Bush versus
debate over the Iraq war is essentially over.
I think theres a fair chance well win, says
Brent Scowcroft to Jeffrey Goldberg in The New Yorker.
But look at the cost.
Scowcroft was the first President Bushs
national security
advisor, his best friend, and a hawk in the first
war on Iraq. But that war was waged for the specific and limited purpose of
driving Iraq out of Kuwait, not regime change that would
topple Saddam Hussein and entail a long occupation of the country with a
bitter guerrilla war.
The first Bush administration
refrained from silly talk of Iraq posing a threat to the United
States, of mushroom clouds, and of spreading democracy in the Middle East.
It was guided by a certain conception of American interests, not Israeli ones.
In fact, the neoconservatives who
would later call for an apocalyptic World War IV beginning with
Iraq but then widening to destroy the whole Axis of Evil, from
Libya to North Korea, were very unhappy with the first Bushs narrow
war aims. They complained that he hadnt finished the
job by sending U.S. troops all the way to Baghdad. But the elder Bush
and his circle had foreseen the kind of mess that the younger Bush has
gotten into, and they avoided any risk of it.
Today the neocons still doggedly
support this war, but their tune has changed. They arent reminding
anyone of their happy predictions of a cakewalk and a warm
welcome for the American invaders. If the war had followed their forecasts,
they would be celebrating now and taking bows, along with credit for success.
Meanwhile, their critics who opposed the war would be forced to admit error
and falling into an abashed silence.
But none of that is happening. The
American death toll has passed 2,000 several times the number
killed in the first Iraq war and, more important, its
accelerating as the Iraqi resistance develops new tactics. Many American
soldiers alive today will soon die.
The senior Bush didnt try
to foster delusions in the public as his son did, and he didnt want to
be deluded himself. He trusted Scowcroft and other advisors to shoot
straight. The younger Bush seems addicted to propaganda not only
does he utter it, he insists on hearing it.
![[Breaker quote for Bush versus Bush: "How could you do this to us?"]](2005breakers/051027.gif) Condoleezza
Rice was angry with Scowcroft for his public criticism of the new Iraq war in the Wall
Street Journal. How could you do this to us? she
reportedly demanded.
That simple, visceral question
speaks volumes. It doesnt care whether Scowcroft was trying to
serve the country, to save lives, or to prevent disaster; it cares only about
what he was doing to us, the current administration.
You have to wonder how the two
presidents, father and son, are getting along. The son has spurned the
fathers example as well as his advice. Which one is entitled to say,
I told you so?
Goldbergs interview with
Scowcroft implies that there is tension and distance between father and son,
as well as between members of their policy teams. Ones clear
impression is that they rarely speak to each other now.
Not that the first Bush
administration was motivated by humanitarian impulses; it preferred
self-interest to lofty ideals. But the younger Bush has served both badly.
Maybe he is finally learning to listen to his father, and to his fathers
The old man never embraced three
types of people who form the sons political base
conservatives, Christian evangelicals, and the neocons. His neglect, even
defiance, of these groups may have cost him reelection in 1992, but it saved
him from folly in the Middle East.
Ironically, the dramatic contrast
between father and son may wind up enhancing the fathers historical
reputation. Nearly everything the younger Bush does only makes the elder
Bush look better. Even conservatives, who felt betrayed by the father and
thought the son was one of us, are finally realizing that the
son has violated their principles worse than the old man ever did.
The younger Bush and his team
didnt want to hear bad news. But by refusing to listen to it
yesterday, they ensured that theyd be getting a lot more of it today.
Joseph Sobran