The Heyday of
not sure if I ever actually met Sam Alito
at Princeton. Its hard to recognize a guy when the last time you saw
him he was wearing a sheet.
kidding! Strike
that remark from the record!
I wasnt an alumnus, but I
used to live near Princeton and I hung out with several friends in the offices
of the Concerned Alumni of Princeton, a rather ineffectual conservative
outfit now exposed by Ted Kennedy as a reprehensible group.
Well, Ted himself was born into a reprehensible group, which he has never
repudiated, namely, the Kennedy family. The real scandal is that they have
never repudiated him, either. In that flock, the black sheep is the bellwether.
Joe Stalin and Mao Zedong used to
hold the record for unconscious irony, but by now I think Ted has broken it. A
full generation after Chappaquiddick, hes still expressing shock over
other peoples pasts. Dwelling in a glass house, he has made a career
of throwing bricks, which his colleagues are too polite to toss back at him.
Unlike Joe McCarthy, he has always made wild charges with complete
impunity. Cant someone at least give him a breathalyzer test?
The heyday of
McCarthyism lasted only five years. The heyday of Kennedyism, still
active, is nearly two decades old, if you date it from his 1987 smear of
Robert Bork. But its really much older, because Kennedyism
didnt start with Ted. Freestyle accusations of bigotry against
political opponents have been a hallowed liberal tradition since the era of
Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman.
Judge Alito, it must be said, failed
to prove he wasnt a bigot; but then, nobody can prove he isnt
a bigot to liberals satisfaction. Thats the whole idea of
bigotry charges: they are meant to be unfalsifiable, like Soviet charges of
anti-Soviet activities. Once you are accused, youve
already been convicted. There are few acquittals.
![[Breaker quote for The Heyday of Kennedyism: We're still in it.]](2006breakers/060112.gif) Since
the charges cant be disproved, there is no
penalty for making false accusations. The burden of proof is on the accused,
not the accuser, and besides, the charges are never really defined, so how
could they be refuted anyway? If somebody accuses you of murder, he has
to produce a corpse, for openers. But if he accuses you of
sexism or homophobia, nobody is even quite
sure what he means, except maybe that he doesnt like your political
opinions and wants to stigmatize you.
Such charges
sexism, homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism,
and the generic all-purpose hate and bigotry
are what the British philosopher Gilbert Ryle called bogus
predicates. They sound as if they mean something, but they have no
specifiable content. The listener is invited to fill them out with his own
emotional associations. Murder implies that someone has killed
someone else. What does bigotry imply?
If liberals were honest,
theyd define their words precisely enough that we could meaningfully
distinguish between true and false charges, and theyd censure those
who made false charges. When McCarthy spoke of card-carrying
Communists, he made the ultimately fatal mistake of making
meaningful charges; and when he couldnt back them up, he was
Thats the difference
between the brief McCarthy era and the too-long Kennedy era. Can you even
imagine liberal opinion demanding that Ted Kennedy put up or shut up? The
U.S. Senate virtually censured McCarthy. Kennedy can rail on with the full
assurance that his colleagues will never do that to him, even with a
Republican majority.
Kennedys abysmal personal
character inspired one wag to quip that his religion is so private he
wont even impose it on himself. He has every reason to invent
synthetic ideological sins to divert attention from his own concrete moral
deficiencies, which might be gently described as contemptible. No wonder he
makes it his pastime to savage other mens reputations, as if making
them look bad could make him look good.
Even now Ted is allowed by his
party to wear the ill-fitting courtesy halo he supposedly inherited from his
murdered brothers. He is still allowed to pose as a spokesman for women,
minorities, the poor, civil liberties, and all the other sacred progressive
Theres not much point in
dwelling on the irony of all this; it ceased being funny a long time ago.
Hes the aging superstar in a sport whose only object is to commit
fouls against the other side.
Joseph Sobran