The Patriots
America, a patriot is a guy who complains about all the things that
are wrong with this country and then accuses other Americans of not loving
it. Judging by their intellectual subtlety, some of our patriots could have
studied civics under
Finns Pap. Call
this a govment! Why, just look at it and see what its like.
Today Pap would probably be a talk-radio host. A popular one, too. Nowadays
no talent like his goes unrewarded.
The other day Rush Limbaugh
raised the thoughtful question whether people who oppose the Iraq war are
really patriotic. Just asking, of course. Not accusing anyone of anything.
Hinting, maybe.
Oddly enough, Bill Clinton (whom
Rush isnt too fond of, and vice versa) once said something in the
same vein: There's nothing patriotic about hating your government or
pretending you can hate your government but love your country.
Thats the patriots creed in one pithy sentence. Saddam
Hussein couldnt have said it better. How can you hate torture
chambers and try to pass yourself off as a patriot? Ill never
understand people like that.
Rush had a point, though, when he
asked how people can say they oppose the war but
support our troops. After all, the war is what our troops are
doing. And they are volunteers, not draftees. You might as well say you have
nothing against soldiers, as long as they dont hurt anyone. What do
you think soldiers are paid to do? Hand out chewing gum?
It reminds me of an illuminating
moment in a television documentary about neo-Nazis many years ago. The
interviewer asked a young man why he would belong to such a group. Slightly
abashed, he replied, Well, Nazism is the answer for me. It may not be
the answer for everyone. Only in a pluralistic country could such a
concept arise: tolerant, all-volunteer Nazism. Often the best kind.
Somewhere, Hitler and Goebbels must be kicking themselves for not thinking
of it.
Live and let live, I always say.
Dont bother the other fellow if he wants to goose-step to a different
drummer; thats his business. What a dull world it would be if we all
had to goose-step at the same pace! It would be especially hard on those of
us who use canes and walkers.
A truly equal-opportunity,
nondiscriminatory Nazism might be an improvement on some types of
American patriotism. Rush and Sean Hannity, brothers under the thin skin,
habitually speak of opponents of the war as liberals and
the Left, unless something has changed since I last snapped
off my radio. But they ignore those of us who can oppose the war without
hankering to send an alleged lesbian to the White House in 2008.
![[Breaker quote for The Patriot's Creed: How about pluralistic Nazism?]](2005breakers/050825.gif) I
think I speak for millions when I say I wouldnt
mind seeing a white male in the White House maybe even a dead
white male next time, considering how poorly the live ones usually perform.
What we usually get are deadly white males.
The point is to end the war, which
was a bad idea in the first place and has failed on its own terms, which you
can believe no matter what else you think about the government. I know
liberals and leftists who believe that, but I also know conservatives,
moderate Republicans, libertarians, anarchists, and others who believe it too.
And no, I wont insult your
common sense by saying I support our troops. I rather
strongly disapprove of what theyre doing in Iraq. When you join the
armed forces, you agree to fight wherever you are told, no matter where, no
matter why. And President Bush isnt too good at explaining why.
Cindy Sheehan is right about that; but her son, it pains me to point out, did
agree to serve. Did she try to dissuade him?
Most of us love our country. We
can hardly help it. Its only natural to feel affection for your
homeland. But that doesnt translate into unconditional love for
whoever happens to be in charge of it at any given moment, whether
its a Clinton or a Bush.
I like Americans. Some of my best
friends are Americans. I know thats what anti-Americans always say,
but in my case it happens to be true. In fact, nearly all my best friends are
Americans. Maybe a few are illegal aliens, but theyre the minority.
Joseph Sobran