The Seamless
Garment Revisited
late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, former
archbishop of Chicago, endeared himself to liberals, especially liberal Catholic
politicians, by adopting the metaphor of life as a seamless
garment. It
isnt enough to
oppose abortion, he insisted; to be consistent, you have to defend life on
every front, as for instance by relieving poverty and illness.
This came as welcome news to the
liberals, since it turned life into a checklist, in which abortion
was only one of many items, and not necessarily the most urgent. You could
be pro-life, according to the Bernardin standard, merely by
supporting the welfare state.
Well, of course life is, in some
sense, a seamless garment. We should oppose abortion on the same principle
that we should oppose the bombing of cities. But according to
Bernardins way of thinking, you mustnt oppose bombing
Hiroshima unless you also favor setting up an anti-poverty program there.
Conservative Catholics smelled a
rat. They sensed that this seamless garment was really just a
way of minimizing the special problem of abortion, at a time when more than
a million abortions were being performed in America every year.
Liberal Catholics, on the other
hand, loved the idea. But somehow the imperative of consistency worked only
one way. We never heard any of them say, Well, its not
enough for me to support the welfare state. If Im really going to be
pro-life, I must also fight to end legal abortion. Politicians like New
Yorks Mario Cuomo felt they had been vindicated in their empty
personal opposition to abortion.
You know that familiar line:
I am personally opposed to abortion, but ... But you
werent going to do anything about it. If you opposed it
personally, you were in favor of it practically. And everyone
knew it.
Abortion remains legal today
thanks in large part to all those nominal Catholic politicians who oppose it
personally. That telltale adverb must lift the hearts
of abortionists everywhere.
![[Breaker quote for The 'Seamless Garment' Revisited: A loophole for Catholic pols]](2005breakers/050816.gif) Cuomo
is still at it. He recently told
NBCs Tim Russert that we we Catholics
are hypocrites because we say we oppose
contraception even though most of us use contraceptives like
other people. Of course, it goes without saying, people who call themselves
Catholics while constantly subverting Catholic morality arent guilty of
hypocrisy. To hear Cuomo tell it, hes one of the few honest Catholics
in politics. So why do so many other Catholic pols talk like him?
But has anyone ever refrained
from getting or procuring an abortion because people like Cuomo
personally disapprove of it? Extremely doubtful. Their
message is clear: I cant give my blessing to any abortion, but
please dont let me discourage you from getting one. I wouldnt
want to impose my beliefs on anyone.
I sometimes wonder how such
Catholics would behave if their alleged beliefs were sincere.
Its probably a purely hypothetical question, but if they really thought,
felt, and acted as if abortion were evil, without wishing to ban it by law,
surely there are ways to give this view real force.
Public opinion can be powerful even
when it isnt backed up by force of law. If you advertise allegiance to
the Ku Klux Klan, youll soon find yourself ostracized by people who
dont question your legal right to join the Klan.
In the same way, the country
would change dramatically if every Catholic who professes
personal opposition to feticide would peacefully picket
abortion clinics. But can anyone even imagine a Cuomo, let alone a Ted
Kennedy, doing even that much?
Even so, the country is changing.
Abortion rates over the past decade have reportedly plunged dramatically.
The Democratic Party is now uncomfortable about its unreserved public
identification with the cause of choice. Even Hillary Clinton
has voiced reservations about the practice and has probably made
more impact thereby than all the liberal Catholics in America put together.
So the seamless
garment has turned out to be nothing but a loophole for hypocritical
Catholic politicians. If anything, it has actually made it easier for them than
for non-Catholics to give their effective support to legal abortion
that is, it has allowed them to be inconsistent and unprincipled about the
very issues that Cardinal Bernardin said demand consistency and principle.
Joseph Sobran