clintons most reliable platitudes that
diversity and pluralism are our
greatest strength.
Yet societies with a single shared
culture, from Sweden to Japan, have the lowest crime rates. People in such
societies know what to expect from each other and everyone cares what the
others think of him; crime is more or less unthinkable, because it implicates
not only the individual but his family. Today we are acquiring more cultures
and building fewer families.
The fear of disgrace isnt a
hidden motive, but its as strong as any supposed
unconscious motive. In most people its probably
stronger than the repressed desire to kill Dad and marry Mom.
Even liberal intellectuals have
sheepishly edged away from their old Freudian explanations of human
behavior. Most criminals arent very Freudian. The motives that drive
them are pretty obvious; the problem is the motives they lack.
The psycho-socioeconomic
explanations blame society for crime. But if
society is to blame for anything, it is for failing to instill a due
regard for society. The official voices of American society, misled by fancy
theories, have helped break down the most reliable restraint on misbehavior:
the notorious patriarchal nuclear family.
Ordinary people know all this by
instinct; only people given to excessive theorizing are likely to miss it. But
ours is a society that peculiarly honors those who are given to excessive
theorizing. We call them experts. And were paying
dearly for allowing them a veto over common sense.
Joseph Sobran