The Honor of Ron
guess Ive known Ron Paul for a
quarter of a century now, and I dont remember how we met. My first
memory of him is a quiet dinner on Capitol Hill, during the Reagan years. He
told me with dry humor of being the only member of Congress to vote
against some bill Reagan wanted passed. For Ron it was a matter of principle,
and he was under heavy pressure to change his vote.
amused him was that the Democrats didnt mind his voting against it; all the
pressure came from his fellow Republicans, professed conservatives, who
were embarrassed that anyone should actually stand up for their avowed
principles when it was unpopular to do so.
That was
Ron Paul for you. Still is. The whole country is getting to know him now, and
the Republicans still want to get rid of him. The partys hacks, led by
Newt Gingrich, have even tried in vain to destroy him in his own Texas
Theyre right, in a way. He doesnt belong in a party
that has made conservative a synonym for destructive.
George Will calls him a useful anachronism because he actually
believes, as literally as circumstances permit, in the U.S. Constitution. In his
unassuming way, without priggery or histrionics, he stands alone.
He may
have become at last what he has always deserved to be: the most respected
member of the U.S. Congress. He is also the only Republican candidate for
president who is truly what all the others pretend to be, namely, a
conservative. His career shows that a patriotic, pacific conservatism
isnt a paradox.
If they
cant expel Ron Paul from the party, they can at least deny him the
nomination. The GOP front-runner, Rudy Giuliani, who says he hates abortion
more than any other constitutional right (or words to that effect), went into
raptures of phony indignation during the first debate when
Paul said simply that the 9/11 attacks were a natural result of U.S. foreign
policy. The pundits applauded the demagogue, but millions of viewers were
thrilled to find one honest man on that crowded stage. (By the way, Paul is a
doctor who has delivered thousands of babies and never killed one.)
Im very proud to call him my friend fares well not
only in comparison with the partys sorry current candidates, but also
with its legendary conservative giants, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.
He lacks their charisma and of course Reagans matchless charm, but
he excels them both in consistency, depth, historical awareness, courage,
and honor. Heaven grant him some of Reagans luck!
![[Breaker quote for The Honor of Ron Paul: No wonder the GOP rejects him.]](2007breakers/070612.gif) Which
brings us to the big question: does Ron Paul have a prayer? Well, he may have a prayer,
but thats about it. He doesnt have a billion dollars; delivering
babies, often free of charge, is not the way to amass a staggering fortune.
He has nothing to offer the special and foreign interests who pour millions
into Rudys and Hillarys coffers. Sorry, this isnt a
Frank Capra movie.
But virtue
honor is rare enough to be an asset, especially when the two
big parties dont have much of it. If both offer pro-war, pro-abortion
New York liberals next year, there could be an urgent demand for a third
option, especially since Giuliani could smash whats left of the
Bush-riddled GOP coalition while Hillary remains, well, Hillary.
What if Ron
Paul runs for president on, say, the Constitution Party ticket? Who knows? I
can only attest that to know him is to love him, and knowing him for many
years has only deepened the esteem I felt for him when we were both much
younger men. This is a man who strikes deep chords in peoples
attempt to portray him as an extremist, or even eccentric, founders on his
palpable probity and wisdom. His words are the carefully measured words of
one given to meditation. Ron Paul is a man you listen closely to.
The odds
are heavily against his being elected president next year. But if he is on the
ballot in November, the odds are far heavier against his candidacys
being forgotten. He will say things worth pondering long after the votes are
Until now,
the GOP has been able to contain Paul by pretending he wasnt there.
But the silent treatment can no longer stifle this soft-spoken man. He has
been proved right too often.
Joseph Sobran