Nora Ephrons witty novel Heartburn, the
narrator, a New York Jew, says
she could
never feel at home in Washington, D.C., because it was too goyish.
I disagree with her about
Washington, but I cracked up when I read that. The phrase perfectly
captures something Ive felt many times. You dont have to be
Jewish to see her point.
I like goyim, being one myself, but
there can be too much of a good thing. Take my own family please!
As a boy in Michigan, I used to suffer the most excruciating boredom when I
was trapped in a houseful of aunts nice ladies, every one of them
who were watching Lawrence Welk on TV and gossiping excitedly
about the Lennon sisters. I didnt know the phrase yet, and
wouldnt have understood it, but that was a perfect example of
something being too goyish.
This may be the chief reason
unstated, even unarticulated why young people run away
from home. I grew up in Ypsilanti, a goyish factory town, but I always
gravitated to nearby Ann Arbor, which was far more exciting and, I now
realize, a lot less goyish.
Later in life, as my journalistic
career took me around the country, I often found myself in desolate places
west of the Mississippi where there was nothing to read at breakfast but
USA Today. No bookstores, no New York Times
except maybe back at the airport. Such places are definitely too goyish. Even
the Jews there, I regret to say, often seem goyish. The entire state of
Texas is too goyish, except for Kinky Friedman.
I blame many of this
countrys current problems on the fact that President Bush and Vice
President Cheney are there is no nice way to say it much too
goyish. This makes them easy for neoconservatives to manipulate, but it
also explains lots of other things. When was the last time you heard of a Jew
having a hunting accident?
![[Breaker quote for '"Too Goyish"': The apt phrase]](2006breakers/060309.gif) One
could make a long list of famous people who are too goyish.
George Will, though he is very intelligent and has a fine sense of irony, is too
goyish. Britney Spears is far from brainy and a little short in the irony
department, but all the more goyish for that. Even George and
Britney are nearly always goyish names.
To some people Adolf
Hitler is perhaps the classic example the very idea of something
being too goyish seems a contradiction in terms. As far as
people like that are concerned, the world can never be goyish enough! But
Ill bet that if Hitler had been stuck for a week in west Texas, he would
have changed his tune.
To me, Jews are like garlic. I
wouldnt want to eat nothing but garlic, but life would be poorer
without it giving duller foods its flavor. Too much of a good thing.
At times, New York City has
seemed to me a bit too Jewish, and I understand why people call it a
nice place to visit, but et cetera. Some Jews, Ill grant you,
cant talk about anything but being Jewish, and I suspect that two of
the chief causes of anti-Semitism are Abe Foxman and Alan Dershowitz. Still,
you cant blame all Jews for them. The Jews are far from perfect, but
they couldnt possibly be as bad as their defenders make them sound.
Are the Jews ethnocentric?
Thats like asking if theyre human. Turn the question around.
Is America sometimes a little too full of itself? G.K. Chesterton had the best
comment on that: The real American is all right. It is the ideal
American who is all wrong. Amen! The same could be said of many
nationalities. The real people often turn out to be much better than their
ideals. Thats because the real people are human, even if their
superhuman ideals are actually inhuman.
Todays exaggerated talk
about anti-Semitism thanks a lot, Hitler! may give one the
impression that Jews are easy to hate. This is itself a kind of group libel, as
well as a cause of needless anxiety. Is it natural to hate George Gershwin,
Sandy Koufax, Steven Spielberg, and your family doctor? Not to mention a
thousand great comedians and wits who have kept us goyim in stitches for
generations? Ignore the politicians and professional victims, and look at the
On the whole, the Jews have saved
this country from remaining too goyish. The man who makes you laugh at
yourself is your benefactor.
Joseph Sobran